Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Username: LowKey123.


Age: 27

Gender: Male.


Education Level: Master’s in Clinical Psychology.

Life Goal: To become a successful psychologist, maybe have two kids, retire, obviously, and oh, get married too.

Current Goal: Well, his current goal is to get a good resume.


Personality: Well, he has the traits of a psychologist, first and foremost. Probably one of the most important ones, he is an effective listeners. Now, some people may be thinking, hey, I’m a good listener! Well, yeah, you may be, but something you see in psychologists is that they’re effective listeners. Which means, better than lots of other listeners. So, carefully listening, while thinking greatly about what may be the root of their problem, for the first one.

He has medium self-awareness, so he is aware of his issues and traits, but not too much his nuances. So. The differences in body language and facial expression, he usually isn’t that aware of those.

He is semi-approachable, and tries to get people to feel comfortable actually talking to him. Now, this is a trait he only really tried to develop recently, so it is not very well-developed, but it is something he is trying to work on.

He is a bit confident. Not really confident , so he may not be the best psychologist in the world with this trait. In fact, he may not be a good one at all, unless he starts fixing on his confidence a lot more. So, now for his other traits.

He is an Aquarius, and as such, he has some Aquarius traits. Such as, he is a bit unemotional, and that actually makes for a good psychologist, because if you are, then you will be too focused on your or your patient’s emotions and such. So yeah, this is actually a good thing.

But, despite being unemotional on the exterior, he is actually a bit of a kind-hearted human being sometimes, mostly with friends that he knows really well and such. He also has a good way with dealing with others that he finds slightly annoying and such.

Reason for moving into the dorm: Well, since he is a part-time worker, he needs a bit of a place to stay. So, first he got to a hotel, and then, he found about this dorm. Well, this would be a good place to stay, he thought, so he moved in.

Romantic/Sexual Experience: Well, he has had his fair share of relationships. He could still count them on one hand though, no worries.
Okay, for the first one, and most of these he met in high school,
There was this girl. Okay, first, this girl was in a club that he was in, which wasn’t really in the school. I mean, it was, but- okay, it was nearby the school, like you just needed to walk one block from his house to the school, and it was the same for this club. Now, this club was a visual arts/animation club. And, since it was this, aspiring animators came. So, when he found a girl there, he took an interest in this girl. And not just for the looks, this girl told jokes. And so, being in the same club, which actually was a bit small, they all became friends in the club.

Then, soon after, there was this perfectly placed prom. So, obviously, he asked this girl to the prom. They went to the prom, on an actual date. Soon, they went steady, and he realized something; this girl was the jealous type. So, he got fed up, and he broke it off. She was not happy.
And so, he avoided said girl. Some people might have said, ‘Oh, bruh, Y U so wimpy,’ but no, no, shut up. See, every time you break a girl’s heart, she may have the chance to unleash her rage and destroy/humiliate you, then you best be afraid. Then, she made an animation with his most embarrassing moments. Moral of this story for him?


Fast forward to Sophmore year,
Then, there was this next girl. Actually, this girl was in a group of girls. And he liked two of them. But, the first one he tried to approach, it was not the girl that he actually really fell for. See, there was the CARNAVAL, and so, there’d be some BITCHAS, and so maybe he’d get some PUSSAY, but NOAP. He just wanted to be really friendly, and make some more good friends. So, he approached the first girl, and so she introduced him to these others. Then, they all became best frieeends. Well, not best friends, but he was tight with some of them. His actual best friend wasn’t the girl that introduced him to her friends, it was actually another one, with a name he can’t recall. So, they became pretty tight. It was kind of the same with the other girl, they got to honeymoon-ish stage, got comfortable. But then, dis girl. Dis girl.

Hold on, let me get my coke-*slurp*, okay, this girl was going to transfer to a highschool in Canada. So, since the time she was going to leave was right around the corner, soon enough, they’d have to start a long range relationship. So, they did. And it wasn’t comfortable. So, he broke it off. She understood how it was, actually, she kind of felt the same way. So, yaaay. Moral of the story? SOME BITCHES AIN’T CRAZAAAY.

