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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina grabbed Jamie's elbow as he turned to walk away. "Mithera needs to sign too." Mithera rolled her eyes as Melina pulled up her dagger, making a cut in the middle of her front right paw, smearing the blood around it a little, and letting Mithera press her paw down on the last signature line. "There." Melina turned, walking away without another word, heading north out of the town, cleaning the dagger off on her shirt again, holding the paper as the blood dries, before folding it up. She doesn't even try to get Jamie's blood.

Mithera tried to climb up to Jamie's shoulder, looking around. She was stuck with him, and when they got to the guild, there. She held her cut paw up, looking at it, closing her eyes and focusing to force it to mend faster. After it finishes healing, her stomach growls, indicating it want more food before she does any more of her magic. She make a little huff, smoke drifting up before sitting on Jamie's shoulder, letting the blood left on her paw just soak into, and possibly ruin, the shirt Jamie is wearing. She glances over at Sho, wondering what he's going to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian shook his head. "You couldn't have known she was dangerous, Penny. Besides, no one knows how Zeref made any of his demons, Lullaby, Deliora, even Agnologia. Odds are while this thing is strong, but it will never rival any of Zeref's creations." He fell silent after that, watching the landscape pass by as they rode on. I can't risk anyone getting hurt once I unlock the Omega skill lock. It's too risky. But how... He mulled over this issue as they rode, doing his best to come up with an idea. Then without warning, he had the horse pick up the pace. "We need to hurry if we're going to get there. Let's move at a gallop. Ya!" Urging the horse forward, he sped up to a gallop, moving quickly through the landscape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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[Internet being stupid, sorry.]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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[Internet being stupid, sorry.]
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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[Internet being stupid, sorry.]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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[Internet being stupid, sorry.]
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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[Internet being stupid, sorry.]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed, and waited for a minute, the weight of the small dragon barely noticeable, but when she moved, Master Jamie was very aware of Mithera. When the little dragon healed her wound, and her stomach growled, Jamie detoured to a stall, looking at what food was avaliable, unsure what Mithera would want to eat. Eventually, Jamie just brought some meat and vegetables, settling down at a table for Mithera to eat if it was something she liked

Jamie held the communication Lacrima in hand, listening to Jarvis as he told her about what was going on, and Master Jamie sighed, running a hand through his hair. He waved a hand to Sho, to being the young man over, keeping an eye on the small dragon
Penny cursed as Damian began to urge his horse faster and Penny kicked her horse into motion, following along behind Damian. Every second, she feared that they would be too late, and as the town came into view, Penny cried out, seeing smoke and flames, and the blot of something large attacking the town, but not getting far.

She slowed her horse to a stop, deciding it was too slow now, but hesitated, knowing it was reckless to go on alone, she sped her horse even faster, knowing her sister was there, and probably fighting the demon. "Faster, faster" she groaned
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera looked at Jamie for a moment, before deciding he was trying to feed her, and jumping down to the table, looking at the food. She sniffs at it before attacking and devouring the meat viciously. Eating easily more than half her weight before climbing back onto Jamie's shoulder, motioning forwards in a timid 'let's go' manner. Her tail flicks anxiously behind her. After a oment of this, she just leans against Jamie's head, rubbing her furry head against his cheek, hoping he'll pet her again. She enjoyed that, before he tried to kidnap her to use her as a hostage against Melina.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie chuckled, watching the little dragon eat. "well, at least you aren't huge, or I'd fear even Jarvis would have trouble feeding you" He said, rising when the small dragon climbed back on his shoulder, and beginning to walk. It seemed he had a lot to do and a lot to make better. She ran a hand through her hair, before petting Mithera when she rubbed her head against his check, regretting what he would have to do when he got back to the guild. She went back to the inn, speaking with the bartender again, and taking the letter back, for he had given it to the bartender to get to Mayt, along with a second letter, if anything should have happened to Jamie.

At least Acalypha town wasn't far from Magnolia. Jamie purchased a ticket, hoping Sho would have more sense then to attack Melina right away, or do anything stupid. Jamie was needed back at the guild, among other things. He settled in a seat, and as the train began to move, he moved Mithera from his shoulder, to his lap, doing so quickly, not wanting the small dragon to be discomforted for too long.

