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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"Guys you're forgetting ONE particular thing here. We're here not to discuss freaking morals we got a mission to do. If you want to do that do that in your off times. for now we got bad guys to catch. If we gotta kill them then well we gotta kill'em if they try to murder us viciously. However! I'd like to sleep well in my pillow at night so I would vote we just try to get rid of that ALL together. Murdering is never the right answer unless we got one sick bastard on our hands. Ala the Joker and his groupies. We're not Red Freaking Hood guys there's a reason we're on this side of the law with Superman, Wonder Woman, The Lantern, etc. And what kind of unit are we compared to the Titans if we can't contain TWO god damn meta humans. NOW then for the last time team what is your input spill it out or forever hold your tongue. I already gave my two cents and you guys went and made it morbid." Frost Bite said with exasperation. WAS this what Inspector meant by learning to work with people? Because this isn't exactly working...it's baby sitting a group of guys who want to murder meta humans for breakin' and freakin' entering with theft and assault charges possibly. These guys probably didn't murder half a city block if they did maybe this discussion could have more place to it for now however it was god damn stupid. He was waiting for some actual input now because so far the only things thrown out there were murder and guard duty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sin showed obvious distaste for some of the opinions from the group as different individuals added in on the conversation. It wasn't for their reasoning, nor their opinions on glory... but rather the lack of care which seemed to show when they considered what it meant to take a life and eradicate it from existence, like suffocating the light of a flame. Never the less she listened as each gave their opinions, once again noting details about their characters. "All of your reasons are unassailable to their respective points, but..." she looked down at one of her gloved hands, the tips of which were spiked liked black talons, "As a being who has experienced death, I can say without doubt that I would have at least liked to have been given the option, rather then have my life stolen without hesitation. Of course my circumstances were different... " she said, trailing off at the end a little before her hand gently cupped her other. She looked up to the others again, "I implore you all to at least consider these words when we engage in battle, whether we act for the greater good, or not" she finished.

She remembered the first time she'd taken a life, fulfilling the contract death had assigned her. The man was terrified, screaming as she emerged from the dark with an expression as cold as the stone pavement on which the man laid, eyes looking up at her with fear as his hands trembled. She had visited him before, in his apartment where she first declared the intention of her visit. She'd warned him that his life was not without sin and that it had consumed him as he moved through life eliminating others and feeding on those with lower held ranks within human society. The man had foolishly thought her visit as a mere dream, which lead to her final visit while he was on his way home. It was then she took his life, his soul and sent it to be judged by the greater forces. That was a long time ago now, back when she was new and unsure about her purpose. She didn't give warnings like that anymore though, their had been so many that she could almost see the soul of another and immediately know if it was worth saving, or not. But this is all just history, and meaningless to the present. She just hoped her friends would see the gravity in taking a life, and what it meant.

Sin was snapped from her thoughts when Frost Bite spoke. His words caused her eyes to narrow and in a split moment she couldn't help but flash a piece of temper which she quickly contained, "Foolish human!" she said before she held up a hand, letting out a long breath as she closed her eyes for a moment. She opened them again, "I apologize.." she said before adding, "I will port myself into the building and secure their position without being seen, I will relay this to everyone which should allow the rest of you to set up for an ambush. Sound good?" she asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kira normally would allow the Humans to argue because she had little Idea of what they held as morals but Frost Bite had uttered an oath an she knew she must abide by it as his teammate.

Kira's voice comes from all around her team as she activates the comm system of the Dagger.
"I then must it seems speak now for the future is uncertain and without form.
I am what is called among my people a Longwalker, a Law supporter and follower of the books of Ta'Yesn the Legend.
Ta'Yesn said To Kill requires only the most basic skill of war but to force to surrender or capture a living proof of a greater skill.
I refuse to take life less it be to guard the life of a child.
For one child I an ten thousand warriors of my people would die.
Ta'Yesn also said Confusion before Battle is good in your enemy but your end if yours are confused.
Little Brother is our Leader and it is to he we should look for purpose and reason, to do any less brings shame on us all.

