Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Let's start this off with a *bang*!

It was a cold night, especially up on top of the Terminal Tower, the spaceport of Edo. So very high in the clouds, two men stood together on the colossal structure, their hair and clothing blowing in the wind. They were identical, both had bandages covering their left eyes. Their yukatas had the same butterfly patterns, but one wore green while the one speaking wore purple. They had looks of disappointment, ..no, resentment on their faces.

"Look at it... This rotten world the Bakufu created... The rotten people in it... The Amanto being treated like gods while humans lick their boots. ...It sickens every part of me to no end ...Tonight, we're going to commence our campaign of destruction against Edo, the Amanto, and the servile scum that inhabit this city. Tonight.. is the beginning of the end."

As Takasugi finished speaking, explosions flared up in randomly chosen positions throughout Edo. The two smirked, tilting their heads forward as they gazed on at the burning buildings far below them. Chaos. Destruction. Death. This is all they wanted for the country that had so cruelly spat on it's own culture, it's own honour, to make happy with the Amanto. The man in the green yukata turned to leave, while Takasugi just kept on gazing at the carnage with his insane eyes, taking a seat and puffing on his kiseru (pipe).

"I'll ensure the small fry are dealt with by the end of the month. We will have our vengeance." The clone of Takasugi could be heard announcing in a dark manner, before a helicopter picked him up and flew away from the Terminal, leaving the real leader of the Kiheitai sitting up there alone. Alone with his beautiful destruction...
While the Edo authorities rushed around collapsing the fiery buildings or hosing them down in effort to stop the inferno spreading, the Shinsengumi's ten squads were deployed across the city. This was definitely the work of an extremist Joui faction, or perhaps the Kiheitai were making a debut of sorts... Overall, Edo's people and emergency services personel were doing a surprisingly good job of halting the spread of the flames, and eventually containing them. The Shinsengumi's job was to capture or kill anyone suspicious leaving the areas that were bombed.

2nd Squad was garrisoned the Shinsengumi Headquarters. Couldn't leave home undefended, right? After all, it could just be a giant, overdone distraction meant to take over the base. While the other nine squads scoured Edo for any signs of hostility, 2nd was here, along with the new recruits who had yet to be assigned to their duty. At least if they were surprise-attacked, they had a chance. Kokone Tok- uh, ..Murasaki, patrolled around the walls with Kenji Saitou and Yoshi Nagase; her two favourite squad members. Probably because they weren't pathetic with a sword and they didn't die easy, so they were ideal comrades!

...As stated earlier, the Shinsengumi are to detain anyone suspicious-looking, or to kill them if they're openly hostile.

And that thought crossed Kokone's mind just as a girl dressed in Chinese attire strolled past the base, directly away from the chaos. She wasn't really walking like a normal person. There was more dancing with her umbrella, skipping, twirling and cheerful humming than anything else going on. Given she was dance-skipping away from the death and destruction, would you think that's very suspicious? She had an umbrella out while it wasn't even raining, and was generally too freakin' happy to say a whole bunch of people in Edo just got killed in the simultaneous terrorist attacks. Probably insane? Likely. Antagonist? Very likely!

"...Uh..." Kokone couldn't even bring a word forward as the cheerful China-girl twirled past the three Shinsengumi with her umbrella as her partner. "...Half of me wants to forget I just saw that over-happy display. The other half wants to arrest that idiot on account that she's too frickin' happy. Yoshi, Kenji, you guys can go arrest her on uh.. account of suspicious behaviour. I'ma keep watch on the gate. Don't take too long, I don't feel like getting jumped by some terrorist-patriot bastards while you two screw around."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Needless to say, the explosions were enough to warrant a certain Cyborg's attention. He wasn't directly part of any law enforcement branch, but he was required to routinely check in with the Shinsengumi. At the time of the explosions, Cronic was just wrapping up neutralizing a criminal gang.

"...I don't know what just happened, but it's not good." Cronic said, having tied up the subdued criminals, before going to observe the closest explosion site to his location, checking for anyone acting out of the ordinary, which considering a bomb just went off, would be anyone acting eerily calm, as opposed to anyone shocked, terrified, trying to quell the blaze, or running for their lives.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kanman12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


A black coupe flies down the highway heading towards Edo, weaving in and out of cars at high speed. Inside the car the driver bangs his head and yells the lyrics to the extremely loud music inside the vehicle. His phone rings and he turns the music down "Agent Kaminaga speaking, what do you need?"
"Jesus Kaminaga where the hell are you?"
"I'm just going for a peaceful drive through the country."
"Peaceful drive... Damn it Kaminaga, didnt you see the smoke? We're under attack!"
"I just assumed their favorite sports team lost..."
"Link up with the Shinsengumi. I want you to find out who did this and make sure they pay!"
"Sure thing boss, I'll get right on it." Akahito says then hangs up the phone. He turns the music back up and swerves to the off ramp leading to the city.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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"What the hell?" Kenji asked as the explosions were taking place, his first reaction was to go down and help out, but he couldn't. He needed to man his post, with 2nd Squad. This was the ideal time to attack, when every other Squad was busy hunting for the attacker(s).