Good lord that was a lot.
History: TBR.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey, so I've been on the fence about joining this but Bee finally convinced me. I've got one sheet in the works and am going through my list to figure out a second character to put in for the minimum. More might come up later, but I'll have at least one sheet done tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I won't be able to join sadly, got alot of things to do
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here's the first:

Username: ramblingbard
Name: Vincent Spencer
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Schedule: He wakes up at 6:30 every morning to go out for a run and continues on with his day of classes and random errands. When he’s back in and/or if he ends up having to go out late is sporadic and not really something up to scheduling.

Education Level: High School Graduate, some college - starting college at Lovell to major in Graphic Design
Life Goal: To design websites
Current Goal: Just get by until he graduates

Appearance: Vincent stands about six foot tall with a body of well sculpted muscles - not too muscular but definitely imposing if he needs to be with the six pack abs and muscled arms like he bench presses. His dark chestnut brown hair is always kept short and messily gelled into spikes, which makes his thick hair seem a bit thinner. Almond shaped, chocolate brown eyes tend to hold a calculating look in them - or sparkle deviously if he smiles just right. His year round tan lightens in the winter to look less defined than during the summer months when he can be outside. Although there is no mistaking him for masculine, he does have soft lined features that make him look youthful - though not necessarily young. He tends to wear shirts t-shirts that fit him without conforming, carpenter jeans that allow for freedom of movement, and either sneakers or combat boots.

Personality: Socializing comes second nature to him and he enjoys company; although he doesn’t see it as flirting, he has a tendency to speak to females like each one is the only person in the world - a soft voice and coy smile, almost intimate atmosphere thanks to body language. He seems pretty easy going, but if someone is causing trouble for a friend or him all that easy going and friendly nature to him just melts away to a cold look and intimidating manner. He enjoys playing sports as much as he enjoys sitting in cafes with a good book and browsing local art galleries.

Reason for moving into the dorm: Gave him better scenery than living in a dorm at Lovell
Romantic/Sexual Experience: He’s not one to kiss and tell, but his attention is always toward the ladies.

History: As far as you know: An average kid to an average family, his schooling was no different with a string of more Bs than As for grades. He was on the football team, quarterback and captain his senior year, and participated in track - both all four years of school. After a few years of drifting from place to place without holding an address or job for more than six months, he finally decided to settle down and get an actual education once he found direction in his life.
Sometimes hidden things come out when you look for them. The housing allowed him freedom to live how he wished while still attending school. He’s just moved in, and is still looking for a job in town but at least he has enough money squirreled away to pay rent until he finds one.

The truth: Vincent is not his real name, and even his personality is part of the cover. He’s actually a serious, very private guy that prefers to be alone and work alone. Growing up an only child on the move, his early education was much different than normal kids - handling firearms, knives, and defending himself with martial arts was something that was second nature by the time he was 11 - things taught to him by his parents over the summer - then it was off from one boarding school to another, never staying at one school for more than a school year. Despite the moving lifestyle, he was a straight A student - almost always top of his class and used the school to build up skills he knew his parents were good at - like gymnastics and languages - and even went out for sports to fill his day. Temporary friends got him into things like skateboarding and testing himself with ‘free climbing’ buildings and some delinquent behavior that he managed to keep from getting caught with.
He didn’t know what his parents actually did for a living; all they told him when he was little was that they stopped bad people from doing bad things, and that answer never really changed. Until the day he turned 18, and his father showed up at school with someone “from work”. That was the day he learned that his parents were secret agents and he was recruited into the agency. After graduation, he parted from his friends of that year and immediately dove into missions which kept him overseas in Europe. After a few years of those, he was offered an opportunity to get back into a regular education while working a case; it was rumored a professor from Lovell was a part of a ring that was forging art and switching the originals out for the forgeries. Although it wasn’t his preferred option, he accepted the mission anyways and the arrangements were made about a month ago.