Finished Kira commands the roof hanger doors to open and then begins drifting up into the sky.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

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Vaeros smirked at the human's new objection, tightening his grip on the hilt of his falchion as he tapped it up and down on his knee, wisps of smoke curling up when the metal touched his pants.

"Loosen up, Frost Bite. The banter before the siege is one of the best parts about being on one of these teams." He said, slipping his weapon back into its sheath and shaking his hands out, watching the golden glow of his skin intensify as his temperature skyrocketed. He stood up and moved towards the exit, careful to avoid touching anyone.

"Either we run in, beat up the villains, and save the day, or they beat us into submission, and one of your glorious role-models will swoop in to finish the job. And if you insist that one of us watch the door, might I suggest a vote?" At that, he turned to the rest of the group. "Anyone? Nominations? I'm willing to offer my services, but I'm afraid that with my alien mindset I would get confused and mess something up. Remember, Frost Bite has been watching doors - daily - longer than I've even been on this planet."

Looking to the team, he sighed and rubbed his temples, shaking his head and looking up to Little Brother.

"I'm sorry. Can we go fight crime now?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

As the group started bickering about tactics and whether lethal force was necessary, Little Brother quietly shifted towards the cockpit and murmured, "Launch us whenever you're ready," to Kira. There was no sense wasting time while everyone tried to decide how far they'd go to protect the people of the city. Little Brother lamented his lack of leadership experience, and in fact lack of role models. The only leader he had ever had was Big Brother. The best he could say was that he could learn from his brother's mistakes.

But, leadership or otherwise, Little Brother had more experience in this life than any of the others.

"Lock it down, all of you," Billy said, now looking down at his phone, where the feed of information from the Tower's computers was scrolling on the screen, "We're not killing anyone. And you're being a bit dramatic, Vaeros. This isn't a fate of the world deal, it's just a bunch of looters. There's no civilian casualties at present, though the building has not been fully evacuated. Catching the bad guys is secondary to protecting citizens: I'd rather chase them away than engage in a destructive battle in any case." He tapped his phone screen, zooming and scrolling as he switched between schematics and live surveillance feeds.

"Interior team, if you take the eastern stairwell, you should be blocking one of their best possible escape routes, and exterior team will be blocking a window escape. We'll box them in and round them up. Aim to incapacitate. Hopefully we won't need anyone outside, but it would take more than one of us to stop an escape, and if we spread too thin we'll be useless on all fronts. The police have formed a perimeter, but are still focusing on evacuation and protecting civilians. We are the first counter-offense.

"We're here.... look alive."

Below they could see the scene unfolding. The parts of the street that weren't cordoned off by the police were stuff with onlookers and the street was so full of news vans that one had decided it was necessary to park in the alley by the building. The police looked ready for all out war, as they always did when metas were involved. The roof of the Wayne building already had a helicopter parked, and it was likely a SWAT squad was on one of the levels above the incident.

"Titans," Little Brother said, echoing the previous team's leader, "Go!" He dropped down out of the ship's open hatch, opening his cloak to slow his fall and glide the last thirty or so feet. He looked to the officer in charge, who nodded at him, but neither spoke as Little Brother turned his attention to the front doors. He watched as the interior team charged in, and counted the prescribed time, giving his gear a quick check, and pulling a grapple gun from his belt. At twenty, he launched a line upward, and ascended past the first floor. Hopefully, he thought wryly, Wayne Enterprises could afford to replace these windows. He could see in to the second floor, where he could see the villains rifling through lab equipment and storage containers, and placed an explosive charge on the window. He kicked away hard as it detonated, sending glass shards flying inward, and then swung forward through the empty space.

His very first move was to take stock of the room, and he spotted what looked like a maintenance crew, coveralls and janitor's cart and all, trying to flee to the stairwell.
Little Brother touched his ear, as he pulled his retractable staff from his belt to repel a charging thug, and called to the other team, "Civilians fleeing, help evacuate."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Fracking double posting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Quin mostly ignored the philosophical and moral quabble. Her mind was preoccupied with something much more important. Fantasizing new outfits for her team.

She was sure if she were ever in a life and death situation she would do her best. What more was there to think of?

Anyhow, she did not have to worry long about the smooth flat face of Wayne Enterprises. Little Brother lead the charge.

