Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Well This is what I have so far. Currently I am debating changing races Though I built this entire idea around the idea of Trying to protect itself against the sphere and retain it's independace from all possible invaders.
A few things to note. The 'commiserate' will not actually be called the commiserate. That is just the name I am going with until I can think of something suitably original and ominous that screams 'Secret police' or simply 'government overwatch'. I am more than happy to entertain suggestions to that effect. I am drawing a bit of a blank. I will hopefully be sending off a PM to serpentine and darkmatter with a few questions so keep in mind anything on that sheet is subject to change as I try to work out the smaller details, which may just effect some of my larger ones.

I am also trying to bring up a picture of the flag I made but that doesn't seem to be working. Dam.

General Info and Location
Name - Protectorate of Raan

Capital System- Raan system (Most planets of the home system are fairly arid and Dry, Some are less so but still have vast swathes of dry rocky landscapes or thick desert sands.
Dominant Species- Human
Sub-Factions/Species N/A (Currently anyway, Who knows what the future holds)
Direction From Galactic Core (Still Debating this one.)

Politics, Power & Economy
Head Of State – High Marshal Viktor Thark(As the Protectorate and by extension it's military grows in size the exact name of this position may change)
Head Of Government-
Government Type/Operation/Description- Socialist Democracy, Authoritarian and highly Militaristic but led in Chief by an elected Civilian despite that position holding military rank and title.

The government itself is lead in Day to day affairs by the Various Ministry and smaller Provisional government officials who take care of the majority of smaller decisions and Matters of the People.
The various Corporations, Military branches, Government agencies and Even Civilian bodies are all under the ever watchful eyes of the Commiserate.

The Commiserate itself is Split into a Variety of sub branches. One of the most famous in the minds of the people are the military commissars. Few can shake the image of their stern gazes, Dark Coats and Meticulously polished jackboots. Or forget the Loud and intimidating Clicks the Metal tacks Riveted into the soles make as they approach, and more than one inflated sense of pride has been ground under their stiff and unyielding heels. These men have the Authority and charge of watching over the loyalty and Discipline of the Protectorate soldiers. Punishments can be handed out on a whim to those who do not meet their lofty and seemingly impossible standards and even executions are not outside of their realm of power for those who seriously fail in their duties or betray the honour of the Protectorate with a chronic display of lacking drive or worse... cowardice. Junior and mid grade officers who think themselves safe unlike the enlisted personal often find themselves facing a whole new standard and fury tenfold of what was expected of the men beneath him.
And while they technically hold a rank outside and somewhat above the average military officer and the chain of command, military commissars are usually possessed of a Iron courage and Sharp and focused mind. They may not be the greatest battlefield tacticians, but when the men need their morale raised or someone to lead the charge down hells own throat and strike at the heart of the enemy then Dammit they can be that leader. If their CO is killed or becomes unable to fulfil his role then a commissar is more than capable of acting as a temporary Commander of men.

The Political Commissars (though they are all technically political officers) Deal exclusively with the Government body itself. Overseeing the various ministries and officials for signs of disloyalty and incompetence They do not have nearly the same amount of raw power to simply punish or execute their targets on a whim. They can have lesser government officials fired or arrested pending interrogation and investigation. And they do possess the Resources and Ability to ring anyone regardless of the height and importance of their position, who are suspected of such inadequacies under Questioning and if necessary, a public hearing to discover and finalize their true level of guilt. Most of the more common and bottom tier workers who are unused to the Demanding nature and seemingly emotionless glare of an Interrogator's stare still find the inside of a questioning room to be unsettling to say the least. And some of the most famous triumphs of this particular Commiserates history was are the Discovery and summary Arrest of Ministry heads, Once nearly a quarter ministry of labour was arrested, fined and jailed for life for pushing the permits and allowances to upstart businesses who promptly offered their benefactors kickbacks and were given a blind eye to the slip of standards towards products being manufactured and the gross miss-quality and rights of the labourers set to make them.

