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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!


War has comes to South America as in the early mornings of July, 28th, 1868. As Bartolome Mitre, Argentina's President, declared war on Paraguay at a rally in central Buenos Aires, saying, "President Lopez is a thorn in the side of Argentine progress.". And he said that the Council has agreed for Argentina to use military intervention to "resolve this dispute and bring an end to President Lopez's tyrannical reign.". President Lopez of Paraguay had no comments on the Argentina's declaration of war and so has any of the high ranks in Paraguay. He has refused for Argentina to used the Paraguay and Parana Rivers to allow free and unhindered passage of trade goods along the rivers, which caused Mitre to declare war on Lopez.

Emperor Pedro II's Response to Argentina's declaration of war
It saddens me that war has to come to South America, but we had a reason to allow the declaration of war. President Lopez has refuse to allow Argentina to use the Paraguay and Parana Rivers for free trade. Trade that the people of Argentina needs to live their daily lives with. Not only that, but the people of Paraguay have live in constant fear of their President, the leader that is suppose to be loved by the people. This President massacres his own people in order to keep his place as President, but he is no President, he is a dictator. And he needs to be stop, no matter what! He is making South America weak due to his actions and he must be removed for office before he could cause harm.

I, Emperor Pedro the Second, King of Empire of Brazil wish Argentina well in the upcoming war and we shall give your men supplies.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Empire of Brazil
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Outcast


Member Offline since relaunch

Events of the World: 1868

Britain performed various treaties with other nations around the world.
(-£480, -5 ships-of-the-line to Britain, +5 ships-of-the-line to the Netherlands, -86 sail frigates to Britain, +86 sail frigates to France, +1 navy sublevel to Austria)

Taking advantage of the new Suez Canal, the United Republic increased its trade links with the rest of the world.
(-£320, +1 resource sublevel)

Some ships-of-the-line were refitted as ironclads, however bureaucratic errors meant some shipyards did not receive the orders.
(-£3,200, -4 ships-of-the-line, +4 ironclads)

The French also began refitting their naval vessels.
(-£5,000, -10 sail frigates, +10 screw frigates)

The Suez Canal was completed, and nationalized by the French government. Cannons were placed along the canal, and only ships from select nations were allowed to pass. The canal meant trade would be cheaper, which hurt the economies of European nations not allowed to pass, with the exception of the Ottoman Empire which made use of other ports and overland links.
(-£740, increased income to France, slight increase in income to Britain, Germany, slight decrease in income to all other European nations except Ottoman Empire)

France also performed its agreements.
(-£9,000, +£8,000 to Britain, +5% equipment to Britain, +5% education rate to Austria, -£500 to Argentina, +1 resource sublevel to France, +3% equipment to Argentina, +£250 income to USA, -£250 income to France, +1 army sublevel to Argentina, increased income)

Germany proclaimed that it would be the most powerful industrial nation in the world,and embarked on an ambitious plan to fulfill this. However, progress was not as quick as hoped.
(-£1,050, +2 industry sublevels in 2 turns)

An imperial mission was launched by Germany, and quickly claimed part of the western coastline of Africa for Germany. Reserves of iron were found by German prospectors.
(-£300, +1 resource sublevel in 1 turn)

Another mission was launched by Germany, this one landing on the southern coast of Arabia. There was some discontent from the locals, but no one was willing to try anything against the German soldiers brought with them.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire decided to join the race to refit navies in metal.
(-£7,600, -4 ships-of-the-line, +2 ironclads, +2 ironclads in 1 turn, -8 sail frigates, +4 screw frigates, +4 screw frigates in 1 turn)

A new rifle, the M1868 Werndl-Holub, was developed and put into service by the Austrian military.
(-£400, +5% equipment)

The unique breechloading system of the Werndl

With its part in the war over, the Austrian army was disbanded and sent home.
(Austrian army disbanded)

A number of agreements were signed by the Austrian government.
(+£100, -£1200 to Brazil, +5% equipment to Brazil, +1 army sublevel to France, -£260 to Germany, +1 industry sublevel (half profits to Germany), +1 army sublevel to Britain)

With the seas of Europe now calm, Sweden set out to increase the level of trade links.
(-£330, +1 resource sublevel)

The Swedish government invested in factories in Norway, to try and lift the economic output of the region.
(-£510, +1 industry sublevel)

