Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Do you want to kill Nazis?
"Do you want to kill Nazis?"

"Is this a test?"


"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from."

Captain Steve Rogers laid still in the arctic snow, a pair of binoculars up to his eyes. Behind him a few hundred meters sat his S.H.I.E.L.D. snow mobile. He was tasked with an important assignment (they always say that to him, he's beginning to wonder if they really are): to obtain data records from a operation that he knew a bit too well. He was rather confused to hear that Doctor Erskine's reports were in the middle nowhere in Northern Russia, but he was told HYDRA has kept itself busy, and has obtained important data and has hidden them through the years.

He would have assumed that when Schmidt disappeared, HYDRA would have been no more. That they were dealt with after he... well, became an ice cube. He wasn't too mad though... Ever since the battle of New York, he's been trying to fit back in to this new world. New morals, new ways to do things, technology... It was good to know that he was fighting something he knew was bad.

Through the specks of snowflakes, he could make out a large snow truck, slowly making its way to the large metal warehouse... He assumed that's where the files were. He waited until the guards of the warehouse and the occupants of the truck were done talking, then as the doors closed.

"you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man."

Steve got up, his iconic and legendary red white and blue suit softly covered in snow, and his even more legendary shield on his back. He gave a small exhale of air, then started to sprint silently across the snow.
"All the packages seem to be here... Now I assume you want your pay."

The warehouse was warmer than the cold harsh outside, but not by much. bare light bulbs hung from the ceiling, a second level was held up by metal grates, and throughout it were large wooden crates. As the main guard negotiated with the drivers, Steve silently fell on to the top level, his boots not making much of a sound. there were guards with guns everywhere, but protecting the crates were the least of their worries as they fought off the cold.

Steve silently went up behind someone, kicking in his knee, and wrapping his large bicep around his neck, his other hand around his mouth. He was out in seconds. Steve then got up, and started sprinting, taking off his shield, jumping up, and using his speed to run at a man, his fist and shield going right to the back of his head. The warehouse was large enough for the others to not hear the sound, but if he were to throw the shield, everyone would be alerted as soon as it came in to contact with anything. He took out the rest of the guards upstairs. Now he only had to worry about the men at the bottom, which Steve felt more comfortable with now.

He started to run again, and then leapt off the rail, landing on one of the men his weight knocking him out, then rolled. As he recovered from it, he threw his shield at another guard, where it bounced off him, in to another, and back in to Steve's hand.

"Oh shit! Its him!" One yelled. Steve hid behind his shield as the remaining men opened fire on Captain America. Crouched and behind his shield, he moved forward until he was up on someone, swiped his gun away with his shield, then head butted him. Another man came at him with a knife. Steve ducked and punched him in the stomach, then swinging his shield down on his kneeled over head.

The rest of them were easy to finish off. To be fair, they weren't expecting Captain America to be here... Steve opened the back of the truck, and saw the lone crate sitting there. He opened it, confirming that the data was here.
It was six months later, and Steve was told about the new team he was going to lead. The exciting and new "Sentinels of Liberty" From what he understood they wouldn't be as strong and skilled as Cap, but as close as they could possibly get. They were injected with the serum a few weeks ago, and Steve made it a priority to visit all of them to see how they were doing, since the only person who has been through what they have was him. He read their reports on why they were chosen, and Steve agreed on them. All were heroes, and courageous, and not willing to let freedom go without a price... Now was their first day out on the field, under the guidance of Steve himself... The last time he lead a team was during the alien invasion. He'd assume this would be much easier.

He made his way through S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and in to the training room where a boxing ring, punching backs, and other training equipment was held. This is where he told everyone to meet up, so they could get to finally meet everyone in the same room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The sounds of gunfire surrounded him. Anti-aircraft missiles exploded and boomed somewhere off in the distance. The desert was cool at night. There were no street lamps to light his way, only the light mounted on his gun. His boots made soft scrapping sounds on the hard earth beneath them. Isam found himself looking around, confused. How had he gotten here? He was certain that he had been in Washington DC the day before, and now he found himself in a sickeningly familiar scene.