There are also smaller but no less important branches that oversee various other branches of Protectorate society. Like Judicial Commissars watch and scrutinize law enforcement officers, Barristers, solicitors, Judges, etc. One never knows who might be corrupted by money whether it be a police officer taking bribes from a local drug lord or a judge passing law and verdict in favour of a wealthy business man who also just happens to make very generous 'donations' to the judges bank account.

The least well known of but perhaps the most ominous and powerful of the Commiserates branches is that of Internal regulation. The branch that watches for the loyalty and corruption of other commissars. It is unknown just how much authority and power these particular commissars have over their fellows. Or even how large this particular branch is. Such information is only known by the High Marshall and members of the 'war council' itself. This branch also works very closely with the ministry of Intelligence. Overseeing the vast network of internal and external sources of information. The budding but steadily improving network of Spies, informants, etc that the Protectorate feels necessary for the outside world and those they in turn may suspect of currently doing, or having the potential to become as such against the Protectorate.

What keeps even these men in line is oddly enough the people itself, as well as the Military threat. A proud feature and one that keeps the Government in it's currently healthy and Honest (Mostly) state is the peoples willingness to rise up in protest armed or other wise against that which they perceive as social and political injustice. In the nations history there have been very few but famous cases of High marshal’s being demanded by the people to step down and Elections recalled, Often punctuated at the tip of a Military bayonet. First and foremost the army works for the people, Not the Marshall though he is the commander in chief.

The actual Head of the government is the aptly named “War council” as it is unofficially known. Made up of The electoral Council of Ministry Heads, Various heads of the Commiserate branches, As well as the most powerful Generals and Admirals in the protectorate. (Even the non military members are almost always possessed of Military service in their personal or family histories. Being a Much prized requirement by the people of the Protectorate when electing their leaders.) These are the men and woman who may vote to enact, overturn, Instate, remove, Alter Any law currently within the Charters of the Protectorate. As well as vote to enact serious reforms and the removal or addition of Citizens rights across the Entire protectorate. Or at the very least pass such Laws into the Marshal's office for either Veto or confirmation.
This council does however possess the electoral power to remove the sitting Marshal should be prove inadequate to the expectations of the people.

It can seem a surprisingly chaotic and convoluted system when looked at from the outside. The Commiserate keeps the reigns on Everyone, The threat of military backed reform keeps the government in line who in turn keep the Commiserate held in check (though the threat of military involvement of that particular bureau also is at the back of every commissars mind.) In turn the common people keep everyone else in check. Who are overseen by the very people they have the ability and power to overthrow, and yet who may willingly accept the removal of select privileges and even rights during times of Great need... at a glance it really doesn't seem to make all to much sense but the most compelling argument in it's favour over any other system is that it works. Strangely it works. And the people are satisfied with it, and their quality of livelihood, of the freedoms their system provides.

Economic System/Prosperity- Mixed Economy/market economy with strong regulatory oversight and governmental provision of public goods. Several Government run enterprises. Though the government retains the right to take over any land, Resources, and assest belonging to any entperise or corperation for the common good. Though by law this can only be done in times of National Emergency and/or the declaration of War.

Empire Size: Size 1: 9 Billion Citizens

Empire Power: Solar Power – In full control of home system, They may not have every moon or planet colonized but extensive plans are underway with survey's and Terra-formation programs being launched to expand to the remaining planets and some moons of their home system as the need for population expansion or Resource acclimatisation demands. And their navy is large and armed enough to hold a tight grip and watch over the systems borders. Making sure none get the idea to encroach upon Protectorate claimed lands and that only the boots of it's citizens will settle on the soils of these planets.

