Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina's eyes gleamed mischievously, almost sadistically, when she noticed the shift in his expression. 'You are indeed a new soul, aren't you? Getting caught so fast after arriving, what a disappointment. And by a ghoul too.' she commented as she crouched down. She smirked slightly. 'I find it fairly funny to see a soul being tricked by a vile creature such as a ghoul demon, yes. I would have loved to see what happened if you found an Imp, or even a little Dust demon.' she chuckled at the thought. 'That would be hilarious...'
After getting up again, she took a seat on small chair she created out of shadows and crossed her legs, looking down at him. 'It is very much my concern, actually. I am not an ordinary demon, after all. A name can have many purposes for me.' she said. She glanced at the wound again when he grunted and shook in pain, clicking her tongue. 'Shame, this conversation won't be much longer. The location on that wound and the state of decomposition means it will spread to your heart and other vital organs in about... 20 minutes. Give or take a minute or two.' she calculated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'My heart, what is she talking about?! 'm dea-!' He shouted mentally as his eyes widened, his heart rate quickened at the hint of fear, the surprise was unlike anything else. He was alive in this cursed land, damned forever, allowed to die and come back it seemed. He narrowed his eyes, glaring at the female, un-amused and angry, his fist still in a ball, he had tremendous amounts of will and as far as he knew, that'd get him through this but the pain, it was sapping. "I didn't come here for your taunting, what's your reason for being here?" He asked, pain was shooting through his whole arm now, working its way to his upper torso.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Last post for now, don't want to go too far in 1 x 1)

Mina smirked as the human seemed to understand the meaning of her words, or at least believed what she had to say. 'Ah, you get it now.' she smiled faintly and leaned back in her chair. 'You see, when Hell was created so many ages ago, the creators decided that one lifetime of pain and suffering wasn't enough for all those evil little sinners. So what they did was put everybody in a spacial loop, if you will. Every soul can die and return in Hell, unless it is decided otherwise. That way they have an eternal amount of lives to live, be tortured, die and come back again.' she said. 'Nifty, isn't it?' she smirked.

'Now, my primary reason for being here is my father's order, but my reason for speaking to you instead of just tossing you into the plane you should be in is boredom.' she stated in response to his question. 'You see, I don't have much to do around here and entertaining yourself for hundreds of years gets boring eventually. I want to offer you a deal, in exchange for your life and maybe more if you play your cards right.' she said.
'Nearby here is a group of souls, which arrived around the same time you did. My father send me to take care of them, but just taking them out is even more boring than my average day. I want to offer you this deal; I save your life, you escort me along with that group. Nobody will know what I am, you will not tell them anything and we'll see how far we'll get with them. When they're all at their final destinations, I'll give you whatever you want.' she stated with a small chuckle. 'That's a nice deal right? You won't get an offer like that again in this place.' she said. 'So, what is your answer?'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Dane

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

rusty4297 said
John had still been sleeping on the floor of Hell, not knowing what was going on around him. In his mind, the memory of how he died was running through his head. The picture of his own hand covered in his blood filled his mind as he began to awake. He began to laugh insanely to himself as the image stayed for a moment. His eyes opened, and suddenly his laughing died off. He looked around to see some of the others, hearing one say something about not deserving to be in Hell. The memory of himself dying flooded his brain, a smile appearing on his face. He shook his head, thinking solely about now, not quite accepting that he was in Hell. His smile faded as he looked around him to find a bo-staff. He grabbed the staff and stood up, looking to the others. He looked over in time to see someone simply kill a very odd leaking human with ease. "Oh my god..." He quickly looked away, before seeing another dead one. He stepped back a bit, readying his bo-staff. He stared for a moment at the bloody corpses of some of the nearby dead demons, beginning to laugh a little. He looked up some, listening to one of them say they were going to attempt to escape. "Can I join you guys? I shouldn't be here either, I've went out of my way in life to be a good person..."

