Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Shelton
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Captain Shelton All American Rebel

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cody - The Pub - Meghan & Hazel

Cody listened attentively to Meghan's story, nodding at certain parts and considering the implications of them.
"Alright, I guess I'll get unpacked and settled in. Thanks again for your hospitality."
He said with a smile, going to open up his large backpack, a red cross patch on the back designating it a medical bag. He went over some of his equipment and supplies and checked everything for damage or depletion. He cast a quick glance across the room again then immediately decided what changes he wanted to make. He drew the curtains over the little window, moved the chest of drawers next to the door (so it could be tipped over as a barricade if necessary) and placed his things around the bed furthest from the door, adjusting the sheets so they hung down on the side visible from the door, concealing whatever might be underneath. In this case, his backpack and body armor, but in an emergency he could slip underneath and out of sight until whatever assailant was present had moved on or turned his back. Finally, Cody penned the sheath of his bayonet between the boxspring and mattress, the hilt outwards so he could grab it quickly from his bed.

Once he was done, he took a look around and smiled a little, happy with his new situation in life. It seemed almost too good to be true.
Watch them turn out to be cannibals and I'M for dinner, or a pair of serial killers, or con artists, or suicide cultists or SOMETHING sinister.
He thought to himself semi-sarcastically, unzipping his uniform jacket and hanging it up. It was surprisingly warm and cozy in the little hotel and as he stepped out into the hall he could smell rice and cheese from downstairs. He loved rice. And cheese was nice too.
Fuck it. I've been watching too many movies. This place is awesome!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anthony and Surge - Woods

"Guess this is where we make out last stand. Were to our necks with walkers, there's no escaping" Anthony started, watching as walkers came at them from all sides. In his perspective, there was absolutely no way out of it anymore. They were outnumbered by like ten roaming dead bodies. In addition to that, they only carried one knife each - he himself a kitchen knife. By the time he stabbed the fourth walker, the knife would most likely shatter from the excess stress put into it.

Surge on the other hand - and ex-soldier of so - was confident they could both get out of it. That came from a man who had a decent tactical dagger though. Unlike Anthony's, his blade would last the ten walkers, and the extras that were joining them.

"All we have to do is make an opening, that way we can run out of this situation" Surge called out. Though a probable solution to their problem, it could backfire. "We've been running for about two hours and they just keep showing up. There's nowhere else to run Surge! If we can't kill all of them now, then they'll eventually catch up to us - with friends" Anthony responded, very weary of their current status.

That's when the fight started. One walker jumped at Anthony, having the before-the-outbreak-firefighter evade and jam his kitchen knife into the walker's skull. At the same time, Surge killed off his own walker, protecting himself and Anthony's back. The men seemed like an army of two, but as they took down one walker, another took its place. Anthony didn't understand where they kept coming from and how they had never seen so many before. That's when it hit him. The extreme noise that came from the Haywood battle was basically a homecoming call for all walkers in the area. Due to the silence the days brought, the noise could have echoed massively.

But now it seemed that Anthony and Surge were the ones dealing with all the walkers Haywood had dialed. "Keep killing them Anthony, we can do this!" Surge urged the man, killing yet another walkers. "Don't stop, all we have to do is kill enough to get out, that's all!" Surge called out yet again. Anthony stabbed his kitchen knife into the neck of a dead leg walker, failing to pierce the brain. He held back the thing with his arm, preventing his capture and possible death. But as he removed the knife, the knife itself broke off, so all he held in his hand was a handle.

Unable to do anything at this point, he turned right and pushed the walker towards Surge. "Behind you!!" Anthony called out to the soldier - one who turned quickly and successfully killed the kitchen-knife-to-the-neck zombie. "Got'em! Now go! That way!" Surge yelled, telling Anthony to take the opportunity to run a certain direction that seemed rather clear.

The two men rapidly ran......North? East?........well whatever, they just ran to survive. But as they ran, Anthony weary thoughts had become reality. They were running into more walkers. Yet another hoard, maybe consisting of about ten to fifteen walkers were coming their way. "Turn left!" Surge called out, but as he did, a walker appeared from behind a tree to meet him. Reacting faster than light, Surge flinched and jammed his blade through the walkers eye socket and jamming its brain. In the meantime, a walker caught up to Anthony.

"Here!" Surge called out, tossing his dagger to the fireman. Anthony caught the blade and sliced the walkers face, not killing it instantly. He then proceeded by stabbing it through the side of its head, using his hands to block the arm swings. "C'mon, this way!" Surge echoed. Anthony followed, but like the many times before, walkers showed up again. "Let's go this way, there's sure to be a way out" Surge told Anthony who had stopped running and started to walk.

"What the hell are you doing?" Surge told Anthony, rushing to him. "What are you doi- *cough*"

"Creating a diversion" Anthony whispered into the man's ear as he pulled the tactile dagger from the man's liver. Anthony then started to run off into the distance as the blade left a trail of both walker and human blood.

Surge's instant death gave Anthony the time he needed to get away. His body fell to its needs as his head bobbed up and down from the impact with the ground. Having killed a friend before, Anthony started to feel the same way he had back then. His eyes widened as he continued to run. He started to shiver a little, not from fear, but from outwitted regret. But one thing was certain..................he was now going to survive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reggie - Outpost - Sylar/Enrique

The man let out a deep breath and put his hands on his hips. Sylar wasn't entirely wrong about Thomas, in fact it was a feeling both Reggie and some of his men had felt about Thomas. Even without Sylar's suggestion, this was an idea Reggie had already considered. "... I'm giving it to somebody I trust. We can't say we exactly trust Thomas, can we?" Besides that, to keep Thomas away now would be saying the probation period didn't work as well as intended. Reggie had no intention of acknowledging that. "I don't think his men would appreciate jerking around their friend either. No, it's best to keep Thomas close so I can keep an eye on him."

He looked away, his eyes on Enrique and the gaggle of recruits around him. "Though I can't imagine why Thomas would be interested in those language classes. Just what was Myriah thinking..." He looked down and shook his head before returning his gaze toward Sylar. "Take whatever you think you need before you go. That hotel's stocked pretty well but lacking in weaponry."

Now distracted by Enrique, Reggie left Sylar to approach the Puerto Rican. Reggie grimaced at the sight of the cigarette in his hand. "You should know I'm not a fan of... vices," Reggie said, his face stern. "You drink on your own time. As for the smoking... well, those just kill you."

