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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I like the fact it's the Walking Dead universe, no sprinting zombies or anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'm pretty much a walking zombie now lol been up since 5AM for work so expect the intro post up sometime tomorrow evening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Autumn Bones

Age: 19

Autumn is a little bit taller than 6'. He has dark brown hair that naturally sticks up. His eyes are the same dark chocolate brown as his hair. Across his nose are a few freckles. Through his left eyebrow he has a small scar that prevents hair growth. He has a small stubble across his chin from not being able to shave anymore. His front lip is clean though. Autumn is decently muscular, mostly from working in the car repair shop. He wears a tight t-shirt that is dark green with ravens on it. Over that he has a dark brown hoodie. Besides that he has jeans and a pair of nike sneakers.

Gender: Male

Family: Father: Greg Bones - Deceased
Mother: Astrid Bones - Deceased
Sister: Chloe Bones - Deceased

Personality: Before the infection Autumn was having a great life. He loves to get along with everyone, occasionally cracking jokes. It's rare to find someone that Autumn doesn't know or isn't friends with. To him friends just came easily, despite his fathers habits. He forgot important dates and events because he was so caught up with something else that he was working on.
After the infection Autumn had a harder time with the few people he met. He couldn't be his relaxed self that he was before. He was often very closed off. The few people that he let in, though, he protected and treasure. It was hard for him to see anyone of his friends die.

Bio: Before the outbreak, Autumn lived in a small town up the coast. The town consisted of close to 3000 people, including the ones who lived away from the community. It was a poor community with only one school. Before coming to this place Autumn was in a big city, where he had lived until the age of 10.
It didn't take long for Autumn to fit in. Besides being from a totally different place Autumn seemed to adapt fast and was generally accepted into school. It was such a small place that he new everyone in his school by name after only the first week. Soon he was one of the most popular kids in school. People naturally seemed to enjoy listening to him and he didn't mind the attention at all.
At home Autumn lived with his parents and little sister Chloe. His parents were quiet normal, though when his dad got drunk he was a pain to deal with. Chloe, Autumn absolutely adored. His little sister would have been 5 at the time of the outbreak. Before that Autumn would always take care of her. His parents were often working, and they trusted Autumn so they didn't mind leaving Chloe at home while he was there.
It was prom when everything went wrong. Autumn was out with one of the prettiest girls in school, Winter. He had nervously asked her out for the dance and she had surprisingly said yes. Once there they got nominated as Homecoming Queen and King. The party was great and they both went home feeling great about the night. After a quick kiss on her doorstep, Autumn drove off for home. His window was down and his head was out with a wide grin plastered across it.
That was when he smelled the smoke. Looking into the night sky he swore he could make out the dark-swirling patterns of smoke coming form his house. The grin on his face melted away and he tore off towards his home. He was too late. The fire head spread so fast that the firefighters didn't even bother trying to put out the fire. The were to busy trying to keep the entire thing under control. The house had burned down with his parents and sister inside of it. The firefighter sadly told him how it had probably started from a fried light-bulb or someone leaving the stove on. It didn't matter, they were dead. His whole family was dead, burned until all that was left was their ashes blowing in the wind.

Job Before The Outbreak: A machine-junkie totally into anything mechanical. He was in school, but had a job at a local car repair shop. He was looking into colleges for engineering.

Disability/Fear: Mild ADD. Fear of losing someone close to himself. Fear of seeing family as one of the Walkers. Fear of living in the dark, no electricity.

Weapon of Choice: Autumn engineered himself a weapon. It is consisting of a steel rake with the head broken off, a clip that he found in the car repair shop, and a survival knife from his uncle. The knife is clipped to the end of the rake staff, so it looks like a spear, The knife can become unattached if needed.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Wintergrey accepted. :) Expect the intro post up this evening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Tyrone Black
Age: 21
Appearance: Tyrone is 6'6" and 230 lbs. With his dark eye, dark skin and short black hair he could fill in the role of a basketball player.
Gender: Male
Family: The only family he has is his Momma and his brother, as well as the fam he ran with in the streets of Detroit.
Personality: Tyrone is expressive, loud, and maybe a little quick to fight. However he is caring and a funny guy, perhaps from nervousness.
Bio: It was a good day for Tyrone, a very good day.He was the first family member to go to college, he got drafted by the Lakers and just moved to Los Angeles. Being an elite athlete however has draw backs and at times Tyrone's knees could give out. The day Tyrone moved to LA with his possessions was also the day the outbreak occurred, so fresh off the plane, still jet lagged he had to react to the world around him.
Job Before The Outbreak: Professional Basketball Player
Disability/Fear: Weak knees.
Weapon of Choice: Desert Eagle

Sorry for leaving it short I'm busy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Any news?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Intro is up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Set up a map to document Wayne's adventures.


Now for me to hit the hay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Digli


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I always love first posts on a story
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TWcross


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Name: Leonardo Strozza Moretti

Age: 55

Gender: Male


  • Father / Anthony Moretti / 57 / Deceased before infection

  • Mother / Annabelle Stroza Moretti / 68 / Deceased before infection

  • Brother / Leo Moretti / 30 / Status unknown

  • Wife / Ashley Moretti / 49 / Deceased during infection

  • Son / Leon Moretti / 25 / Status unknown

  • Personality: Has what you might consider a really colorful personality, back in the day he was always a man that liked to smile, crack some jokes, hang out with friends on the weekend and was in general a very happy type of man. However now he has gone very secluded and does not often find himself talking to anyone, even if there was anyone to even talk to. Over the time since the infection he has not lost his mind per say but he is now very angry and in some cases living on the edge and very quick to anger in the end. He no longer believes in things like hope and happiness he feels that they are just a stupid delusion and a lie to comfort yourself in a world where there is none. He has become very analytical and looks at things from a realistic point of view. Deep down inside past the coldness that has engulfed him, he is still a gentle caring man, who just wants to be happy again, a loyal man who still wants to help people. But his inner emotions are often stifled by the nightmares and the memories he holds now and often does not show past his cold outer rocky shell. All in all he is at war on the inside between who he is and who he is becoming, everyday the struggle goes on he loses a little bit more of the man he used to be. To what end this will come to is unknown, but if something doesn't change he will never be the same man he was before again.

