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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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@Everyone: Do not comment on Raen's sheet or others until I get home please and thanks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Draza's CS post has been updated again (it's on the first page) to include another character. A simple, but fun one with lots of potential character growth. I prefer them to Ynari even, plus combat character for Elendra, WHAT? So yeah, got that going on. And all the collabs. More to come tomorrow. Goodnight now though. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*preemptively claims the next ninety open slots just in case*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Good lord the Legend continues, I remember seeing this on the old forums (R.I.P).Unfortunately I never got to read all 22,000 posts. (Rough Estimate). I've almost all but forgotten about this place, lost in the dusty catacombs of my mind.

If I could be so inclined I'd like to audition for slot #91, as I hear the other 90 have been reserved already, but should the time ever come that the rusted gates of the waiting list finally creak open I will be watching.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I lost track of the slots long ago myself so my advice would be simple: Make a character and post it, then wait to see what brovo says. :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gat said
I lost track of the slots long ago myself so my advice would be simple: Make a character and post it, then wait to see what brovo says. :p

Pretty much this. The way I'm seeing it, there are going to be 5 missions next round which offers up probably 5 slots for characters to go on each, given our current numbers and the fact there is currently openings for new players to take a chance to get in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well I was not aware, the roster looked full when I looked at it.

"Status: 16/15 player slots, 20/20 character slots. *We are full!*"

Though, I do feel as if I need to PM Brovo first. This seems pretty extensive, and I am but a new fish. Information is never bad. It's also quite past my bed time (Can't stop watching Defiance.) So hopefully I catch him tomorrow evening. I'm not aware of a co-gm, but from the way I see things, there's a certain way to go about this. I have many questions.

As far as it concerns character, I have around six or seven ideas, but to flesh them out and attempt to bring something unique to the table, ah, that's the challenge. I hope the opportunity to join persists, as this would be a good challenge to my writing skills, I know this because I feel slightly intimidated. But that's a good thing for me. Thank you for the advice. Also, should the event that I not catch Brovo himself, perhaps you could inform me as to who could. Thanks again, and goodnight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tempest is about as close as you'll get to a Co-GM actually, She's been part of LoR since the early days so she can likely give you a good rundown of things should you be unable to catch brovo.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aeonumbra said
Well I was not aware, the roster looked full when I looked at it."Status: 16/15 player slots, 20/20 character slots. *We are full!*"Though, I do feel as if I need to PM Brovo first. This seems pretty extensive, and I am but a new fish. Information is never bad. It's also quite past my bed time (Can't stop watching Defiance.) So hopefully I catch him tomorrow evening. I'm not aware of a co-gm, but from the way I see things, there's a certain way to go about this. I have many questions.As far as it concerns character, I have around six or seven ideas, but to flesh them out and attempt to bring something unique to the table, ah, that's the challenge. I hope the opportunity to join persists, as this would be a good challenge to my writing skills, I know this because I feel slightly intimidated. But that's a good thing for me. Thank you for the advice. Also, should the event that I not catch Brovo himself, perhaps you could inform me as to who could. Thanks again, and goodnight.

Again, it'd be easiest if you just ran a sheet up soon. Right now is the acceptance phase for the time being as we are between missions. Next round of missions look to be taking longer and I'm unaware if you are willing to wait anywhere between 2-3 months before typically normal chances for new characters to come into the game. Brovo has already given the go ahead for people to try and get a sheet up so he can review them. Your best bet for getting in would to just give it a shot now. *thumbs up*

Sorry that the ball post is not up everyone, I feel it is largely in part my fault. Brovo has been needing to collab with me for part of it and in that, it is raising a few issues. I've had a busy week so far but hopefully things should work out a little better here pretty soon and we can get the ball rolling. Again, my apologies for the delays.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I shall do so tonight, permission to PM you with any questions I have? Assuming you will be around in 2-3 hours as I'm finishing up my dinner, and house work. Waiting 2-3 months it's the road I'd like to go down. Expect a CS tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how far I get to finishing it. I will do my best, but I must think of my prior commitment to Deadland, as there is a lot of information I need to add.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aeonumbra said
I shall do so tonight, permission to PM you with any questions I have? Assuming you will be around in 2-3 hours as I'm finishing up my dinner, and house work. Waiting 2-3 months it's the road I'd like to go down. Expect a CS tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how far I get to finishing it. I will do my best, but I must think of my prior commitment to Deadland, as there is a lot of information I need to add.