Before Reggie could press the issue further, he was approached by one of the new recruits. "Reggie, sir, sir." The recruit - a male in his early twenties - saluted eagerly, as if that was standard practice for the scouts. When Reggie only stared, the recruit lowered his arm and shuffled awkwardly on his feet. "It's... an honor. Your scouts brought me in only a week ago, but I-- Well, you're awesome, man."

Reggie was used to praise, but not so directly. "... Thank you. Good to see you've joined us."

"Yeah, I..." The recruit leaned forward slightly and nodded. "I'm... Adam. If you forgot my name... sir."

Adam seemed slightly frightened of him, Reggie realized. At least he had the balls to come forward. "Okay, Adam. You should go back with the others." The boy stepped away eagerly, almost tripping over himself. Reggie then turned back to Enrique with a bored expression. "So?"
Shannon - Haywood - Daniel/Katie

She walked in silence. It felt like a living nightmare, one beyond the one she had lived for the last half a year. Dozens of people had been slaughtered today, and yet she was still alive. Over and over again it kept happening. How long would it be before Shannon stopped being a survivor? She didn't even know what she had done to deserve survival. Both Danny and Lexi had been stronger than her-- No, more than that, so many people in Haywood had been stronger than her. How could she still be alive, just some weak girl with her arm in a sling.

Perhaps living was the punishment. It certainly felt like Hell right now.

She kept James close to her side, thankful that he had survived. She had tried to hold Valentina's hand, but the girl had gone into a catatonic state of sorts. The poor thing walked slowly behind the others, unwilling to let any of them touch her. It was an unsettling sight to see. Whatever horrors had given the little girl her scars was undoubtedly preying on her mind now.

"Are... we safe now?" James asked. He looked up at her with an expression Shannon didn't expect. She knew he was one to get scared, but he looked strangely calm now. It was an unpleasant thought, but perhaps James was becoming used to all this.

Shannon didn't hesitate in uttering a "yeah", even if she wasn't quite sure herself. She then eyed the back of Daniel's head and moved ahead to walk beside him. "... Hey," she mumbled, her eyes lingering on the sight of Katie in his arms. Shannon felt an incredible amount of empathy for the girl. She knew first hand how awful it felt to be shot. Could a girl so young survive that?

"Daniel, we... need to talk. Me, you, Amy..." She looked around briefly, trying to decide who she was closest with amongst the survivors. "... And Emma. As soon as possible."
Lauren - Haywood - Riley

In the chaos that followed her waking, Lauren had managed to snap to her senses slightly. Her head still felt cloudy and her body wracked with pain, but at least she was able to form thoughts now. She had been in too much in a stupor to say much to Katie in the office, but the sight of the girl being carried by Haywood's mayor was grabbing her attention. Katie had been shot at some point, as far as Lauren could tell. The thought that she had brought this girl into another dangerous environment made Lauren sick to her stomach and she had to resist the urge to throw up.

Or maybe it was the headache causing her nausea.

She nudged the man supporting her - Riley, the doctor - and nodded toward Daniel. "I want to talk to Katie," she said. It surprised her to hear herself speak so quietly. She had intended to speak louder than that. "Please, I just--"

But a sudden shattering thought entered Lauren's head, one that brought her hurdling back to Earth. "Where's my-- Where's Bull?" She lifted her head slightly and tried to shake off her exhaustion. How could she have forgotten about him? God, what was wrong with her? "Is he still locked up? You have to let him out."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique - Outpost - Reggie/Sylar

Enrique noticed Reggie walking over to him and took a small drag of his cigarette, he smiled seeing some younger idiot walk up to Reggie and greet him. The kid was acting as if Reggie was Gen. Patton, Enrique kind of laughed at the kids skiddishnes. When the kid left Enrique looked up at Reggie and set his legs so that his right ankle rested on his left knee.

"Do you see me drinking?" Enrique said taking another puff, "And as for these things killing me, just about everything else in this world is trying to, so why the hell not?"

Enrique took another long drag and brought the cigarrette down to the filter the ash hitting his pant leg, he brushed it off and flicked the stub aside. Enrique looked at the people on the firing range and saw that the jackass from before had improved on his aim, the kid was better too. Enrique looked back to Reggie.

"So what can I help you with?" Enrique said with a casual smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"We can't just leave him here, he's alive for God's sake!" the man urged the other. He held an axe in his closed palm, veins popping in his wrist as he held on to it for dear life. With his left hand - the empty one - he attempted to wake the redneck laying on the dirt. The man's long hair was soaked in both sweat and cold blood. The wound on his head was new, though it wasn't a walker's bite - more of an unfortunate accident. The axe bearing man took a look at the wound, seeing it wasn't deep at all, but the impact seemed to have knocked out the redneck - Floyd.

"He must have hit himself against that rock over there, I can see the blood" the axe man told his friend. "Are you sure we should bring him back? I mean, we don't know him" the dark-skinned man responded. He was concerned for the safety of their people back at camp. Strangers weren't usually the best mates to have during an apocalypse. "I refuse to leave him here to rot! He's a human being dammit! Help me carry him" the axe man urged yet again in a whisper. The two men kept quite, not wanting to wake any living corpses that surrounded the area. "I thought you said we weren't taking in anymore people Hank? What happened to that huh?" the dark-skinned man asked Hank. "I know.........but..........I can't just leave him here. He needs help. Let's just.........aid him, then let him go" Hank responded. The black man then picked up Floyd's legs as Hank took his shoulders. The men carried him to the backseat of a truck they parked a couple of meters away.

The loaded Floyd in the back seat of the four by four pickup truck. The Nissan Frontier cranked right up as DeSean - the black man - turned on the ignition. He pressed on the accelerator and quickly, the three men rode off back to camp.

"How do you think everyone's going to react to this?" DeSean asked Hank. Hank had his axe by his side as he looked through the passenger compartment for something. "We picked most of them up the same way we picked this guy up. They were strangers to us back then, just like him" Hank responded, finally finding what he was searching for. He took out a pill from an Advil jar and took it with some water. "I hope you're right. You know how Heather can get when she doesn't approve of our decisions" DeSean joked as he drove quickly. "Hahaha. Let me worry about her, you just make sure Gloria doesn't jump on our asses either".