    Bio: Leonardo was born in Florence Italy to a poor family many years ago, his life was what you might consider normal at least yo him. His parents were loving and tried their damn hardest to make his life worth something living. However more often then not life as a poor family in Italy never went well, and Leonardo grew up in a society of rich pricks who often looked down on him for his poor family. Most of Leonardo's life was spent very lonely and often more then not wondering how much more he could take in the end. While this existence was shitty Leonardo also learned humility and learned early in life what the true important things in life really were. All through school and his younger life Leonardo struggled a lot, and when his younger brother was born it only became ever more taxing on him and he was forced to leave school to find a job to help support his young brother Leo. Life only got harder after this when Leonardos father passed away of a massive heart attack, if things had been hard before it was even worse now, money was no non existent and Leonardos mother fell into a very deep depression which caused her to spend what little money they did have on alcohol to kill her own pain. Its not hard to guess that after a couple years Leonardos mother drank herself to death one night which was the final straw that threw everything over the edge.

    After the funeral it was just Leonardo and his brother Leo, knowing that they had no real future in Florence, Leonardo took his younger brother and migrated to America so they could both start a new life away from the pain and memories. Soon enough they found themselves in a small town in Georgia, with only a couple thousand dollars to their names they found a small seedy apartment where they started their new lives. However money and jobs was not easy to come by and soon enough they were running out of money and Leonardo did the only thing he could and joined the American military to attempt to make ends meet and support his brother the best he could. Nothing became easier after that, in fact it only worsened, the fights between Leonardo and his brother started because Leo often worried Leonardo would die leaving him alone, and Leonardo would often fight that they needed the money. After a couple years of this Leonardo and Leo ended up hating each other and in the end Leo left for good to make his own life somewhere else, and Leonardo joined the military and made it his career so he would never have to go back and relive the fact that all he did was nothing more then failure.

    Leonardo spent fifteen years in the Marines, it got to the point that the army life was all he really knew, and he was doing pretty good for himself that is until a mission went wrong in a far away country and he was taken as a POW, and Leonardo spent untold years in an enemy POW camp before he regained his freedom from it, the circumstances on how he escaped are still widely unknown and he chooses not to talk about it. Leonardo retired from the military after that choosing to explore other roads, one of which was marrying the woman he had meant after his escape from the camp, the woman who would become his wife, Ashley. Life was mediocre at best after they got married, money became scarce again and they were struggling even when their son Leon was born. It wasn't until Leonardo was forty when he was contacted by the Government and ofter a special job. When all was said and done Leonardo took this job and life changed dramatically, money started rolling in and life changed dramatically for Leonardo and his family. By time Leonardo was fifty himself and his family was finally living a life of luxury and he spared no expense for them, but with the good there was bad for his job often took him away from home for long amounts of time and this often stressed his relationship with his wife.

    Leonardo was gone when the infection began when everything in the world changed, by time he got home his wife and Son were no longer there and the world was going to shit in a had basket quicker then he could handle. A lot of what happened after he found his family gone is unknown accept by him, but what is known is that his wife is dead and son is still missing from him presumed dead in any case. After this tragedy Leonardo was sent to different Refugee camps over the next two weeks to help with containment and all of them fell to the dead and each time Leonardo barely escaped with his life. Now Leonardo is at a Camp called Pendleton attempting to tide the Walkers who attack it day and night, one of the last Camps left where people are still trying to find safety, but how long it will last, know one can know.

    Job Before The Outbreak: Former Marine at Rank of Captain / Other affiliations unknown

    Disability/Fear: Heavy smoker which is not a good thing to have now but with everything that has happened he is finding it hard to stop. Also suffers from a wound that he took to his mid section, most times it does not bother him however if he over works himself severely he will be in excruciating pain. He also suffers from a mild case of paranoia which worsens as time goes on.

    Weapon of Choice: An M9 Beretta which has a modification in which he can attach a flash light too for night time. Also carries around a stainless steel Hitachi sword on his back.

    Terminus... Cant wait to see how Rick and the group takes them down in the next season ^^
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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    Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

    Member Seen 1 hr ago

    TWcross accepted. :)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TWcross


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    Sweet! Intro post time ^^
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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    Wintergrey Lunatik

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Just started downloading episode 4 of the season 2 Walking Dead game, perhaps it will give me some ideas...
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Wintergrey said
    Just started downloading episode 4 of the season 2 Walking Dead game, perhaps it will give me some ideas...

    I've still got to start episode 4 of the first season. I'll get season 2 when I can afford it.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Here's some links for all of you in Camp Pendleton. Hope these will help give you all a better sense of where's what and what's where.

    Google Maps

    If there's any other info you all need, I can look stuff up for you all.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TWcross


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    Heaven Forbid that Leonardo and Maria end up in a group together thats an explosive combination lol
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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    Darcs Madama Witch

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Just think, this is Maria while on her meds.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @Darcs and TWcross

    That was fucking brilliant. I love tension between player characters. Nice job!

    Now for me to dick around with my map and write up a quick IC post.


    Done and done. That took a bit longer than I expected.
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