Minarawr said
As Mina passed a rocky area on her winged beast, she picked up on a faint energy nearby. She stopped her creature in mid-air and looked around, trying to pick up on the energy's precise location, but the area was too full of different energy patterns for her to get a precise lock. With an annoyed growl she lowered her beast to the ground and ordered it to stay in it's spot before she walked towards the rocky area she passed over. First thing she noticed as she moved closer to the area was a dead demon, a Ghoul-type to be precise. They were vile creatures, tricksters with no mind. They remembered certain parts of human life and used it to get close to souls stupid enough to listen. Most were repulsive enough to keep souls at a distance, but some were dumb enough to get closer. It seemed the soul that did this was smart enough not to fall for this disgusting creature, a good sign.She spotted a trail of blood and footprints leading towards the rocks and walked towards it. If the soul was hit by the ghoul's attack it wouldn't be very happy. It's wound would fester and rot until he died or was cured, a painful death to say the least.She approached the rocks and spotted a cave the soul had most likely hidden in, walking up to it casually.Zayne looked at the blood-red sky, her eyes glowing faintly as she picked up on the soul's energies from a distance. It wasn't very far now, maybe a minute or two before she arrived. Her nightmare was fast, one of the fastest creatures on the lands. Reapers and royal families were the only ones to have them and among them the reapers were the only ones to ride them. Royals used them to pull their carriage and didn't handle the beasts themselves, resulting in them quickly revolting against their masters and breaking free. Zayne looked up, the glow fading from her eyes. She was closeby now, so her soul tracking wasn't necessary anymore. She rode over a small hill and halted her Nightmare as the small group of souls came in sight. Some were still sleeping, but some were awake and speaking to each other. Zayne spotted the one her father had spoken of, his energy, or flux as reapers called it, standing out from the others. She slid off her nightmare and walked forward towards the group,her companion walking along with a snort.

Koran made his way to john, saying, " well, that depends. how good are you with that bo staff? nah, im kidding, of course you can join us, just try not to get killed, ive heard a rumor that if you die in hell , you are reborn from lava, a painful experience would be my guess.."
he turned around, seeing a woman walkiing towards them, with some sort of beast," guys, possible enemy ahead..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jerus watched Koran speak to the others as they woke up and smiled to himself. These would all be judged as well, even if he had to bide his time to do it. Death was not an obstacle to carrying out Justice, only a convenience, especially when you're in Hell. He turns slowly with his hand on his blade, keeping an eye out for any other demons to attempt to attack us and spots the person walking towards them. Tightening his grip on the katana, Jerus approaches the girl and stops just a little ways from her.

"What do you want? We want no more trouble than is necessary, unless you require justice be delivered upon your head." He smiles softly and bares an inch of the blade. "In which case I can happily oblige."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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"It's fine with me!" he said, chuckling. "Aslong as you don't get infront of my kinfe." he said, serious. "If any of you are mortaly wounded I'll be exceptionally joyful to slit your thorat." he smiled and snickered mischeviously. He would do it, too. If any of them got close to death, and were just dragging them, he would probably slit thier throats. Zaen looked to the beast. He didn't know what the creature was, nor did he care. Just another throat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zayne walked towards the group and didn't even flinch when a member of the group approached her and grabbed his katana. She raised a brow at him, frowning at his words.
'You're in Hell, boy. There is no justice here, other than the one my father has already bestowed upon you. Now move out of my way, I have no business with you, only with him.' she pointed at Koran.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Dane

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Minarawr said
Zayne walked towards the group and didn't even flinch when a member of the group approached her and grabbed his katana. She raised a brow at him, frowning at his words. 'You're in Hell, boy. There is no justice here, other than the one my father has already bestowed upon you. Now move out of my way, I have no business with you, only with him.' she pointed at Koran.