"It's funny how you still call her Gloria when her name is Jennifer. Can't believe it's been this long"

"Yeah. How long? About fifteen years? Maybe a little bit more since I met her. We've gotten old, man. Hahaha. I hope my family is still doin' alright though. I hope Ari is takin' care of them" Hank said, remembering the people of his past. He looked out of the window and stared into the clouds, looking at their images, but making nothing of them. "You chose me over them............I never thanked you for that" DeSean said quietly as he continued to drive, heading down the road. "We've known each other since we were five. We're basically brothers. Like we always said, you and I are gonna make it to the top, hahahaha!"

"Right. Too bad there's no time for that anymore. Maybe after all this ends, if it ends" DeSean responded. "Yeah, that'd be sumthin" Hank said before he returned to look forward. "Let's just get to camp, we've been out here twice as long as we were supposed to be, they should be hella' worried by now."

"Ughh, where are they? They've been gone far too long" Jennifer worried as she walked side to side by the campfire. There were tents all around them, nearly one for everyone. Seth sat on a log playing on an old purple GameBoy that ran on batteries. "Don't worry, they be back soon" he said, fixing the glasses on his face. The guy was so into the game he lost sense of the time, but was used to have trust in his two pals. Like Hank and DeSean, Seth was also a close friend of theirs. He had met Hank in high school during Hank's senior year. At the time, Seth was a sophomore so had two more years to go.

Jennifer was DeSean's wife, a pharmacist who had worked with DeSean for a little while and fell in love. The two would always have these trends where they broke up, but they usually made up with............ummmm................sexual intercourse. "We have to go out there and get them, it's been what? Two hours? We need to go, Seth! C'mon! Get up!" Jennifer started to say loudly. She was extremely worried, maybe a little too much, but reasonable. The men had been gone for two hours, double the usual scavenging time. They had set up a system, but without walkies or any form of communication, it was difficult.

"Don't worry, they be back soon" Seth repeated as he nodded his head in annoyance. He was playing his Pokemon silver and was enjoying it, but Jennifer's nagging was pissing him off. "They always come back, you know that" Seth said, pausing his game to look at her. Jennifer looked back as she tightened her sweater. "I'm just worried for DeSean."

"They always come back" Seth stated again, returning to his game. In reality, he also worried a little, but was too cool to show it. He usually kept himself composed and was rather shy. He had a little bit of an Asian accent, but it wasn't to a point where he could not be understood. Since he was born in Vietnam, he grew up speaking Vietnamese, but during his time in America, moving in at the age of four, he lost most of his ability to speak it, yet he can understand most of it.
Hank/DeSean - Road

"Hahahaha!!! An ape walker? That'd be hilarious" DeSean responded to Hank's joke. "You racist ass nigga, Hahaha" he continued as the air conditioning blew passed them and towards the victim in the back. Hank turned too look at Floyd. "We'll just have Aaliyah look at him when we get there. She should be able to do sumthin' about that wound" Hank commented. DeSean licked his lips in disapproval, but it was already too late to go back.

"But if he tries anything, put a bullet in his head, I will not let our people get hurt"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(Llama and I did a collab at the end)Daniel - Haywood -

Daniel had known that Katie was small... but as he carried her towards the house, he was taken aback by her size. He could see that she was beginning to come to, as her body adjusted itself in his arms, her head tucking into his chest. He stopped as Shannon came up to him, and spoke. "Alright, give me ten minutes. We'll meet you in my room, first door on the right upstairs." He said, and went into the house. He waited for Emma to come in and instructed her to take Katie into her Room. "Shannon wants to talk to us, meet in my room in ten minutes."

He went to Amelia and gave her the same instructions, but then his eyes caught O'Connor and Lauren. She was talking about the Bull... He watched as O'Connor helped her sit on the steps in front of the house. "...murdered by Robert Dalton..." was all he caught of him say, as his attention turned towards Brianna, who was hurrying towards him. "Daniel, there's a car down the road!" She said frantically. The man swore out loud and went to the top of the incline where she stood.

Indeed, a long ways down the road, a car shone its headlights. He looked on the ground and found a discarded rifle, the AUG he'd given to Eric before he knew his true colors. "Get Riley!" She nodded and took off, and Daniel headed towards the gates. Though his rifle may have been empty, the newcomer would have no idea. When Riley and Brianna came, he instructed them to find a gun, wether it was loaded or not. O'Connor handed Brianna his revolver and ran the burned down building, where he found a black AR-15, covered in ashes. He picked it up and came back, taking the keys to the gate and unlocking it. He pushed the gates open, and saw that the car was maybe 50 yards away, now. When the car stopped, around 15 yards, the door opened, but Daniel couldn't see who stepped out because of the headlights. "Come out Unarmed and with your hands up!"

Abram stepped from the car, leaving his rifle in the back seat. "Stay here, Jess." He put his hands on his head and stepped from behind the door. "We're friendly, sirs. I'm First Sergeant Abram Chamberlin, US Army Special Forces.! The girl in the car is my friend Jess! We're looking for our friend Floyd!" Abram felt uneasy, but hoped these guys would give him a chance.

Daniel's face broke into small smile... Abram Chamberlin. "Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, 4th company, CAG special forces." Daniel moved out of the direct glare of the headlights, and saw the face of Abram. He lowered his gun, and brought his right hand into a salute.

"At ease, you son of a gun..." The man said, walking towards Daniel. He was a few feet, and his lips went into a smile, and he huffed a laugh. In one fluid motion, Abram brought his fist through the air and landed a solid hit to Daniel's jaw. "I was dishonorably discharged because of you, so theres my acceptance of your apology."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heather - Camp - Others

The brunette finished doing the inventory of the medical supplies. It was less then she would have liked, but it wasn't bad either. The guys would just have to be on the lookout for as many medical supplies as they could find. Things like that tended to run out quickly.
In fact, she was thinking about talking to the group about taking the car and going on a bit of a road trip : Take a couple of hours and go around, see if they could find some buildings that hadn't been completed stripped. She could go, since it was her idea and Jennifer could handle any medical problems while she was gone, and maybe DeSean since he was strong, and Seth was a skinny kid who could fit places they couldn't, and-

She cut off that train of thought. She didn't want anything more to do with him then necessary.
Heather sighed and rubbed her face. She knew she needed to get over it, but somehow living and working with your ex was not very good for the nerves, or for getting over things. Seeing him every day was just a constant reminder that they were no longer in love.

Heather couldn't even tell you what had happened. She and Hank had just... drifted apart. She had seen it happening and had been desperate to stop it, and in her desperation she believed she had made things worse. And where she was trying too hard to fix things, Hank didn't seem to even want to try at all. It had led to many of their fights and had been the killing blow to their relationship.
She hadn't been with anyone since, had never even looked. Of course there hadn't really been any options.
If there was, would she even be interested in finding someone else?
It was a question she had wondered about, but never been able to answer.