Men ran by him, shouting and calling a retreat. Isam let out a surprised gasp as one soldier barreled right past him, not even sparing him a glance. He turned to see what they were running from, but the world suddenly became very dark. He felt dizzy. Isam spun around in the darkness, trying to find something to hold on to. He fell to his knees, his hands grasping something cold and fleshy on the ground before him. He looked up to see the dead eyes of a soldier staring right through him. He let out a quiet, shocked sound as he backpedaled. There were hundreds of dead soldiers, American soldiers, all around him. He stood, frightened and shaken. When Isam looked down at his hands, they held a bloody AK-47.
"No," He whispered in dread, dropping the gun and backing away from it as if it were a poisonous snake. What had he done?

His eye flew open, his breath catching in his chest. Isam found himself staring at his ceiling, alone, and not surrounded by bodies. He slowly sat up and ran a hand over his face. This was the third time this week that he'd had this nightmare, and despite talking to his counselor about it, it showed no sign of disappearing. He wondered absently if this was an effect of the serum. Try as he might, he couldn't find it in himself to blame it. He knew what this was, as his counselor had pointed out on many occasions: fear, guilt, and uncertainty. Isam was plagued by it. He'd spent the last four years doing everything he could to redeem himself, but deep down, he felt as though his past would never be made up for. He'd done terrible things; unforgivable things.

The nightmares had been bad during his first year at S.H.I.E.L.D. His counselor had worried that he was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. However, as time went on, the bad dreams slowly faded. The guilt receded into a shadow in his mind, and he was able to occupy himself with doing the right thing. He went on many missions, saved hundreds of lives, and even thwarted a few national crises. He never thought of himself as some great hero, but merely a man repaying his dept. Apparently, S.H.I.E.L.D thought differently. The nightmares slowly started up again when Isam was informed of Project: Rebirth. When he was told that he had been chosen. Isam was happy to serve his new country, but he couldn't fight the fear that crept into his mind when he was alone.

What if he fucked it up somehow? What if he didn't live up to their expectations? What if they just didn't like him? During his stay in the United States, Isam had faced many prejudices. He was, luckily, very understanding about it. People feared him, and maybe they had good reason to. He'd been called names on the subway, received wary glances on the street, and god forbid he ever enter an airport. However, Isam managed to turn the other cheek. He had never let it get to him, but now...he wasn't sure how well he could handle the same treatment from America's sweetheart. He was Captain America, and Isam had been committing crimes against the man's country since the age of twelve. Isam feared that no amount of destroyed terrorist cells, disabled bombs, or civilians saved could ever make up for that. He was afraid that his teammates would give him the same wary glances that he received from passersby.

Isam swung his legs over the edge of his bed and sat there for a while, staring at the digital clock on his night stand. It was six in the morning. He was supposed to meet his teammates down in the gym at eight. Isam reached over to shut off the alarm, pressing the button ever so gently. He'd already destroyed one alarm clock with his new found super strength. It wasn't easy treating everything like a fragile kitten, afraid of smashing or breaking it. He slid off of his bed, his bare feet meeting cold floor. Isam pulled off the grey tank top he'd worn to bed and began to rummage through his dresser drawer for a fresh shirt. His heart glowed through the dim light of his room, giving off just enough light to pick out a comfortable, black workout shirt.

The heart had been impressive a few years ago, before Isam knew about the super soldier serum. It gave him the ability to run several miles without losing his breath, to maintain his muscle mass with minimum effort, to heal from wounds in mere days. But with the serum now pumping through his blood, all these things became redundant. The serum allowed him so much more, and yet, the heart stayed. Removing it now would be like removing a part of him.

Isam pulled his shirt on over his head and tugged it down into place. He wondered if he should dress comfortably for gym, or nicely for his new team. Finally, he figured that meeting in the gym was a cue to put on workout clothes. He removed a pair of light grey sweatpants from his bottom drawer and pulled them on over his boxers. Isam grabbed a hair tie off the counter to pull back his messy curls. He turned to look at himself in the mirror, smiled briefly at his reflection, and went to put his shoes on.

