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Hey there, I am really sorry to have to do this, but I'm going to have to back out of the roleplay. f I can, I'd love to check back in when things clear up, but right now my life is a little complicated and it sucks but it happens. So sorry!
Jess pulled her hair up into a bun and stuck her pin through it, then followed behind Rand, making sure her gun was concealed. She surveyed the area, taking everything in and doing a 360. Nothing in particular caught her eye, but she felt something off. As she kept walking, splitting from the group as they all went to look around. There was some sort of feeling, like a sick stomach almost. The sound of Rand's phone ringing made her jump, bring her out of her head. She pinched her wrist lightly in an attempt to focus her attention. Case, right, looking for clues. Wait, clues? What was she, a detective? Well of sorts.

Jess felt her thoughts jumbling together and it took her a moment to realize that the weird feeling wasn't coming from the scenery. Looking around, it hit her that she had rounded the corner of the building and could no longer see the group. She shrugged it off and continued walking, taking in the perimeter o.....
There was a hardly noticeable rustling, and where the 25 year old girl from Colorado had been standing, the ground was burnt within a 10 foot radius, charred and still hot to the touch

ooc// Okay, thanks for the great, if not too short, time roleplaying. Sorry to leave, I'll try to come back when things clear up for me, but don't wait up. Cheers Winchesters!
Hey guys, I am so sorry to have to do this, this is easily one of my favorite rps I've done, but I'm going to have to back out of the roleplay. I would say take a leave of absence but I'm not sure how long it will take fore my life to get less complicated and I don't want anyone waiting on me to come back. If I can, I'd love to check back in when things clear up, but I'll make a disappearance post for Jess for now. So sorry for the inconvenience!
Hey guys, sorry if my posts have been slow. I'm under a lot fo stress with school and just my life right now, so I try to find time to post, it's just sometimes I don't have time
Jess pulled the files off the dashboard as she swung back into her seat. Ignoring the buckle, she began to flip through the manila classified folders, picking up bits and pieces which seemed important. Rand got in and started the car, and Jess propped her elbow up on the open window. She cringed slightly as the music came on, and made a face jokingly. She nodded, listening to Rand's instruction, then making sure she had her wallet and the correct id while still reading over the files.

She handed the files back to Mason for him and Marcus to skim, then caught Rand's phone and pulled up Damien's contact, giving a small noise to signify she was doing it. Damien was a very rash hunter, good at what he did, but he didn't always think before he made decisions. Jess couldn't make much of a case for making good decisions, but at least she knew not to put their secret in jeopardy. Damien needed to grow up. She was definitely still bitter about it, but she couldn't stand him any more. Like, at all.

She texted him a random address she had made up. It'd keep him busy for a minute or two. She then handed the phone back to Rand, and began to pull her hair back into a, somewhat frizzy, ponytail and sat back, letting the wind from the open window cool her off a bit as she went through possibilities in her head
Jess gave another nod of agreement, and closed the drawer with the click of a button.

"Yeah, let's do this," she replied as she kicked the door shut with her foot.

She gave a nod as Mason and Marcus appeared. She wasn't surprised they were a little too jumpy with the weapons. Everyone seemed to be jumpy with this case. It was eerie, not something they'd seen before, but then she didn't know them as well as she knew Rand. They worked together but Jess didn't socialize a whole lot which made getting to be 'besties' with someone a bit harder.

She walked over to Rand's car and opened the shotgun door, using her other hand to toss the files onto the dashboard. She grabbed the 'oh shit' bar and swung into the seat, shutting the door.

At the sound of Damien's voice, she rolled her eyes and pushed herself up out of the open window, sitting in the door and leaning over the car as Mason and Marcus slipped into the back seat.

"Hey, it's a third your fault my baby was totalled. You have no right to criticize Q." she said, lips pursed and eyebrow raised, "And we are one step ahead, but people need to be protected from the truth, we all know that. It's not lying, it's helping to keep the rest of humanity sane. Come on, Rand, we're burning daylight. My face ain't gonna be pretty forever, let's get a move on."
Jess gave a slight nod in agreement as she recalled the plastic bag full of IDs hidden in the secret compartment where she kept all of her hunter gadgets beneath the back seat of Q. Now with the thought in her head, she could remember getting her suit cleaned; it was what she owed Rand for.

"Connor, the others will be here soon enough I'm sure. Just call us if you need anything." she shot at Connor as she walked towards the door, then to Rand, "I'll grab my id and the files I've got. Do you think we'll make it to any actual houses today? Because if not, if there's any chance anyone's going to see us, we had better change now and not deal with explaining why the CIA look like a couple of vagabonds."