Kenji turned to the girl and back again. "Seriously? You want us to stop that?" He asked, double checking, almost convinced it was a meaningless task, the girl looked harmless, and maybe she was just a little bit crazy. Kenji nodded, and simply ran for the girl. "Stop!" He shouted, getting nearer, he jogged around to step in her way. "We need you to come with us, if you please" Kenji asked the girl with a smile, his hand rested on his Katana in case she wouldn't come quietly, or she would try and attack. He needed to be ready for anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savepoison


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humaru stares over at the smoke and the explosion location, sighing, he says to himself "The city never sleeps.." before beginning to strafe toward it, He passes through an alley of running gang members, gripping one particularly slow one, They were fleeing from the scene. He slams him against the wall and says in a monotoned voice "What the hell did you do.." before he stares up, the cigarette in his mouth glowing softly "I had nothing to do with it, I swear! Please don't kill me!" The man pleads, as Humaru sighs, he pulls him away from the wall, tossing him in the direction Shinsengumi were approaching "I won't kill you..They will." He says heartlessly, awaiting the shots to pass through the man and possibly slightly graze him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Yoshi sighed. "He's so eager to please." He joked a bit before heading off. He didn't feel any imminent need to hurry. He thought this was... "Wait... Explosion... Happy... This is definitely the kind of scene the creator would... Dammit Kenji could die!" He said before hurrying. "Kenji be careful!" He shouted as he got a bit closer to the girl and Kenji. She had to be dangerous. He knew it. There was no other explanation for this. The happiness... "Maybe? No... She couldn't be." He added to himself moving closer to the two people.
Kei was standing calmly leaning against a building. Occasionally he allowed a few "innocents" to escape when he wasn't admiring the explosions. "This is all just too perfect." He said to himself for a moment. He couldn't help but admire, but with so many more enforcement agents showing up he had to leave. He turned and began to walk away from the seen quite calmly not showing much concern. "I wonder what will happen next." He spoke to himself a bit quietly slipping his hands into his pockets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Go with you?" The Chinese-looking girl chanted, spinning around a few times on her heel before stopping, her face right in front of Kenji's and her umbrella behind her back. It might be scary seeing how happy she was. There was absolutely no reason to be happy! In fact there was a lot of reason to be unhappy right now! "Where do you want to take me, officer?" She asked innocently, "I really need to be somewhere~ ...But you want to lock me up?"

When Yoshi approached, the girl's smile faded just a little, but she was still visibly pleased with something. "Am I doing something wrong? Breaking the law~? Is that it? Mmm?" She teased the two, her gaze shifting between Kenji & Yoshi playfully.
And just as Cronic was thinking about what the successful terrorists would be doing right now, a shadow leapt overhead, the sound of quiet, slow steps emitting from a nearby rooftop. It was all too obvious that it was a ninja, and not just one of those ninja who were paid to express-deliver pizzas. They weren't in a hurry, and they were sure as shit not bothering to help with the fire. Either stupid-ignorant, or terrorist.

"Kei, Arashi, if you're still alive you need to be heading for the secondary rendezvous. The Shinsengumi reacted more quickly than we thought. Meet up in Kabuki district's port, Takahashi-sama will be there with the ship." Shiroko said calmly into her radio. Sounded kind of posh for a ninja, almost like a noble lady. Unfortunately, she didn't bother to check if anyone was listening.
"Oh look. People running around with swords after a terrorist attack," A voice came from the Shinsengumi squad approaching Humaru, each of them with their katanas drawn. The black-haired man's voice was cold, but he sounded pretty happy about the catch. "Now, what do we do with Joui terrorists? Do we capture them and beat the information out of them, ...or do we just slaughter them on the spot?" He asked.

He was Toushiro Hijikata, the Demon Vice-Chief of the Shinsengumi. "And you... What the hell are you doing here? You don't look like you fit in with these rats." He muttered, tossing his cigarette to the road and stepping on it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Naturally, Cronic turned to look at the Ninja. He promptly identified that this person was up to something upon hearing her speak into the radio, and ruled out the stupid/ignorant conclusion.