Breakfast today was the usual assortment that S.H.I.E.L.D offered its live-in employees: scrambled eggs, pancakes, waffles, toast, bacon, sausage, and so on. Isam had never been one for a heavy breakfast, but lately, he felt as though he was starving all the time. The doctors had explained that the serum would speed up his metabolism, but he'd never expected to be eating half his weight at the breakfast bar. He piled his plate high with proteins and fruit. American cuisine was a lot different than that of Iraq, but Isam found that he enjoyed it. He sat at one of the long tables and played on his phone as he ate. Isam's old teammates had been sorry to hear that he was being re-assigned, but he still kept in touch with them. Long trips across the country, weeks on end spent infiltrating terrorist ranks, and down time spent in safe houses with beer and card games had made them close kin. Isam thought of them as family. He could only hope his new team would be the same.

When his breakfast was finished, Isam headed to the gym. He slowed his pace as he reached the gym doors, then slowly raised a hand to push them open. Then he lowered his hand. Then he steeled his nerves, and opened the door. It looked as though he wasn't the first one there. The blonde hair and impossible physique were unmistakable. Isam struggled for a moment to decide what to call him. Mr. Rogers? Too formal. Steve? Too personal.

"Hello Captain," He greeted the man with a respectful nod.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by e l e m e n o p y

e l e m e n o p y

Member Offline since relaunch

Pop. Direct head shot, between the eyes. There was no real reason to have the silencer on other than dealing with the fact that she didn't like them. It was a pet peeve sort of thing. Pop. Chest, between the breasts, beside the heart, below the collar bones. No reason for the earmuffs hanging around her neck either; picking them up on the way in was a habit by now. Pop. Knee cap. Not a kill shot, not meant to be. Made it a hell of a lot harder to run though. Pop. Crotch. Not a kill shot, not meant to be. Just meant to hurt like making sweet love to Satan. Pop. The gun felt heavy in her hands, firm. Not many people liked the sound of guns, but it calmed her. Weird childhood lullaby, for sure. Pop. The silencer bugged her, though, and she had no idea why. The psych told her it had some hidden meaning, but as far as she could care it was nothing more than a tick. Click. She was out.

She rested the gun before her and tilted her head, admiring her work. It was a good stress reliever, especially considering. She hadn't been able to sleep lately. No nightmares, just not sleep either. The serum was the main suspect. She was a still tired, and she hadn't been able to punch anything, but despite the shooting range not be a technical workout, the guns were still her favorite. Hand to hand combat was good when there was an art to it. Krav maga, for example, was like a dance: it had fluid movement, you moved with meaning; fencing as well. Otherwise she found hand to hand generally just turned into throwing punches. A pretentious way to look at combat? Maybe, but she preferred guns nonetheless.

Alisha picked the pistol up, and after picking up her station, she left her headphones at the door and returned to her quarters. She still had a good hour before she needed to be in the training room, but she'd need another two to clear her head. Her mind was scattered; out of focus, like when you go into the mountains with the radio on, when you go through a pass and the station turns to a fuzzy mix of two stations. She pulled her shirt over her head and slipped out of her jeans. Two shots at the basket in the corner, both pieces of clothing ending up hanging off the edge of the plastic hamper. She left her gun on her desk and opened up her laptop. Immediately it began to beep loudly. Louder than it should've been able to. Scrunching her nose, she glared at the computer as she tried to close out of the little present someone had left for her. One of her old teammates must have been in her room earlier. On the screen read in big words was "Have Fun On Your First Day Lil Red!". The team who was with her in Alaska on an undercover op liked to insist it was thanks to them that she was chosen for the, what was it, 'Sentinels of Liberty'? Very american.