Koran was shocked when she pointed at him. "m-me? is there something wrong?"
he wasnt sure what she meant by business, but he didnt quite like the sound of it. he kept his tanto gripped tightly in his hands. "what can i help you with?" he said, unsure as to what would happen next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I think sadistic is another word for it but you'd take that as a compliment." He said, managing a smirk, even with the intense amount of pain. Now he understood, he was just doomed to die again and again with no ability to stop it, only prolong his survival. So that's how she found him, she must have detected a new soul, that would mean she could track them, it'd make sense. How else could she find the other souls she spoke of, as the female spoke he thought over the proposal. She'd save him? That was interesting, either she expected help from him to even grant him whatever he wanted or she got to the point where she was just desperate and needed it badly. "Anything I want?" He said, merely glancing at the female, it was a good deal, he could get anything he wanted, mortality, power, he was willing to bet her if he asked nicely. "Deal..." He said, the veins in his arm were a deep purple now, succumbing to infection finally.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Jei hoped that with these people, he would find away to get out of here. Hope, something Jei thought he would never feel again, something that he thought was gone forever, like he thought he was. "Ok first things first, we should introduce ourselves and find out why we're here or whatever. I'll go first." Jei flung his hair back behind his head, and then he stood in the middle of everyone. I'm Jei Bucci, I'm 28, I'm a MMA Fighter... was an MMA Fighter, I'm from Hawaii, but I live in Miami, Florida now. I don't know why I'm here, but I'm getting out of here, I diffidently don't want to spend an eternity here." Before Jei could ask anyone else if they wanted to speak next, some demon, ghoul, thing, approach them. Jei grabbed his spiked chains, ignoring the spikes biting into his skin. The thing went straight for the white haired boy. Jei didn't know him, but he wasn't going to let this thing take him. "Hey! What do you want him for?" Jei was the type of person, that didn't back down from anything, not even this beast from Hell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

souleaterfan320 said
Koran was shocked when she pointed at him. "m-me? is there something wrong?"he wasnt sure what she meant by business, but he didnt quite like the sound of it. he kept his tanto gripped tightly in his hands. "what can i help you with?" he said, unsure as to what would happen next.

'Yes, there is something wrong. Your soul has a different essence, a different energy pattern than the others. My father fears one of our rookies to have made a mistake in reaping you.' she stated as she passed the male that spoke to her first and ignored him and the other souls around him completely.
'It is my task to inspect your soul and see if this is the case. You can either comply or I will do so by force.' she stated calmly. 'After that your soul will be left here or transported to my father's castle, where measures will be taken.' she added.

Stryder said
"I think sadistic is another word for it but you'd take that as a compliment." He said, managing a smirk, even with the intense amount of pain. Now he understood, he was just doomed to die again and again with no ability to stop it, only prolong his survival. So that's how she found him, she must have detected a new soul, that would mean she could track them, it'd make sense. How else could she find the other souls she spoke of, as the female spoke he thought over the proposal. She'd save him? That was interesting, either she expected help from him to even grant him whatever he wanted or she got to the point where she was just desperate and needed it badly. "Anything I want?" He said, merely glancing at the female, it was a good deal, he could get anything he wanted, mortality, power, he was willing to bet her if he asked nicely. "Deal..." He said, the veins in his arm were a deep purple now, succumbing to infection finally.

'Most likely I would.' she smirked and leaned back again in her chair. She watched patiently as he seemed to over think his decision. She would wait, she had all the time in the world after all. She wondered if the male had figured out who she was, during their little chat. He didn't seem to be very fearful, but that was understandable if you were already dead.
'Anything you want, within the boundaries of my power, of course.' she stated as reply. She smirked when he agreed to her deal and she got up from the chair. 'Great, let's go then.' she said with a broad smile. She held out her hand for him to take.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Let's..." He said in agreement, he didn't trust the demon but at the moment what other choices were left. He was dying, she was his only opportunity at survival at this rate, he reached toward her with his wounded arm, muscling through the pain and shaking her hand, a firm one that signified commitment. "I'm waiting on you, friend..." He said sarcastically, not truly meaning it obviously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Dane

