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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Draco swore. "Shit. Hey, look here. I may be a dragon but you have no idea what i could or could not possibly understand. Im not going to kill anyone." He took Ink out of his neck hollow and set her down gently. He then shifted to his human form and scrubbed his eyes and pulled the arrow out of his thigh where it had landed. "Sonofabitch!" He spit in his hand and rubbed it in the wound. It healed in a matter of minutes leaving a faint scar.

He coughed as he watched Ink begin to stir. He placed a soothing hand of her forehead and she stilled, sighing in her sleep. Draco noted how impossibly black her hair was. She was pretty but she wasnt his type. But maybe she would prove to be a loyal friend instead. He stood and stretched, pulling his wings out of his back through the specially designed slits in his jacket and waited for the others to get their bearings.

Draco remembered the fear on the first hunters face and unwillingly remembered his time on the streets. Every day had beem a struggle to find enough food to fill his belly, learn to control his dragon and stay alive. He had had to learn to fight dirty to prevent himself from being beat to death by street gangs, muggers, and typical everyday crooks and bullies that would kill you just for the shirt off your back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 22 days ago

The plan worked, but the problem was that Connor didn't know what to do after the dragon had his attention. The fire fortunately missed him but the swipe went through but didn't cut too deep. The second swipe he managed to dodge. All of a sudden Damien was there assisting him and yelling. Connor was pulled along and they were out of the building with a smoke bomb being fired. An utterance of apology came out. He thought he was doing something correctly, but obviously not. No wonder Rand had left him here to set up. "Sorry..." He waited for Damien to scold him and then lead them away from here, but he fault like he deserved a worse punishment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Draco decided it was too smoky so he picked Ink up in his arms and flew out of the hole in the roof. He landed a few feet in front of them, his eyes streaming from the smoke. He took a deep breath then expelled it fom his lungs along with the smoke he had inhaled through his nose. Draco gently set Ink down and ran a hand through his neck length hair. He sat back on his heels next to her and closed his eyes letting his other senses inform him of what was going on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by e l e m e n o p y

e l e m e n o p y

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Jess pulled the files off the dashboard as she swung back into her seat. Ignoring the buckle, she began to flip through the manila classified folders, picking up bits and pieces which seemed important. Rand got in and started the car, and Jess propped her elbow up on the open window. She cringed slightly as the music came on, and made a face jokingly. She nodded, listening to Rand's instruction, then making sure she had her wallet and the correct id while still reading over the files.

She handed the files back to Mason for him and Marcus to skim, then caught Rand's phone and pulled up Damien's contact, giving a small noise to signify she was doing it. Damien was a very rash hunter, good at what he did, but he didn't always think before he made decisions. Jess couldn't make much of a case for making good decisions, but at least she knew not to put their secret in jeopardy. Damien needed to grow up. She was definitely still bitter about it, but she couldn't stand him any more. Like, at all.

She texted him a random address she had made up. It'd keep him busy for a minute or two. She then handed the phone back to Rand, and began to pull her hair back into a, somewhat frizzy, ponytail and sat back, letting the wind from the open window cool her off a bit as she went through possibilities in her head
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ink groaned and opened her eyes. What she saw made her blink. A guy with white and black flame hair was sitting next to her. Her shoulder felt sore. She sat up and fingered it, finding a puffy scar where the arrow had pierced. "What the hell?" She couldve sworn there was a wound there last time she was awake. The memories came rushing back and she grimaced. It was just her luck to get shot in the shoulder with a poisoned arrow from some random asshole and then refused help when some other guy found out she was a supernatural.

Inkness huffed. Like being able to change into a damned panther really mattered when you had an arrow sticking out of your flesh. Fucking asshole, she thought. see if i ever help you when you need help from me. She shifted into a panther and stretched out on her belly next to the white haired guy. He stroked her fur gently, surprising her with his kindness.