Notes: As far as everyone in character is concerned, this information is true and he will not tell you otherwise.
He knows a handful of languages: German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish. He also has a handful of skills that are relevant to him being a secret agent, like picking locks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by proxypawaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@FrozenEcstacy: Gotta say, I would never have known he was an adapted character reading Dallas' profile. That's impressive. He seems to be going through some tough shit emotionally, finally escaping from all of the family pressure. I've been considering from the start putting in this pair of mine, a boy from a very rich and influential family and his adopted younger brother who also acts as a sort of follower/servant/helper to him. I've hesitated because I didn't want to bring in anyone with such outlandish backgrounds into the RP myself, but it'd be interesting to see his reactions with Dallas, especially as two people who both grew up with horrendous expectations on them, but who had different opportunities and reacted to it different ways. Think I should throw him in? Or keep him out and stick with less outlandish characters? :P

The only things I'm worried about with your two is this: If they're destined to be together and we're just the audience to said play, please reconsider. So long as we're not just going to watch you play a one-shot with these two's romantic affairs it's cool that they have their close relationship, I just want to know if they're ultra-bro-friend status or two incredibly gay magnets about to crash into each other. X3 Them dating is fine, Dallas jumping in just for them to speed on to a relationship is fine, I just don't want some heavy pre-determination going on in a RP all about making sure we can rp our characters reacting realistically to things. This includes reactions to our own characters. I trust everyone in this thread will be cool about this though. :3 Including you.

Oh, and jobs. Jobs are important. You included jobs in both of their bios, add something to history or notes on how they have those jobs already by the time they moved in, because the RP is starting with people moving in.

@LowKey123: Can I just say that your 'on one hand' was larger than my hand? X3 Good job. Your writing style is so self aware that it almost hurts me to read it in your profile, but its also interesting. Make a post when that profile is no longer a WIP please so I don't miss the update. UPDATE: Read the rest. Holy fuck. Please, for the love of god, don't write the entire rest of your profile like that. In fact, that romance section needs some cleaning up for ease of reading... but I won't critique a WIP. Can I just say though that felt so much like reading someone talking that it hurt. T.T

@Ramblingbard: Can I just say, your profile was normal, I'm all thinking 'eh, a buff guy and a lady charmer isn't unfair. People are just like that.' And thinking that having a jock-based character in the rp may be interesting when.... yo. The note. Dude, don't keep the hidden backstory secret to such an extent in the CS! Have some faith that we, your fellow RPers, won't use any fore-knowledge of your characters deep past to squeeze our characters into situations we want with them and will react naturally!(If anyone doesn't, I will drop VERY angry frowns into their Pm box.) Please redo his history to explain a bit more of where he ACTUALLY comes from, and look over his personality to make sure it really is him and not just his cover personality please. :3 And if your character has some links to Bee's, please PM me about it too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

proxypawaa said @LowKey123: Can I just say that your 'on one hand' was larger than my hand? X3 Good job. Your writing style is so self aware that it almost hurts me to read it in your profile, but its also interesting. Make a post when that profile is no longer a WIP please so I don't miss the update. UPDATE: Read the rest. Holy fuck. Please, for the love of god, don't write the entire rest of your profile like that. In fact, that romance section needs some cleaning up for ease of reading... but I won't critique a WIP. Can I just say though that felt so much like reading someone talking that it hurt. T.T

It was kind of me talking through that, and that's essentially my writing style. But yeah, knew that romance section needed cleaning, so yeah.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrozenEcstasy
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FrozenEcstasy The Wayfaring Killjoy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A set?
Dallas is like that with all his friends.

Romance? I never was even going to push them in that general direction, they're bros, and not even ultra best.

See, when I make characters, they have a colorful history and odd enough goals that they would create a plot tangent if the GM let's them. I pretty much put Martin and Dallas together because with how their pasts together will cause them to clash when Dallas comes in, it creates a wonderful portal for all sorts of shit to happen,

Since this is basically sandbox, I used two characters to open up a doorway for something to do in the sandbox for whoever wants to play with their hearts from the writer's perspective.

