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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Welcome to the Soap Factory.

At least, that's what they told me this was when I woke up. I don't really know what it means. I know that soap is a product produced from animal fat, chemicals and various scents to create a substance that attracts dirt and 'germs' on a human body, often used in showers and baths... but that's just not what we make here.

Well... not 'we'. They. I am not one of them. I was created by them, or perhaps for them. Among the many halfling creatures here, I by far look the most human. But I'm... well, I'm not really sure what I am... other than the perfect slave.

When I woke up, I had no memories. I thought I was human... until I realized I was in a cage... not a cage. A box. A package. Like a toy to be sent to a child. They opened it, let me out, and then I was placed in a cage. Quite the delightful awakening.

They explained to me that I was not human, then proved it by yanking my arm through the bars and slicing into my skin with a knife. It did not hurt. Underneath was a layer of what looked like black gel. They scraped it back, letting me see that under my 'flesh' was nothing more than wires, components and a metal frame. And that was it. But they are wrong. Because I feel pain in my leg--a leg I am missing. The left one is replaced with a half-assed prosthesis, rather than a proper robotic leg. And my 'stump' hurts like hell, but I can't remove the leg no matter how hard I try. If I'm an android, why do I feel pain? Why replace my leg with something so careless when clearly it should have simply been repaired? It just doesn't make sense... Though to be perfectly honest, I can't remember ever having needed to eat or drink. That's a bit disturbing I'll admit, but considering the fact that I currently reside in some kind of lab, anything is possible.

They told me my name was Mark0708241... but I call myself Marcus. They think it stupid I should give myself a real name. I do not understand them... Okay, maybe it is a little stupid, but it makes me feel better about my sorry self so screw it.

They observed me for a week. I realized then that they must not have created me, but instead ordered me from somewhere else, or took me in for whatever reason. Come to think of it, the box had words on the front. I could read... perhaps that was programmed into me--or perhaps I'm really human. Just a wild guess. But the words, they said 'Defective'. What happened before I got here? How did they know something was wrong with me? What is wrong with me? My obvious personality? What, am I not bland and dull and obedient enough for them? I follow orders--I have to. I feel a compulsion to. Though admittedly, I tend to resist. Perhaps this is the problem (Alright, it's most likely the problem).

The Soap Factory has more little experiments other than just me... more 'defective' things. Not androids, I, as far as I know, am the only one... supposedly (I'm still skeptical of that). But there is a creature in the cage next to mine, something that looks like an animal. An albino cheetah... I hadn't known those could be albino, but that was definitely what it was--

--Or so I thought. When it looked up at me one day, after barely touching a meal made of pure red meat, I saw its eyes. They were pink, like an albino's should be, but they were human. Clearly and distinctly human. I am not sure how I could tell, but that 'cheetah' had human eyes, and it regarded me with such... understanding.

There are more cages in the Soap Factory.. more mysteries. It is always dark in here, so it it hard for me to make out the others... but I know they are there. Are we experiments? Failures from somewhere else, taken here for study? And where is here? I want to say I am from Earth, but I do not feel like this is Earth. It feels too... unstable. And everything, shipments and newly captured half-human creatures always come in on ships. Big, metal ships on a docking platform at the end of the hall. I can see them when they take me out for testing. Spaceships.

We must be on a station.

And if so... I... I think if I could get one of those ships, I could fly it. But I'll need to be ordered to. And I find that thought rather... annoying. Where did I learn that, I wonder? And why can't I ever do things on my own? It seems I always need orders to make things work. Lovely. Well... no matter. I've had enough of this. I may not be "human" (Yeah that's up for debate), but I understand this is wrong. Keeping us all locked up like this... 'under observation', occasionally taking some in for 'operations' , 'testing' or, put simply, 'disposal'. And the test and operations always leave them seeming... strange afterwards. I keep looking over at the cheetah, who I've seen struggling between human and animal, making motions as if he were choking, then wrenching forward as if to cough, but suddenly, his body shivers and shifts, his paws would change... his neck and face too, becoming almost... human. But the second the change started, he would revert back, breathing hard as if the effort alone had taken too much out of him. Maybe he was stuck.

Maybe we're all just stuck.

Well... Then I will get us out. I know when the guards work. They trust me. They think I'm stupid. I don't speak much... this can work to my advantage. If I could just get their keys... just unlock the cages... take a ship... I could get us out of here. To where... no idea... but far away from the Soap Factory and whatever it is they are doing. We must leave this place. It's wrong that they keep us here. The more I see, the more it hurts. Hurts... I wonder how? I feel it, but I'm not sure how I do. Maybe I'm not the android they think I am. In fact, by this point I'm getting pretty damn sure of it.

Are you with me? We have to break out of here. We must be free. If only I could remember... remember what happened before.... But for now, it doesn't matter.