"I'm Draco," He said to her. "I saw what was happening, crashed into their warehouse and prevented them from tying you up. I used my saliva to heal you once i pulled the arrow out and got pissed when the young hunter tried to shoot you. Then the other one dropped a smoke bomb in there when I went after the first one. I flew out, set you down and now here we are." His eyes were closed, as if he was listening to everything else to tell him what was happening. Inkness purred to let him know she had heard and understood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The two humans ran frantically out of the building together, smoke covering their escape. Damien kept a grip on Conner's arm to keep him close. They got about 50 meters away from the building when Damien flatly tripped over some rubble that was thrown when the dragon crashed into the building. Yelping, he crashed to the grassy ground in pain.

Conner obviously would have stopped with him, and that's when Damein finally got a good look at him. "Ah!.. Damnit... Conner! You're bleeding." It was true. Conner hadn't escaped one of the dragon's razor sharp nails and blood was soaking his clothing. Gasping, unsure how much time they had, Damein quickly put pressure over the wound. He had no idea how deep it was, but blood was blood, and ther was always a limited amount of it. Glancing behind him, Damien heard the dragon and wizard speaking a few things to each other. The sound of wings flapping simply terrified him, and he looked at Conner's face.

In a heartbeat, he could see the man was nearly sickened with grief. Conner felt that this was all his fault. "Sorry..." He began.

Rather than hate him or scold him, Damein felt nothing but sympathy. He wrapped his hand behind Conner's head and pressed his forehead against him in a brotherly fashion, still holding pressure on his wound. "It's alright, Conner. You didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to live. Nothing wrong with that. Now listen to me..." The sounds of wings stopped all too close to the two hunters. The smoke was blowing away, revealing the shape of a dragon-man directly in front of them. "We're going to get out of this. I don't think the shapeshifters are here to kill us, or that guy we tied to the chair wouldn't have been talking."

Damien went silent again as he looked over to Draco and Inkness before them. The two had both just taken a full dose of cyanide each. Not being immortal vampires, they should both be dead. Instead, they were introducing themselves to each other and rubbing bellies as if their bleeding enemies weren't directly in front of them. Technically, it was an insult, but Damien was going to take advantage of any opportunity to stay alive. It looked like the two were about to become lovers. Hopefully, being distracted with each other would give the humans opportunity to escape. He'd well-remember the immunity of weredragons to his arrows.

"Are you going to kill us?" He asked clearly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 22 days ago

Rand gave a chuckle as everyone complained about the station. "Oh come on, 70s was a great time!" He heard Carry on Wayward Son come on and turned it up. "Besides driver gets to pick music, and I take the privilege seriously!" Rand started singing along to the song and continued driving. "When we get there do not look intimidating and don't do anything stupid please. As soon as our presence is discovered our job will be much harder. Make sure to confirm that the targets are indeed supernatural yada yada, you're all veterans at this." That word made him think of Connor and he wondered how he was holding up. He'd have to check once they were done in this location. Nothing should happened but bad things always seemed to happen at the worst of times.

When they arrived at the destination Rand stopped the vehicle and hopped out. This was near the abandon town area but their target was a large and spacious building which was a few blocks down. "Right, remember what I said. Check it out. Anything suspicious tell the group before engaging. No visible weapons." Rand hid his dagger inside of his jacket just in case and kept his crossbow in the car. The hunter began to seemingly walk in an aimless direction but analyzed everything he saw. So far there was no one else except for them, but he kept his senses active.
Connor gave quick nods as Damien spoke with him, rather surprised for not being reprimanded. He felt like a liability, like some citizen that needed saving. That's because I am, he thought to himself. Connor shirked, he needed to prove to the group that he was a helper and not a hinder. He would do it soon, but not now. There was a dragon to handle. Connor looked over at Damien as the hunter posed his question. His pistol was still tucked in his pants and his fingers glazed it, ready to pull it out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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David tapped his foot impatiently. "Have the hunters really not realized I was untied by now. I mean a dragon-shifter just cut them in half. It is kind of hard to miss." he thought to himself. "You know, I realize you tried to tie me and probably kill me and that you probably also hate me just for who I am, but I can't just sit here and let you die. Y'all do this for a living, y'all must have bandages somewhere. Just point me to where you keep them." David looked the hunters up and down, "The good hunters must be off on some kind of mission" he muttered under his breath. "How did they not know that dragon scales are some of the hardest things there is, I mean they tried to shoot with both a bow and a gun dragon scales. Why not try to break through a stone wall with a shovel." he thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Draco looked over at Damien and sighed. "No we aren't going to kill you. If we were you would be dead by now." He stood up and walked over to them. "Sorry bout the wound mate. Let me fix it for ya. It may be a little gros but it works." He spat a silvery blue spit into his hand and rubbed it over Connors wound. It healed instantly, leaving a pink scar. He stepped back and wiped his hand on his jeans. "You can wipe the spit off now that its healed." He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the hunters carefully.