In the meantime, she only spoke to Hank when necessary and often it was in a snappy bitch way.

She could hear Jennifer freaking out, as she usually did when the guys weren't back on time. In reality she was jealous of Jennifer and her relationship with DeSean. They were still in love. As a result Heather was polite but kept her distance from Jennifer. Just another thing for her to blame on Hank : he was turning her into a cold bitch. But she couldn't seem to think of any way to stop.


Katie - Haywood - Daniel, Emma

Somehow Katie had managed to fall into an exhausted form of sleep. She barely felt Daniel pick her up. For a minute she thought it was her daddy. The little girl turned, cuddling into his chest. "Daddy..." she whimpered.

She opened her eyes when someone started talking. It was then she realised it wasn't her daddy carrying her, it was that man. Daniel. Emma's brother.

Katie sniffled as she reached out. "Emma?" she asked.
The older girl took her in her arms and Katie winced and whimpered as her injured shoulder got pressed against Emma's. "It hurts Emma..." she said quietly, tears forming in her eyes.

She heard Lauren shouting. "What's wrong with Lauren?" she asked.
Then she heard someone say something about a car.
"A car?!" Katie asked and started wiggling in Emma's arms. "Is it my daddy?! Did he come to get me?! Daddy!"


Jessalyn - outside of Haywood - Abram

Jess was scared as they pulled up to the makeshift gate. A man started to shout at them to come out unarmed. Jessalyn wrapped her arms aroud her stomach.
"Tell them not to shoot," she told Abram. She wasn't going to take even the smallest chance of a richochet bullet hitting her baby. She had only one more month to go, she thought, and couldn't handle losing her child when she was so close to meeting him for the first time.

In the headlights she could see Abram approach another man who had a gun. Apparently they knew each other somehow. So it was a shock when Abram punched him. Jess gasped, getting out of the car.
"Abram!" she cried, hurrying over to the man who had been hit. "Sir? Are you alright? Please don't shoot. Please. I'm pregnant," she pleaded.
She looked towards the open gate, hoping to see a familiar face inside. "Floyd!" she called, then looked back at the man with the gun. "Is there a man named Floyd here?"

Please, she prayed to whatever god was listening, Please let him be here. Please let him be safe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood - Jess/Abram/Others

Daniel staggered back as Abram's fist collided with his jaw. His skull racked with pain, but he wasn't angry. He knew Abram was right; he deserved it. As the girl jumped from the car, he instantly noticed her swollen stomach. His suspicions were confirmed by her frantic pleas for mercy. When she said she was pregnant, Daniel glanced at Abram, a question wrapped in his eyes, and his eyebrows rose.

"No, idiot, it wasn't me." Abram said. Relief washed over Daniel as he looked back to the girl, Jess. She looked really young, maybe 19, somewhere around Shanelle and Brianna's age.

"I'm very, sorry, Jess, we don't have anyone by the name of Floyd." He said.

Emma - Haywood

Emma did her best not to let Katie fall from her arms as she wriggled and writhed. She carefully carried the girl to the steps. She could see down at the gate, but it wasn't Tyler, thank God almighty. Daniel, Brianna, and the Doctor stood infront of a muscular black man. She couldn't see his face, but she saw that another woman stood by him, begging to Daniel for something. "Floyd!' She heard the woman call. Floyd... she'd heard that name before... Then it dawned on her; Floyd.

Lynn had said something about a Floyd guy in the catacombs... That redneck guy that Lauren and the bull had brought to the cells... And- and there was a pregnant girl with Lynn's group... Jennie- Jessica- Jess? Jessalyn! That was her name... It all came back to her then - Floyd was the biker that the pregant girl had rode away with when the raiders had started shooting at them at the railroad tracks! "Lauren, could you watch Katie for just a moment?" She asked. She sat the girl on Lauren's good leg, and took off towards the gates. When she passed Brianna, she saw the black Man's face- "Abram!" She said excitedly. He'd come back with Daniel last year for her birthday when they were off duty. She remembered how nice he was- she'd even helped her shoot his big sniper rifle when the three of them had gone to the firing range one week in the summer. She jumped on the man, pulling him into a big hug.

After a moment she pulled away and smiled at him. She then turned her attention to Jessalyn. "Hi, uh... you don't know me, cause I was only with you for like 30 seconds before you rode of with Floyd..." She began. "I- uh... I was with Lynn in the catacombs, and she talked about you..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hank/DeSean - Road

"Why did we come all the way out here anyway?" Hank asked DeSean who continued to drive. Floyd was still in the backseat, laying still and silent as he slept. The impact he must have had with the rock seemed extreme since he was still out. It made the two men in the front think he might have passed by now. "We were supposed to find supplies - food. But instead we've got this guy" DeSean responded, pointing back with his right thumb. Hank turned towards Floyd and stared for a second. With a horizontal nod, he returned his gaze forward.

"We almost there?" Hank questioned due to his inability to remember roads and directions. "Yeah. We should be there in like five minutes, maybe less."

"I sure hope they're cooking something, I'm hungry as f********ck!" DeSean said with a following laughter. "Aiden should have wiped sumthin' up by now, it's almost........" Hank turned to his watch. "......Seven o'clock" he finished. "Man, I'm getting tired of Seth. He's always on that stupid game. I don't feel like he's contributing" DeSean stated, changing the subject of food. "I get that, but he's always been kinda off, you know that. I guess even now in the apocalypse, people don't change."

"I don't know man. I think we've changed, even if it's just a little. I never thought I'd have to kill people to survive" DeSean said, finally driving up to camp. "They're not people" Hank responded as the truck changed gears and parked. Hank opened the door first as he looked at DeSean on his way out. "You know what I mean" DeSean said, removing the keys and placing them in his pocket before exiting.

As the two walked up towards the campfire where most of the others were, Jennifer quickly power-walked towards her husband to greet him with both a hug and kiss. "Damn baby" was all he could say before her lips planted against his yet again. Hank nodded and smirked as he made his way to Seth. "Still playin' that game I see" Hank said, extending his hand to fist bump Seth's. "You know it" the little dude responded, fist bumping his older buddy.

