Name: Perry Andalas Basquiat
Date of Birth: 22 October 2047
Physical Description: Perry is a darked skinned man of average height and slender build. His stomach is soft and pudgy, his chest loose, but his shoulders, arms, and muscular. His hair is black, curly, and trimmed short to the same length of his light beard. One can expect to see Perry in a casual, sand coloured blazer atop a loose black turtle neck, both of which worn at the edges. While his face is so often relaxed, the crux of Perry's brow always hints to the severe, curving lines produced should great fear or disgust strike. His mouth sits in a slight frown, his big eyes open in a curve, together, leaving him to appear as if somewhat afraid or simply timid.
Profession: Author, Painter, Illustrator
Background: Born a handful of years before the New Plague and Resource Wars, Perry lives fired by life. His father worked as a creative writer for Hubris Comics, his mother an artist. The family started strong and had all the luxuries that could be hoped for until food and fuel ran slim. Rationing changed things quickly and the family responded brashly. Luxury turned to frugality, and before Perry could appreciate the conveniences money might offer, they vanished. The family invested into Vault-Tec and severely cut their spending.
Perry grew up on the line between have and have-not. He felt unsatisfied with his family's paralysing fear, yet could not also stand idly by. Along with likewise thinking friends, the young began to experiment with marijuana, psychedelics, and graffiti-style artwork. He began tagging the cold, stone façades of local RobCos and REPCONNs with politically scathing haiku poems tearing apart what he called a 'people distracted by fear'. As years went by, Perry matured, and his message refined. Barely an adult, Perry is drafted shortly after China invades Alaska. He served as a grunt assigned to a support unit to assist smaller, specialized operators. During one such mission Perry and his squad were holding a position near a piece of Chinese artillery. Meanwhile, an American operative was prepping charges to disable the weapon. Without any warning the operative triggered the explosive with the support unit still danger close. The blast killed one and injured several, him among them.
After six months Perry was discharged, mostly healed, and without aim in the Pacific Northwest. He found a sense of calm in the prevailing bohemian of Portland, Oregon and planted roots there. As an adult he dabbled with minor drugs once more, this time, devoting his creative energies into saleable work. He earned a healthy salary as a columnist and artist for the local paper, as well as an author and freelance illustrator. Though he does not admit it, he owes his survival with so little due to the frugality taught to him early in life.
Personality: Perry is the type flow along with the world. He is passive, though quietly opinionated, choosing all too often to simply go along with the will of the group rather than a draw a line in the sand. As a creative he lacks the confidence to create freely -- a trait that rolls into the rest of his life. Perry's a strong willed and intelligent man, but he finds that although his ideas are very much coherent, they lack the power to regularly convince. As a result he expects rejection. He expects to be dominated. Years of going along in silence, thinking responses rather than saying them has given him a thick skin, calm demeanour, and a strength rooted somewhere other than in flesh and bone. Yet, despite his shortcomings, Perry believes in risks. He thinks quickly and knows that to reap the best product one must give more than a little blood. He sees life as an equation where if one desires a thing, one must sacrifice another. In his eyes sometimes getting what you want means taking a beating, to the ego or the body. Perry gets along by deflating his tensions with a bit of dope and a sketchpad regularly. He is aware of himself though, of his needs, his stressors, and, fortunately, he loves these qualities of himself -- more or less.
SPECIAL: Strength 7
Perception 5
Endurance 9
Charisma 4
Intellligence 7
Agility 7
Luck 1