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Minarawr said
'Yes, there is something wrong. Your soul has a different essence, a different energy pattern than the others. My father fears one of our rookies to have made a mistake in reaping you.' she stated as she passed the male that spoke to her first and ignored him and the other souls around him completely. 'It is my task to inspect your soul and see if this is the case. You can either comply or I will do so by force.' she stated calmly. 'After that your soul will be left here or transported to my father's castle, where measures will be taken.' she added.'Most likely I would.' she smirked and leaned back again in her chair. She watched patiently as he seemed to over think his decision. She would wait, she had all the time in the world after all. She wondered if the male had figured out who she was, during their little chat. He didn't seem to be very fearful, but that was understandable if you were already dead.'Anything you want, within the boundaries of my power, of course.' she stated as reply. She smirked when he agreed to her deal and she got up from the chair. 'Great, let's go then.' she said with a broad smile. She held out her hand for him to take.

koran narrowed his eyes. " i'm a normal human being what is there to inspect.. unless.." he thought about the dream he had in the coma, where satan claimed he was a nephilim."...could he have been right?....." he looks back to zayne, "do the inspection" he said with a sigh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stryder said
"Let's..." He said in agreement, he didn't trust the demon but at the moment what other choices were left. He was dying, she was his only opportunity at survival at this rate, he reached toward her with his wounded arm, muscling through the pain and shaking her hand, a firm one that signified commitment. "I'm waiting on you, friend..." He said sarcastically, not truly meaning it obviously.

Mina pulled him up on his feet after taking his hand and shaking it, a small smirk on her face. 'Then wait no longer.. friend.' she said. 'Oh, and try not to bite your tongue now.' she stated.
Before he could react she jabbed her free hand, her right hand, into his skin below his armpit, below the infected arm. She moved around a bit, holding him steady with her other hand and her tail, before smirking and muttering some words in ancient language. The dying, infected tissue started to turn back to a normal color, the sickly purple color being drawn towards Mina's hand. Eventually, after minutes of what she imagined to be agonizing pain for the human soul, she puled out her hand with a purple orb in it. A shadow creeped up the human's side and stitched up the wound rapidly, settling after finishing. Mina tossed the orb she had drawn out of his body up and down casually. 'Pff, that ghoul got you good. Just a few more minutes and you were a goner.., again.' she chuckled. 'Now, what is your name?' she asked leisurely.

souleaterfan320 said
koran narrowed his eyes. " i'm a normal human being what is there to inspect.. unless.." he thought about the dream he had in the coma, where satan claimed he was a nephilim."...could he have been right?....." he looks back to zayne, "do the inspection" he said with a sigh.

Zayne stayed quiet as he spoke and nodded. 'Stay still and don't freak out. This will look weird, but it won't hurt a bit, I promise.' she said.
She lifted her hand and it glowed faintly before she pressed it into Koran's chest. As she said it wouldn't hurt, she wouldn't even break his skin. It literally parted for her hand to allow her access to his pure soul. She took out a small, glowing orb, connected to a chain somewhere inside Koran's body. The orb glowed with swirls of black and white, red and gold and some other colors. Zayne observed the orb for a little while before nodding and gently releasing it, allowing it to flow back into Koran's chest on it's own. The gaping black hole closed as easily as it opened and the soul was sealed inside it's vessel again. 'Very well, retrieval is not necessary.' she stated and turned around. Her nightmare snorted and trotted over to her, allowing her to get on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mason rasied an eyebrow at what she said, what did she mean by 'try not to bite your tongue'? Had he not been mortally wounded, maybe he would have reacted a little to her quick movement, cringing as her hand went through his body. It was truly painful, something he had never experienced but he had a feeling that was only the start of it. To his misfortune, he was right, he could barely move and brace himself, grunting in pain but doing his best to stay silent. All he could think of was pain, nothing else had been processing for those agonizing minutes. Once she was done he eyed the purple orb holding what he thought was the infection, he had a cold sweat on his forehead as he panted, recovering slowly from the pain. He sighed when his arm was stitched, not really finding pain in that, thankfully at least, he wiped away the sweat and stared at her. "Yes, laugh at your only help..." He glared, he was surprised at how adamant she was though, she asked once more for his name. "Mason...." He said to her. "You think you can give me a sword?" He asked, he was a well rounded swordfighter a time ago, if anything, that was all he could use against these demons down here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Dane

