Name: Kohaku Ametera. She isn't overly fond of her surname, and requests that even new acquaintances address her by Kohaku.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Kohaku was raised up with good values. Respect and honesty, mainly. She's very respectful toward others, and would never tell a lie, even if she wanted to. If she's the one who threw your cat out the window, Kohaku would have no shame in admitting it was her and explaining just
why she threw the cat out. Having set aside her honesty and respect for others, Kohaku is very intelligent and has a tendency to pick up on things faster than others. This does, however, make her a little arrogant from time to time, usually being certain she's right and that anybody who disagrees with her is wrong. No matter how many people tell her she's wrong, Kohaku won't accept it - even if it's the truth - until presented with solid proof.
Being so respectful and honest with others is also irritating to Kohaku, just a little. Sometimes this makes her critical of others or just outright angry and unpersonable. Sometimes this causes a negative reaction where she just insists on being alone for a day or two so she can sulk in peace. For the most part, these fits of anger or depression are very far apart, about once every other month.
Backstory: It's nice growing up in an upper-class family. Well, most of it is, at least. Sure, Kohaku didn't have
as many friends as everybody else, and maybe she was a prime lunch money target in primary school, but for the most part things were pretty nice. Her unique heritage was also neat. Her mother is a shrine maiden to a small-time shrine for Raijin, the Shinto god of thunder & lightning, and her father is a big-company CEO. Both parents have their sights set high for Kohaku in their own respects; her mother wants her to take the shrine over, and her father wants her to inherit the company. Kohaku, however, doesn't necessarily want either of these things.
Kohaku wants to be a dancer. Given how smart she is and how much she's capable of combining her brains with her family's money, it may sound a little ridiculous, but she wants to dance more than anything else. She learned how badly she wanted it when she started taking dance classes at age four. Never had she felt so free before. To just simply move her body in such free-flowing yet organized motions, not caring at all about who or what may care? Given her structured life and high expectations at home, that kind of freedom was precisely what she wanted to feel all the time. She plans to leave home once she's old enough to pursue this dream, but for seems there's other things she'll have to do.
Regalia: Amber Regalia