"How was it that you didnt know that dragon scales are nearly impossible to penetrate? They're harder than diamonds and titanium mixed together." Ikness padded forward and sat by Connor, keeping a wary eye on Damien. "Sorry if i scared you man." She said to him. "My name's Inkness by the way." She narrowed her gaze at Damien. "Why did you shoot me with a damned cyanide arrow? It was uncalled for and I still feel nauseous from it." Draco watched her with an amused look on his face.

"I'm Draco. Who are you? Besides trigger happy Hunters that like to tie people up i mean?" He grinned. This day wasnt so bad after all. He hoped the Hunters would accept his apology and be done with it. He really didn't need them to hold a grudge against him. He unsheathed his katana and inspected it as he waited for Connor and Damien to reply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mason skimmed over the files he was handed, he wasn't interested in the mission briefing or anything of that nature, just their targets. Stepping out of the car he adjusted his handguns so that they'd be hidden from view. "Alright, let's do this..." He smiled, slamming the door shut and readjusting his clothing before he followed Rand's lead. Marcus sighed, no visible weapons, then that would be unfortunate for him. "I'll follow you..." He spoke as he shut the car door, quickly he began scaling up the wall, moving on the tops of the buildings closely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikolai reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone, he flipped it open and looked at the paper he had stuffed inside, he set it aside and held the wheel and his phone in one hand. He began dialing the number for a hunter he had gotten the number of from another hunter, he dialed the number slowly. He wasn't sure if he should introduce himself as himself or his host, he checked the glove box and looked at the license, it was his hosts and he was fine using it, Travis Lee. God that name made Nikolai chuckle, it wasn't a good name, well it was very American just not what Nikolai was used to. He heard the message beeper and began speaking.

"This is N..." He stopped and fixed himself, " This is Travis Lee, I'm a friend of a friend looking to help out. Anything you got for me I'm happy to do, I need to get in contact with you Rand."

He closed the phone and continued driving, he knew he was heading to the right town, he checked his gas and noticed he was running low, he looked on the side of the road and saw a very brightly lit gas station, the convenience was eery. He pulled into the gas station and stepped out of his 2003 Pontiac Aztec, it was an ugly car but it was efficient. It got him around, he had given it the affectionate name of 'Tona' short for Tonatiuh, the sun god of the Aztecs. He walked to the pump and grabbed it flipping the gas gap and stuffing the pump in. He didn't see any kind of place to insert money, he walked to the main door and saw two people inside, one behind the counter and one near the food. Walked inside and took out his wallet, he pulled out about 100 dollars.

"I need you to fill up the tank," Nikolai said with a small smile.

"We don't have change for a hundo," the man said.

"That's fine, I'm a bit hungry anyway," Nikolai said annoyed walking back to the food aisle, he didn't usually eat food like this but Travis enjoyed it so Nikolai got them, he grabbed a beer, some salt and vinegar chips, a few candy bars. He brought them to the counter and set them all down, the attendant slowly began ringing them up. Nikolai watched the man carefully, he looked at a mirror behind the counter watching the man in the aisle. He kept looked back at Nikolai and the attendant, Nikolai began getting nervous.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Damien watched as Draco donated some of his healing "salve" to Conner. He stood up, still holding his black bow with the twin snakes on the front of it. He was uninjured, and not taking any offensive stances. The dark-eyed human looked from Draco to the wizard that had walked up by now, then to the cat-girl, who seemed to be raining insults on them.

