The Age of Explorers and The Fall of The Emperor
Written by RareEmpire of Brazil in 1868 was in a better state than it was when they won independence from Portugal. Factories in the city of Rio, better railroads, and more schools made the reason why Empire of Brazil is one of the stable countries in the Americas. It was all due to Emperor Pedro II's actions and decisions, that impact South America. The son of Pedro I, the founder and the ruler of Empire of Brazil, Pedro II watched his father carefully and read about his father in the Liberal Revolution of 1820 and his time before his was born to the Royal Family. He didn't know that his father died in September 1834 and he and his sister were informed in December then got a letter of Bonifácio, who had been removed from his position as their guardian, wrote to them, "Dom Pedro did not die. Only ordinary men die, not heroes."
His father's death at a young age changed Pedro II's life forever as he was wearing the crown at the age of fourteen. He married Princess Teresa Cristina of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies at the age of seventeen, and faced three crises: The Aberdeen Act, the Praieira revolt, the Eusébio de Queirós Law, and the Platine War. The Empire's successful navigation of these crises considerably enhanced the nation's stability and prestige, and Brazil emerged as a hemispheric power. His wife gave birth to four kids, two boys and two girls, and their relationship improved. Then, it came the American Civil War, where Pedro II told the world that he wasn't going to fight the war and he sent out transport ships, that served to bring the Americans to Brazil to get away from the Civil War.
The world saw Pedro II's actions and even President Ospina during the civil war in Colombia said, “Brazil will stand tall in the gallery of history as a country that showed reason among chaos, a light of hope among a sea of darkness.”. And Prince Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen said that, “They are a shining light of hope and justice in a continent clouded by the storms of war.”. Pedro II even offered peace talks to be held in Rio de Janero between America and The Confederate States of America. He then made The Golden Law, which abolishes slavery in the lands of Brazil. Brazil was the first country in the Americas to do so and he made such that they got equal rights, by building houses and improving their rights in Brazil.
Even known there were some mistakes made by Perdo II, he made up those mistakes and rose to the state of Brazil, where they're today. And at the age of forty-two, he began to fell ill, which were similar to his father's before he died. He was bed confined to his bed in Queluz Royal Palace, the same place where his father died, two days after his birthday. He started to wrote to other countries that he was friends or enemies with, made his will, and wrote down the Expedition Act, which allows explorers to explore the jungles of Brazil. On New Years Eve, he was laying on the bed and his family was there to watch him and say their goodbyes. Other members were there to say their goodbyes as well, he then said his last words, “May God grant me these last wishes – peace and prosperity for Brazil...”.

The body of Dom Pedro II as he was on his deathbed.He died after the fireworks had went off, marking a new year for the world. Everyone in the room couldn't stop their crying as he died. Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, an Army Marshal, said that, “The Emperor might have leave us, but he left behind good things for Brazil.”. After his death, the Expedition Act was passed and the letters were sent to the country leaders. His daughter Dona Isabel was given the crown after his father's death and she said that she was going to make a speech about his father at the funeral.
The Expedition Act was set and people took the chance of honoring the Emperor by going out into the deadly jungles and set out to expand Brazil for the greater good. Railroad Companies began planning out on expanding their railroads to the Amazon River, farmers set out to get the unique plants in the jungles, explorers mapped out the areas within the jungle, and many other things were going on. That was two week ago and now, with the old Emperor dead, a new one rose; can Empress Isabel be like his father or will Dom Pedro II's death mark the end of the Empire?
Dear Gladstone,
If you're reading this, that means that I'm dead. I'm sorry for all of the hate that almost caused each other to go to war, my comments were hash to the highest level. We were afraid that the British were going from South America and I still am afraid of you and your army. That means that your nation is powerful enough to make a Emperor fear of the British. You must of done something right. I hope that our friendship improves in the future and we wish that we remind peace for a long time.
Your dear friend,
Emperor Pedro II.
Dear Wilhelm I,
Your country was meant to be united under one banner, that is call, Germany. I'm proud of how far Prussia has come, from beating the British navy to Austria Army. I'm thinking that you'll do great things when I'm gone. I hope that our relationship improves as well and an treaty of friendship could be set up. I hope that you'll keep your land together before another war happens in Europe.
Your dear friend,
Emperor Pedro II.
Dear Grant,
You have saved your country from a civil war, that was going to ruin the United States of America for good. But, thankfully, your skills as a general have saved countless men that would of died with someone else. I hope that you're able to bring your country back into the spot in the world power and protect the Americas for everyone else. Also, please I hope that the pact that we sign shall be active for years to come. And one more thing, don't drink too much please. It could mess up your body.
Your dear friend,
Emperor Pedro II.
Dear Calvo,
Columbia still stands because of your men and my request of sending supplies towards men, that were fighting the rebels. I hope that one day you'll remember the actions that I did and will help out Brazil, when she needs it the most. Don't ever forget about your country and your allies and don't ever let any European power into South America. I would like for you to hold a meeting along with the new ruler of Brazil and with other countries. I wise you well during your terms.
Your dear friend,
Emperor Pedro II.
Dear Mitre,
I wise I could of saw the end of the war, that you're currently in. But, I grow weaker every day and I aren't going to get better. I must ask you to not to add Paraguay to your country, after it, the people of Paraguay would be upset at you. So would some of the countries in the world, we don't need everyone to have an eye in South America. Don't you forget that you must not get any European power in South America as well, you're the second defender (in case Columbia falls first). I wise you well during your terms and fighting Paraguay.
Your dear friend,
Emperor Pedro II.