"...You know, you really should look around where you're speaking before you start running your mouth. You never know who might be stood listening." Cronic said to Shiroko, quickly making his way up to said rooftop with a single jump, landing down behind the ninja.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savepoison


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humaru looks over at the Shinsengumi, simply saying "I dunno..I heard explosions and got interested.." Before he pulls his hand up, as a sort of wave, turning around on his heels and beginning to leave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"No problem sir. Doesn't look like I have any problems that'll get in my way really." Kei answered with a bit of a laugh. He found it amusing yet he couldn't help but be relieved. If he would get to the rendezvous point without getting into any trouble or god forbid a fight he would be incredibly happy.
"Honestly... I'm thinking about charging you with disturbing the peace. This happy thing you'e got going on is creeping everyone out." Yoshi joked a bit as he stopped. He and Kenji had her surrounded. Everything should be fine. Unless of course she's a Yato. Which would put us at a physical disadvantage... But what are the odds of that? You wouldn't do that right creator? He started down Arashi before exhaling. "On a more serious note. You're under arrest on the charges of suspicious behavior while leaving the scene of a crime. I request you come without a fight or things may get violent." He said to her all the while thinking, I don't know why I even ask. You never answer creator.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"What a nuisance..." Shiroko murmured. Before anything else could happen, she unbelievably quickly found her kunai and started unleashing the daggers like they were coming from a machine gun. It was pretty damn clear she wanted Cronic dead! Those things were aimed at him, and around him, leaving little room for a slow escape. However, that armour might be a problem.

Doesn't matter... Thought the white-haired Shinobi, as she was confident with her skills. Her kunai were usually thrown with such force that they could pierce concrete...
As soon as Yoshi was done speaking, the China girl positioned her umbrella like a golf club, and in a swift stroke chanted "Fore~!", aiming to whack the poor guy like a golf ball! Apparently Kenji didn't matter to her right now. Besides, if he too tried to arrest her, she'd turn him into a human golfball too! And as always, Arashi had a delighted smile on her face while she did this.
"Vice-Chief?" An officer asked, his hand rested on his katana's hilt, his eyes following Humaru.

"No. Let him be," Hijikata replied, "If he was a threat, he'd have a weapon. ...And I can tell he's not the type who would do something like this. As for these Joui Factioner scum, kill all of them except for one. Terrorists don't become prisoners of war - they just get put to the sword.

"Yes, Sir!" The officer acknowledged, his squad following him as they captured one of them, cutting down the rest coldly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savepoison


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humaru stops "I have a weapon.." He murmurs, before turning and heading toward the explosions once more, he pushes past the officers, and if any of them dared to attack him he would have their head knocked of their body.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Acting swiftly, Cronic raised his arms in front of his face, taking several of the kunai in his limbs, others scratching the armour. He was, however, not showing any sign of blood loss from the ones that did get caught in his arms, and once he had his chance, he dove to one side, rolling to his feet, speaking to himself as he did so.

"Suspicions confirmed. Target is responsible for the explosions in some way. Target also demonstrating intent to kill. Rule #1, if target intends to kill, lethal force is immediately authorized." Cronic said, his armour shifting to red, as his HF blades emerged from his arms, deflecting the remainder of the kunai being thrown at him with said blades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Yoshi didn't think staying in the same place for long would be wise when he saw the umbrella coming at him. "I'll give you one more chance to back down." He said as he moved out of the way by quickly jumping over out of the line of the umbrella's set course. That looked like it could have hurt if he stayed there. "Give in and things won't have to get ugly. Okay?" He said not wanting to let this drag out more so than it needed. Still he didn't wanna just take her down. He could after all right? Yeah... Totally... Maybe... Hopefully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Show some respect you-!" A Shinsengumi officer began, ever so slightly drawing his sword. He was interrupted with a cold, "Shut it" from Hijikata. They let Humaru pass without any more trouble. "Sir!" The officer complained. Hijikata tsk'd a few times and took out another cigarette, lighting it and letting it hang out one side of his mouth, "Deal with it. You don't draw your blade on a guy like that. He's like Sougo, always carrying killing intent with himself. If he wanted to kill any of us us he'd of already done it. You drawing on him would just make it self defence on his part."

