Jackson Vurweigh
N/A (Merc type.)

That is, essentially, what he looks like. He stands at 6'1" and weighs in fairly heavy due to muscle and bone density, rather than fat. He tends to wear fairly casual clothing, t-shirts, hoodies, jeans and hiking boots, usually. Though "On the job" he has taken to wearing a dark black duster, simply for appearance's sake. Otherwise, he doesn't bother to conceal his identity in any manner with costumes, finding the idea silly. Besides, spandex seems.... Uncomfortable, to him.
"Mist" has what initially seems to be a pretty low-ranking, common set of abilities. Mainly; Hyper senses. Smell, hearing, sight, touch, taste- All of them advanced far beyond normal levels. He could, for instance, identify people from several meters away by smell alone, or hear a pin drop in a crowded area, were he to focus on it. Linking to his advanced senses are somewhat more minor boosts in his natural agility and strength. Nothing obscene, but he's certainly faster than one might expect, and stronger.
While it hasn't been confirmed, some suspect he also doesn't age, simply due to the fact that he still moves like a man at his peak, despite being nearly fifty.
But, his most notable ability is what gives him his Alias as a merc- Mist. Quite simply, he is capable of "Vanishing" and reappearing some distance off, always leaving a black-and-purple, mist-like substance in his wake. More or less- Teleporting. This only works for distances up to about a city block at a time, though he can do it in rapid succession when shorter distances are crossed. Like a few meters across a room. Repeatedly. He must be able to -see- where he is jumping to go there. If he tries to warp somewhere he can't see, he'll just end up slamming face-first into a wall.
While Mist's powers alone are quite useful for combat-related situations, particularly in his own style, he does need skills in the norm to be as effective as he is.
Most prominently, a lifetime of practice has led him to be exceptionally skilled in parkour and his own CQC style, a mish-mash of various martial arts and improvised ass-kicking, often utilizing the weaknesses of human anatomy in the process. Add a natural skill with handgun marksmanship and you have everybody's dream assassin. Though for some reason he's never gotten a handle on rifles...
He's also a damn good cook, and his reflexes in and out of combat situations make him an -excellent- stunt driver. Never try to follow him onto a freeway. Never.
He doesn't wear much in the way of equipment, really. Other than his weapons, he quite literally walks around doing his business in every-day clothing.
His weapons are fairly light and simple, all worn at a belt at his waist. A holster in the small of his back for a pistol, with several spaces for spare clips beside it. He varies the pistol and ammo he carries depending on the task at hand. He also carries a pair of Bowie knives on each thigh, the sheaths hanging from his belt. The knives are kept at a razor edge, sharp enough to pierce Kevlar, and strong enough to not shatter when impacting bone. There is also a pouch at his belt, holding a small variety of fluids- All of them highly poisonous. Some for coating knives, or dipping bullets. Some for slipping into an unwary person's drink....
The only vehicle he is known to drive -often- would be his motorcycle. While he actually prefers the large, cross-country type bikes, he owns and drives a crotch-rocket for mobility and speed, making for quick escapes on crowded freeways, weaving through traffic. Or jumping bridges. He enjoys that.
Initially C Rank, raised to A.
Originally, Jackson was a normal guy. Like anybody, he put down his acute senses to luck of the genetic draw and lives his life with no problems whatsoever. But, upon the whole "Superpower" reveal sweeping over the planet, he put a bit more... Thought, into the matter. With a good deal of experimentation and a life-threatening incident, he unlocked his ability to warp from place to place, honing it over the years. Initially, he registered and lived life on, Ranked as a C-level super due to the non-destructive nature of his ability.
However, at some point in time he just... Fell off the grid. This happened shortly after he made a life choice, and changed his career path to something far more profitable than a martial arts teacher- A mercenary. Or an assassin. It truly depended on who payed him. He found his morals slipping, taking nearly any job if it payed well enough, though some things never changed- If it involved children, he refused the job. Terrorism? He refused. Most often he found himself working as a personal guard.... Or a political assassin. He never liked politicians in the first place, really. After he was blamed for a number of deaths, his rank was raised to A due to the new, dangerous ways he used his power.