She held herself back while Little Brother landed a grappling line and blasted the windows open. All she had to do was jump.

Leaping out of the hatch her cape unfurled behind her, stretching out like a glider or like butterfly wings. It caught the wind and the spider-silk carried her gently toward the broken window.

At the very last moment contracted her cape tight around her body. Her momentum carried her the rest of the way, she took three light steps as she landed into a low crouch.

She was careful not to cut herself or her cloths on the shattered glass about her. When she stood her cape fell loose around her ankles.

The room was a lab. It contained some interesting equipment, much of it was ruined by the thieves. She had little time to appreciate either. One of the thieves ran at Little Brother.

She uncoiled the rope from her side, she didn’t need her hands to do so. The long white cord seemed to lash out of it’s own accord. A neat little lasso-style loop formed at the end, looping itself right over the thug that advanced upon Little Brother. With a second thought, that loop constricted around his shoulders, and the slack on the rope tightened. She attempted to stop or knock down the attacker with the snap of the rope.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kira as the Transport Pilot accepted her role as last in because she needed to secure the TT (Titan Turtle) as she'd nicknamed sub craft 2 from her Dagger..
She put it in geo lock mode which transformed the TT form aircraft into an immobile structure. Suspended about forty feet from the Wayne building and forty feet off the ground the TT made a perfect launch platform.
Kira ran without hesitation oFf the rear ramp plunging towards a window on the second floor. Like a smart missile she struck her target area without variation of course.. Her 275 pounds of weight strikes the tempered glass using knuckle points and an applied double short punch to shatter her entry point.

She lands atop a desk near the window crushing it which causes her to be briefly entangled in it's debris.

She wastes no time with caution as she stands and kicks the remnants of the desk away from herself.

Her entry and reactions had briefly stunned one of the thugs which had been tossing the nearby cabinets for whatever her could find. The Thug whipped up his weapon and fired off three shots to Kira's center of mass.

"Nas vev ket lel, ne heer sef" (That stings Coward, prepare to be attacked) Snarls Kira as the silk absorbs the deadly nature of the projectiles but not their kinetic force.

Kira's hand drops onto the back of a nearby lab stool and then in a single smooth motion she sends the metal an vinyl missile at the offending Thug barely missing him but causing him to raise his arms up in a reflexive gesture to protect his head.

Kira is grinning as she follows her thrown faint, the weapon is now pointed away from her as she'd planned. The Thug though a man of no small experience himself isn't prepared to defend himself from an excited Ko'Secti warrior sees from the corner of his eye his mistake.

Kira's left hard palm strikes the Thug's gun hand forcing it up so that when it goes off as she'd predicted the projectile strikes the ceiling tiles.

The Thug screams in pain as his gun hand is broken at the wrist by the force of Kira's blow.

She takes no pride in the Thug's capture for it was as simple as striking a neophyte warrior. Looking around quickly Kira spots a spool of wire used in the lab and secures the Thug's good hand and then his legs

Kira was mildly disappointed with her catch but knew that in a group hunt for undesirable prey it wasn't the prey's power but that you had stopped one. It was the schooling mentality of her people from when they were ocean predators.

Looking out the window see concentrated on the TT calling it over to her broken window. When it drew close she leapt across the gap landing on the ramp and entering. A short time later she leapt back into the Wayne building and walked over to her injured foe and pulled neural damper which she'd fetched from the med kit.
The man winced and begged her no more till he felt the nerves in his abused arm go numb and cease hurting.

Her battle school honed skills warned her that she was in danger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

As Kira was momentarily distracted tying up her catch, a lab table flew across the room, aimed skillfully at her crouched form. On the other side of the table's ballistic arch was one of the known meta's from the briefing, Tank. He was already ripping another table from where it was secured on the ground.

Meanwhile, Little Brother didn't take a moment to thank Silk Worm, and was already taking another action. He retracted his staff into a shorter baton, and hooked the spool of wire on his belt to the handle end. He pulled a length of the wire as he took a count of targets, something he was quite good at doing in a short amount of time.