Once she finally got the message to disappear she closed the laptop and glanced back at her clock. 47 minutes. She grabbed a book from a pile of stuff on the end of her bed and collapsed into one of the only other pieces of furniture in the room, an old chair that looked like it would either be in an older victorian house or a junkyard. It was one of those chairs that had a rough material but it engulfed you when you sat down. The Alchemist. In 9th grade she'd had to read it for AP Lit, and one of the tech guys gave her his copy. None of the other kids liked it, but By the time the class finished the book, Alisha had read it twice. As the old chair pulled her into it's worn out seat, she flipped open the paper back book. The pages were bent, and the back was taped on, but she liked the smell of old books.
The serum had many side effects, and changed many things. Alisha's heart could withstand more, she could run faster, jump further, and when she was walking, even the swing in her arms felt more powerful. But it wasn't the physical she had trouble controlling, it was the mental. Of course, she had still punched a hole in one or two things, but she had the patience to get used to the physical aspects. But when she got the serum, her senses got sharper, more ideas could spin around in her head. Alisha had never had necessarily bad eyesight, but it felt like 5 more things were going on in every room than before. And she couldn't dream. The sleep was hard to get, and it came in bouts of two hours, between which she would clean or go on a night run, but she couldn't dream, or if she did, she never remembered any of it when she woke up. Maybe it was just adjusting, but sleeping felt different without dreaming. That's why she figured it was more than just not remembering. It was if she was more alert, not only awake, but asleep, to the point of not sleeping deeply enough maybe... she didn't know. The psych said it was something, well, psychological, but none of his words helped. She hated it, the only thing about the serum she did. She'd no idea if the others were having the same effects but Alisha was a dreamer, it was part of who she was, apart from S.H.I.E.L.D agent. It had been several days, and she still couldn't get used to not dreaming.
A knock on the door tugged Alisha back to the world of the living. Sitting up straight, the book slipped off her lap and fell to the floor, laying open. Pushing her hair out of her eyes, she pulled it back into a pony tail, then realizing she didn't have a hair band, let it go. She stepped up to get the door as the knock sounded again, then the glowing numbers on her digital clock caught the corner of her eye and a momentary panic attack ensued as she spun around, only to find she'd been asleep for about 20 minutes. 23 minutes left. Spinning on her heel once more, allowing her heartbeat to slow, she opened the door. The woman who awaited on the other side looked about 40, with dark greying hair and practiced smiling eyes. The woman smiled as Alisha opened the door, and it occurred to her that she wasn't wearing any clothes. She quickly grabbed her robe from her desk chair and slipped it on, as her mother laughed.

Alisha greeted her mother with a smile and hugged her. The woman came in and set down an apple and a muffin on the desk beside the laptop.

"I knew you wouldn't get out to breakfast before. I just thought I would stop by."

Alisha's father had left, but that was as close to a movie as her relationship with her parents got. Her and her mother got along rather well, and she still kept in touch with her father. They hadn't when Alisha was a kid, but as soon as she was out of the house, it was as if the relationship had repaired itself.

"You know me too well," she replied with a smile.

There was a striking similarity between the two. Of course, mother and daughter, but although Alisha had her father's jawline and hard head, everything else about her was Katheryn Sinclaire, from her nose to her kind heart and insane ability to hold her liquor.

"Do you want to sit?"

"No, I can't stay, I only wanted to say good luck. Don't break a leg out there." Alisha laughed. "Alright, Sweetheart, I'll see you in a few days."

Alisha embraced her mother, then watched leave. Her eyes fluttered back to the clock. 17 minutes.