Using French blueprints, Swedish factories began producing better quality weapons for the military.
(-£300, +4% equipment)

A ship canal, named the Nieuwe Waterweg, was built by the Netherlands government connecting the port of Rotterdam to the North Sea.
(-£520, +1 infrastructure sublevel)

In 1867, the King of the Ashanti Empire, Kwaku Dua I, passed away. With the entire Gold Coast under Dutch command, the government sponsored the Kings grandson Kofi Karikari in return for the Ashanti becoming a Dutch protectorate. It was not a smooth plan, as other claimants to the throne used anti-European sentiment to garner support. A short but bloody civil war was sparked, and was forcibly put down by Dutch soldiers. With Karikari on the throne, the Ashanti Empire came under Dutch protection, but it would be a while before the situation would be calm enough to reap the benefits.
(-3,400 regulars, +2 resource sublevels in 3 turns)

Offers were sent to Marthinus Wessel Pretorius, President of the South African Republic, and Johannes Henricus Brand, President of the Orange Free State, inviting them to a conference to discuss possible unification with the Dutch Cape Colony. Unfortunately, they were both far too busy to attend. Perhaps next year.

Technological specialists and innovators were brought into the Holland region, to try and improve the Dutch industrial output.
(-£520, +1 industry sublevel)

Industrial facilities in Russia were overhauled and modernised.
(-£540, +1 industry sublevel)

The Tsar did a tour of his nation to gather public support. He wished to include the Caucasus in the tour, but his advisor's made him reconsider,as there was still much anti-Russian sentiment in the region.
(-£130, +4% public support)

Officers in the Russian navy received extra training and drilling.
(-£500, +1 navy sublevel)

A campaign was run by the Greek government to encourage Greek nationalism.
(-£200, +5% public support)

Greek agents snuck into the Ottoman Empire to encourage Greek citizens to vote for joining Greece in the referendums.

An improved public schooling system was implemented by the Greek government.
(-£250, +4% education rate)

Referendums were held in the Caucasus region, to determine whether they should stay with Russia or become part of the Ottoman Empire. Muslim propaganda before the war, and the Ottoman victories in the area, led to high support for the Ottomans, and the region became part of the Ottoman Empire.

Plebiscites in Greece went a little differently. While the large Muslim population in Salonica kept the region in Ottoman hands, Janina and Manastir voted overwhelmingly to becoming part of Greece.

But it was on the island of Crete that problems arose. Slightly under half of the population of Crete was Muslim, and enough people, sick of the actions of the Greek government during the war or other reasons, voted pro-Ottoman that the island stayed. However, the vote was very tight, and the pro-Greek population was enough to divide the island, and send it spiralling into chaos. Ottoman troops stepped in to end the violence, which did little to earn their support.
(-800 regulars to the Ottoman Empire)

Ethnic map of Crete

The Americas
40,000 US troops were sent west to set up forts and negotiate treaties with Native Indians. With the West now far safer, larger numbers migrated west to set up farms and homesteads.
(-£300, +1 resource sublevel, +3% public support)

Foreign migration into the USA was encouraged, and with the Civil War now over, many took the opportunity.
(-£220, +0.15 population growth)

The treaties with Germany and France were ratified. The officer exchange program with Germany was very beneficial, with many war stories told by both sides.
(-£490 to the USA, -£480 to Germany, +1 army sublevel in 1 turn to Germany, USA)

Using his war record as propaganda, Ulysses S. Grant won the Presidential election in a landslide victory against Horatio Seymour.

A new constitution was drafted in Colombia. The new constitution was more conservative and centralist than the previous one, and brought about a name change from the Granadine Confederation to the Republic of Colombia.
(-£100, +4% public support)

With the new constitution came a change in policy and a harder line against corruption. Embezzlers were turfed out of the Colombian government, and the national income improved as a result.
(-£200, increased income)

Using techniques learnt by the force sent to fight in the US Civil War, a new military academy was set up. The fact that the force saw very little fighting and didn't lose a man was ignored.
(-£550, +1 army sublevel)

The University of Rio was set up in Brazil.
(-£300, +5% education rate)

A deal was struck with Germany.
(+£2,000, +1 army sublevel, -5 ships-of-the-line, -10 screw frigates, -5 transport ships, +5 ships-of-the-line, +10 screw frigates, +5 transport ships to Germany, -£2,500 to Germany)

Railways in Brazil were improved.
(-£510, +1 infrastructure sublevel)