Type Of Power: Militaristic- The Protectorate was founded knowing that one day the Cancerous sphere that surrounded their true home may one day find them, Or that they would one day Grow in size and power enough to launch an invasion to smash their way through the sphere and shatter the Illusions of their Mentally caged Brethren.
With that eventuality firmly in every citizens mind it is no real surprise that the military is placed on such a pedestal. It can be found every where in Raanian Society. From the Crack of a Primary school Teachers Rattan against an unruly child's backside to the Highly regiment and Hierarchical system of Government Agencies and ministries. Most citizens live highly ordered and structured lives, They learn to give for the Good of the State rather than take for owns own self. For example, Ambition is still prized as a virtue for those who seek to expand their Fortunes or rise through the ranks but only if it is done in the long term goal of Benefiting the Peoples of the Protectorate.
To this end the Military of the Protectorate is Large and Well armed. With Massive stores of munitions and Weapons/Gear to sustain a prolonged conflict and if necessary hold their own either in a Defensive action for days even weeks if necessary until reinforcements and aid arrive. Or simply to try and last out an enemy in a war of attrition. Most citizens undergo a Brief stint with the Protectorates military Immediately following the end of their education. The discipline and regimentation is considered just as important to a healthy lifestyle and a prosperous future as any lesson taught in the classroom. As a bonus in times of extreme need and alarm the People of the Protectorate can be Drafted or more likely roused into a Less than professional but still fairly proficient and massive surplus of reinforcements. Each easy capable and familiar with the handling of a weapon.

Industrial- One of, if not 'The' main goal of the protectorate is to protect itself from the influences of the sphere as best it can and possibly one day, Strike through it's barrier of delusions and Straight into it's heart. To this Effect Industry is a primary economic and Strategic focus of the Protectorate. Factories made to be large and efficient, Producing Hundreds and Thousands of goods every day from Toasters, to farming Tools, To Munitions and Armoured vehicles.
This gives the Protectorate a Respectable amount of Resources and Income from Trading and refining these goods for a nation of this size. And the Governments standing ability to nationalize any and all Industry for the sake of the common good can give it an enormous potential for Military industrialization. Ensuring that they will never be found wanting for equipment.

Social- The Loyalty of the Protectorate citizens is high. Founded and raised on fierce ideals of self sacrifice and Reliance for the good of all has seen the standard of living for all reach quite comfortable levels. Extravagance may still be frowned upon, With most precious metals and Jewels that are proven unusable to augment the Military, Science or Industry Sectors traded away and fetching a high price indeed. Still the Protectorate sits upon vaults of such reserves of Minerals and luxury goods for moments of great need should the economy start to shake or they find themselves in dire need to fund a new war effort.
Each citizen is raised on stories of Great Heroes and Generals of the Protectorate. Those who fought their way off earth and began the harsh process of colonizing their new home. Great songs and speeches of the glories their people have attained after freeing themselves of the artificial overlords of the world Even though the Commissars and military police Have their duties to perform, keeping an eye out for discontent and Seeds of radicalism and discontent they don't execute these powers nearly as often as it would seem to an outsider. The average Protectorate Citizen is Fiercely loyal to his fellows and utterly obedient to his duties and (usually) his superiors.
Most protectorate Households would have a basic firearm of some sort, even if it was simply for recreational or practice purposes. If not the Citizen's militia can be armed and formed up in any given city district or township within an hour of receiving word to do so. Frequent drills are run on this regard and they are not taken lightly by the participants.

History, Biology & Society
Race Name- Human
Race Info
Average Lifespan- 100 years, Serums and vaccines Are being developed to help extend this span though work proceeds slowly. Injections to help prevent or at least slow arterial/organ ageing have proven to be feasible but at their current state to the Ministry of Medical Science's knowledge the benefit as it stands is a few years at most. Though recent breakthroughs suggest that number may be raised to Five or even ten added years. Testing and Trails are still underway.
Physical Characteristics- Like any human, Though It is uncommon to see to many unhealthy citizens or at least Overweight ones. Such a thing is heavily frowned upon as it leaves you potentially unable to properly fulfil your duties as a worker and Militia man, and thus expose your platoon and more in an emergency situation.

The Average Raanian is Black haired and a little stockier than the average human due to the Gravity of their home world which is somewhat higher than earths own. The heavy sun of their near desert home also leaves many of them with Tanned, Mediterranean skin tones.

Moral Values
Religion- After the AI's had begun to lie and spread themselves out to humanity, claiming to be some omnipotent Deity-like power that could provide them all they needed just in exchange for their personal and basic freedoms. It is fair to say Raanian's aren't to keen on the concept of giving themselves and their lives up to the standards and words of any theological being. And tend to view races with Such fervent views on Religion warily.