feel free to pm. I might be up, but no promises.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The other problem I was having is time management. In a few months I should be getting the job I want-- At a Mine. I'm not sure if I'll have time to add this onto my duties, as I just got notification today that my application has been processed, well, all three of them, and are up for review. I'm calling the HR service tomorrow to get the details, so if it looks good then I'll probably have to decline, the schedule there is work 2 weeks, get a week off. With no time left between work days other than to shower, eat, and sleep.

Deadland comes first for me and that's probably where most of my spare time between work days will go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Maxim said
Glad you like it! I did end up choosing Fire magic as my second school, simply because it...basically handles all of my offensive needs anyway (sans stuff against fire elementals, but I can always add another one later). I'm also considering changing the second to "Holy" magic, but I'm not really sure since I would imagine holy magic is ostracized after the whole banishing the gods thing, thus would be difficult to sell. Of course, the only reason I'm considering this is because it would add healing to buffing...I think.Also, I've decided to try and fix the grammar. It'll take me a little while, but hopefully it'll be much easier to read once I am done with it.

Good enough: Character approved, since you got all the mandatory bits out of the way.
Russel has been approved.

Note: Certain NPC's might catch onto his armour and be able to help him figure out who he is, or at least, where he came from.
Jorick said More like sisters by transmittable disease, I think.

Genais said
I'd liketo get Awakened Meditation and Upgrade apprentice for NadiraAnd for the new unique I was thinking something like this.Tainted Telepathy:Through her inate telepathic skills, limited as they normally are to her brother, and the demonic connection of blood magic Nadira has found she can hear the thoughts of nearby Demons, she is unaware if this is a two way connection as yet.Gat took care of the unique upgrade already.

Approved. So you want to peer into the minds of demons, hm?... Careful, the abyss might stare back at you.
Elrbetrt Westfeld. A couple things need fixing.

#1: What war? With who? The Nine Hells? The Nine Hells haven't managed to get a true invasion force out yet. With Renalta? The two nation states have never been at war, though tensions are high enough to spark one. With Rheinfeld? They're too far and wouldn't dare to have demons in their armed forces. If this character's family was sent to stop demonic incursions, they would be skirmishes. Just a suggestion, that you could still have a similar history, but one where there is an outright war, where Liveria is sending out a significant amount of its resources, isn't particularly possible.

--Underdog (Tier 2): Where others would collapse and die, you live on. You know that if you can live just long enough to take out your opponent, you can stop and rest, and in doing so prolong and increase your odds of survival. (If the opponent you are engaging is struck dead, and you disengage to rest, you have a greater chance of surviving lethal or severe wounds, and have a small chance of recovering from them sufficiently to be combat-ready without the assistance of a healer.)

Note: This character might occasionally be mistaken for a vampire by the uneducated due to the silver eyes.
Gat said Brovo seriously accepted another blind character? After all the fun we had trying to work out what to do with Os'Falan I honestly find it quite hilarious :p

I love a challenge and you know it.
LimeyPanda said I'm suddenly getting major X-com flashbacks.

Jorick said Same here.


Heavy Hitter
--Crushing Blow (Rank 2): You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)

Customs approved.


--Smash n' Grab (Rank 2): Atop of charging brutishly like some kind of avalanche of death you've clued in that if you can grapple your opponent, or hit them specifically in a way to daze them or knock away their weapon, you'll then have a much easier time with introducing them to whatever entity they consider divine. Such as your warhammer, or crossbow. (On successfully charging into someone, you have a chance of disarming them, grappling them, pinning them, or stunning them, depending on what their size is and whether or not they're wielding a weapon, and have a greater chance of avoiding harm while charging into someone or something.)

Customs approved.
Herzinth said /Intermission intensifies

Raen Delaeseris Elvarasi.