He blinked and answered honestly. "I am Damien Varomere, and I was aiming for the dragon's eye." He looked at Draco. "There are no scales on that." Standing casually, his voice was calmer, and he spoke honestly, without anger or hatred, as a simple confession. "I am sorry I hurt you, cat girl. I had thought you were an enemy, and I intended to take your life. I am glad i did not. Please forgive me." He bowed to her in that ancient and graceful way that only humans ever seemed to be able to pull off when their hearts were pure. What was strange about Damien in this moment, was that he didn't seem at all uneasy in the presence of these inhuman and quite powerful beings. Not anymore. He seemed to simply accept the facts of life around him, yielding to the rights of other creatures in the world to exist, even if they were beyond his understanding. "We are at war." He said with a solemn expression, beginning to explain. "Vampires kill humans, and so it is unavoidable, but they must be destroyed. This city is home to two major hunter families, and we've quickly noticed the signs that have come with the numerous disappearances... " Damien's eyes lit up as Draco drew his sword in front of him, and he immediately stopped, threw his bow around his shoulders, and drew his sword as well, facing Draco. Without a single word, the threat was made clear. if Draco was going to pull a weapon, Damien was going to defend himself. The human stood, unmoving, glaring at Draco, waiting for his next move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 22 days ago

Connor winced as the spit went on his chest, but it did the opposite effect of what he thought would happen. He slowly wiped it off, dumbfounded by the fact that his wound was healed. He warily looked over Inkness who sat down next to him but dropped his guard as he believed that this really wasn't a trick. He nodded to her apology and replied, "My name's Connor. I'm sorry I shot at you." He immediately grimaced and cast his eyes down. She meant them no harm yet they attacked her, but Rand would also be furious that he was talking comfortably with supernatural. It seemed so strange that he didn't know what to think of it. Damien seemed to also have sympathy with the supernatural so it made Connor more comfortable with his choice.

As Damien explained the situation Connor felt the tension rising and even more so as the dragon-shifter drew his sword. He watched Damien do the same, and wondered if he should draw his pistol. His fingers stroked the handle and he felt ready to pull it back out.
Rand grinned at Mason as the fellow hunter began to follow. "Alright, so let's try to act like we're not about to kill some supernatural. How was the drive up here?" He asked Mason cheerfully. He looked up at Marcus as the other white-haired hunter stood on top of the building. Hopefully he wouldn't look too suspicious. Suddenly, his phone went off with a message ringtone. It wasn't from his normal phone, only his private number that other hunters used.

Rand flipped open the phone and listened to the message. "This is N...this is Travis Lee, I'm a friend of a friend looking to help out. Anything you got for me I'm happy to do, I need to get in contact with you Rand." Travis Lee? The name sounded somewhat familiar but he hadn't met the guy before. And what was with the error at the beginning. Maybe a fake alias he was so used to using. Furthermore, Travis knew his name, which meant that he had located his message about this town.

"I need to make a call," Rand told the others as he dialed Travis back. "It won't be long." The hunter held up the phone to his ear and waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikolai felt the phone in his pocket buzz, he took it out and on the screen it read Rand Johnson, he looked back at the mirror and the stranger was now much closer than he needed to be. Nikolai balled his free hand into a fist and looked back at the attendant, his eyes were black

"Something wrong Nikolai?" The attendant said with a smile. Nikolai looked over his shoulder and saw the man had black eyes as well.

"You motherfuckers," Nikolai said, " How did you find me?"

"You will always be under our watch, now hold still." The attendant said as the man grabbed Nikolai's shoulders holding him back. The other demon pulled out a knife and hopped the counter, Nikolai's phone dropped the floor and he threw his legs up into the attendants stomach, with the backlash of the kick he knocked the other man back to the floor. His grip loosed and Nikolai struggled to get himself up. He grabbed the knife and threw himself ontop of the other demon, he dug the knife into its throat and turned it side to side creating a massive gash, the demon left it's host and shattered a window exiting the gas station.

"Sunnovabitch," Nikolai said standing up. He looked around and found his phone, he flipped it open, "A moment, I have to take care of something."

With that he set the phone on the counter open and approached the demon, he threw up a left with a grunt and Nikolai slammed the dagger into the mans throat, he watched the demon exit the body and then pulled the knife out and let the body hit the floor, he walked behind the counter and flipped he switch on gas for his pump. He grabbed the phone off the counter and held it to his ear between his shoulder and ear. He packed up the munchies and left the main office, he got into his car and drove it a good distance away. He lit a cigaret and let it sit on the ground, he had left the pump on the ground so that the gas would flow. He ran to his car and cranked it up driving on down the road.