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Minarawr said
Mina pulled him up on his feet after taking his hand and shaking it, a small smirk on her face. 'Then wait no longer.. friend.' she said. 'Oh, and try not to bite your tongue now.' she stated. Before he could react she jabbed her free hand, her right hand, into his skin below his armpit, below the infected arm. She moved around a bit, holding him steady with her other hand and her tail, before smirking and muttering some words in ancient language. The dying, infected tissue started to turn back to a normal color, the sickly purple color being drawn towards Mina's hand. Eventually, after minutes of what she imagined to be agonizing pain for the human soul, she puled out her hand with a purple orb in it. A shadow creeped up the human's side and stitched up the wound rapidly, settling after finishing. Mina tossed the orb she had drawn out of his body up and down casually. 'Pff, that ghoul got you good. Just a few more minutes and you were a goner.., again.' she chuckled. 'Now, what is your name?' she asked leisurely.Zayne stayed quiet as he spoke and nodded. 'Stay still and don't freak out. This will look weird, but it won't hurt a bit, I promise.' she said.She lifted her hand and it glowed faintly before she pressed it into Koran's chest. As she said it wouldn't hurt, she wouldn't even break his skin. It literally parted for her hand to allow her access to his pure soul. She took out a small, glowing orb, connected to a chain somewhere inside Koran's body. The orb glowed with swirls of black and white, red and gold and some other colors. Zayne observed the orb for a little while before nodding and gently releasing it, allowing it to flow back into Koran's chest on it's own. The gaping black hole closed as easily as it opened and the soul was sealed inside it's vessel again. 'Very well, retrieval is not necessary.' she stated and turned around. Her nightmare snorted and trotted over to her, allowing her to get on.

koran was shocked that she had that ability to do something like that. she could be a powerful ally..."hey, before you go, could you, sorta, point us in the direction out of hell? i dont really belong here..."
just then , a woman with blonde hair, twin demon tails, and horns appeared beside zayne. " heya zayney, are they all clear? i kinda like the looks of a few of them."
koran spoke," who are you?"
the woman put her hand in her hair in an arousing matter, and looked into koran's eyes. " the name is kria, sex queen extraordinaire, heheh" she winked and blew him a kiss, and he fainted, his nose bleeding profusely.
she calmly walked over to jei, placing a smooth hand on his chest, the other on his cheek," you look like you could dish out a hell of a good time in bed, so i'll make a deal with you, you be my slave, and ill join you on your little, adventure." she says in a enticing way, ending the last word with a bit of a sexual moan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 days ago

For some reason, when the demon appeared, Jerus felt a strong need to avoid meeting her eyes, and that was confirmed when Koran's nose practically shot out blood and he fainted where he stood. Keeping his eyes on the girl who'd just...done...something, to Koran, he frowns. "Wait, what do you mean retrieval isn't necessary? Why aren't you worried about his flux or whatever anymore?" He hadn't lie how casually she'd dismissed Koran and now he wondered if he had some kind of secret that she now knew that made him safe by her standards. Mentally, he laughed to himself. I guess I shouldn't judge, I have secrets of my own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stryder said
Mason rasied an eyebrow at what she said, what did she mean by 'try not to bite your tongue'? Had he not been mortally wounded, maybe he would have reacted a little to her quick movement, cringing as her hand went through his body. It was truly painful, something he had never experienced but he had a feeling that was only the start of it. To his misfortune, he was right, he could barely move and brace himself, grunting in pain but doing his best to stay silent. All he could think of was pain, nothing else had been processing for those agonizing minutes. Once she was done he eyed the purple orb holding what he thought was the infection, he had a cold sweat on his forehead as he panted, recovering slowly from the pain. He sighed when his arm was stitched, not really finding pain in that, thankfully at least, he wiped away the sweat and stared at her. "Yes, laugh at your only help..." He glared, he was surprised at how adamant she was though, she asked once more for his name. "Mason...." He said to her. "You think you can give me a sword?" He asked, he was a well rounded swordfighter a time ago, if anything, that was all he could use against these demons down here.