She took the apple from the desk, shined it against her robe, then bit into it. It felt good to have even bit of food in her stomach. Holding the apple between her teeth, she shuffled through the pile of clean clothes she'd not yet put away, and eventually found her leggings and a tshirt. It seemed proper to dress for a workout if they were meeting in the gum, but she grabbed the old softball jacket she had stolen from a non S.H.I.E.L.D friend with the words 'PINTO 17' on the back in case an adventure ensued. Nothing really prepared her for greeting The Captain though. Alisha wasn't superhero excessive, but come on, it was Captian America. The 'Hello' withput a stumble and so she returned to silence, finishing her apple
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ulfr had been sitting awake in his bed for some time now, he was staring at the ceiling waiting for his alarm to go off. He heard the fire tone of it and sprung, his right arm slammed down on the small clock as he threw back his covers and bolted upright. He smiled looking down at the crushed alarm clock, he loved being strong like this. It was great, he walked to the bathroom and turned on the light looking in the mirror, he was even more muscular than before and he loved the look of it. He flexed briefly then looked closer in the mirror, he pulled down his eyebrows and looked into his eyes, no red veins and no bags. He had only slept 3 hours last night, he typically slept around 5 but didnt feel like he needed it. He hopped in the shower for near 10 minutes, he hopped out and dried himself then grabbed his canister of moose spraying some into his hands. He rubbed them together then pushed them through his hair forming his mohawk. He grabbed a pair of scissors he had left on the sink and cut off his beard braids, as proud of his braids he was he couldnt risk them being a hindrance. He walked to his duffel bag and pulled out his black workout shorts then pulled on an UnderArmor sleeveless shirt, he liked his shield sweatshirt so he grabbed it and pulled it on then checked his watch and realized he was nearly late. He quickly made his way to the gym and jogged to the doors swinging them open, he looked ahead of him to see THE Captain America. He took his place next to two other people, one guy, one girl. In a few seconds another man came in behind Ulfr. Ulfr resumed his steely composure and stood at attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SniperWolfv
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kurt woke up sweaty from another nightmare from his last mission. He was given a squad of 4 to hunt down a terrorist cell in Kabul. They were to keep the mission quiet and away from the public. After infiltrating the underground base they discovered that they were invading a Hydra base. His team began to panic realizing the tech in the base were way out of their league. Kurt reassured his squad that everything would be fine.The target they were given was a high ranking officer in the Hydra terrorist faction. He had wondered why they were given this mission and not Captain America. It all seemed strange. They tracked their target to the Large briefing room where the officer was briefing a large army about plans to infiltrate the American government. Kurt took aim at the target. He usually preferred shooting with a bow, but the Marines didn't allow that kind of weaponry on missions. He honestly felt that he would do better, but that was out of the question. His team was to hack the security and ensure an escape route. Just before Kurt took the shot and the alarm sounded as a spot light drew on him. He took the shot killing the target and immediately the army returned fire on him. He escaped into the ventilation system and attempted to contact his crew. One of the Squad answered informing Kurt they were made and had to retreat and he was the last one. Kurt found a way into the sewer system in the base and escaped from there. He tried to get in contact with his last surviving member but couldn't. When he arrived back in the U.S. he was informed that all of his squad were captured and killed. His command looked at him as a failure, but S.H.I.E.L.D. took interest in him for escaping a shield facility and assassinating a member of hydra.
Now he was to report to Captain America. The nightmare faded from his worries after the excitement of meeting the man he has worshiped since he was little. He got up and put on his S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform and popped a bagel in the toaster. He went to the bathroom and shaved, brushed his teeth, and fixed his hair (He always had to look nice for the ladies). As he got ready to leave he grabbed the bagel out the toaster and buttered it, then left for the training room. Upon arrival he was starstruck when the Captain America was standing in front of him and three others. He was so starstruck he didn't even notice the female in which he would normally try to hit on in the room.
"Holy shit it's really him." Kurt said with his eyes wide in shock.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

When George was injected with the Serum a week ago now, but the Army still owned him for a day, and a day they would put to good use, before his transfer to S.H.I.E.L.D. They wanted to test out the new serum, in the hopes of copying and mass producing a similar product for their soldiers. Let's face it, who wouldn't want a whole Army of Super soldiers. The U.S Army had their own stake to claim, along with everybody else. George was just a guinea pig to them George was sent in, to be observed. The Serum was taking effect but it was noted it wasn't quick enough. George ran a bit faster than those of his squad, but his balance was off, and he kept falling over, not quite used to the new found speed his legs could go. George was the medic though, his job was to save the fallen. He excelled at this even before the Serum. But now came unwanted complications.

[u]A few days ago..[/u}
"I need a medic over here! Now!" A soldier shouted, kneeling over a comrade who had just been shot. George was the quickest on scene, thanks to his speed, and immediately began working. He applied pressed on the wound, and from the moans of pain, applied a little too much, still getting used to his strength. George had to request assistance in applying the pressure. With the help, George managed to save another life.

George was now transferred, and was more used to his newer self. He still has moments of.. weakness? But they'll pass once he's fully used to the serum flowing in his veins. George headed to the gym, in order to meet with the rest of them, his new team mates. The Famous Captain America, and a squad filled with minor heroes, like himself. Unknown heroes. George headed inside, seeing that a small group had gathered. George walked up to the Captain, giving him a salute, and then handed over his papers. Military man, to another. Everything was done by the book.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SniperWolfv
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Agent Wells reporting for duty, Sir" Kurt said snapping out of his starstruck and now standing at position of attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Steve silently waited for the Sentinels to show up. As he did other S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents were working out, and couldn't help but stare over at the legend. He had been working here for a bit now, but it never ceased to amaze him how many people would look at him as if it was the first time. He couldn't really blame them. He was supposed to be dead many years ago on that Hydra ship. But slowly the people started to come in, and the regular agents seemed to be amazed at that as well. All of them were fit to the max, both mentally and physically. He knew that with these sudden changes, they had side effects. Many things would be broken in his bunker at times during the War.

