Fantastic posts, Heroes and Derren, so much fun! Those four characters, Gavin and OLGA, Mowzer and Antoine, make me so glad to have the amazing writers we do in this RP. And totally anticipating yours and Dot's post, Idle - cannot wait to see how this scene plays out! *tension builds!*
Oh, and ladies? I forgot the *smug smile* last I posted - not only did Abby get to lay hands on Mike first? Oh yeah, a little alone time one-on-one with one of the silver foxes too. Abby's life is

As for how I'm doing - a bit slow today, but thanks for asking after us, Lil :) I just got back from my morning classes a little while ago, had a few things to take care of before settling in for more studying

And to that, I probably won't have time to write up a post until tomorrow evening to be honest, after I get back from class and taking that icky test. *shakes fist* Darn you responsible adulthood, stealing fun time!