Hank then gestured Seth to get off his game and stand up. The guy did as told and raised his hand in question. Hank got up close to Seth and whispered, "Go tell Aaliyah to meet us by the truck, we found another survivor." Seth nodded in agreement and headed out to find the in-training doctor. Only reason Hank wanted Aaliyah to help the guy they found was because he wanted nothing to do with Heather. He understood she had more experience, it was just...............well, ya know.

Anyhow, Hank then took leave back to the truck. He pulled out long cable ties from under the front seat and tied up their treasure. He pulled him out the truck and lay him on the ground seated upward. He smacked his cheek once to see if he would awaken - he did not. Then he smacked him again, a little bit tougher this time - no effect. Therefore, he just stood there waiting for Aaliyah to show up.

In the meantime, Jennifer and DeSean had took a seat next to each other by the fire. He held his arm out around her shoulders as they snuggled. "Anything happen while we were gone?" he asked his wife. "Nope. Same ol' same ol" she responded. "How about y'all? Any luck finding food?" she asked DeSean. "Well, we found a little bit more than that. We found another survivor" he told her, causing her to jump. She turned her head towards the truck, but couldn't see anything from that distance. "Where? How? Is he okay? He's not bitten is he?"

"No, no. He was unconscious. Hank didn't want to leave him, so we picked him up. He should be tying him up right now. I say it's best we keep our distance from him for right now, were not sure who he is or what he can do" DeSean instructed. Jennifer got closer to DeSean as if asking for extra protection. "I wonder who he is"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meghan and Hazel - The Pub - Cody

The smell of the food faded as Hazel trekked to Cody's Room. She contemplated what would happen if Cody decided to stay. If this guy was legit... then he could be a lot of help. However, if he was rotten, then he could take Hazel and Meghan out with a twitch of his finger. No, stop that, Hazel Lawrence! She shouted at herself. This guy looked genuine; he couldn't have been all that dangerous, anyway... he was maybe a year or two older than she and Meghan. She ascended the stairs, as Meghan had sad that he was on the second floor. She saw him walking in the hall, and gave him a small smile.

"Hey- uh... Dinner's ready, you're welcome to come whenever you're ready...

Abram - Haywood - Daniel/Emma/O'Connor/Brianna/Jess

Abram gave a small smile when he saw Emma down the slope. He caught the girl as she jumped on him, and returned her enthusiastic hug. "How ya doin', E.j.?" He set her back on the ground, but his ears perked up as Emma seemed to recognize. One thing was certain in Abram's mind; he had not expected that... Abram looked at Daniel, and then at Emma... then it hit him like a tsunami tide.

He'd seen Emma from his old apartment. He couldn't remember who her face had reminded her, and she looked a lot different than she use to, so Abram didn't register her face... but now he knew who she reminded him of: Daniel. Their faces bore many similar shapes; their noses, the creasing of their eyes, their lips... Abram had watched Emma Crowe go into the catacombs, and he'd done nothing but watch. He'd done that every time Tyler's men brought in new girls; he'd watched. He could have at least tried help one of them escape... Emma would have been the perfect one... He cursed himself silently... He had been a coward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aaliyah/Imogen - Camp.

Things were pretty normal within the camp, Well as normal as it can be in this current day in age. Aaliyah was over in the medical tent or what was designated as one as they all looked pretty much the same but with this one being slight bigger and with no red cross on it as that would be a dead give away, The group has had to adapt and keep going on what they had but supplies were getting shorter. The African American was going to sort out a inventory list for the medical supplies but realized Heather had pretty much beat her to it but still made an effort to assist the brunette. Aaliyah was in fact the youngest in the group which was kind funny in a way as she was considered the baby of the group because of it despite being seventeen years old, She didn't mind it considering that if it wasn't for this group coming across her the many months ago when the world went to s**t, Aaliyah would probably be dead but this was a close knit group and gotten to know them well.

Aaliyah noticed Heather was getting a bit flustered or at least looking tired given the fact she was rubbing her face and sighing, It could be so easy to simply ask are you okay? but really would that be a good idea after all just take a look at the world. Still she did speak to the young woman. " Heather, why don't you go and take a break? I can hold the fort here" She smiled softly, She knew Heather was a bit... Shall we say 'bothered' by a particular member of the group but Aaliyah was wise not to say anything or talk about it and pretty much let the woman get on with it. Around this point Seth had came over to Aaliyah and spoke to her quietly in a whisper relaying what Hank had told him to do, She was a little shocked at what she was told and eye widened a bit but she nodded in acknowledgement letting him go before picking up a small medical pack, Glancing at Heather still doing her own thing she left proceeding to the truck.

Upon arrival Aaliyah came up round the side of the truck and stood next to Hank looking at the sight before her. Here sat an unconscious man who was tied up, A necessary precaution as the protection of the group came first but still a big risk bringing him here and raised an eyebrow. "Dare I ask what you and DeSean did to him?" She looked over the guy and there was no clear evidence on this unknown individual having been bitten so she went and knelt down to the guy before opening up the medical pack. " So how did you find this guy?" Aaliyah asked as she put on a pair of medical gloves before doing some checks on the unconscious man, She first checked for a pulse checking both his wrist and neck one after another for a few moments, She listened to what Hank had to say as she got a small light and hesitantly checked the for reaction of the guys pupils which she did a couple of times.

Once those checks were over, Aaliyah then went about checking the head wound, The first give away was the dry blood in the man's hair and so carefully she moved the hair to get a better look at the wound and how bad it was and sighed as she realized she forgot the first major thing she should of done and immediately took her jacket off quickly and placed it folded up on the floor. " He is not dead, But how long has he been unconscious? And untie his hands I need to lay him down on his back and make sure to keep his airways clear. Sitting like that can block his airways and kill him" She urgently moved but spoke calmly hoping that Hank would assist, She couldn't help but feel it was a bad idea bringing this guy back to camp.

Imogen had arrived back to camp after doing a perimeter patrol of the camp, The young Blonde had been one of the more newer additions to the camp group which is Lead by Hank and DeSean, She was saved by them when Imogen got a bit careless on a supply run and got herself in a right troublesome situation. That was nearly a couple of months ago now and since then became a integral member of the group earning there trust and friendship which in Imogen's mind works both way as if anyone would ask her she was sceptical about the group at first but now could not imagine being without them as they were all an important part of a small family.