He greeted the man who first walked in with a nod, and smile. "Hello... And its Steve for now. We aren't out in the field just yet." He said with a nod, holding his hand out for a shake. He found out that a good team was one that could be themselves around... He assumed most of these people don't really come from a "normal" background, but just because they were super soldiers, doesn't mean they weren't human.

Then a woman came in, holding her breakfast. People back in his day would say that they weren't really capable of combat... but after seeing Peggy Carter, and especially Black Widow in action, they would be very very wrong. "Morning." he said to her, giving a smile.

A more serious looking man entered next, taking full military stance and looking at Steve. A soldier before the change. "At ease, soldier." He said to him. "You don't have to be professional just yet."

"Holy shit, its really him."

He turned his attention to the other super soldier coming in. "In the flesh." he said with a shrug and smile. He tried his best to seem at ease and casual with them, but to be honest, he was quite nervous. It was weird seeing other soldiers up to his ability in fighting... but then again, he did lead a team of super heroes against a giant army of aliens... He guessed it was just different. They were just like him... He didn't want to let any down.

Another true military man came walking in, giving a salute. He gave one back, and took the papers he handed him. "At ease, Doctor Hunt." Steve said, glancing over the papers he handed him, then back at him, giving a smile.

Once he was sure everyone who was supposed to be in here was, he cleared his throat. "G-Goodmorning. I'm Captain Steve Rogers, and the men and women around you here today, are going to be your new squad mates." Steve said, his confidence radiating from him as he talked more and more. "I hope you guys are feeling alright. I know the serum gives you some weird things... Like bladder problems at first... Or at least, that's what I had... anyway." Steve continued, looking at them all in front of him. "You've all been chosen for a reason, though. I read all reports on you all, and I am very proud and honored to be in charge of such amazing soldiers. So for a bit get to know each other until Director Fury comes in to give us our first official field operation." Steve nodded, and once again looked at them all.

The more he worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. the more he didn't know what he was doing was right or wrong... It was much different back then. He knew who the enemy was, and what to shoot. Now he has to hesitate every time he makes a move... But from what he saw, this was a step forward in the right direction... Steve was ready to lead them... and if S.H.I.E.L.D. were to set them up for anything, he would take the blame, and he will do his absolute best to make everything right.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ulfr was a tad shocked when told to be at ease. Ulfr was always serious in the face of a superior officer, he simply put his hands behind his back and spread his legs apart, putting himself at Parade Rest. The man before him was tall and muscular, with blonde hair. He was not unlike Ulfr himself but he seemed to radiate pride, and confidence. When the man spoke the power grew, Ulfr felt he could follow this man into battle, however he could not say that for some of his old CO's.

"With due respect sir," Ulfr said his accent showing a bit, "Being professional is what got me here, and I intend to stay, Captain."

Ulfr continued to look at the man nonchalantly, he was extremely casual, as though he hadnt spent enough time under someones shouting mouth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by e l e m e n o p y

e l e m e n o p y

Member Offline since relaunch

Alisha responded with a nod and a respectful smile to The Captain when he greeted her. It was strange, meeting the legend. When he was first found, Coulson, a man her mom used to worked with, had nearly talked her ear off about 'The Great Captain America'. She didn't mind, though. Funny thing was, she could understand the mans fan obsession for The Cap. As far as the past couple of minuted in which she's met him, he seemed to live up to his reputation. Perfectly polite, obvious natural born leader. She was eager to see him in action, not just on a recording.

Finishing off her apple, she made a shot into the trashcan in near corner of the room and made it in with a rebound off the wall. Then, wiping he hands on her leggings, she walked over to an empty session of the mats. Sore from a 2 in the morning intensive workout, she sat down on the mats and began to stretch. Alisha had hyper extended her shoulder two weeks before the serum, and her shoulder was fixed, worked perfectly fine, but it was constantly sore after a workout. She winced as she pulled her arm forward, bending her body in half over her legs stretched in front of her.