Argentina introduced conscription, to raise troops to fight against Paraguay.
(+50,000 conscripts)

The Argentine government launched a propaganda campaign to increase support for the war.
(-£120, +5% public support)

Argentinian shipyards began construction on new vessels for the Argentinian navy.
(-£3,700, +4 sail frigates, +2 screw frigates)

William Brown, called the father of the Argentinian navy, who had died a decade earlier

Training of Qing generals and officers continued.
(-£530, +1 army sublevel)

The Qing government invested in agriculture, to try and repair the damage done by the Taiping Rebelllion.
(-£300, +1 resource sublevel)

Qing munitions factories began production on new and better quality weapons for the Qing army.
(-£330, +5% equipment)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Outcast


Member Offline since relaunch

Countries of the World: 1868

Map not guaranteed to be accurate. Trust the text before you trust the map

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Βασίλειο της Ελλάδα(Kingdom of Greece)

"Crete can not stand stable the way it is with the current situation. In the interest of promoting peace, stability, and order, I call out to the Ottoman Empire to allow those greeks who wished to divided Crete between us to allow them. It is the only way and the best way to solve the ongoing anger and feelings in Crete. I hope that you hear these words Ottomans, so that the wishes of the people of Crete may be accomplished."
-King Otto
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Wars produce many stories of fiction, some of which are told until they are believed to be true. I am at the center of one such tale. This yarn, known as the story of Butcher Grant, paints myself as a drunken lout that sent wave after wave of men to their deaths. The war was a very bloody affair, but we stuck to the principal of initiative. The Union Army never gave up ground and always pressed forward on the battlefield. That is my stance in wartime and that is also my stance peacetime. Press on, despite the cost. We emerge from civil war stronger than ever, sworn to the principal of initiative. We press forward in all things, be they business or territory or education. To outgoing President Colfax I give my thanks for his support in the election, and I solemnly vow that I will do all I can to see his goal of an American Colossus come to pass.

-- Excerpt from President Ulysses S. Grant's Inaugural Address
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

Austro-Hungarian Empire - Suez Canal License Agreement

This is a Certificate certifying that the Austro-Hungarian Empire have been given the rights for all of its ships, military or civilian, to travel through the Suez Canal.
If the Country above begins a war with France, Britain or Germany they may not use the canal and this certificate is nullified, the party above will have to apply for a new license after the conflict has been adjourned.
The above country will pay the French Empire £20 per year for the use of the canal.

[X] - Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
[X] - Kaiser Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Seward-La Valette Treaty Revised

Article I. All ports in the United States territory of Columbia will be open to French merchant shipping with lowered import tariffs. Overland trade routes shall be opened for French importers carrying goods across Columbia to the rest of Canada. In exchange the United States has been given the rights for all of its ships, military or civilian, to travel through the Suez Canal.

Article II. The treaty shall remain intact for a period of ten years, upon which all nations involved shall renegotiate the terms for renewal of the treaty.

[X] - Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
[X] - President Ulysses S. Grant of the United States of America
[X] - Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Prime minister of The Canadian Confederation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

Regarding the Suez Canal
I address the world stage to announce the opening of the Suez Canal, this magnificent water-way has created a much needed shortcut connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. All countries are invited to apply for use of the canal, all queries and negotiations should be brought up with the French Government. A Suez Canal License Agreement or other form of treaty is needed before access is allowed to the canal.

Regarding the Argentine/Paraguay conflict.
I believe the Argentine cause to be that of a noble one and encourage other American countries to support them. A tyrant in south America is a thorn in the side of the Western Hemisphere, I wish that you could set an example to our eastern brethren and show that you will not agree with dictators. I urge Brazil in particular to think about helping Argentina with its Military forces.

Regarding the island of Crete.
At the end of the war, France looked to Greece and saw the country was unfit, it saddened my heart to see a once proud nation which the French have admired throughout history, being on its last legs. It reminded me of someone I once knew....
Onto the point, I believe the island belongs to Greece and that to avoid further uprising the Kingdom of Greece should own the island. I would also like to announce that the French Empire will begin negotiations to have a closer bond with the Kingdom of Greece.

- Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Scandinavian Commonwealth

Crete has spoken and they have decided to remain with the Ottoman Empire. It is Greece's own fault for showing itself to be of an extremely fickle nature. First, the Kingdom of Greece allied with the former-United Kingdom in exchange for the Ionian Islands (which happened to never change hands). Then, along with its new "ally", the Kingdom of Greece irrationally declared war against the United States in order to help both the British and the French establish the Southern States who use to be in rebellion.

However, when the War of the Eighth Coalition broke out, the Kingdom of Greece simply ignored their previous treaty with the former-United Kingdom, declaring war on the allies. Then, Greece defected again back to the Allies. In doing so, the Kingdom of Greece broke The Mediterranean Pact, which they signed just prior to the war. Furthermore, the Greeks even attempted to land troops on Italian soil, the land of their former ally in the Mediterranean Pact.

But this is not all. Greece again flip-flopped by returning to the Eighth Coalition. Therefore, as seen through this evidence, the leadership in the Greek government has shown itself to be unreliable and fickle. There is no question why the Cretans, even though some of them would identify themselves as Greeks and Christians, decided to stay with the Ottomans. Why would Crete wish to be under the rule of such a capricious government?

Therefore, the Scandinavian Commonwealth upholds the decision made in the plebiscite held in Crete. Furthermore, we would like to point out that Crete was never allocated to the Kingdom of Greece in the London Protocols of 1830 and 1832, nor in the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832. Moreover, we would like to quote a passage from the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832.

Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 said
The undersigned Plenipotentiaries of the 3 Courts, and those of the Sublime Porte, having brought to a close the Conferences which they have held for the purpose of effecting the Definitive Settlement of the Boundary of Greece, as above described, declare that, considering the arrangements recorded by common agreement in the present instrument, the object of the Treaty of London of the 6th July, 1827, and of the Protocols under different dates which relate thereto, is completely attained; that the prolonged negotiations to which those stipulations have given rise, are terminated in such a manner as never to be renewed; in fact, that the Greek Question is irrevocably settled.

The embolden section is our emphasis. Therefore, since the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 declares "that the Greek Question is irrevocably settled", if any nation wishes that the Ottomans release the island of Crete from their rule, the Scandinavian Commonwealth proposes that the island of Crete, if it is released from Ottoman rule, be a separate and independent nation from Greece.

In addition, as shown by his inability to properly guide the Kingdom of Greece and his fickle decisions, we politely ask Otto, the current King of Greece to abdicate his thrown. Furthermore, the Scandinavian Commonwealth encourages that the Kingdom of Greece to install Prince Wilhelm of Denmark, the son of the current King of Denmark, Christian IX, as their next king.

-Official Statement of the Scandinavian Commonwealth

Edit: Fixed some typos.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Βασίλειο της Ελλάδα(Kingdom of Greece)

"It seems the Scanadavian Commonwealth is looking for a vassal, as to dare suggest that I abdicate my thrown and give it to a Prince from Denmark! I refuse Scandinavia, apparently your not as neutral as you so claim. While my decisions during the war might have been poor ones, if you look back at history it was such a common practice to switch sides. I regret those decisions, but I will not abdicate till the people of Greece see fit for me to do so, and then they shall choose there king, not a Foreign nation."
-King Otto of Greece
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Scandinavian Commonwealth

The Scandinavian Commonwealth apologizes for confusing your nature, King Otto, with the character of the people of Greece. Your nation has learned well from their Lacedaemonian ancestors, as they sold out the Ionian Greeks countless times to the Persians in exchange for gold so that Sparta might have hegemony over Greece.

And for why we recommended Prince Wilhelm of Denmark for the next King of Greece, it is all in the name of the "Balance of Power". The concert of Europe has no fear of having a Dane on the thrown of Greece.

-The Scandinavian Commonwealth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

The Kingdom of Greece - Suez Canal License Agreement

This is a Certificate certifying that the Kingdom of Greece have been given the rights for all of its ships, military or civilian, to travel through the Suez Canal.
If the Country above begins a war with France, Britain or Germany they may not use the canal and this certificate is nullified, the party above will have to apply for a new license after the conflict has been adjourned.
The above country will pay the French Empire £20 per year for the use of the canal.

[X] - Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
[X] - King Otto of the Kingdom of Greece

The Kingdom of Italy - Suez Canal License Agreement

This is a Certificate certifying that the Kingdom of Italy have been given the rights for all of its ships, military or civilian, to travel through the Suez Canal.
If the Country above begins a war with France, Britain or Germany they may not use the canal and this certificate is nullified, the party above will have to apply for a new license after the conflict has been adjourned.
The above country will pay the French Empire £20 per year for the use of the canal.