"Alright" She said, "Nod your head for yes,and shake for no. You need food for your magic to work? and will you fight with us, if need be?" Jamie needed to know how far she could trust Mithera, and how much watching he would have to do, as well as if she would help if things really went to hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera nods to the first one, then shrugs to the second. It would depend on the circumstances. Not to mention how long it'd take for her to reach her best form. She tilted her head, thinking. Maybe she should just gather up enough food, and just be around the guild in her S Predator form. That would be neat, Mithera was always looking for an excuse to do that, she nodded, that was her plan. She rubs her head against his hand, enjoying being petted. She settles into a position that's comfortable for both her and Jamie, where she could potentially whisper into his ear, if she could speak normally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Damian remained oblivious as the Demon came into view, and he'd already formulated a plan for how to start to pull it away from the village to give everyone time to escape to safety. As they got closer to it, he stood on the back of the horse and closed his eyes, his magic seal appearing beneath him as he moved, an orange glow illuminating his face. "Release skill lock Omega. Confirmation Beta twenty-six." It glowed green briefly before turning black and fading out of sight again. "Striker Blade Transport." The black blade he used for flight appeared along side him and the horse and he leaned down. "Go home, my friend, stay safe." Leaping off the back of the horse, who whinnied and then turned and galloped in the other direction, onto the blade, he soared towards the demon, a large group of blades gathering behind him as he gathered speed.

First I need to pull it's attention away from the village and Sasha and Lazarus, get them started on the evacuation. No innocents need to die or get hurt if it can be helped. Remembering the communication lacrima he and Penny had, he pulled it out and spoke into it. "Penny, you, Sasha, and Lazarus need to get the civilians out of there safely and far away. I'll pull the Demon's attention and from all of you and away from the village. I don't want any of you to get close until I give you an all clear." Knowing she'd protest, he pushed on. "The Omega skill lock is my most powerful, giving me access to the highest level of Blades Magic I have. Please just trust me."

Putting the lacrima back in his pouch, he drew his cutlasses and charged both blades with black magic energy and yelled his challenge. "Face me, Demon! Face the blades of your fate! Blade Strike Blitz!" The blades he gathered behind him soared forward, impacting the demon over and over again before exploding and he slashed the air in an X shape, sending forward a Six Blade Strike and an Exploding Piercing blade, soaring past it as the second set of attacks impacted it. Roaring in frustration, the Demon gave chase, moving away from the village. Please trust me, Penny. I know what I'm doing. Plus you and Sasha just found each other. I'd be a horrible friend if I let you both die after that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny didn't even slow her horse down, she pushed off, and launched into the sky as flames, searching for Sasha, moving quickly, dodging the demon, and shooting through the flames of burning buildings without even a hint of hesitation. She saw Sasha and relief filled her, and she landed, not even pausing to catch her breath, she poured out everything, finishing with "Damians going to end up killing himself"

Sasha squared her shoulders, and said, "Bollocks to that. Lets go" Then she was running, before Penny could stop her, towards where the demon was being led away by Damian. Sasha knew that Damian had a range of attacks, and his blades were deadly, but she didn't care. They were a guild. They didn't just leave one of them to die. They were Phoenix Wing. She knew Damian's biggest fear for having them near him was because of his blades. Her side twinged as if reminding her how sharp they were, but Sasha didn't even slow down. As soon as she was near Damian, and near the demon, she stopped.

She poured magical power into her next move, as she moved her hands in the familiar motion, and she bellowed, "Ice Make: Giant Bear Shield" her bear formed, nearly three times the size it normally was, and she panted, but the bear rose on its hind legs, and Sasha was behind it, and she could hear Lazarus and Penny running behind her. "Ice make: Bird Bombers! Ice Make: Butterfly cage!" THe birds formed, gigantic, smashign towards the demon, and the butterflies formed around her, Penny and Lazarus as an extra protection against Damian's attack.