Looking up as she stretched, she surveyed the others. They seemed like an interesting enough crew, hopefully, none of them had anything against a female recruit. She'd had to deal with someone like that on her last field mission. It didn't end well, Alisha wasn't the best at communicating with her words
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SniperWolfv
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kurt couldn't help but stare at the women that was stretching on the mate. While staring at the women he stood at ease with his arms behind his back resting on the small of his back and his legs slightly spread. "Um... ah... Captain." Kurt shook his head then looked at Steve. "It is an honor working with you. I never dreamed that I would be standing here in front of the American Hero." A smile sneaked across Kurt"s mouth. "The Captain America." I can't wait to show you what I can do Sir." Kurt said.
Hearing the women wince Kurt found himself starring again. "Just for the record Captain, I have NO problem once so ever working with women." He said a smirk forming on his face. "Kurt Wells nice to meet you." He said extending his hand with a charming smile, not realizing he was being rude to the others by not introducing himself to them as well. Kurt couldn't help himself around beautiful women. He just went into a trance and his tunnel vision takes over.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ulfr saw the one called Kurt staring at the female out of the corner of his eye. It made Ulfr laugh a bit, then it frustrated him, a team needed no tension like that. Ulfr brought his heels together and turned on an axis finding a pull up bar about 8 yards from where the group had met, he hopped on it and began a set of 50 reps, this was his usual but it felt rather easy, he recalled before the serum he would feel the burn around 47. Now he felt as if he could do near 100 without fail, he hopped off the bar and looked around, he didnt really see anything that looked challenging so he just kind of sat there watching the crowd, he walked back to his group and then began introducing himself. He stood in front of the Middle Eastern looking man, this man was a warrior like Ulfr most likely from a family of warriors like him as well. Ulfr extended his right hand and introduced himself in his naturally burly accented voice.

"I am Ulfr Coldurn," Ulfr said with a brief smile, "I believe you and I will be shedding blood together in the near future. It will be a pleasure"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"Yes, sir," Isam said, not yet relaxing his pose. He stood with his back straight, feet shoulder length apart, and hands clasped behind his back. The posture felt natural to him, like something he'd done his whole life. He had, for most of it, anyway. He watched with interest as the other recruits trickled in. A few stood out as military men, and a couple females seemed to be among their ranks. Back in Iraq, women were banned from the battlefield. But his time in America, working with the women on his old team, had taught him that they were just as capable as any male. He held no prejudice against them.

Isam drew his eyes back in front of him as a man, burly in appearance, came to stand before him. Isam's brown eyes silently looked the man up and down. The man was a couple inches taller than himself, inked up with tattoos, and had an accent that he couldn't place.

"Isam Hajjar," He said, his voice holding a strong but comprehensible accent. He spoke in a smoother, softer tone than the other man, Ulfr. Isam reached out to take the offered hand, clasping it between both of his own rather than shaking it. After a brief squeeze, he let go. "I look forward to working with you as well." He assumed that had been what the man meant; Isam didn't think shedding blood should be a pleasurable thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SniperWolfv
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kurt faced the others. "Well I think being trained by the First Avenger should be interesting huh? So Cap what are we doing first?" He asked turning to Captain America. He was excited to begin working with the Cap. He wanted to show off his skills and he was excited to finally be able to use his weapon of choice. He could manipulate a bow and arrow much better than a gun and with his newly enhanced abilities it would be interesting to see how his aim had increased. "Cap would we be working with the Avengers ever and are we going to get new uniforms?" He said eyes wide with excitement and curiosity. He wanted a uniform that suited him. He would understand if they had team colors but he had already had a costume in mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ulfr heard talk of meeting the other Avengers and instantly he perked up, he himself was a worshiper of the Norse Gods, he had been so since he was a child and relished the idea of meeting the great Thor, anvil striker, thunder maker.

"I too would like to meet the other avengers," Ulfr said with a smile, "It would be an honor to meet a true god, to shake his hand would likely be like holding an atom bomb."
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