He counted eleven thugs, only five were known entities, and three civilians. Tank was easily spotted, he was causing destruction, and Little Bro caught flames on the easternmost side of the room, and assumed Torch to be there, though he couldn't make out what he was doing through the crowd. The thugs were causing a lot of wonton destruction, but they were also cherrypicking items they apparently deemed valuable, and putting them in satchels or bags on their backs.

Little Brother turned back to the window and draped his cloak over his arm, creating a little dark tent, then said over the comm, "Sin, shadow port up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She spied the on rushing table and had only one choice, protect her damaged prisoner. She just managed to cover him with her body when she was struck by the table hurled by Tank.

The force was incredible as the table shattered across her back and sent her across her prisoner. She ignored the pain she felt as she assured the helpless captive was unharmed. She knew that she was badly bruised but her bones built by genetics to withstand 1.7 Gs of her homeworld were intact.

She had to do something and do it quick as she heard another table being prepared as a missile. Kicking off the floor she decides to take the lure position in tactics and draw fire away from where she was.

She leaps in a diving jump across the room to land amid a cluster of 4 work stations.

"Dai a ket Tan'ku, sos vi es ya?(Good shot Tank now let's see if you can do it while I can see you?) laughs Kira as she goes into first stage of her counter attack
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As soon as they were within range, Anchor had thrown his anchor from the plane, hooking it onto the side of the building. Jumping just after Little Brother, he swung on the chain, weight bringing him in a tight arc. The anchor held, having found a nice nook to rest in. However, the chain length did not quite bring Anchor down to ground level, instead just a foot above the door. Rahn'Niss grimaced, as he slammed into the building with a heavy thud.

Quickly regaining his wits, Anchor violently yanked the chain, allowing his anchor to plummet down next to him. Despite how slowly one might expect him to move, this all transpired in but a few seconds. Not hesitating to deal with those police surrounding the area, Rahn'Niss barged in, sprinting up stairs as quickly as he could. Though he did not have super-speed, his strength was more than capable of propelling him at surprising speeds.

Anchor puffed deep breaths, reaching the top of the stairs, second floor. The eastern stairwell had taken him exactly where he needed to be, popping up just outside of the door housing the battle. He already heard some ruckus coming from within, and thought to himself, 'Twenty seconds... What am I, the flash?' Being the first to arrive at said door, he kicked it down with enough force to splinter the wood. The first thing he noticed was Tank, throwing a desk. There was little Anchor could do to stop it, so instead, he took a moment to survey the room.

From what Rahn'Niss remembered, the plan didn't involve near as many people coming in through the windows, but now wasn't the time to question it. Though an inferno was in the corner of his eyes, Anchor knew he was most suited to take out Tank. Torch would be too much of a challenge, heat trumping his Atlantean physiology. The other thugs would be easy enough to mop up with Tank out of the way, or at least incapacitated.

Then came the order. "Civilians fleeing." That was quite the wrench thrown into the plans. There wasn't much that Anchor could do on that front, save using himself as a simple shield for them. No, he would best leave that to the others as well. Finally, with his thoughts in place, Anchor stared down Tank, hand gripping the anchor tightly. The massive man was focused on Kira, who also appeared to be attacking the meta human. With a grim smile, Rahn'Niss threw his anchor, the blunt thing aimed just next to Tank. When the anchor slid to a stop next to the foot of Tank, he whipped it hard to the side, hoping to knock the man down, or at least distract him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With the "Turtle" stationary, Vaeros followed the Atlantean out of the craft, opting to simply drop to the ground and roll to disperse the impact. It wouldn't have been enough to cause lasting damage, but he didn't want to be forced into a limp for the duration of the fight.

As he approached the entrance, marveling at the speed of the more muscular Teen Titan, Vaeros noticed a group of humans on their way out from the stairwell, having only barely caught Little Brother's order over the noise of his surroundings. Deciding to clear them from the line of fire, he called for them to hurry and waved them away from the door, pointing towards the crowd that had assembled outside, entering only once they had cleared the area.

Running up the stairs, Vaeros burst onto the second floor, hands glowing with bright golden light as he appraised the situation. Anchor was squaring off with Tank, who seemed to have been distracted in his attempt to attack Kira. Little Brother was engaged as well. So was Quin.