[X] - Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
[X] - King Vittorio Emanuele II of the Kingdom of Italy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Outcast


Member Offline since relaunch

The Age of Explorers and The Fall of The Emperor
Written by Rare

Empire of Brazil in 1868 was in a better state than it was when they won independence from Portugal. Factories in the city of Rio, better railroads, and more schools made the reason why Empire of Brazil is one of the stable countries in the Americas. It was all due to Emperor Pedro II's actions and decisions, that impact South America. The son of Pedro I, the founder and the ruler of Empire of Brazil, Pedro II watched his father carefully and read about his father in the Liberal Revolution of 1820 and his time before his was born to the Royal Family. He didn't know that his father died in September 1834 and he and his sister were informed in December then got a letter of Bonifácio, who had been removed from his position as their guardian, wrote to them, "Dom Pedro did not die. Only ordinary men die, not heroes."

His father's death at a young age changed Pedro II's life forever as he was wearing the crown at the age of fourteen. He married Princess Teresa Cristina of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies at the age of seventeen, and faced three crises: The Aberdeen Act, the Praieira revolt, the Eusébio de Queirós Law, and the Platine War. The Empire's successful navigation of these crises considerably enhanced the nation's stability and prestige, and Brazil emerged as a hemispheric power. His wife gave birth to four kids, two boys and two girls, and their relationship improved. Then, it came the American Civil War, where Pedro II told the world that he wasn't going to fight the war and he sent out transport ships, that served to bring the Americans to Brazil to get away from the Civil War.

The world saw Pedro II's actions and even President Ospina during the civil war in Colombia said, “Brazil will stand tall in the gallery of history as a country that showed reason among chaos, a light of hope among a sea of darkness.”. And Prince Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen said that, “They are a shining light of hope and justice in a continent clouded by the storms of war.”. Pedro II even offered peace talks to be held in Rio de Janero between America and The Confederate States of America. He then made The Golden Law, which abolishes slavery in the lands of Brazil. Brazil was the first country in the Americas to do so and he made such that they got equal rights, by building houses and improving their rights in Brazil.

Even known there were some mistakes made by Perdo II, he made up those mistakes and rose to the state of Brazil, where they're today. And at the age of forty-two, he began to fell ill, which were similar to his father's before he died. He was bed confined to his bed in Queluz Royal Palace, the same place where his father died, two days after his birthday. He started to wrote to other countries that he was friends or enemies with, made his will, and wrote down the Expedition Act, which allows explorers to explore the jungles of Brazil. On New Years Eve, he was laying on the bed and his family was there to watch him and say their goodbyes. Other members were there to say their goodbyes as well, he then said his last words, “May God grant me these last wishes – peace and prosperity for Brazil...”.

The body of Dom Pedro II as he was on his deathbed.

He died after the fireworks had went off, marking a new year for the world. Everyone in the room couldn't stop their crying as he died. Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, an Army Marshal, said that, “The Emperor might have leave us, but he left behind good things for Brazil.”. After his death, the Expedition Act was passed and the letters were sent to the country leaders. His daughter Dona Isabel was given the crown after his father's death and she said that she was going to make a speech about his father at the funeral.

The Expedition Act was set and people took the chance of honoring the Emperor by going out into the deadly jungles and set out to expand Brazil for the greater good. Railroad Companies began planning out on expanding their railroads to the Amazon River, farmers set out to get the unique plants in the jungles, explorers mapped out the areas within the jungle, and many other things were going on. That was two week ago and now, with the old Emperor dead, a new one rose; can Empress Isabel be like his father or will Dom Pedro II's death mark the end of the Empire?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

The Kingdom of Portugal - Suez Canal License Agreement

This is a Certificate certifying that The Kingdom of Portugal have been given the rights for all of its ships, military or civilian, to travel through the Suez Canal.
If the Country above begins a war with France, Britain or Germany they may not use the canal and this certificate is nullified, the party above will have to apply for a new license after the conflict has been adjourned.
The above country will pay the French Empire £20 per year for the use of the canal.