"Yeah I'm here again," he said " I had a run in with some demons, they're done now."

He checked his rear view as the gas station went up in flames and he sat there driving, he smiled a bit, that was from Travis, the innate love for explosions and shit.

"Anyway I'm headed to your town, I figured you could use the extra man power."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I accept your apology.." Ink said to both of them. She shrugged at Connor. "Like i said. trigger happy. Oh well. Im shifter happy." She waved a paw at him playfully. "Rawr"

Draco listened carefully as Damien explained the situation in this town. To be honest he agreed with the Hunter. He sheathed his katana when Damien took his own blade out in retaliation to the percieved threat.
"Easy there mate. I'm not intending to hurt you. I'm just inspecting my blade for chips in the steel." Draco explained. "I'll be happy to help you if you let me. I'm pretty sure i would be very helpfull in eradicating the vampires. I'm not new to thier violent savagery." He offered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

David just sat in the chair in the smoke covered room. The smoke really didn't bother him other than it was a bit hard to breath, but it is a broken down building with the door open, the smog should clear out pretty quickly and if there is any danger coming he would be able to see it due to his danger sense and hopefully it wouldn't be able to see him. Speaking off which, he glanced outside toward where the hunters were at and the hunters red glow seemed to die down, it was still there but it wasn't as strong as it was before. He guessed that they wasn't quite in talking distance, since the glows did seem to be a bit off and they didn't response the last time he talked, so he yelled, "What are y'all doing out there?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by e l e m e n o p y

e l e m e n o p y

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Jess pulled her hair up into a bun and stuck her pin through it, then followed behind Rand, making sure her gun was concealed. She surveyed the area, taking everything in and doing a 360. Nothing in particular caught her eye, but she felt something off. As she kept walking, splitting from the group as they all went to look around. There was some sort of feeling, like a sick stomach almost. The sound of Rand's phone ringing made her jump, bring her out of her head. She pinched her wrist lightly in an attempt to focus her attention. Case, right, looking for clues. Wait, clues? What was she, a detective? Well of sorts.

Jess felt her thoughts jumbling together and it took her a moment to realize that the weird feeling wasn't coming from the scenery. Looking around, it hit her that she had rounded the corner of the building and could no longer see the group. She shrugged it off and continued walking, taking in the perimeter o.....
There was a hardly noticeable rustling, and where the 25 year old girl from Colorado had been standing, the ground was burnt within a 10 foot radius, charred and still hot to the touch

ooc// Okay, thanks for the great, if not too short, time roleplaying. Sorry to leave, I'll try to come back when things clear up for me, but don't wait up. Cheers Winchesters!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The dark colored human glared slightly as he also put away his weapon. Draco was either clueless about tact, or he was intentionally taunting Damien by "checking his blade" at a very poor time. The latter was more likely.

Damien pulled out his phone. By now, he ha been texted both addressed. Damien frowned as he made a few swipes to check the locations. The first one didn't exist, so he assumed it was an error. ... of course, having such an error was extremely odd.

"Conner. I think we should go find the others. I want to make sure they are not walking into a trap."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Inks round ears perked up. "Mind if I come with you? I want to help. I mean I probably should to make sure you know that I'm not going to kil you or vice versa." She chuckled. She really did want to help. She wasnt one to hold a grudge against someone for shooting her with an cyanide poisoned arrow. But if it was serious, like trying to kill the ones she cared about she would. "Plus I'm pretty sure if you had something with your friend's scent on it I could track them for you." She offered. "And my fighting skills aren't too bad."

Draco pulled his wings out of his back and stretched them, the light making the membranes glow. "I could scout ahead if you wanted me too. But its up to you. If not then I'll be on my merry way and leave you to it." His stomach growled and he grinned. "I was hunting when I saw what was happening. If you need me just use this." He tossed Connor a dark violet stone set in black iron that looked like an eye. "Press on the pupil and call my name. I will hear you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Soft music flowed through the trees. The hauntingly beautiful sound of a woman singing.
The woman, one of the humans from town, took her courage in hand and followed the voice.
It led her to a beautiful glade. It was small and private, surrounded by trees and rocks. A pool of crystal water glimmered enticingly.
The human cleared her throat. "I know you're here. Show yourself."

