The year is 1470 AR, ten years after the Dragonmaw Rebellion. The once-glorious city of Westbell is reduced to a shambling ruin of tyranny and poverty, all ruled by an iron fist under the authority of Overlord Dragonmaw. Dragonmaw has usurped control from the righteous monarch King Stardale, who is currently deceased and his unknown son in hiding. Contact from the outside world is utterly and completely outlawed - the once-prosperous merchant houses of Westbell are now mere puppets of the Overlord, paying annual tribute to him in coin and steel. The lower-class are being mistreated worse than ever. Extreme wage cuts and prolonged work hours are being reluctantly doled out by landowners under pain of death. The middle-class merchants and craftsmen are all under the yoke of Dragonmaw, and also pay tribute to him yearly. One would think that crime would have significantly risen. However, this is not the case. The slums and streets are being unscrupulously watched by the Fireblade Mercenary Company, started and funded by Dragonmaw himself. The ultimate dolers of 'law' and punishment in this harsh land are the Signets. Wielding iron staves as a sign of authority in the name of the Overlord, they command patrols of Fireblades and conduct random inspections, oversee trials, and are the symbols of Dragonmaw's authority. However, in this grim darkness there is a pillar of hope. The Scarlet Masks are a secret organization dedicated to overthrowing Dragonmaw and putting King Stardale's son back on the throne. While getting ready for an eventual invasion of Westbell, foreign powers smuggle arms and equipment to the Masks. Whether new to the Masks or a grizzled veteran, you all have a part to play. You are heading to one of the Masks' many safehouses located in the city for a mission briefing. Who knows where it will take you?
Hi guys. I'm relatively new to GMing and am already involved in several threads and might need a co-GM if stuck. I plan to let this be a character-based RP, where we'll make stuff up as we go along. There might only be humans in this RP, but I'm open to suggestions.
Anyone interested?