And bring in the rich boy and his servant, Dallas is a walking culture shock.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ Proxy: Yeah, sorry about the cards played so closely to my chest. I've been burned a lot in RPs before so I tend to not actually expose truths that no one should know in character. Bee said it was unnecessary, and it appears she was right. Is it okay if I break it into two different histories? Like "What you know" and "The Truth"? Once I finish the revisions on the sheets, I'll let you know the plan.

Edit: I edited the profile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by proxypawaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@FrozenEcstacy: Just checking because it seemed possible? Idk. I didn't believe you planned it at any point, but flashbacks to traumatic RPers die hard I guess haha. I'm going to try and write more characters tonight, I'll post again if I do to let everyone know that I did.

@Ramblingbard: I understand man. I haven't read his profile yet, but I will shortly. :3 And by shortly, I mean probably in several hours. Chores yo. Chores.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrozenEcstasy
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FrozenEcstasy The Wayfaring Killjoy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

But yeah
Dallas and Martin were created to drive the RPs they've been in so like
Both of them are formulated to be walking plot lines. So I figured I'd put them both in a sandbox RP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My second character:

Username: ramblingbard
Name: Riley McKenna
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - she’s up around seven, out the door by eight, and comes back around nine between classes and working at a local ice cream parlor.
Tuesday and Thursday - she’s up around eight, leaves around ten, and comes back around six for a few minutes before heading back out until nine or ten (depending on homework) due to sparser classes those two days and then going to various locations to either paint/draw/whatever or just take in the local life.
Weekends - she has a several hour class every other Saturday, but a lot of that is also taken up by working shifts at the ice cream shop.

Education Level: High school graduate and some college - majoring in art therapy and minoring in sociology
Life Goal: to become a famous artist and be able to live off her earnings without starving or struggling
Current Goal: Become an art therapist and help troubled/mentally handicapped children

Appearance: Standing at only five foot three, she has a slender physique of a dancer though it’s mostly just dieting rather than exercise that keeps her in shape. She doesn’t have much of a pronounced bust, but enough of one that she could play it up if desired. She uses makeup to help make her round eyes seem more almond shaped and help the emerald green color pop, with a bit of natural colored lip gloss just to give her average lips a sheen that makes them look somewhat full. Her golden blonde hair flows down to her bust, styled in layers, with nose length bangs that are in a way that it naturally sweeps to one side. Scar tissue covers a good portion of her body from her upper left arm that stretches across her entire back; it isn’t as bad as it once was, and remains mostly as a spiderweb of white tissue that she is still self-conscious over.
She dresses in form fitting t-shirts that still manages to cover her scars and loose fitting jeans that requires a belt to hold up. Generally she wears sneakers and a bandana or headband to help style her hair. Her style of clothing does change sometimes, depending on her mood, to something more bohemian like peasant skirts and flowy blouses. She tends to prefer bright colors and occasionally pastels; it’s easy to tell when she’s been at the park drawing as she generally comes back with charcoal or chalk on her clothing and face.
She always wears a silver locket that contains a picture of her family from when she was a little girl - mom, dad, her, and baby brother.

Personality: The first thing most people notice about her is that she is friendly, and willing to help someone out - like offering to help people move in if she’s around. She likes to make new friends, and can be quite sweet - never raising her voice, or saying anything mean about anyone else - with a tendency to call people sweetie, or sweetheart, or dear, or other terms of endearment even if she knows their name (usually as an added after saying the name they preferred to be called.) Although she prefers to be around others, she may not initially be social - enjoying to watch how people interact more - but she does enjoy talking to people so long as it’s smaller gatherings. She dislikes being in large groups of people; it raises the odds of someone touching her and she absolutely hates being touched.
She can be rather forgetful, though, and often has to leave herself notes about lots of things that aren’t routine - like if she has a shift changed. Some friends consider it the burden of being an artist, while others just believe she’s spacy. She generally doesn’t pick up on that stuff though, usually preoccupied with taking in the world around her more than that stuff. It can get in the way of actually learning stuff sometimes, as her mind can wander; to help her focus, she needs to be doing something with her hands so she has taken to always carrying around a small sketchbook and pencil. Some of the spaciness is evident from occasional splashes of chalk or charcoal on her face and clothes when she’s gone out to draw in the park and absentmindedly swept her bangs out of her face or rested a hand on her clothing without cleaning her hands off first.