Technological Overview

Protectorate Technology is not as advanced as their other human counterparts in the Sphere and various other Factions. For one they had to come to their new home Centuries ago with only what schematics and technology they could fit aboard, and what was prevalent on earth at the time. And for the most part they have been alone on this journey and hesitant to accept any sort of gifts or aid that may put them in debt to another society.
They believe things, especially ships and military hardware should be simple, Functional and durable. If you stick to those basic criteria, Your options are considerably expanded.

Projectile weapons are still the stock choices, Rifles, Artillery, Even Shipboard cannons and turrets.

Coil-gun/Rail-gun Tech
-Coil Gun Technology is currently underway in the Ministry of Science. With some of the brightest Protectorate Doctors and professors working on a way not just to make coil gun's a reality. They already have built prototypes that show great promise. But they are also working on down scaling the size from Something that must be mounted on the Bow of a Destroyer, To something that can be mounted on a Tank chassis, or even an automatic Coil-fire rifle. A fantasy maybe, and thought by most to be Impossible at best but The Ministry of science is always looking for a fresh challenge.
The current and only working prototype lies on the bow of the Flagship of the Protectorate “Bucephalus” It is a massive piece and capable of incredible amounts of destruction, Sheer through the hulls of smaller ships Entirely and even capital ships would have a hard time defending itself from a puncturing wound of this force.

Laser/Energy Manipulation

The Current research into The manipulation of energy has been set back throughout much of the protectorate's history. First with the fact of having to leave human space in a rag-tag flotilla of vessels left over during the height of a particularly bitter and brutal war on earth, the task of finding and then colonizing a new home, Setting up a proper society with the technologies and devices that would actually be needed to sustain a population and an economy, Organizing trade with interstellar nations, Building a functioning military and the Protectorates natural slowness to adopt any real change of technology as long as the previous items created are still more than functional and effective. It is no surprise maybe that the task of this had fallen to the wayside until the last century.

Currently there are various projects underway for the weaponization of laser and energy based weaponry. But they are running into largely the same trials and problems as they have with the Rail-weaponry program. The trick is simply downsizing what they know will work from prototypes. And seeing as Coil-firing has just as much potential to kill and is more in line with the Protectorate's mindset of a 'true weapon' Actual development of Laser rifles remains relatively slow but still somewhat steady. Despite cultural reservations the Ministry of science and the High Marshall are unwilling to simply abandon such a potentially promising idea completely. As such it is still funded and researched. Though it has produced a working weapon that by all means the Protectorate could begin the process of converting it's armed forces to, however it still lacks the raw stopping power and versatility of what is currently being used and what is being further developed.

Laser cannon of various size however is seeing limited production and dispersion throughout various ships in the fleet and undergoing regular stress and performance testing from a variety of vessels. Battle-cruisers to light Frigates have been equipped to test it's full capabilities in a variety of battlefield roles. There is also much thought being placed, for if to is this could be made to mount onto smaller fighter aircraft and even armoured vehicles.

Shields however are another matter entirely. The development of Defensive shielding is far more of a priority to the Military. Most of the early shields developed were vast things that required huge amounts of power to keep operational. And thus were only really attached to the larger ships of the fleet. But as this particular field is receiving far more funding and time than Laser rifles and Artillery batteries. Now nearly any ship larger than a frigate can boast having a shielding system alive and powered on board.

The current and most popular development of Laser technology is in industry for mining and factory automation. Productivity has risen steadily since the first wave of machines were released into public sale and use and improvements made to designs and capabilities since then have only proven even more appealing to the Enterprises of the nation.

Farming technology

With the Raanian Home system being what it is the Protectorate has to become more inventive or at least wiser about how it produces food. With the arid and rocky nature of most land in on the core world and the other worlds of the system. As the population grows the demand for more and better yields obviously follows suit To this effect the Raanians have developed a massive Bio Shelters. Essentially heavily controlled and Massive scale green houses in various designs to augment what fertile farming land they already use.
Each of these bio-farms is teeming with vegetation or livestock as the case may be. From the inside they seem like vast mazes of vegetables or unbearable with the constant baying or smell of thousands of animals being born and bred solely for the purpose of one day becoming a meal. From the outside these can seem like Great either great domes or vast Towering ziggurats. These are a necessity to create the abundance of food currently found amongst the populace, coupled with the zealous work of the ministry of agriculture to improve Farming methods and the Genetic strength of various crops and animals Is also producing a large enough surplus to begin trading with the interstellar market on a larger scale.