"Damian you're a fool. We're here"

Penny tried to stop Sasha, but she couldn't, and the best she could do was follow after her, with Lazarus. Most of the town was already evacuated, and if people didn't know to run by now, then they were beyond stupid. As Sasha's bear formed, Penny was impressed. It was Massive, and she instantly understood what Sasha was doing. Rather then have the shield as protection against the demon, she was using it as protection against Damian's attacks. Penny began to form her own attacks against the demon, adding her flames to Sasha's ice, seeing Lazarus begin to do the same. none of them seem hindered by the butterflies around them. "Sorry Damian" She muttered, the lacrima held in her hand. "Sasha's stubborn"
"Well, I expected that. I would never ask you to fight against Melina, but I have a feeling things are going to get...hard around Fiore. Some of the guild is fighting a demon right now, I believe. It would be good to have some powerful assistance, to help prevent the world from being destroyed. We shall cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess" He said, sighing softly, petting MIthera still. "You have more then one form, I'm guessing. And more powerful ones too" He said this musingly, clearly thinking aloud, as the trai moved through the landscape towards Magnolia. "You are very unique. My transformations, while perfect, aren't species interchangeable."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera pushed off Jamie and flew carefully in front of him backwards. She was pretty sure she knew how to communicate this. She rubbed her stomach, then she put her hands together like she was adding something, then started making an odd tick-tock sound, turning her head back and forth in time with the sound. Hoping he got the message, she floats back over to his shoulder. She didn't have the food to transform right now, so she couldn't explain it any better than that. Food and time meant her ability to use her ability, but from what she'd seen, hose who could do it at will weren't as strong, so she felt a lot better about that. She nuzzled Jamie more, hoping to get more petting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sho watched as master Jamie and the woman were signing some kind of contract. After they finished, they moved to different directions, with master Jamie taking the small "dragon" with him, something that surprised him initially but then he thought it might have to do with the contract they had just signed, a requirement of sorts. Since the woman no longer seemed to have any desire to fight, Sho decided to not take his chances and go back to the guild along with the master. He was not going to attack someone with their back turned on him that's for sure. He boarded the same train back to Magnolia as the master did.

On the train, he searched for the master and found him sitting on one of the seats at the end of the train. The small "animal" he was carrying really made him stand out. He came from behind them and quickly sat down on the seat across the master. "No signal" was the first thing he said to the master, his frustration clearly showing on his face. "And here I was thinking I was going to have a good time but how wrong could I be..." he continued and folded his arms. Sho's gaze quickly turned towards the small "dragon" that was sitting on his shoulder. "What is that? It's not a dragon, that I'm sure of. So what is It? One of your shape-shifting friends?" Sho asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Damian didn't have the time to respond to much of anything, whether it was the giant ice bear that appeared or the ice birds attacking it. The demon was too busy swinging at him, the Striker Blade he rode upon twisting and turning and doing all kinds of mid air stunts to avoid swipes from it's clawed hands. After a couple minutes of this, he spotted an opening and took it, soaring under one of the giant hands and creating twin Doom Blades that slashed two giant gashes in the Demon's side. As it roared in pain, he spun around on the other side and dismissed the giant blades. "Ragnarok Blade!" A single massive blade hung in the air above the demon, taking on the appearance of the ancient and legendary Ragnarok Blade itself before dropping on the Demon, pinning it in place.

As it roared and struggled to break free, the giant blade sunk deeper into the ground for another five seconds before erupting into a geyser of sword blades which in turn exploded. Damian smirked as the smoke hung in the air, positive he'd finished the job. At least, until he heard the sound of a giant arm swinging through the air towards him. He ducked just in time to avoid worse than loosing his balance for a brief moment, then he was back to dodging. Damn it, I thought that would do it. I don't want to unleash Judgement Strike with the others so close, but I might not have a choice. Spinning under another swipe, several large blades fall towards the Demon, splitting at half way into at least thirty blades each. "Blade Fall Omega!" They rained upon the Demon like the sky itself wouldn't stand for it's existence.

Taking advantage of the small amount of time he had, he bought himself some height and spun his cutlasses and held them both to one side, charging magic energy before charging forward. "Judgement Strike!" As he fell towards the demon, he seemed to turn into a sword blade himself, striking the Demon forcefully, causing it to stumble back. Damian had raised his cutlasses above his head and the giant blades coming from it were different, pulsing black magic energy as they were held there. An orb of it formed above them, growing in size for several seconds before he swung downwards, the magic energy exploding as it made contact with the Demon. As the dust billowed around him, he hoped he had finished it off, that they could rest.