[X] - Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
[X] - King Luís I of The Kingdom of Portugal
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

Due to recent talks and meetings with my own advisors as well as those around the world the Suez canal license agreements will be rewritten in one aspect.
The Line
"If the Country above begins a war with France, Britain or Germany they may not use the canal and this certificate is nullified, the party above will have to apply for a new license after the conflict has been adjourned."
Will hereby be changed to
"If the Country above begins a war with The French Empire they may not use the canal and this certificate is nullified, the party above will have to apply for a new license after the conflict has been adjourned."
All certificates will now officially have this line in place of the other ones, even those that have already been written.
If a country has any qualms with this and would wish to cancel their certificate, they may.

- Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Giant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Republic of Colombia
Statement by President Bartolomé Calvo, in the Plaza de Bolívar

Today, South America weeps and the flags of every country fly at half mast. A great man has abandoned his earthly existence to join the rightful lGod in Heaven, as his actions have shown.

I didn't meet Dom Pedro personally; great things I have been told about him, from the ministers that have met with him, however I never had the great pleasure to hold a meeting or a conversation of a man who would dominate the furious nature of the deep jungles of Brazil, and who would turn it to the benefit of his people. However, from the nature of his actions I can only tell that he was a colossus among our small patch of land. He stood tall, resisted to the end and extended a hand to those in times of need; who would be able to forget the heroic actions of the Brazilian government as they ferried refugees across the Atlantic and the Caribbean to provide them with safety and a warm welcome, both characteristic of our neighbors; it was him, as well, who fought against the vile institution of slavery that held the liberties of man back, of his God-given rights to enjoy and develop according to the tenants of the Bible.

Or the many times that the Brazilian government went at great lengths to help its allies in both combat and peace; through development and through the upholding of treaties. Who could say Dom Pedro desired anything BUT peace? Maybe some can, however they will be quickly proven wrong by every country in this continent, by the members of the Council of Rio; Dom Pedro took a stand for decency on the direst moments of our recent years! Was he not the one who called for peace, and ignored many times he was too? Perhaps we should've listened to his advice, the wise advice that is natural to come out of the mind of a man of such knowledge. Oh, how many of us wish to reach that level of clarity and a peaceful nature nurtured by the careful movements a ruler must plan ahead. And we, neighbors of different nations but sons of a single mother, South America the great, aided mutually. The Brazilian government aided us in our time of need, on our perils. Would some of us be standing in this very place, if not for the cooperation recieved? I do not believe so.

Tonight, Empress Isabel stands at the wheel of a nation well handled by her father. And it has been left in good hands. This is a new age for Brazil, and South America as a whole. A Golden Age handled by the careful and precise of a woman who, as her father, has the audacity, the tenacity and the diplomatic skill to keep the Empire united and ever-growing, following the final act of her father of sending men into the unknown, to transform it into an enviroment worthy of man. May God bless Empress Isabela, may God bless Brazil and Colombia and may God bless South America. Thank you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Outcast


Member Offline since relaunch

Siege of Corrientes

The start of the war had gone badly for Argentina. It's first foray into Paraguay had been humiliated and beaten back into the city of Corrientes. The leader of the Paraguayan force, Díaz, reeled in his men and prevented them from attacking the city, thinking it would lead to a bloodbath. He was right to be wary. The moral of the Paraguayans was high, flushed with victory and confident of their success over Argentina, and they had no problem obeying Díaz. However, their attitude quickly changed when Argentinian gunboats sailed up the Paraguay River and began shelling Paraguayan positions. Acts of sabotage by Argentinian scouts behind enemy lines further enraged them, and they demanded that they be able to attack Corrientes to end the war sooner. Díaz reluctantly agreed.

The assault of Corrientes began early, with Paraguayan artillery opening on the city. Argentinian cannons, dug into hastily built fortifications, returned fire. The Argentinians quickly got the better of it, and Díaz was forced to order an infantry attack to try and overrun the Argentinian positions. That proved a costly mistake, as dug-in Argentinian defenders cut down the attacking Paraguayans. As the battle progressed, Argentinian recruits overwhelmed the Paraguayan flanks and, facing heavy casualties, Díaz was forced to retreat. The Argentinian forces gave chase, but were unable to prevent Díaz' army from escaping into the unfamiliar terrain.
(-1,400 regulars, -2,000 conscripts to Argentina, -3,900 regulars to Paraguay)

Early bombardment during the Battle of Corrientes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