Basic Idea

Alright, the basic idea is that this is the distant future, and a factory exists as a sort of under-cover lab for defective or failed experiments by Earth scientists, aliens, you name it. I will not reveal everything yet, though, as that is for the RP. Marcus is possibly an android or a human with robotic components (basically a cyborg) but is uncertain which is correct, and the cheetah, whose number is 052214NL (Who later goes by "Neil"), is a genetically altered human trapped in an animal form. He can shapeshift, though this is difficult and painful for him. I will accept characters with DNA spliced with animals, though please do not make them too similar to Neil. I would like unique characters, and they should all be different. What you can do is have them genetically altered, give them implants of some kind (eyes, extra strength, extra limbs or a tail, certain abilities like pyromancing, telepathy, telekinesis, or something along those lines). You can also have alien/human splices, and make up your alien species. They can be dangerous or harmless, it is up to you. Please do not give them too many abilities, and if they do have abilities, there should also be limits. Ask me if you are unsure about a character idea. Be as creative as possible. In this factory, most experiments are 'defective' or 'failed' somehow, you should incorporate these aspects in as well and include why the experiment would be sent here. What failed, what should have happened, etc.

Once we break out of the factory, the object of the RP would be to explore the universe, find out about our pasts, avoid the Soap Factory's ships sent out to retrieve us, and smaller plots on different planets, etc. If you have a plot idea as well, feel free to run it by me. I have plenty planned, really in a science fiction setting, anything can happen. I am huge on characterization as well, and love well-planned pasts and backstories and finding out about origins. I love all that jazz, so be creative and don't be afraid to ask me if you have an idea. Naturally, we would also be on the run from the factory as well, no doubt they'd want us back. Mostly, our goal is to be free of this, and discover who our characters are. They likely wouldn't know much about their pasts.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

1) You may make as many characters as you can handle. Try to keep the M/F ratio relatively even, though it isn't a huge deal if it isn't perfect.
2) Romance is fine, but fade to black if things get really 'intimate' (do that over PM, I don't care). I also accept any kind of romance (M/F, M/M, F/F). If you don't like this or can't take it, go away.
3) I have no problems with blood or gore, but do not god-mod, powerplay or intentionally try to maim or kill another character without permission.
4) Be creative with your characters. I will accept anything so long as it is creative and 'science-fictiony', but your character must have flaws. I will not accept anything too perfect or too powerful. Also they need a reasonable explanation for existing.
5) Swearing is fine, just don't do it every other word.
7) Write "I will be free" at the top of your post if you understand and have read the rules. Actually, just kidding, write 'unknown' at the bottom of your sheet instead.
6) Listen to me, post at least two paragraphs per character, and have fun.
7) Oh and I like first person writing. If you're all cool with that, I'd like to use it in this RP. If all of you hate it, I guess we can do third person.
Character Sheet





Species (if spliced or alien):


Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:

Deformities/odd features:

General Appearance:


History (May skip if you'd like to reveal IC):
My Characters

Name: Marcus (Mark0708241)

Age: Unknown (Looks about 18 to early twenties or so)

Gender/Sex: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual (attracted to personality regardless of appearance or gender, though it doesn't stop him from flirting time to time)

Species: Android, but for all appearances, looks human.

Height: 5'11"

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Blue

Deformities/odd features: His left leg seems to be missing from just below the kneecap down, replaced with a simple, and rather clunky bare-bones prosthesis, rather than a proper robotic leg. It would seem no one bothered to replace his leg properly when he lost it... however that happened. He walks with a limp.

General Appearance: Marcus is about average height, looks a bit thin, but is actually rather strong, when ordered to be, that is. He actually looks rather harmless, with his bright blue eyes and kind of wavy/curled black hair, longish in length (No he won't wear a ponytail. That's stupid. Besides, his hair is gorgeous, why change it?), he walks with a slight limp due to his one barely-repaired and clunky leg. He generally would prefer to wear clothes that could hide the collar he has around his neck with his experiment number on it as the horrid orange monstrocity cannot be removed. He seriously questions the fashion sense of those moronic factory workers....

Anyway, to hide it he'll wear turtlenecks, scarves, anything like that to cover his neck. He likes the colour blue, and would likely gravitate towards clothing with this colour on it. Though any soft, or dark colour will do just fine.

However, when ordered to do something, he suddenly becomes different, but we will cover that in 'personality'. (I will also add a drawing of my characters when I finish one)

Personality: Generally, Marcus is... Marcus.

He was made to be the perfect slave. He absolutely must follow orders when they're given to him. He feels overwhelmingly compelled to. His own will barely has an effect on the matter. When he's given a strong order from someone (the more power this person holds, the more compelling the order is), he has to follow it no matter what it is. He hides this and avoids letting people know about it at all costs. However, when he's given an order, he also gains the ability to carry it out the most efficiently. Like, if he were ordered to set something up high in a tree, he'd suddenly gain the ability to quickly and efficiently climb the tree, set it up, then climb down regardless of his previous health/abilities. His missing leg would make no difference. He can also suddenly speak different languages, acquire knowledge he didn't have before, all kinds of things. Within reason, obviously he can't suddenly fly or swim for hours without taking a breath, etc. However, if ordered to swim for too long or hold his breath or something, he'd pass out before the order was finished. If someone told him to do something that would kill him, he'd also be compelled to do that, though it's easier for him to resist things like this as he does have a will to survive. He also doesn't need to eat or sleep as much as normal people do, and this is heightened when he's under orders.

