Big wips.
“I- AYE- OI- I don’t-crap, where’s the water- I do not care in the SLIGHTEST for that shitty bit of information that you have given me, and I never will unless you give me a good reason too, such as putting me in a good position where I can simply survive and go on with my life, maybe have a few kids, and I can be normal. If I cannot do that, I will put my anger out on someone who is perfectly innocent because I have tons of rage bottled up inside, waiting for something terrible to happen to me so it can finally be released. I am fully aware of this, and the rest of my body’s condition.”
He is taller, and with longer arms, and smaller eyes. Just, more realistic.
Name: Lorarii Salvian.
Age: 18.
Speaking in a monotone voice, with full realization of his position in a group, he's pretty average, you could say. And, as in the quote, he tries to keep his rage at a minimum. Which means, you should only be able to hear his voice getting angry, and not in his actions, normally. Reason for this?
He was raised in a household that had about two people like that, and those two were the ones that he hung out with the most. And those two were actually his brother, and his cousin. And his mother and father both worked almost around the clock
but not really so yeah. He was raised around people like this, and it was fun.
Now, this does not mean that he does not show any other emotion. He does. It’s just that he chooses not to feel rage because then something would happen because of him, and it would be terrible if that happened.
He likes to get things over with. So, if he was to die, he wants to not suffer. If he was to be told that someone in his family died, he’d want it to be blunt and to the point, because the build up would make you even more sad and bad-feeling.
He also is aware of his body and what he feels inside of himself, because you kind of have to. You always know what your emotions are, but you just don’t say. So, when you have tons of rage and anger, you know this, but you can’t say.
He can form his words and make good sentences too. He tries to make every sentence to the point and, well, and get his point across.
Weapon: Stuffy McStuffyKins - The stuffed bear that is in his head, over there, is his weapon. Stuffy McStuffyKins, is his name, as established. The 'portable' version is the hand puppet that, apparently, can eject a small knife from out of his mouth. Actually, that's something that Loralii will learn to do, as the stuffed toy CAME with a knife. At least, when it gets summoned, a knife appears on the floor near him.
See, the 'real' version of it though, is a bear that can attack. Really, really hard. And this version is actually ridable, as to be proven by Loralii. And that is the point, really. The main point of this is for Loralii to control. While he is on Stuffy McStuffyKins, he can use his punches, and the bear actually performs these punches. So, if he punches to the right, then the bear will punch to the right. This bear can also be used to clear large patches of grass, moving a hand through them. Loralii also has to just think about moving for the bear to move.
If you know about the Tales of series, then you might know about this.
Abilities: Dive - Loralii uses his bear, to jump in the air, and then dive down to create a small shockwave.
not named yet - Loralii uses his bear yet again, and it forces itself at the enemy with great speed, head first. This only goes a short range though.
SUPER CHARGEY UPPY PUNCH! - StuffyMcStuffyKins pulls a hand back, rotating it, and then the fist goes hurling towards the enemy. An incredibly slow attack, might I add.
Magic: None. Like, he never has magic at all.
Destiny’s Oath: In a battle he can't win, Loralii will turn Stuffy into the portable version. Then, he will throw the puppet at the biggest enemy on the battlefield at incredibly fast speed. The puppet will then open its mouth widely on its own, the knife that came with the bear coming out of it. Then, the puppet will try to stab the enemy in any place, really. After this, Loralii has to run and get Stuffy back to use him again, if Stuffy isn't already broken.
Trinity Limit:
Sample Post:
The city appeared before him. In a small square near a store, where the owner kept a garden, he woke up and, soon enough, felt grass. And dirt. And maybe some ants crawling up his skin. It wasn't anything to mind, though. It tickled, to him. That was, until he got thrown by some ants. "GET OFF OUR LAWN, YA FLYIN' HOODLUM!" said an obviously old voice.
Okay, let's get a recap right now. Like, right now.
He was in his room, Loralii was. He was spending his time working on a last-minute almost end of school project in his country, and he was working hard. It was almost like college, except if you were lazy. But more lazy than college students that had to go through more shit.
It was hard.
Loralii was sleepy, as was expected, and he went to sleep.
So, that was the dream that he had. And it was fun, dreaming of that. mainly because it was highly weird and unexpected to dream about, small people dancing. Really, really quite weird. So it wasn't expected to go from that to waking up to super strong ants.
So, once he hit the soft, fluffy street of Traverse Town (he didn't know the name of this), he was woken up easily. He had full control of his body, and actually thought about things and they didn't instantly happen. Oh, wait. Soft, fluffy street?
He opened his eyes for the first time and saw a yellow bear in front of him. Not in front of him, actually, under him. He was on this bear thing. And it was weird. He thought about jumping up and backwards and landing on the street, and THE BEAR jumped up and backwards and landed on the street. Oh. What is this? What is this magical creature that is very wonderful and can jump backwards and such things.
He didn't know. You probably know. You probably read it. Cheater.
I think this won't be able to use magic at all. At least, it shouldn't.