Reason for moving into the dorm: It was a smaller, more quaint environment with fewer inhabitants, but the main reason is it gave her independence without costing as much as living in a dorm.

Romantic/Sexual Experience: She has never had sex. As for romantic relationships - there was this boy that tricked her into a date when she was a sophomore in high school. He said it was a group thing and, when no one else showed up, claimed everyone must have bailed on them. It wasn’t bad, aside from several attempts to put an arm around her or hold her hand. After the movie, he admitted it was the only way he could get the courage to ask her out. This actually got him a second date and a relationship budded - nothing much, mostly he’d walk her to class and carry her books while she’d show up to his games and be a personal cheerleader for him. Eventually, after she finally confided in him a bit of why she didn’t like being touched, she even became comfortable enough to hands with him. He was pretty much perfect for her, understanding and patient, but midway through junior year his mother got a promotion - which included a relocation - and he had to move. Their first and last kiss happened right after he told her the bad news and they broke up.
That was her first and only boyfriend, and there have been no dates ever since.

History: Life was simple when she was younger - mom, dad, got a baby brother when she was almost 4, and they even just got a kitten. Then a fire started and it disrupted her life for almost two years all when she was five; her baby brother died from smoke inhalation, and a flash burn when a fireman was carrying her out mixed with smoke inhalation landed her in the hospital for months. Though the burns weren’t severe enough to require skin grafts, they did leave scars and caused her nerves to become hypersensitive.
But, life goes on. She spent a lot of time for the year and a half following her release from the hospital going to a therapist that used art therapy to help her understand and cope with what happened. This got her very interested in art, and soon the past remained past; not that she will ever forget it, but it is something she has learned to not let drag her down. She did good in school, always filling her unfilled blocks with an art class, but didn’t participate in clubs; she preferred working on a portfolio instead, using all mediums, subject matter, and styles in hopes of going to a good art college and maybe someday becoming a famous artist. A friend introduced her to deviantArt and suggested she display her stuff on there, which lead to selling prints and eventually using commissions as a way to further explore additional styles and subject matter (never going beyond a PG-13 rating).
As she got older, her dreams became more realistic and her memory of all those sessions brought her to want to pursue art therapy as a career. When she realized money was tight and even getting into a good college would hurt her family financially, she opted to start working at a local ice cream shop to help build up funding. Her parents insisted on putting her through college, so she enrolled in the local art college in Lovell but she wanted to live away from her parents. To help save them money by not dorming there, she lived with them until stumbling across a flyer hung up at the ice cream shop one day. She contacted Gretchen a few months ago to get a room.

Notes: She absolutely loves kids.
She’s extremely pyrophobic, like even seeing someone light a cigarette.
She displays and sells her art, and accepts commissions through deviantart, and has been considering running her own website for it instead. Most of her art that she sells prints of are landscapes/sceneries done in various mediums, though she has sample art for almost any style, subject, and medium for helping gain commissions. (She does not consider this being a real artist as these sales barely help subsidize her rent/food/whatever else she needs to buy when combined with her paycheck from the ice cream shop and it in no way makes her famous.)

- - -

Maybe her and Shae know each more from deviantart than from living in the dorm/house? Just a thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Username: ramblingbard
Name: Naomi Loker
Age: 19
Gender: female
Schedule: She’s out the door around eight every weekday morning to commute to Lovell. Mondays and Wednesdays, she’s back around four or five. Tuesdays and Thursdays she’s back around seven. Generally, when she leaves on Friday for school, she doesn’t end up coming back until Sunday afternoon - usually between three and five; when she comes back on Fridays, it’s generally around nine o’clock and the rest of her weekend is spent mostly in her room or going to a local bookshop/cafe.