Arriving back at camp the Blonde could see that finally Hank and DeSean had made it back and although one could not really be seen from where she had returned from Imogen could see the later with Jennifer huddled up together by the camp fire which made her smile. Coming over and placing her crossbow down before quickly looking at the pair again. "Why don't you two go get a tent" She joked as she took a seat. Something did feel off though as she noticed Jennifer looking worried of something, Did something Happen? was someone injured? those question came into mind as she noticed Aaliyah sneaking by to the truck. She looked quizzically at DeSean before picking up on what Jennifer then said. "Who he is?" She paused for a moment. " What have you guys done?"


Turisa - Alone in town, Few blocks away from The Pub.

Turisa's journey into New Orleans took her further in the city than she thought previously the Latin woman would, After all it was somewhat like she expected but at the same time was not, All the gunfire and chaos where ever it happened had attracted the walkers and in fact only a few where wondering around in their own little world which was fine by her, So far the officer has had to endure sleeping in her truck still which was nothing new and pretty much got used to doing so as the vehicle is pretty much all she has left until she can find her missing family. Another thing that was playing in the back of her mind was where were the other survivors? surely after all the gunfire from the previous day didn't kill them all of?

Turisa kept on driving, thinking up scenarios and what might of happened will get her nowhere and right now supplies where on her mind, She used up the last of her food this morning and fuel was running low and it came as a stark realization that it took dam near all of her supplies to get here from Chicago, well it wasn't going to be a simple drive over from A to B. Pulling over the young Latin woman decided to check out some vehicles in the road and hopefully find a shop or hotel where in some form of hope there was some supplies around. There only seemed to be one walker that was close enough to trouble and of course her truck already caught it attention. grabbing her gear and taking a moment of deep breath the officer stepped out locking up the truck watching as the walker slowly made it's way over towards her, Unsheathing her Hatchet knife the officer waited for the right moment and struck the disgusting thing in the head which let out a distinctive crack where the skull and brain was easily struck through, It was amazing how fragile walkers were but yet so flipping deadly, Especially in numbers, taking a moment to clean the weapon of Turisa put it back in it's sheath.

Once Turisa was convinced the coast was clear she retrieved one of the fuel canisters and a small cut hosepipe with the intention of syphoning fuel of any vehicle that may have some in there tanks still, It was also getting late into the evening as it was starting to get a little nippy, The officer opened up the truck for a moment to retrieve her police jacket and put it on and locking the truck once more. Checking around once more for any trouble Turisa made her way over to the first car checking through its broken windows for anything useful but couldn't find anything that could provide food or water so took the next course of action of going over to the vehicles fuel tank cap and popping it open, Feeding the hose tube inside with the fuel canister ready she placed the hose within her mouth, God how much did he hated doing this, She began sucking on the tube in the hopes of syphoning any possible bit of fuel the Latina could get.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Captain Shelton
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Captain Shelton All American Rebel

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cody - The Pub - Hazel & Meghan

Cody returned Hazel's smile happily, an expression he didn't think he was still capable of just an hour ago.
"Oh thanks, I'll be right down."
He replied, closing the door to his room. As he descended the stairs, he again examined his surroundings, mind abuzz with questions. How long would he be allowed to stay? What would he need to do to earn his keep? And more importantly should he stay? Meghan and Hazel were already affiliated with groups he knew nothing about, was he walking into the middle of a war without knowing it?
All these questions and more flew through his thoughts as he reached the dinner table, a cloud of steam rising from a fresh pot of rice. He took a seat opposite his two hostesses and at the realization of a fresh, hot meal his thoughts turned from worry for the future to soy sauce. Cody loved soy sauce on his rice. And butter. Butter was good on everything though.
"Thank you for the meal, it looks delicious."
He said gratefully, looking over to Hazel.
"And the room too. I haven't stayed anywhere this nice or welcoming in a while."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heather - Camp - Stray

Heather heard the car pull up and sighed. Time to face him again. She took a few moments to put on her strong indifferent face. It was a survival tactic. She couldn't have Hank knowing how it affected her. She refused to let him have that kind of power over her, because she just knew he'd use it against her.

Having psyched herself up to deal, she went outside.
The sight was unexpected.
Aaliyah was working on a dirty man who was lying on the ground unconcious.
"What the hell?" she asked and hurried to her fellow medical worker's side. Heather had been an RN before the walkers appeared. She had worked in a major hospital in New Orleans. "What the hell did you guys do?" she asked incredulously. "Please God don't tell me you hit him. DeSean, I told you not to let him drive!"
She shook her head and continued working with Aaliyah. Heather started checking his vitals.
"Pulse is steady but slow," she said. "And from the color of his face I'm guessing his pulse-ox is low. Oxygen is not getting through his body that well."
She manuvered his head at an upward angle, to open the airway as much as possible. "DeSean, we're going to need your help to move him. I'll hold on to his head. Aaliyah, if you could keep his spine still, DeSean can get his legs."

Working together, they managed to get him into the med-tent. A makeshift bed had been made of scavanged parts. It was sturdy enough to hold the man.
The nurse and the doctor-in-training worked quickly and effeciently together. Soon they had assesed him head to toe. They took off his shirt but left his pants on to preserve his dignity for when he woke up.
"We have a little oxycodine left," Heather told Aaliyah. "Do you have any objection to using a little for him. Otherwise he is going to have a feirce headache when he wakes up."
Heather always made sure to include Aayliah in all decisions regarding medical supplies, especially their limited supply of meds.


Jessalyn - Haywood - Daniel, Abram, Emma

Jess felt a weight fall over her chest, pressing down on her heart.
He wasn't here... Floyd...
Where was he?

In the flurry of emotion, Jess turned on Abram, eyes blazing. "I told you we shouldn't have left! We have to go back! We have to find him!" She walked up and started beating Abram's chest. "How dare you?! How could we leave him?! How could we?! How could I?!" Tears of anger and despair ran down her cheeks. "How could I leave him?! I have to go back! He came for me and I left him!"

In the middle of her screaming at Abram she heard a girl's voice. Turning she saw a young girl, barely younger then herself. She looked familiar...
Of course... the raider attack.
Jess tried to compose herself. She stopped screaming but was still shaking. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry."
A sharp pain in her back made her gasp and wince, her hand flying to the place in her lower back. Apparently her baby didn't like his mother being so upset.
"We have to find him," she said, her voice lower now, laced with pain. "We have to. I've already lost one person I loved. I can't lose another. I can't lose Floyd."
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reggie - Outpost - Enrique

Reggie only stared. Enrique's impassiveness was irritating, but Reggie managed to keep an impassive expression himself. He was used to suppressing his emotions around other people. "It was a warning," he said, stepping forward. "If you put shit into your body that has an impact on your performance while you work for me, then we'll have a serious problem."