First and Foremost I would like to congratulate my Dear Friend King Wilhelm, or should I say Kaiser Wilhelm on his uniting of the German states. I believe this marks a new age of German nationalism and ethnic pride, as such I would like to extend my congratulations by inviting the Kaiser and all of Europe's leaders to the Winter palace to celebrate the birth of my Grandson Nicholas! I hope we can take this time of peace in Europe to prosper and improve relationships amongst all of us wither they previously be enemies or allies.As for the war in the east I thank my allies for fighting for the defense of Russian sovereignty over our Asian territories and I hope that soon the war shall be resolved. Since this is the dawning of a new age of peace I would like to present to Emperor Napoleon III the Treaty of Kiev! I hope with this treaty our two nations although enemies a few years previous we may soon develop a good and prosperous relationship that benefits both sides.
Treaty of Kiev
Article I. Upon the Signing of this treaty the Russian Empire agrees to give the French Empire the following naval ships
7 Sail Frigates
3 Screw Frigates
5 Ships of the line
Article II The French Empire agrees to send French cannons along with a number of french arms to Russia for use in her military forces.
Article III The French Empire Also Agrees to send industrial equipment and Industrial specialists to assist in the modernizing of the Russian Empire
[X]Tsar Alexander II, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland
[ ] Napoleon III, Emperor Of the French
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

I hope that our countries begin to make stronger ties in the future.

Treaty of Kiev
Article I. Upon the Signing of this treaty the Russian Empire agrees to give the French Empire the following naval ships
7 Sail Frigates
3 Screw Frigates
5 Ships of the line
Article II The French Empire agrees to send French cannons along with a number of french arms to Russia for use in her military forces.
Article III The French Empire Also Agrees to send industrial equipment and Industrial specialists to assist in the modernizing of the Russian Empire
[X]Tsar Alexander II, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland
[X ] Napoleon III, Emperor Of the French
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxwell500


Member Offline since relaunch

It is with the utmost sadness that we announce the death of His Highness, the Grand Vizier Mehmed Fuad Pasha, Prime Minister of the Empire for eight years. It was his wide stewardship that allowed for us to bring about constitutional reform and transform the Empire into a truly democratic state. It was his great diligence and love for his faith and nation that also allowed us to come through the worst of situations, most notably the recent war, with our heads held high and with us in true knowledge that we were victors.

His successor will be Ahmed Şefik Midhat Pasha, the former Vizier of Aleppo and incumbent Minister of War, a man we believe to be suited to the task of governing this nation and somebody who will put his nation before anything else. Grand Vizier Ahmed Şefik Midhat Pasha has a large shadow to step out from, but we trust he will do his best.

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty, Sultan Abdülaziz Khan, Emperor, Sovereign of the House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, Caesar of the Roman Empire, Emperor of The Three Cities of Constantinople, Adrianople and Bursa, and of the Cities of Damascus and Cairo, of all Azerbaijan, of the Magreb, of Barca, of Kairouan, of Aleppo, of the Arabic and the Persian Iraq, of Basra, of Al-Hasa strip, of Ar Raqqah, of Mosul, of Diyarbakır, of Cilicia, of the provinces of Erzurum, of Sivas, of Adana, of Karaman, Van, of Barbara, of Abyssinia, of Tunisia, of Tripoli-of-the-West (Tripolitania), of Sham, of Cyprus, of Rhodes, of Crete, of the province of Morea, of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and also their coasts, of Anatolia, Rumelia, Baghdad, Kurdistan, Greece, Turkistan, Tartary, Circassia, of the two regions of Kabarda, of Georgia, of the steppe of Kypchaks, of the whole realm of the Tatars, of Kefe and of all the neighboring regions, of Bosnia, of the City and Fort of Belgrade, of the province of Serbia, with all the castles and cities, of all Albania, of all Eflak and Bogdania, as well as all the dependencies and borders, and many other countries and cities.

Prime Minister’s First Address to the Meclis-i Umumi (General Assembly) of the Ottoman Empire

It is most definitely true that we should mourn the passing of such a great man as the late Prime Minister, but we should also celebrate him and his legacy, like His Sacred and Imperial Majesty said, he must be remembered for his part in the development of a constitutional monarchy in this nation and for our great strength and unity during a war that could have proven devastating for us.

Looking forward and continuing with his legacy and ideals I will endeavor to strengthen ties with the other nations of Islam, to promote peace and most importantly to ensure that our great nation prospers.

His Highness, Grand Vizier Ahmed Şefik Midhat Pasha, Prime Minister and Minister of War
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