The voice changed from singing to laughter. From under the branches of a weeping willow the water began to glow and ripple. It moved forward, towards the human. Something started coming up out of the water. An ethereal beauty with large eyes the color of the sea and flowing white hair.

The human woman shook with fear, but stood her ground. "Give him back."
The creature cocked it's head, a small curious smile on her face.
The human started to become angry. "You heard me monster. I know you have him."
The creature spoke, her voice was gentle like falling rain, alluring like the sound of a stream, and as seductive as the sea. "I find it amusing that you think calling me names will make me do what you ask."
"Do not play your games with me," the human ordered. "Give me back my son."
"You didn't say please," the creature said playfully, wagging her finger at the woman.
"Damn you to whatever hell you spawned from!" the human cried. "Give me my baby!"

The creature sighed and waved her hand over the water. Another figure appeared, a small boy no more then five. The human woman, overcome with emotion reached for the child, nearly touching the water but stepping back at the last moment.
"Ben... Ben my baby, mommy's here. Mommy's here baby. Come here sweetheart."
The child did not move, merely stared at his mother like he was staring through her.
"What have you done to him?!" the woman demanded. "Give him back! He's mine! Give him back!"
"It doesn't appear he wants to return to you," the creature said, kissing the child on the head. The child in turn wrapped his arms around her legs, hugging her as he stared at the crazed woman on the shore.
"Ben! Ben!" the woman screamed in agnoy, being so close and yet unable to reach him. "You stole him from me! You entranced him with that cursed voice!"
"Now now, there's no need to be so upset," the creature said. "It's not good for your health. You have come here, to my home, called me horrible names, disrespected me, demanded things of me, and as of yet have given me no reason to pity or help you in any way."

The human, reduced to groveling, got on her knees. "I beg you. Give him back to me. He is my child, my baby boy. Please. I beg you. I'll do whatever you wish."
The creature smiled. "Now, that wasn't so hard was it? That is a much better attitude to have."
"Then you will return him to me?" the woman asked hopefully.
"For a price," the creature said. "You can't get something for nothing you know."
"What price? Name it! Whatever it is, you can have it! As long as you stay away from my family!"

The creature laughed and waved a hand. Water bubbled up into a pillar in front of the woman. At the top was a shell of some kind with sharp spikes.
"Cut your hand and place your blood in the shell," the creature ordered.
The woman did so without hesitation. The water pulled back, bringing the shell to the creature. Once the shell was in her hand, the creature sang and short melody. The boy closed his eyes and collapsed in the water. His mother hurried into the water to retrieve him. Holding him tightly, she carried him back to shore. The creature in the water poured the blood into the pool.
Suddenly the human woman was struck with a terrible pain. Screaming she looked into the water. Her reflection showed the horrible truth : her youth was fading away. Where once stood a young mother in her thirties now stood an elderly woman in her seventies.
"What have you done to me?" she demanded in horror.
The creature laughed. "You said you would pay any price to get your son back and for me to stay away from your family. Well you have paid it. Your youth for the child. I think it quite a fair trade."
"You monster! You demon! You-! You-!"
"Siren," the creature supplied with a smile. "If you ever want your youth back, return here. You will be young again and the child will be mine."
She turned the leave, then looked over her shoulder. "Oh, I certainly hope your child recognizes you. It would be truly awful if he didn't."
Laughing, the Siren disappeared beneath the water.

Sarina settled underneath the water, letting the newly added blood and youth revitalize her. The child had been cute and cuddly and amusing, but Sarina had a hunger for more... adult things. In a decade or so, which would seem short to a siren, the boy would be ripe for becoming her lover. By then his mother would be dead and gone. Unless she decided her youth was more important to her. Then Sarina would get the child back and be able to groom him to her liking, making him the perfect servant. Or perhaps the fae would want him. They seemed fond of human children. Sarina was always open to a good trade.
Either way, she had won. She always won.
Never play a game unless you would somehow win.
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