He then stepped even closer, so Reggie could step between his view of the training scouts. "You seem close with Thomas. You look up to him, I think. That Bex guy, not so much... but still..." He trailed off, collecting his thoughts so he could ask the right question. "... How'd you three meet?"


Shannon - Haywood - Riley/Katie

The sudden shrill sobbing coming from Lauren put Shannon on edge. She watched as James turned to the woman and clenched his hands into fists. His calm expression was reverting to its usual state of fear, and Shannon could see the other battered survivors turn to Lauren with similar looks. They had all just gone through a nightmare and the last thing they all needed was to watch a woman in obvious pain. Whatever was happening with the approaching vehicle, Shannon knew she had to get Lauren inside right away.

With Riley's help, they managed to get Lauren and Katie inside the house and into the living room. When she saw James at the door, Shannon gently grabbed him by the shoulder and nudged him back outside. "I'm sorry, James, but Lauren needs to be alone," she whispered to him.

When she entered the living room again, she found Lauren on the couch mumbling to herself. Tears still streamed down the woman's face and her body shook uncomfortably. To Shannon, Lauren looked completely battered, both physically and mentally.

God, and Shannon had hated this woman only a few days ago.

Riley excused himself to take Katie upstairs, leaving Shannon alone to comfort the grieving woman. She awkwardly sat on the coffee table across from Lauren and tried an attempt at maintaining eye contact. It was hard to look this sorrowful woman in the eye. Shannon was going to have to attempt to calm Lauren down, for everyone's sake. Shannon hadn't lost a lover, but she had lost the closest friend she had ever known, so she knew she could relate to Lauren.

"I'm so sorry... I know what you're going through," Shannon said slowly, testing the waters to see if Lauren would allow her to speak. The older woman shook her head, but it seemed she was listening. Shannon nodded and decided to continue. "Early into all of this, I lost someone who I... loved. I thought it was dumb when people referred to their closest friends as siblings, but there was a point where I couldn't think of him as anything but a brother. I never told him this, because he wasn't very close with his own family. His sister loved him, but something was lost between them the day his parents stopped talking to him. I thought if I told Danny I thought of him as a brother, that he'd become upset. I didn't want to remind him of the parents that hated him, so--"

Suddenly and violently, Lauren lunged forward and grabbed Shannon by the collar. The action was so forceful that Shannon was caught wondering what was even happening. With only one arm, she was unable to pull out of the woman's grip and all she could do was cry out in surprise. For someone who could barely walk, Lauren was surprisingly quite strong. "Everyone's lost someone," she said, her voice edging on a snarl. It was low and steady despite the look of utter disgust in the woman's eyes. "Do you think it matters to me who you've lost? I know Bull doesn't matter to you. You hated him. So don't tell me your sob story thinking it's for anyone's benefit but your own." She pulled Shannon closer and spoke into the younger woman's ear. "You killed him. Not Robert-- You. You and your community killed him. Your men sacrificed the lives of the poor women trapped in Tyler's lair just so you could slaughter indiscriminately, never once thinking of the people Tyler surrounded himself with as human. That man turned into a monster, and so have all of you."

Finally, Lauren's grip loosened on Shannon, allowing her to pull away and back off from the couch. "Haywood got what it deserved," Lauren said, burying her head into her hands. Her sobbing had ceased.

It was then that Riley returned. He looked around in a panicked state, evidently having heard Shannon's yelling. "What just--"

Shaking slightly, Shannon walked over and placed a hand on Riley's shoulder. "It's fine. We just... We-" She leaned in to whisper into Riley's ear. "She-She's dangerous. We can't leave anyone alone with her while she's with us."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique - Outpost - Reggie

"First thing, I dont work for you," Enrique said still relaxed in his chair, " Secondly, Thomas saved my life after I was crippled in a fuckin tomb, then Bex helped him. I dont look up to him, I dont need a daddy figure, I fuckin respect the guy because he saved me when he could have stomped my skull into the ground and looted my dead body."

Enrique smiled standing up, he didnt exactly like Reggie, not that he had a problem with him but if he wanted to play macho Enrique would be Felipe Rose with a bad attitude. He stood just a bit taller than Reggie and looked at him calmly.

"Is there any reason you're so inquisitive Mr White?" Enrique said with a smirk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood

Daniel listened to Emma and he realized, she and Jess still thought that Raiders had shot at them that day on the train tracks. Neither of them had any idea it was Shannon. He didn't know how good of an idea it would be to tell either of them, so he didn't say anything. He glanced at Jess when she spoke up, angrily accusing Abram of making stupid choices. The girl seemed very adamant about finding this "Floyd"

"Jessalyn, I'm not sure if you understand how much respect I have for Abram and how quickly I would entrust my life and the life of my family in his hands." He said. "If you and Abram find it necessary to look for your friend, then I promise we will offer all resources we can and all the people we can. We've got several injured, but we've got people fit to travel that have been trained to fight."

Riley - Shannon

He had come into the room with a frantic face, his heart racing at the sound of the commotion. It looked like all was well. He pulled Shannon to the side, listening to her warning about Lauren. He too had come to have worries about the woman's intentions. It had turned out to be that she'd not even asked for their helped, but only been carried into Riley's infirmary with no say about it. "Lass, I'm aware that we don't know a lot about her."

"What are we to do? We can't exactly tie her up and hope she accepts Christ and become a better woman." He said. "As a doctor, I will not turn her loose in the wild in the state she's in. We might as well be putting a bullet in her ourselves."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hank and Others - Camp

As Seth led Aaliyah to the survivor Floyd, Hank just starred to the med tent hoping Heather wouldn't come out of it. He prayed she wouldn't be the nosy woman she usually was - always getting into the conversation when it didn't involve her. As Aaliyah spoke, the first thing she asked was exactly what the two leaders had done to this poor fellow. Hank frowned upon this question, not sure why she thought they did anything to him - which they didn't. They had never killed nor harmed a human being - not a live one anyway.

"We found him durin' our run. We went into the forest South of here and there he was, knocked unconscious. I think he somehow hit his head on a rock. He must have been running through that rough terrain. But that doesn't matter. You're goin' to fix him up and then we'll decide what happens next" Hank explained as DeSean came into the scene. "What happens next is that we let him go. We can't afford to feed another person, let alone fix him up like we intend to do" DeSean said, giving his opinion on the matter. "We've already gone through this DeSean, he's a person, just like all of us. He needs help so were helpin' him, and that's that."

