Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

....Well....I found this...And I am mesmerized now...like, WAY too much....

If you didn't know my love of random stuff, now you do xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Matryoshka


Member Offline since relaunch

Kedir-Ine, Warrior Priestess of the Moon

Age: 43

Patron Goddess: Dwayna

Home Island: Eve

Personality: At first glance, Kedir-Ine seems like a bizarre amalgamation of all three Islanders, with the stoic elegance and appearance of a Rosilian, the connection with nature and natural dexterity of a denizen of Eve, and the merciless brutality of one from Kantle. She is a peerless warrior and a devout priestess, and will not hesitate to cut down anyone that might get in her way. She appears to be a very cold and heartless woman. However, she will not under any circumstances kill children. She believes firmly in duty and in justice... as well as in vengeance.

History: Kedir-Ine grew up in the Sisterhood of the Moon, a secretive order of priestesses serving the goddess Dwayna, and lived a relatively peaceful life as a pacifist priestess for nearly twenty years. Frustrated with her life and its lack of adventure, young Kedir fled the sisterhood to the nearest settlement, where she learned just how hard and cruel the world could be outside the monastery. She was forced to find a place in a town that labelled her a pariah. Eventually, while working as a maid in the local inn, she caught the eye of a travelling merchant, who asked her to come and travel Eve with him right then and there.

Knowing no better, the young woman accepted his proposal and ran away with him, travelling around Eve until she became pregnant with his child. As soon as this news came to light he abandoned her, leaving her stranded in an unfamiliar city. Alone and afraid, Kedir slowly and gradually made her way back to the monastery to beg forgiveness and pray for re-entry. Pitying their former sister they allowed her to return. Once there, she bore a son which she named Lodran. She and her fellow sisters raised and adored the boy in the monastery until he grew into a young man. With Lodran grown and ready to make his own fortune in the world, after loving and tearful farewells he left his mothers. It was there Kedir stayed, praying each and every day for her beloved son's safety...

... until the Kantle army came and slaughtered the Sisterhood. Kedir only barely survived the attack, and that day vowed vengeance on each and every man and woman who took up a sword for Kantle for the deaths of her sisters. She took up a sword and wooden armor made from the strong, durable trees surrounding the monastery. She also has taken up another quest: to find her son Lodran and protect him from the same fate her sisters suffered. She now searches all of Eve for him, and mercilessly murders any Kantle soldier who dares stand in her way.


>> Kedir's weapon of choice is a zweihander.

>> Little does she know, her son Lodran had wandered onto the Island of Rose before the roads collapsed.

(( We can have more than one character, correct? I'm thinking of making Lodran my second. Would that be alright? ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aluwen D'Treiv

.†. Red Hair | 5'7" | 121lbs | Light amber eyes .†.


Patron God:
Aluwen prays to the Gods as a whole, and not to any one God individually.

Home Island:
Eve though biologically Kantle.

Aluwen is a rather sweet and expressively young woman, constantly smiling and laughing as she finds joy in the smallest of things. She always tries her best to console those who may be upset or grieving. She isn't one that immediately looks to violence when posed with a problem, maybe not even the fifth option; though know she will protect herself if the need arises. Most times young Aluwen can be humming a delightful tune, or twirling about.

Despite this Aluwen does have a serious side. When things are dire she does know when to stop talking and think. She is a wonderful tactician and as swift and deadly as a viper if the need occures. Most likely from her Kantle blood.

Work in Progress..

» Aluwen is a half-sister of Zoran-Theia, though currently is unaware.
»Aluwen's weapon of choice is her Bow, an excellent shot to the point of hitting a small critter from a little over seventy yards out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Two awesome characters!! You guys are welcome to begin posting whenever you like :)

Matryoshka, I'm perfectly ok with you playing Lodran as a second character, as long as you're up to the task. Go ahead and create a character sheet for him as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

YAY!!! :D

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Twinklemoon said
....Well....I found this...And I am mesmerized now...like, WAY too much....If you didn't know my love of random stuff, now you do xD

I dont...I cant...Wha....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Can I get a little incite with what all is going on in IC-Land? o.o;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silent Resonance said
Can I get a little incite with what all is going on in IC-Land? o.o;

I would prefer you catch up reading it, rather that having to explain. Sorry, but I think that's kinda part of being in an RP. But if you need anything explained after you catch up, just ask :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*poke* Twinkle, or the new guys...posts?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finally getting to reading the posts. Two down, ten to go.

Sorry about my terrible laziness. Lol I have always had a distraction problem and reading so much has never been a simple task for me. I will try and get done with all the reading here shortly and start working on a post before tomorrow. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Solemn! I have an Idea for a post! I will run it by you in PM :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driananium


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Twinklemoon said
....Well....I found this...And I am mesmerized now...like, WAY too much....If you didn't know my love of random stuff, now you do xD

Twinkle.... I think you might need help. C'mon, come with me. We'll get you the help you need
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silent Resonance said
Finally getting to reading the posts. Two down, ten to go. Sorry about my terrible laziness. Lol I have always had a distraction problem and reading so much has never been a simple task for me. I will try and get done with all the reading here shortly and start working on a post before tomorrow. :)

No worries, I hope I didn't seem snappy. If there were several pages of IC posts I wouldn't expect you to read it all, but some people would rather ask the GM a million questions than read the information that's right in front of them. Not saying you were doing that, it's just the reason I would prefer people to catch up reading.

Of course I'm always open to questions if any information is lacking or confusing :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No, not at all ^-^

I simply ask because I have a terrible team reading a large mass of text. xD I have a horrible time concentrating so most times when I try to read a lot I forget most of what I read or it takes me an INCREDIBLY long time. xD But I luckily didn't have to much of a problem reading over it all. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Already been 7 days since last post in IC... o_o

I think I'ma just go ahead and write a post today if no one else will xD. I also want to say that I went back to studies and that it will start next monday. I intend on having a lot of homework and actual studying, but I'll try to keep some time to myself for posting, even if only in this one roleplay. Promise x_x
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Feel free to. And once your studies start, I hope you can continue with this RP, but I also understand you've got to keep your priorities straight, so don't feel like there's too much pressure for you to post frequently, and don't work yourself too hard :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Twinklemoon said
. I also want to say that I went back to studies and that it will start next monday. I intend on having a lot of homework and actual studying

Ha...ha ha...ha....Poor sap....*buries head in sand*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

It'S true...! After two years of dropping studies I realized what type of life I DON'T want, and that's the one I had been having x_x.

Also, no post today because I ended up going to an anime convention I boldly stated I would NOT go...somehow...

...Twinkle has zero willpower over anyone...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Twinklemoon said
It'S true...! After two years of dropping studies I realized what type of life I DON'T want, and that's the one I had been having x_x.

Hey, none of that doom and gloom reality stuff in Blissfull Ignorance town! We dont want your kind here!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 1 yr ago

You didn't let me finish.

I realized I wanted a life of eating cookies and riding Unicorns in Blissful ignorance town from Care-free Kingdom. :o
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