She walked out of the building with Rand and headed to her car which was parked several feet from him. She opened up the back door and pressed a button beneath the back seat. A built in drawer slid out, semi-neatly packed in where an array of weapons, bottles of poisons and holy water, mass packages of salt, a few crosses, and a large box of herbs and several hex bags. She didn't like witchcraft but it had gotten her out of more than her fair share of scrapes.

She grabbed a card out of her bag of ID's, tucked the files under her arm, and looked over her car at Rand, asking, "Are we doing suits?"
Alisha responded with a nod and a respectful smile to The Captain when he greeted her. It was strange, meeting the legend. When he was first found, Coulson, a man her mom used to worked with, had nearly talked her ear off about 'The Great Captain America'. She didn't mind, though. Funny thing was, she could understand the mans fan obsession for The Cap. As far as the past couple of minuted in which she's met him, he seemed to live up to his reputation. Perfectly polite, obvious natural born leader. She was eager to see him in action, not just on a recording.

Finishing off her apple, she made a shot into the trashcan in near corner of the room and made it in with a rebound off the wall. Then, wiping he hands on her leggings, she walked over to an empty session of the mats. Sore from a 2 in the morning intensive workout, she sat down on the mats and began to stretch. Alisha had hyper extended her shoulder two weeks before the serum, and her shoulder was fixed, worked perfectly fine, but it was constantly sore after a workout. She winced as she pulled her arm forward, bending her body in half over her legs stretched in front of her.

Looking up as she stretched, she surveyed the others. They seemed like an interesting enough crew, hopefully, none of them had anything against a female recruit. She'd had to deal with someone like that on her last field mission. It didn't end well, Alisha wasn't the best at communicating with her words
Jess nodded, "I've been looking into it as well, had a friend get ahold of their files off the police data base, saves us a trip to the police station."

Jess wasn't good with computers, but despite her overly independent state of mind, she had racked up quite the list of connections. She wouldn't necessarily call many of them friends outside of Rand and the few she hunted with, but her... acquaintances certainly were helpful getting whatever she couldn't get herself.

Jess flipped her pistol in her hand and tucked it beneath her shirt in the waistband of her pants at the small of her back. She glanced at Connor, quietly continuing to set up. She couldn't help but feel somewhat bad for the kid. He was sweet, but although she didn't know him well, he didn't seem, in her eyes, cut out for a hunter's work. Every time she looked at Connor she couldn't help but to be reminded of Natalie after the accident. Maybe it was just how she didn't hear him talk a whole lot, or maybe it was that kicked puppy look he was wearing at the moment every time Rand gave him an instruction.

Snapping out of it she gave Rand a nod in agreement, then asked, "Are we saying FBI again, because I can't remember if I got my suit dry cleaned after last time." then she padded her pockets as she wondered where she had put her CIA id.

A nasty blood bad kill, and that stuff's insides were impossible to get out of wool and cashmere.
Jess rolled her eyes and and smiled as she shut her car "Rand Johnson, I never said a thing about giving it to ya. 'sides, you still owe me forty from our game last month."

She slipped her keys into her jeans, the lanyard hanging out of her back pocket, and grabbed her Beretta off the hood of 'Q' and followed behind them. Supernatural, missing pedestrians. spirit, 1830, possible hold up, check. She followed behind them, wondering silently where the others were. Laughing at the comment about ladies first, Jess gestured for him to go ahead of her. The old door collapsed easily as soon as Rand's boot made contact with it and splinters of old wood scattered as well as a a cloud of dust. Jess coughed and waved dust out of her face. She lifted her pistol slightly as she stepped into the building behind Rand and Connor, nearly tripping over the door frame and stumbling up behind them. Re-gathering her composure, she fixed her plaid shirt and looked around.

"No one's in here," she heard Rand say, "it's just a rusted old building."

He was right. Empty except for a good inch of dust on the walls and the stuffy smell of mold probably growing in the cracks on the walls. She lifted the pistol and fired a shot, perfect aim through a hole in the opposite wall. The sound echoed and a few pigeons scattered, and she thought she saw Rand and Connor duck for cover out of the corner of her eye, otherwise nothing. She gave a bewildered Rand a small smile, and Connor a more apologetic one; she could see he was clearly a bit freaked out, even before she fired

"I just wanted to make sure," she shrugged and took a few more steps into the room. "Well, we can camp out here unless we find somewhere better."
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