Education Level: High school graduate, some college - second year in Lovell majoring in creative writing
Life Goal: become a best selling novelist
Current Goal: become independent of her best friend and make new friends

Appearance: She has almond shaped aquamarine colored eyes (one of which is closer to green than blue and the other more blue than green, which is only really noticeable when someone actually sees both her eyes) and she has a nice - healthy - golden tan. Generally, she keeps her bangs cut so they curl in a plentiful bound to cover up one eye, to prevent someone from seeing the defect; the rest of her curly dirty blonde hair goes down to her mid-back in more natural waves than a tangled curls. She has well defined cheekbones and applies make up in a less-is-more kind of style in smokey nudes that helps enhance her features without making it noticeable she has any make up on at all aside from eyeliner to help really enunciate her almond shaped eyes and a bit of lip gloss in a shade that mostly just puts a sheen to her lips.
Dainty by bone structure, she is super model thin and probably could have been a super model too if it weren’t for the fact she only stands five foot nothing. Her level of attractiveness degrades from how she carries herself, very guarded and full of nervous glances around instead of confident like most attractive females, and the depressed, sometimes scared, look in her eyes dampens them further. She also has a handful of scars scattered around her body - cuts and surgery scars from having bones reset - but all of that is covered up with her clothing. She doesn’t wear anything without long sleeves to it; usually something thin and generally layered - long sleeve under short sleeve - with an out of place leather jacket that is clearly too big for her on over that. Aside from the jacket, she’s generally in something form fitting and/or fashionable so long as none of her skin that isn’t her neck and face is visible.

Personality: This is a girl with no self-confidence; whether it be in her own abilities or own appearance. She tries to be friendly, though, but always seems at a loss for the right thing to say and immediately self-deprecates for anything misspoken or stammered. Almost everything about her could be better in her eyes, though she’s making lots of progress from how bad she was when she first started seeing her therapist.
Polite enough to carry on a conversation struck up, she doesn’t invest much into interactions if it’s an intimate setting (read: just her and someone else alone together) and tends to try to keep things superficial as much as possible. It takes a bit of time for her to be comfortable enough around someone before she’ll really try to connect, but she at least has been forcing herself to start up small talk with people she sees on a daily/semi-daily basis rather than simply ducking past people.
She's more likely to just sit there and take it rather than stand up for herself, and she's constantly battling her own inner voice that critiques everything she does. Depression constantly looms in the back of her mind, and makes her more of a pessimist than she has any right to be. But she is trying, despite all her mental failings, she takes one step at a time to go out and try to better herself. Assertiveness is something her therapist is trying to get her to work on, but it is an uphill battle for it. She bottle negative emotions up, and rarely can get a genuine smile on her face - though she does try; she refuses to cry in front of others though - conditioned not to really - and thus it is extremely difficult to bring her to tears rather than her simply looking sad or dejected.
She has a habit of playing with the ends of her shirt sleeves when she’s nervous or talking to someone for the first time. If talking to someone new one on one, or even just anyone she’s not very comfortable too yet, she’ll hug her book - as she generally has either a composition book or a novel in hand - to her chest while chatting as if it were a security blanket. She gets wrapped up in romances, and any teen/young adult series but prefer stories that are more pleasant than dark and when a book or series gets too dark for her to read - regardless of how much she likes the book or series she just won’t read any more (like she hasn’t finished the Harry Potter series, having stopped at the end of Goblet of Fire, without managing to finish the book.) Ironically, some of her best writing deals with darker/more violent aspects of life and love, but she doesn’t let anyone read that stuff; the things she submits for classes are more along the lines of what she likes to read.

Reason for moving into the dorm: Her therapist said she needed to distance herself a little from the source of her dependency, and her best friend suggested the dorm as there were fewer people, so not as much noise or possible overwhelming factor.

Romantic/Sexual Experience: She hasn’t really had any kind of romantic or sexual experience. The close relationship she has with her best friend is often confused for a romantic one, but it is more on the level of very close siblings over anything remotely romantic.
Closest she’s been to any romantic relationship in her writing - so pretty much all in her head and not even featuring herself.