"Well... 4th Squad, you're ordered to go back to the headquarters. I'm going to the Terminal to see what Matsudaira has on the attack." Hijikata commanded, swiftly making his way towards the tall metal structure in the center of Edo, running past Humaru on the way.
"Give in~?" Arashi said with a disheartened look, "But I didn't even explode my target yet..." That absolutely freakin' sealed it - she was one of the terrorists! Didn't even try to hide it! "So I'll go and do that right now!" She chanted. The clearly insane China girl then launched up onto the HQ's surrounding wall leaving kicked-up dust where she was standing, and then jumped down into the compound, the sound of a machine gun flaring up as men inside could be heard being cut down by it. ...But all that girl had was an umbrella, not a machine gun! She was going to destroy the Shinsengumi HQ!
"That's a neat trick you have there..." Shiroko said giving Cronic an impressed look, "I suppose embracing the future does have it's perks. But you're a pathetic thing to behold... The embodiment of this corrupt world. Let me guess - without all that technology around and inside of you, you might as well be a corpse?" The lady ninja teased, readying another bunch of kunai between her fingers. Whether they broke into a violent battle or not, her objective was complete and she was free to escape as she willed. Damn all if the cyborg could keep up when that happened...
At the same time these battles took place, a lone helicopter landed in Kabuki District, at the docks where a large airship was being loaded up with supplies. The strange man who looked like Takasugi, but with white hair, disembarked from the chopper and started walking calmly towards the large vessel...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savepoison


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humaru began to run, sprinting toward Shinsengumi HQ, He stares at the Chinese Woman with the umbrella, He somewhat looks up "You did all this..With an umbrella.." He murmurs, stepping toward the woman seemingly carelessly, he stares up at her, his eyes casual, but serious. He examines her up and down, pulling his posture up, flicking a cigarette out of his pocket as his hand ascends from it, he plops it in his mouth, lighting it and staring down at the woman "Terrorist..?" He asks, not really caring.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

"That's none of your damn buisness." Cronic said to Shiroko, as he pointed the blade from his right arm at the ninja.

"I've got little time nor patience for those who sprout philosophical nonsense. Namely smartasses like you who think they know everything." Cronic said, as he deliberately dropped an armed smoke grenade behind him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There were dead recruits all over the place. Young men gunned down while they least expected it. They weren't experienced enough to deal with a damn Yato...

Kokone Murasaki, 2nd Squad's leader had survived the slaughter by taking cover, but quickly took her place beside Humaru as Kenji and Yoshi arrived too. Four on one might be enough, but.. against a Yato? Chances were slim that they could survive, let alone 'win'...

Arashi turned around to face Humaru, Kokone, Yoshi and Kenji giving them that same innocent smile she'd been giving them up to now. "Terrorist~?" She teased, no doubt she was sick enough to enjoy hosing down the helpless Shinsengumi recruits. Poor guys didn't even see it coming... "I'm no terrorist..." Arashi's eyes finally opened, and she gave them all one last look at her delighted self, before her eyes narrowed - a sharp red glint was visible in them before she lunged at them ridiculously quickly.

"I'm a destroyer!" She growled at them, aiming to sweep the three young men and the female Shinsengumi officer off the ground with a powerful stroke of the umbrella. This girl was inhuman... Any human that could stand against her should be considered a monster themself. As the umbrella was swept at the four, Kokone was swept up and thrown back into the wall surrounding the Shinsengumi HQ.

"Sh.. She's got a bomb..! Don't let her.." Kokone struggled to breathe as she spoke. It wasn't as bad as it could've been, but for now the young Shinsengumi had the wind knocked out of her.
As Cronic set off a smoke grenade, Shiroko threw a kunai into a rooftop across the street, then ran off to that rooftop on what looked to be thin air (really a very thin, but strong wire). Didn't look like she wanted a serious fight after all.

"Kei, did you get to Kabuki District's harbour yet? I'll be there in a moment, need to lose a pest first..." The Lady Ninja said quietly. But if Cronic's hearing was enhanced at all, that may be a problem. One phone call to the Shinsengumi or regular police and everything would be botched... "And Arashi - the Shinsengumi HQ isn't in flames yet. I expect to see that changed before we leave Edo..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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As the chaos raged around him, Guy carried downed people to a near alley. He had no clue what was going on, nor did he care, his mind was entirely set on helping the people that were caught in the cross fire. He didn't care if he got shot, without his last job he probably wouldn't fair any better. As he carried a man he thought was unconscious he pulled out a twinkie and put it in the mans had.
"you take care, if you have any problems, just eat that and I'll come right to you"
As he turned back he was grabbed and saw a finger point to a young girl beating on a few shinsengumi officers. He stood up and began walking to her. The smoke bomb went off and he turned away, only to drop his soda from his pocket and chased after it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savepoison


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humaru charges at the woman, prepared to face her, he jumps up into the air as she flings a kick toward him, his hair flying up with him, his eyes getting a red tint to them as a shine, He then bounds toward her, slamming his hand into a fist and beginning a quick punch to her face, and if this all goes to plan, he would quickly jump out of the way from any attacks, beginning to pound against her once more. He says in a casual voice as he dodges and protects his body from the shots sent toward him "Stop attacking me..Honestly..I have better things to do then deal with you.." as he jumps back a considerable distance, and pulling a cigarette from his pocket, he lights it, spitting the old cigarette out, and replacing it with a new one.
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