When I can think of more Unique features to the Protectorate I will write them down but at this current point in time this is all the springs to mind that is worth mentioning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 13 days ago

Ollum you might want to look into Raan having some sort of working relationship with the Commonwealth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 4 days ago

I am more than open if people want to have a relationship with the Protectorate. Shoot me with a pm with any ideas you have, If you wanted a trade agreement or research pact or something (though the protectorate are instinctively wary of anyone offering anything to generous or claiming to offer anything out of the 'kindess of their heart')

I will gladly throw ideas back and forth with anyone.

Also I realize the Militaristic Socalist state has been done before in a variety of settings but I hope the protectorate doesn't seem terribly unoriginal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Added history to my ns and pictures (w/o descriptions) to my military section on my ns and by doing so have ballooned my sheet to 4500 words.

Well Darkmatter you win, my final sheet might be pushing 7-8k words, my small sheet attitude has collapsed.

My tech section is being done on another document and its already getting kinda big.

I hope i get accepted when its all done or omg that will suck XD.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I made the decision to be social and drink heavily over the weekend so I didn't manage to progress on my sheet (it was a good weekend though!). I should be able to sneak some time in over the week so it should be done by next weekend latest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So couple of things.

Using pictures or media from other sources is fine, I do it. Please don't just C&P a nation or species. It's bland.
Also anyone wanting to post a sheet, you really have to read the OP. It clearly states no quadrant powers for now. Also, if you plan on playing a pre existing thing; ie there are always humans, then just ask if someone has already taken them and wait for a response before diving in. It just causes less friction.

I haven't had the chance to read over all the NSs yet. My plan is to do it over the coming days as I'm off work again.

I know it isn't as easy keeping everything together when I can't answer questions more immediately but just one more day guys and you'll be hearing a lot more from me again xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wait but...

Darkmatter said Empire Power:
Planetary Power – Confined to one or two planets
Solar Power – In full control of home system
Interstellar Power – Branched into at least one other system and successfully settled
Multi-stellar Power – Full control over multiple solar systems
Minor Regional Power – Influence within a region of star systems
Major Regional Power – Dominant Influence in a region
Quadrant Power – Authority over an entire quadrant
Arm Power – Exerts control over an entire arm (none to begin with)
Galactic Power – Full domination of the galaxy (obviously none of these either)

You never placed restriction on quadrant powers? It only says arm/galactic restrictions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Woops, sorry wrong thread. I had multiple tabs open and got turned around a bit. Sorry!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Darkmatter said
So couple of things. Using pictures or media from other sources is fine, I do it. Please don't just C&P a nation or species. It's bland. Also anyone wanting to post a sheet, you really have to read the OP. It clearly states no quadrant powers for now. Also, if you plan on playing a pre existing thing; ie there are always humans, then just ask if someone has already taken them and wait for a response before diving in. It just causes less friction. I haven't had the chance to read over all the NSs yet. My plan is to do it over the coming days as I'm off work again. I know it isn't as easy keeping everything together when I can't answer questions more immediately but just one more day guys and you'll be hearing a lot more from me again xD

Imma gonna steal Romulan ships designs from Star Trek
Because they look badass and im terrible at designing ships.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

i have a race of bears :b
they are nice bears and may bear [hehe] some resemblance to teddy bears.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@iso and everyone. Yes correct that was an error on my part.

@duck well that's fine I've no problem with images but large bodies of text or assumed text, coming from other sources doesn't really fly with me unless contextually acceptable.

@everyone Work done. Reading time. Unless any immediate questions arise, my next post within the next day will be personal responses/reviews/criticism/admiration/acceptance of every as of yet posted NS.
Next after that will be the creation of a compendium, and after that it's time for me to dive into a day or two of collaborative world building with you guys xD and/or adding more subfactions to the technocracy which should bring us nicely to the 24th, the start of the IC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry for the minor absence. Classes started and I'm back.