He couldn't have been more wrong as the Demon's attack hooked him from the right side and sent him flying, shattering the Striker Blade he'd been on and sending him sliding across the ground. When he stopped, he groaned loudly. "Well, that bloody hurt..." He was panting heavily and there was blood coming from his head and along his right arm as he stood and began to walk towards the Demon again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie watched what Mithera did, and nodded, "Food and time. Right. Got that. Well, the guild has a lot of food" He said, leaning back, petting Mithera. Petting and praise seemed to work wwell on the small dragon, so Jamie made a note of that. She sighed when Sho joined them. "I'm sorry you didn't get to fight Sho, and if you had been watching, you would have seen a chance. But I have my reasons for not eliciting a fight" He looked down to Mithera, "This is Mithera. For now, she is to stay with me, and thats all you need to know for now" she said softly.

"You will have a time to fight, Sho.. Things are becoming...dark. A demon works the earth. More dark guilds are appearing. We have to be active, if we don't want magic to be feared and banished again. So fear not, you shall get to fight" he continued to pet Mithera, leaning back in his chair, andd closing his eyes.
Sasha was panting heavily, but she still continued, forming the required movements, and saying "Ice make: Dragon slide!" The dragon formed again, the rocks coming out of its mouth, towards the demon, her ice bear took a beating contentiously from Damian's blades, but the demon didn't seem interested in them, for which Sasha was grateful. She continued to lash out with her ice attacks, moving from "Hawk Arrow" to "Tiger Impact" and "Bird Bombers" again, just trying to help Damian out. She could feel the warm, sticky wetness of blood on her side, and just had to hope she hadn't popped more then a couple of stitches, and she was breathing hard, and each breath was agony to her, as her skin pulled on the injuries from the S class battles, and her body was weary and sore. But she still fought on.

Penny fought better in the air, and thats what she did, throwing fire at the demon in different forms of attacks, zipping away from any swords or blades, staying in the air high above the demon, and she began to use some of her more powerful attacks, in an effort to harm the demon, to stop the demon, to jut do whatever she could. When she saw Damian thrown, Penny angled down, seeing the damage Damian had taken, and she landed, inflamed. She smiled, her flames blood-red orange, "Hi. looks like you need a hand" She offered him her hand, where the flames were a cool blue, and therefore harmless to Damian. "You aren't alone, Damian" She looked towards the demon, "Lets kill it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera nodded and dropped down once Master Jamie had properly understood what she was trying to convey. She curled up in his lap, resting her head against his knee, and watching Sho. Wondering what these two had to do together. Sh let out a small, excited purring sound when Jamie started petting her though, and she arched her neck, rubbing the crest against his hand gently. Being pet felt amazing, especially since he could pet a good bit of her at the same time, since she's so small and his hands so big, compared to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"You better remember those words" he blurred at Jamie as a response to what he had said about him soon having the chance to fight. At the mention of a demon being on the loose, Sho cursed his luck a little inside. "If i knew of this earlier, I wouldn't have wasted my time in that small town, doing practically nothing. I have certain skills i need to keep honed you know..." Sho sighed. "Anyway, did we sent anyone to deal with it? I'd guess something like this would make the job request board in no time" he said and laid back on the seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Damian just nodded, another Striker Blade appearing and then soaring away with him on it. He was running out of ideas fast and he's unleashed three of his most powerful spells already. Soaring low to the ground, he crouched and counted to three before leaping up into the air, flipping and slamming both cutlasses into the ground. "Blade Eruption!" Giant blades shoot out of the ground towards the demon, filling the entirety of the field between him and the Demon as it impacts it. Roaring in anger, it kicks out and strikes Damian again, sending him tumbling back again, stopping several feet from where he'd landed. "Ow..."

Standing up wobbly, his vision had started to blur and his head wouldn't stop hurting now and his arm was starting to go numb. Can't keep this up much longer, but I have to. Can't leave the others to fight this alone, not now. Focusing himself for just a moment, Damian holds his swords to either side and summons the Doom blades again, rushing forward and slashing rapidly, rolling underneath one another kick. He couldn't explain it, but he could feel his magic power increasing again, like the other times he'd unlocked a skill block. He had to finish this fight soon. "Penny, you, Sasha and Lazarus unload on that thing with everything you have. I'll do a follow up."
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