Faction Name:
Allegiance: Camarilla
Location: Boston Harbors
General Information:
Character Sheets:
Name: Francis Lambert
Generation: (Nothing below 8th generation) 10th generation
Clan: Brujah
"There is not a bone in your body that I don't know how to break. And there is not a bone in your body, that I won't enjoy breaking."
Violent is a word often associated with the Brujahs. Francis has found several nasty ways to redifine violence into a bloodcurdling art of bone breaking and foul intent. He is colder then most is brethren, far less prone to rage and every bit the predator most Kindred wish they could be. A mercyless, violent and emotionally stunted man turned into a monstrous hunter by his new nature. To the Camarilla he is the very definition of a good hound; Intelligent, driven, dangerous, intimidating, loyal.
Biography: Most kindred regard the Brujah as a fallen clan, as a disgrace to their very enviable origins. Scholars turned into thugs and anarchists. Those of the bloodline who have been around for a while recognice the eyes of Joseph as those of a intelligent man. Those who knows his story knows that the human Joseph had been a man of word and action both. A man that had used to be a name in the underground fighting scene of Boston. A beast in the cage, who was popular for his no bullshit, no mercy approach to fights. He didn't bullshit to hype himself, and Francis was soft spoken and intelligent outside of the cage. He would mingle, create bonds and contacts and when money was short on hand he would lend his talents to the local criminal elements. Cracking bones was something he was surprisingly good at after all.
The 6'4, short haired man with startling green eyes would make sure he stayed clear of growing a rep however, as he was serious about his career. He racked up victories, padded his wallet from time to time and continued to gain traction. But former partners and employers began to pressure him into rigging fights. But people like him, they also attract extraordinary beings, beings that thirst for others vitality. One such person was a Brujah who himself had fought for most his mortal life in the ring before reaching “enlightment” after his embrace.
He approached Francis with the opportunity to make a good quick buck, and for some reason, Francis continued to associate with this mysterious and as he soon found out; ruthless being. Noel was his name, and he was one of the Brujahs who swore by the Camarilla but yet kept a rebellious attitude. He continued to teach Francis to the Brujahs ideas of freedom and independence. Something that Francis had always valued highly. Noel, in turn recognized Francis potential for logical thinking and his lack of proper emotion, something Francis himself had never properly considered as a advantage. To Noel, Francis was a experiment, wondering if his emotional stunted and desensitized calm self would help temper a Brujahs Cursed blood if only a little. Noel himself was a idealist, believing their curse to be the only thing hindering them from reclaiming their lost glory. With the expressed allowance for Siring him, Noel made Francis into his childe on a chilly november night. This after having sat Francis down and explained to him his history, the history of the clan, and the way things now worked amongst the Kindred. Francis, tired of the bullshit jobs, the rigged fights and a lack of control, accepted.
The curse change everyone. And what it did with Francis, made Noel never sire a childe ever again. The human Francis had been a silent, powerfull giant with lacking emotional development. Kindred Francis was a cold, efficient, personally driven being after his embrace. The beast, the hunger and the Brujah rage only seemed to compartmentalize and distill the frustrations within Francis. And it made him incredibly dangerous. He was more disciplined then the average Brujah, more elaborate in ways of expressing his rage. His violence was always controlled, but abnormally vicious and thought out. If Noel were to explain it, it would be that Francis were the follower of his own, violent doctrine. A warrior who found meaning in destruction, but who refused to slip into the pitfall of savagery. In a way, Noels little experiment was a resounding success. In another way, it was a abomination. Either way, a lady of the Camerilla who Noel knew since old, offered Francis the position as a personal guard. Noel, a idealist and man intelligent to know where his childes abilities would serve best, endorsed his Childes rise in the vampire hiarcy.
And the rest, is history.