Seeing the light of some other flames on the other side of the room, Vaeros smiled in eager anticipation. He ran to investigate, hoping to catch Torch on his own so that he might subdue him. He hadn't made much of a ripple when he'd arrived on Earth. Common knowledge about him would only extend to his offensive abilities, and the nature of his arrival.

Catching sight of the metahuman, Vaeros grinned and spread his arms, beckoning for the man to engage him in combat.

"Come on then, human. Let us see how intense that fire of yours can get." He laughed, bracing himself all the same.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"I'll make sure no civies get hurt in the making of this 'rescue operation' boss. Just don't get let them get away." Frost Bite commented as he stayed outside of the building. He worked best outside of buildings where there were open air for him to do this thing. Sure enclosed spaces meant that he OWNED the battlefield practically but when did that matter when it came to meta humans? Better safe than sorry. "If you need me in there just ask but I'd rather not turn the place into a giant broken down pile of rubble with my wind powers if I can help it. Besides you'd just yell at me if I made a huge mess." commented Frost Bite sarcastically as he flew up into the air and watched to make sure any normal people who were trying to get out got out if there was anything keeping them from doing so he'd be sure to go and send a massive gust of wind in that general direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Sin appeared in the shadow left by Little Brother's cloak, and he stepped away to rejoin the battle, utilizing both his staff and the cord on his belt. He rushed into a group of three who were close together, only one of whose attention was on him. He struck the first on the chin with his staff, and threw his line around the third, pulling him into the second and knocking them all to the ground in short order.


When Vaeros approached, Torch appeared to be cutting a hole in the wall, his hands were elbow deep in the wall, a bright glowing circle of molten brick and steel and burning drywall nearly complete. He didn't even stop to look at Vaeros when he issued his challenge, and instead said, "No thanks." There were two thugs nearby with fire extinguishers, apparently ready to stop the whole building from going up while they were still inside it, and they turned the nozzles on Vaeros and blasted him. As he was covered with freezing foam, one of them rushed forward and swung his extinguisher as a weapon at him.


The anchor sailed past Tank as he tossed the second table. As Anchor pulled it back, it caught his foot and pulled him over. He bent double on the ground and grabbed a hold of the anchor, pulling it viciously back toward him.


Something was happening outside. It was unnoticeable at first, but by the time people realized it was too late. A thin gray-green powder started to coat the ground, floating gently down, coming from somewhere in the crowd. The people gathered around, police, newspeople and rubber-neckers all, were already lethargic. A police officer was rushed to the SWAT truck and started handing out gas masks, not bothering to put one on himself in his rush. He gave out seven before he collapsed heavily and fell out the back of the truck. Others were following suit, while civilians(and some cops) simply fled the area.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SonofJET
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SonofJET Creation Addict

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Abrupt as the attack was, Vaeros was poorly prepared for the contents of the fire extinguishers, which coated him in a substance that bit him down to the bone with its frigid temperature, even if only for a moment. His own internal heat quickly caused the substance to slough off of his skin.

He was better able to anticipate the blow with the improvised weapon, however, and raised an arm to take the brunt of the force, which he used to further his own motions and carry him around in a pirouette, ending the move with a backhand across the thug's face.

The force of his blow was great enough to send the man sprawling, but it was the pain that would likely keep him down. Running at full heat now, Vaeros' skin to skin contact with the thug had left an angry red welt raised from his right cheekbone to his left eyebrow.

Turning to the remaining thug, Vaeros tossed his head back, flicking a bit more of the extinguishers contents from his feathers and offering a fiendish smile before conjuring a fireball to his hands and hurling it at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Silk worm took pause as she watched Little Brother, he was perfectly capable of caring for himself, taking down a trio of thugs easily. She scanned the room for other ways she might be useful. Sin had just teleported within and went to face tank with Anchor who seemed a worthy match. Varos was to far away to see, she saw flames, and white smoke, and that was all. There was still a sea of lab equipment and enemies between her and the others, except for little brother...