#1: Just to clarify, how old are those women now?

#2: Draconic Blood is unbalanced. It's essentially giving you the trait bonuses of Sharp, Fortitude, Endurance Training, and atop that having both Cold AND Acid resistance, and the only offset is a weakness to fire your human half already has. Then the second ranking is increasing all of these bonuses--the free sharp, fortitude, endurance training, cold and acid resistance--And atop that adding a vague breath weapon that does cold damage and paralysis. Is it a cone attack? How long is its range? What's to stop him from spamming it constantly? Lower the number of bonuses in this trait. Then decide whether you want to increase the bonuses as the rank 2, or have the breath weapon as rank 2. Not both.

#3: Void Mind is again stacking on stacking a bit, but not as badly as Draconic Blood is. Drop one of the bonuses and it should be fine.

#4: Note that while you can start with your horse, because it's not a contract companion which you unlocked over the course of the role play or a unique companion, your horse is quite vulnerable and can be killed fairly easily.

#5: This one is more of a nitpick, but a tent that is large enough to hold two horses is in a saddle bag, along with everything else you have, such as six weeks worth of food? Normally, in real life, horses were just tied to something and left out because they could deal with the elements like rain and be fine, or you would stop at a stable, or near a cave, or other place of shelter so the horse could get out of the elements.

#6: That map of the Underdark won't be useful anywhere outside of cities and towns. Because the tunnels are constantly changing in shape and configuration in a manner that is unpredictable.

Please address concerns, then I can review it again and see if we can't work something out.
Aeonumbra said Good lord the Legend continues, I remember seeing this on the old forums (R.I.P).Unfortunately I never got to read all 22,000 posts. (Rough Estimate). I've almost all but forgotten about this place, lost in the dusty catacombs of my mind.

If I could be so inclined I'd like to audition for slot #91, as I hear the other 90 have been reserved already, but should the time ever come that the rusted gates of the waiting list finally creak open I will be watching.

You can try to join. The character limit is more of a soft limit, as Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean put it, "more like guidelines than actual rules."

You can also PM me with questions, or contact me on Steam or Skype.

Steam: brovo196 (Search for Brovo, and add the Canadian whose name is either "Brovo (Home)" or "Brovo (Work)")
Skype: brovo196 (I am ubercreative.)
@Everyone: I'm going to try to get the giant ball room post up today, but I give no promises. It's about halfway done and it might take a little more time to get it nice, polished, and finished. Missions will come out shortly thereafter. Don't be afraid to ask me questions and blah blah blah y'all know the routine by now. Be creative. ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Time to level Thailen

General Traits

Unique Traits
--A Devil's Tail: Her cat o'nine tails is crafted from the tails of recently slain tieflings. The blood of demons imbues the whip, causing it to radiate a ferocious heat that can sear flesh.
--A Fel Heritage: Unbeknowest to Thailen, the blood of demon's and tieflings flows through her veins. It is the source of her red hair and fierce temper, but it also gives her a natural sixth sense for things demonic. Such as sensing when they are close, and tracking them even if no normal tracks are left.
--A Dead Heritage: The blood of demon's and tieflings flows through the dirt instead of her veins and is helping grow some rad flowers.

--Pigeon Paradise: There's a statue of her. Pigeons love statues. Blah blah obvious end result.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Brovo is back! Hug me!

Odd, for some reason I had thought there was an all out war with the demons already. Would skirmishes do?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Child DIED i reckon she gets nothing so that is lovely. :D. I should have her post up in the hour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isn't this lovely. I have seen the beginning of this and I am happy to see it still prospers. I will post up a sheet, I'll take my chance :P (Misread earlier, but will still have something up)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And done.

Oh btw, I added you on steam Brovo. My ID should be Fubuki
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

GreenGoat said
And Oh btw, I added you on steam Brovo. My ID should be Fubuki

Quick question. How the fuck are you supposed to pronounce that name? Only way it seems feasible to say is to insert phantom vowel sounds in there between some of the consonant groupings.

Edit: The character name, Elrbetrt, not the Steam ID name.
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