"I agree with Hank, we can't just leave him to die" Seth said, hands in his pocket as he gave an 'It's-the-right-thing-to-do' smile. "Shut up Seth, you don't know nothing. But anyway, it's a group decision right? Just like all other decisions we've ever made. So fix him up so we can decide if he should stay" DeSean added to his last argument. Hank crossed his arms and looked back down at Aaliyah as she continued to examine the man.

"Aaliyah, I know were short on supplies, but please make sure he gets well" Hank started as he knelt down beside the woman. "If we decide to let him go, let's at least give him a chance to survive. Were people first, survivors sec-" he stopped as a sudden call came from a most annoying woman. "What the hell?" Heather asked with no intention of being answered. Hank could of sworn he could hear her stomps as she got closer to them. Her eyebrows had become fierce along with her pupils. At times, Hank could see a demonic aura come from the deep darkness in her soul. He really didn't want to deal with what was next.

"What the hell did you guys do?" she asked incredulously. "Please God don't tell me you hit him. DeSean, I told you not to let him drive!"

Right before Hank could comment on her abrupt question, one that was already explained to Aaliyah, DeSean stepped forward. "We didn't hit him woman, we found him in the woods. He was hurt so we picked him up. And I drove, so you know we didn't get in no accident" DeSean said amused by Heather's reaction to the situation. The man couldn't help but get a laugh at how she treated Hank. But on the other hand, Hank was bitin' down on the inside of his bottom lip as his right eyebrow raised in exasperation. Seth had turned to Hank and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Calm down dude, she's just being Heather" he whispered with a smirk. Hank didn't even turn to Seth, he fixed his eyes on Heather as she started to help Aaliyah.

She then asked for DeSean's help instead of Hank's, pissing him off even more. He was even closer to them and could have easily gotten the man up faster, but noooo..........Heather didn't want his help. DeSean looked at Heather as if he didn't understand what she wanted him to do. But that wasn't it, it was because he felt as though he didn't take orders from this woman. "Seth, you can help" DeSean said, pointing at the girls as he returned to his wife who waited for him by the campfire. Seth huffed and took Floyd by the legs, helping the woman escort him to the med-tent. He left before they started to do whatever it was they did.

As everyone had returned to do what they had been doing before all of this, Hank just sat by himself on the bed of the truck. He pulled out a cigarette pack - Marlboro Lights 100's. Pulling out one of the three remaining cigarettes, Hank lit it and began to smoke. He sighed heavily with his eyes closed as he rubbed his eyes. As he opened them he turned towards the sky. "I'm trying to save everyone, but..........." he paused as he inhaled once again from the smoke. He exhaled before continuing. "But every time I make a decision it seems she's against me. I know.........I've done the worst kinds of thangs, but.........this........this is not one of those thangs. I'm savin' someone's life here and they think I'm the one who put him in this position. I've never hurt anyone in my life for cryin' out loud. I don't even use guns, just this axe. Please, I just want her to forgive me. I want her to know..........that.........that I still............." he paused yet again as he threw the burned out smoke to the ground and stomped on it as he got off the truck. "....Forget it, I don't even know why I'm talkin' to you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Abram - Haywood

Abram faced Jess with stern eyes, as she fired at him, then at herself, then at the world. He looked to Emma as she spoke, and his mind began to piece together yet another puzzle. Emma and Jess's apparent meeting, Emma's time in the cells... Daniel and his sister reuinited a few weeks after the attack on the catacombs... This place - this haven - was Haywood. It had to be... He felt a strange relief flood him; like he found that he didn't have to worry about a third group that would try and kill them.

"Jessalyn, you look at me. You don't have anything to apologize for. The only thing you did was get protective over the man you love and thats nothing to be ashamed of." Abram placed his hands on either of the girl's shoulders. "We will do everything in our power to find Floyd and we will do everything in our power to get him back here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - Daniel, Emma, Abram

Jess looked from one man to the other. Relief rushed through her and she felt weak on the knees. She staggered a bit and had to hold on to Abram to keep from falling down. She was suddenly so very drained... it had been a long and emotionally charged day.
But she couldn't rest now, not with Floyd still out there.

"What if he thinks I left him Abram? What if he thinks I abandoned him?" she asked, her voice quivering with fear and tears. "I can't bear to think of him out there thinking that I would just leave him behind."

Strangely the thought of him being dead never occured to her. She had that much faith and confidence in him. He couldn't die. He was Floyd. He was her Floyd. And she was his Jess.

A dull pain began to spread in her lower back and abdomen. She pressed a hand to her stomach and groaned in pain. Too much stress. Too many emotions. So close to her due date.
"I've only got about a month," she said to no one, yet to everyone. "I wanted Floyd to be here for the birth, for him to see my child as his own, to give him the family he deserves."

Looking up she saw Emma and reached for her. She looked at Daniel and Abram. "Thank you... for your understanding, patience and your willingness to help. It proves that there are still good men in this world," she looked at Emma. "Could you please show me a quiet place where I can rest? I am... very tired suddenly..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma - Haywood - Jess, Riley & Brianna

Emma nodded to Jess, and she and Brianna lead her away from the men. "We're all in one house; the apartments are ruined and Daniel thought it best to be in one place in case we were attacked by walkers." The girl said. She kept to one said of Jess and Brianna walked on the other. Emma saw that Shannon and O'Conner were standing at the door of the house, looking heated in discussion. Brianna trotted up towards Riley and interrupted the conversation. O'Conner's attention turned towards Emma and Jess, and his brow rose.

"Riley, this is Jess." She said as they reached the steps of the house. "Jess, this is our Doctor, Riley O'Conner." The man nodded and offered a kind smile.

"Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, dear." He said in his thick accent.

"I'm gonna take her up to my room so she can lay down."

"Very good. If you've any needs, lass, please don't hesitate to tell me and I'll try my best to accommodate you." He smiled. Emma lead Jess into the house, where she saw Katie and Lauren sat. Katie was fast asleep, poor thing. The two continued to the second floor of the house, turning to the door on the left. It was a simple room, containing only a bed, a dresser and a table. Emma never knew the origins of the room, but she guessed it had belonged to the apartment complex's manager at one point. "You can sleep in here, and I'll try to make sure you're not bothered. Daniel and I will be in the living room if you need anything." She explained everything, and left Jess to her rest.
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