History: An only child, Naomi grew up in Herford. From a very young age, she endured a lot of abuse; her mom was never satisfied with anything she did - even as a toddler, her mother wanted her to be the perfectly behaved child and every time she was even just a typical child she would be verbally berated - and her father had a nasty disposition when he drank. If showing up to school in a cast or with a bruise raised any alarms with the teachers, they never said anything; her father was on the force and had one of the highest arrest records. So for years, she endured the emotional abuse - constantly being told her grades weren’t good enough, or she wasn’t pretty enough, or really anything her mother could think of - and physical abuse which she learned to hide with styling her hair and clothing and eventually make up.
That is, until her best friend - the son of one of her mother’s associates - finally found out. By 13, running away was almost a regular occurrence for her, escaping to the safety of her friend’s house for at least a night or two and even skipping school. After one night, when her father beat her so bad she barely managed to dial the phone and have her friend pick her up, he brought her to a hospital a town over. An investigation was finally started, and - with her friend’s help and connections - she was emancipated when she was 16. She moved in with her best friend, and finished high school.
It took about that long for him to convince her to start seeing a professional about all the years of abuse and neglect. She enrolled in Lovell to purse the one dream she ever had, to be a writer since writing stories to escape reality was the only other thing aside from her best friend to keep her from doing anything she might not live to regret. It was only recently during her therapy, that it was recommended she branch out on her own.

Notes: Her best friend contacted Gretchen last week to look at the place before actually recommending it to her.
Over the course of the RP, I intend to have her growing as a person, learning to be more open, less meek, etc. There will be a lot of rough shyness at the beginning, but it will get better.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by proxypawaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If anyone has a character(other than me) who has the most common brown eyes, could someone please point it out? Maybe Wes did, I can't remember but.... the blue/green eyes are strong in this rp. I don't care, its statistically possible, but god some character in this RP had better notice that the browns are outnumbered somehow in this dorm. XD

That said, if your character has blue or green eyes, I won't slap you for adding more. Make your characters as you would naturally. I'm not about to start rationing what are supposed to be more rare eye colors.

I really like Naomi in this, she's dealing with a lot of the same shyness as Shae with very different flaws behind it. It'll be interesting for Shae, who will definitely be less dynamic of a character, to watch Naomi grow and probably feel pressured to grow herself from this. I still need to reread a lot of characters and add them to the front page now that I have more sleep.

Frozen, if you can put a version of your profile thats all in ONE hidden thing instead of several that would help, I'll do the work even if you don't though. I just want everything on the front page formatted the same. Also just be careful not to drive the plot too hard. X3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vincent has brown eyes...just saying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrozenEcstasy
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FrozenEcstasy The Wayfaring Killjoy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

But but but
They look nice that way QnQ
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Wes has green eyes. Did I put that? I don't remember. I'll look. And Ericka has hazel eyes, which are kinda brown-ish? I dunno.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

To be fair, the statistics of brown eyes being more common is because ethnicities predisposed to darker skin tone also have a predisposition for brown eyes. Only 25% of Caucasian origins has brown eyes as a dominate trait consisting mostly of the south-eastern part of Europe. Considering the melting pot of America is 40% Caucasian to 60% Non-Caucasian, it raises the statistics of brown eyes being more common.
With the majority of characters in this thread being Caucasians - the odds of their eyes being brown isn't exceptionally high unless they have darker heritage mixed in. If we had more of a mix of ethnicities, that would be one thing. But for a mainly Caucasian character thread - it's not surprising to see so many blue or green eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FrozenEcstasy
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FrozenEcstasy The Wayfaring Killjoy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey BeeBee
Dallas' theme song is Teenagers QuQ
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by proxypawaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I don't know, to be honest I've always ever seen people with brown eyes. I'd even say that out of a class of 30, 2-5 would have anything but brown eyes. But that's just my experience, when you put it in perspective with those statistics what you say really does make sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Never done a slice of life RP before. Guess this ought to be my first.

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