'Oh please, it's a funny joke. Laugh a bit.' she said as she played with the orb some more. 'If I would have said I was going to do that, you would have freaked out, so yeah... deal with it.' she said. 'By the way, you're not helping me, we made a deal. It's a business agreement, keep that in mind.' she said.
She nodded slightly at his answer and grinned. 'Nice to meet you, Mason. I won't bother you with my full name, but you can call me Mina.' she said. She smirked at his question and nodded. 'Oh yeah, I can do that.' she said.
She nipped the skin of her thumb and wrote his name down on the purple orb she had collected from him, before sliding it along her open palm. It looked like a magic trick as a purple sword with red lines on it flowed out of the purple orb and solidified. 'There.' she swung it around a bit.
'Don't cut yourself on it.' she chuckled before shaking her head. 'No worries, it won't poison you again. My blood takes care of that.' she said. 'Now, let's go to that group.'

souleaterfan320 said
koran was shocked that she had that ability to do something like that. she could be a powerful ally..."hey, before you go, could you, sorta, point us in the direction out of hell? i dont really belong here..."just then , a woman with blonde hair, twin demon tails, and horns appeared beside zayne. " heya zayney, are they all clear? i kinda like the looks of a few of them."koran spoke," who are you?"the woman put her hand in her hair in an arousing matter, and looked into koran's eyes. " the name is kria, sex queen extraordinaire, heheh" she winked and blew him a kiss, and he fainted, his nose bleeding profusely.she calmly walked over to jei, placing a smooth hand on his chest, the other on his cheek," you look like you could dish out a hell of a good time in bed, so i'll make a deal with you, you be my slave, and ill join you on your little, adventure." she says in a enticing way, ending the last word with a bit of a sexual moan.

Zayne looked back after mounting her nightmare and managed to actually chuckle at the sound of his question. 'The way out of Hell is nonexistent boy. Even if you could return, the world of the living is no place for a wandering soul such as yourself.' she said. 'My father's word is final, Death is death.' she said.
She looked at the first male that had spoken to her. 'It was a matter of a mistake and now that I know it was not a mistake on our behalf, I have no more business here.' she said.
She looked at Kria as she appeared and rolled her eyes a bit. 'Yes Kria, I'm all done. Be sure not to damage them with your little games, I think you can sense just as well as I can who is coming this way.' she said with a mindful gaze towards the rocky area Mina was at.
'I suggest you keep them here for a while first, then go on with what you wanted to do.' she said before riding off. 'Good luck!'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

John nodded to Koran as he accepted his request to come along, then nodding to Zaen as well as he did the same. He stepped back as Zayne walked towards Koran, saying something about flux and reaching into his chest. What the hell!? She just opened his chest... Then pulled out a light!? His eyes widened slightly as he stepped back once again. Suddenly, yet another woman appeared next to Zayne. "What's going on around here...? Am I going insane..." he asked himself quietly, watching the new woman caused Koran to have a bloody nose just by looking, and fall backwards. The surprise and confusion lead to him staring at the bleeding Koran as he laid there. He began to smile, giving a faint chuckle at the sight of the blood before looking away and looking towards Jei and the girl who called herself Kria. Why do I keep laughing when I see blood...? Must be part of the going insane bit...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hmm, bad funny..." He said, managing a smirk, somehwat anyway, he wasn't a friend of hers so why show any friendly emotion. "You're probably right, maybe would've tried killing you..." He said to her, not joking at all when he spoke to her, his eyebrow raised when she said he wasn't helping her and that they made a deal. "Yeah well, tell me how far you'd get without me?" He asked her, his arms crossed, he was finally glad he had a sword, it was an awesome spectacle to see, even greater to know it was something bound to him but created by her, were there no limits to her power? "Thanks..." He said, twirling the sword around for a bit, he grinned, the blade looked like something from the dark void of aether. "I can hear that group.." Mason said as he exited the cave, waiting for Mina and confronting the group. "Hey there, I'm guessing I wasn't the only one stuck here huh?" He spoke to them all, a small friendly smirk on his face.

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