So she kept her back toward Little Brother, ensuring that the two of them could not be flanked. Luckily her power offered her a range of motion with the use of her rope. She set her eyes on the satchel of a nearby thief. The cloth goodie-bags that they placed their treasures within. She drew a fan into her left hand and wielded her rope like a lasso on her right side. She threw the thing out toward the nearest thug. She hoped that he might flinch, thinking the coiling trap might be meant for him, but it was not. She aimed for the sac in his hand. The cloth bag held all the real answers. What they put in the cloth bag was their purpose in their crime.

As soon as the silk rope touched the satchel, she would know it's material. Natural organic or not, she would seek to attain the sac and it's contents.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

~"I realized I could walk the shadows, be among them... one of them. They embraced me like a long lost friend, as if they already knew me"~

Once Sin had ported into the building she immediately began scouting it, staying out of the fight for the most part as she secured positions on enemies some of which she would dispatch and incapacitate as she moved. A particular group of thugs had lost their nerve when the lights to the corridor had began to flicker before slowly turning off one by one, flickers of images jumping at them from the dark causing them to flinch and yell before mindlessly swinging their weapons at their own illusions. When she finally attacked she was swift, clean and precise as she slammed them into walls or made them curl up in fear. She chose not to take their lives, but she did ensure each one was unconscious before she'd move on, looking to find the main culprits as she ported between the floors. Eventually she managed to find herself on the same floor as Vaeros, arriving just in time to see him throwing a fire ball at his opponent. Seeing the intention she decided to secure his hit, casting a horrifying illusion on the thug which would reflect from his inner most fears. Her intention was to distract him or cause him to flinch so that he wouldn't think to dodge the impending fireball.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rather satisfied with his throw, Anchor placed his arms on his hips, letting out his most heroic laugh. Ever since he had moved up to the surface, he noticed heroes often doing such. Though currently he wasn't very good at it, he someday aspired to laugh heroically with the best of them. He could see it now, him standing next to superman, a hearty chuckle echoing out across the lands.

But he let himself get distracted by these thoughts for just a bit too long, and he hadn't noticed Tank's counter attack until it was far too late. The chain quickly pulled taut, and Anchor was dragged to the ground with it. Though normally he would have simply planted into the ground face-first, his armor was slick, and the pull from Tank was exceptionally strong. This combination led to him soaring across the floor, arms spread wide like an eagle. Rahn'Niss tried to put out his arms to stop his glide, but was unable to get a good grasp on the rather slick floor.

The heavily muscled Atlantean finally came to a stop, a pile of rubble from the previously thrown table obstructing his path. The debris only slowed him, though, his head almost making it all the way through the window broken by Little Brother at the beginning. Before he regained his senses to get up, he noticed the gray powder, and the people down on the ground. It didn't take a genius to know that there was some correlation between the two. He considered shouting to the team, but he decided that they would be fine, until it managed to find its way into the building. As far as he could see, it hadn't made its way in yet.

So, shrugging off the powder, He turned, his chain slowly retracting up into his glove, anchor slowly crawling back. Rahn'Niss paid little attention. After the stunt before, he knew that his best chance would be hand-to-hand. Though at first his pace was slow, the Atlantean picked up speed quickly, lunging at Tank, arms outstretched to grab at the hulking enemy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"Of freaking course....gas attack." was all that Frost Bite could get out as he quickly created a small air bubble around his head with a thin pocket of air inside of it that was not exposed to the substance being used presently. Seeing as this was usually his realm of expertise though he figured he'd steal the glory for this round. "Hey guy's I'm going to get rid of this SHIT in the air if you have half a working brain than get anyone caught into this to safety. I'll need to concentrate so I'll be vulnerable watch my back!" Frost Bite shouted hoping that one of his damn team mates actually heard what he said as he flew down into the street he quickly started to concentrate and form a small tornado around both of his arms and then when he was certain that it would blow away most of the stuff he unleash it sending it away from those in the immediate vicinity but he then proceeded to call back the wind into two giant balls of which he contained most of the powder in and kept it the big balls of air floating in the air. "Damn it this is such a pain..." He complained silently as he wanted to make sure this powder was properly disposed of and not go further into the city or worse back into the immediate area around him and his team and the crowd.
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