I read up on the Stoor and feel that the Hegemony would largely favor the Stoor over the Aurolian Federation; though in a parabellum situation would likely attempt to maintain neutrality unless the Stoor heavily favored the Hegemony over it's neighboring partners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Theo: You are aware of the theoretical expansion of the Graal-Federation War yes? If not, read Terminals explanation of various idea's about history.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Approximately 60 years ago, according to plans made between Theo and other parties, there is a war between the Graal Hegemony and the Aurolian Federation. The Stoor join the war on the Hegemony's side, while the Commonwealth remains neutral (but supplies the Federations). The Hau stay off to the side and watch. Once the Sphere learns of the human casualties in the wars, they sweep down from the North and begin to launch internal strikes against the Hegemony.

This is where our information breaks down. We do not know if the Hegemony would have allied with the Stoor or otherwise fought alongside them, or whether or not the relations between the Stoor and the Hegemony prior to this war were even stable enough for this scenario to be realistic. On the Stoor's side of the equation, they joined the war not necessarily because they were allied or even friendly with the Hegemony, but simply because they had their own agenda.

Approximately 10 years ago, the Graal war ends, somehow. Status of the Graal Hegemony is unknown, though it is generally accepted that every nation leaves the conflict intact. However, the Sphere requires a reason to have disengage from hostilities; absence of such would mean nonstop hostilities until the present day.

The Hegemony would accept the Stoor's aid against the Federation. Yep yep!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anyone feel like building some backstory with my commercially oppressive corporation?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It depends if you are in the general area of the Orion Spur and Pegasus Arm (AKA: "The Powderkeg Stars, named so due to the entire region being one big galactic war in the making)

or on the Scumtum-Centaurus Arm (AKA: Lonely Stars and Space Squid-Whales, named so due to the only other factions in the region are Newsun/Silux's leviathan race and ASTA's soon to be empire of ancient astronaut or former colony ship warped into wormhole and sent to other side of the galaxy, humans)
Alternatively you could pick a completely different arm, like the Outer Arm, Norma Arm or Sagittarius Arm
45 degrees South East

That puts you on the further out end of the Scumtum-Centaurus Arm, So you are too far away from me to have contacted you, more likely you have met Newsun and ASTA's people though
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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General Info and Location
Name: Kritarchy (Outsiders) / The Pantheon (Insiders) / The Most Perfect Realm of Cray (Knowledgeable)
Capital System: Kritarch (Outsiders) / Paradise (Insiders) / Zola (Knowledgeable)
Dominant Species: Kritan (Outsiders) / Gods (Insiders) / Crayvens (Knowledgeable
Direction From Galactic Core: No idea.

Politics, Power & Economy
Head Of State: The Kritarch (Currently Vacant)
Head Of Government: N/A
Government Type/Operation/Description: The kritarchy is just that, a realm where the rulers are the judges. Their role is to determine what is just according to the Laws. Only the Kritarch can change the laws, but there as not been a Kritarch for thousands of years. There are 15 judges in total but the only real law with anything relating to property being thrown out of the window due to post scarcity is that of murder: A Crayven may not kill another Crayven. In truth, all of the 'most perfect realm' is a pure anarchy where anyone does what his whim demands.
Economic System/Prosperity: For some thousand years now nanomachines have become so perfected that the very atoms of matter can be altered and modulated as to create any material one wish. Crayvens are only limited to their imagination and no law regulates what is legal to be created or not, as such anyone can build a space dreadnaught out of sand with the best technologies of the galaxy. The triviality of such an act as, fortunately, made it extremely uncommon.

Empire Size: 1.72 billion.

Empire Power:
Considers itself a 'Galactic power', but really is a multi-stellar power that keeps itself to its home world and a core worlds. There are occasional Kritan colonies but they are often inhabited by less than 10 people fancying themselves explorers, and are often abandoned a few weeks or months later.

Type Of Power:
Cultural: Widely seen by other races as something above all else as the Kritans enjoy limitless freedom and the lowest of individual has a life quality not even the highest of any other race comes close to achieve. As the Crayvens also have no obligations to do, they are free to enjoy their hobbies, something that makes them a race of artists and architects.
Technological: Technology has been studied, perfected and refined and as they now come equal or above most technological powers, their greatest success was to make the use of such technologies ubiquitous and trivial. Where a certain tech may be a closely guarded state secret in another civilization, for the Crayvens it is readily available for anyone. Still, this aspect of their culture is somewhat stagnating at the moment as very little people bother with theoretical science.

History, Biology & Society
Race Name: Crayvens
Race Info:

Average Lifespan: Limitless, Oldest is 10,000 years old as of now.
Physical Characteristics
Dominant Society:
Moral Values: Complete hedonism and individualism, the lives of the Crayvens are determined by their 'Niche', the thing they like to do. Art, exploring, hunting, killing... They go well with people who share the same interest but rarely even consider others as existing. Other Crayvens are seen as entities of the world since The Laws prevent killing one another, but other races are considered barely as more than animals. Some are different of course, but even someone with a great relation with a human would probably think of him more like his favored pet rather than anything close to an equal.
Religion: N/A
History: The oldest civilization on record, great before pretty much all other powers were even star faring, history is losing itself more out of disinterest by its own people than mass destruction or anything of the likes. The general outline is that thousands of years before, the Crayvens were actually a race used to civil war on its own planet and abroad, that colonized to fuel its own destruction but that after one great war or another, politics were essentially abolished and replaced by The Laws. The Laws were meant to be the most basic as possible and to be interpreted by Judges, who would defer to High Judges if interpretation was needed, who would in turn go to the Kritarch if the laws needed to be changed. Laws without religious or racial bias, political dogma and whatnot: Only to insure the life of the people went roughly equally (A thing made easy, with technology). The Kritarch was then killed in The Last Great War by an enemy long forgotten and since then, none as stood up, simply because none was needed. After this war, the Kritarchy began to stagnate. Its technology was unmatched, its ability to change the nature of matter itself and the complete stigmatization of this ability made all equal: No one could have more than the next person. Accumulating wealth was useless, since anything could be fabricated by anyone without effort. They began to seek thrill, excitement, meaning. Technology had rendered them immortal through technology or genetic modifications, but each individual, being digital or so radically different from one another they could barely being called the same species anymore made it impossible for them to reproduce. The lack of a central government to provide safety insured that slowly their numbers began to dwindle. Dumb accidents, someone thinking himself invincible in a frigate attacking a fleet of dreadnaught for example. The main cause of death always being suicide of course. Even now, only half of this population could be considered 'Alive', others going for digital simulations where reality doesn't apply, essentially making them 'Gods' in front of the small AIs in their realms.
Technological Overview: They say that they have explored the very limits of technology that is physically possible in this universe. While they are much more advanced in almost all fields than any other, they have stagnated for milleniums now and while their theoretical understanding is unmatched, most people lack the imagination to do anything with this tech: Build a big laser, build a big ship... Unless the builder specifies to build a huge graviton laser and then again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I like the idea, a, going for an ancient powerful species too, but more extinct and fallen from grace. Maybe we could develop back story, and have our nations as rivals? Like a great war thousands of years ago that wiped out the Teu Empire?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I certainly wouldn't mind (Read your background, t'would make sense to have something left of your enemy, right?

Also would justify when my nation lost its Krytarch: The point where everything began to go to shit.

Note that most of my people probably wouldn't even take you seriously anymore 'Oh yeah, you're these guys we wipped out the galaxy' and all that. Some, the oldest, would probably care and hate your guts, some, those who find solace in war, would probably see you as a decent enemy to fight. Most would mind their own business.

Then again mine is a race that takes people not even as slaves, but as pets, distractions or torture dolls depending on the person, so I think my people have become all that you hate, but also the worst in you: An ancient race that thinks itself superior to all.

However while you think this gives you a duty over all life, my people think this gives them a right over all life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@wernher all seems ok for now just don't powerplay it too much. A lot of the other nations wouldn't consider them 'godlike' based on how you've described them. My full thoughts will be in the coming nation review post.

@kye I've only now noticed your cat signature and this was playing full volume when I saw it
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