Despite his need to follow orders (if he's prevented from following an order, it actually hurts him, he gets stressed, can't stop thinking about it, etc), he has a very bold and strong personality. He's stubborn, always voices opinions, stands up for himself when he can, resists with all his might, and he can even be a little arrogant at times. Mainly as defence. When he's compelled to be submissive in certain situations, he likes to take as much control as possible outside of these situations. He hates being used, hates taking orders, wants to be free and will do everything in his power to make people believe he's not just a broken, submissive slave. He also has major problems trusting people due to the orders thing, and because of this, likes to keep his distance, though unfortunately he also needs people, as he can't really eat or rest without someone telling him it's okay (he can get over it unless he gets used to taking too many orders again). And he absolutely despises it. He doesn't like help at all and wants nothing more than to be completely independant.

He also tends to make a lot of jokes and speak without thinking first. This also gets him into trouble and can make him seem rash or thoughtless at times, when in truth he can care about people, and will stick by them if he grows attached. He just doesn't think before acting or speaking a lot of the time. Perhaps because when it's his own decision, he plans on carrying it out regardless of whether it's a mistake or not. He has strong values and puts freedom above all else.. unless people he cares about are in trouble. Despite everything, he'd take a bullet for a friend, but he'd then complain afterwards. Still, he'd like to rescue as many people as he can and holds onto his beliefs no matter what. He does like to help people, just doesn't like being the one who needs help.

He is entirely defensive about the 'android' thing too, and will do everything in his power to convince people he's human.

History: Unknown.

Neil (052214NL)

Unknown, anywhere from 18-22


Demisexual (asexual until in a stable relationship or until he feels comfortable. Panromantic)

Spliced. A therianthrope/shapeshifter created using human and animal DNA. It is unknown what other elements were used.

6'1" when human.

Hair Colour:
He has white hair in both human and animal form.

Eye Colour:
Pink, animal and human.

Deformities/odd features:
Neil is an albino and has very pale, sensitive skin, easily burnt. He has many scars, particularly one over his right eye, across the middle of his back, one to his left side below the ribs and several on his arms and legs. He is missing a claw on his right paw and his human form would be missing a fingernail there and a bit off the tip of his finger. His tail is bent slightly at the tip as though broken once and his eyes always seem tired and weary. He also has a ragged ear, the right one, and the left has a notch.

General Appearance: Neil has very pale skin in human form, light silvery pink freckles and pink eyes. His hair is pure white, as in his cheetah form and he bears all the same scars on both bodies. He is tall and lean with long legs and arms, thin fingers and sharp nails, canine teeth larger than normal and he tends to walk on his toes, used to his cheetah form. He's not very picky about clothes, all he really cares is that he has them, since constantly being stuck in cheetah form means if he did turn human, anything would do. He tends not to wear shoes due to not being used to them and feeling restricted, though if offered, he would take them. Like everyone. he sports a horrid orange collar with his number printed on it, and despises the thing to no end. His right ear is torn and ragged and the left is notched near the top. He doesn't remember getting most of his scars, save for the ones he's gotten at the Soap Factory.



[I will post Neil's bio soon, and I might do another character as well, but I'm working it out]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Tekeli-li." (I will be free).

-Subject File: SGTH-009863-

Name: Tekeli-li
Age: Unknown.
Species: Shoggoth/Human.
Sexuality: Trust me on this, you really don't want to know.

Appearance: Tekeli-li is an amorphous shapeshifting blob of black protoplasmic ooze currently weighting approximately 75 lbs. It is capable of generating copies and permutations of any organs or chemicals it has previously been directly exposed to, anywhere within its body. It usually tends to extend several protoplasmic tentacles and human eyes throughout its form to interact with the world around it. It doesn't currently appear to have access to a particularly large quantity of genetic material or body mass.

Containment measures: Tekeli-li is kept in a high-tech glass tank, roughly the half of the size of one of the standard cages.

Current Arsenal:

  • Shoggoth protoplasmic cells.

  • Human eyes.
  • Human blood cells.
  • Human brain cells.
  • Human digestive fluids.
  • Human muscle tissue.
  • Human skin tissue.
  • Human nervous tissue.
  • Human bones and cartilage.
  • Human respiratory system.
  • Human reproductive system (male).

  • Weaknesses:
    Cannot change body mass other than by consuming organic material.
    Cannot generate chemicals unless all necessary base elements are present.
    Cannot make organs unless they are derived from something already ingested.
    Killing it with fire. (For now).

    Additional capabilities:
    Can learn to create copies of new organs and tissues by ingesting them.
    Can access memories from organic processing units it consumes (brains).
    Redundant brain cell analogs are spread evenly throughout body, and function independently of one another.
    Capable of reproduction via mitosis.
    Capable of re-absorbing material shedded via mitosis.
    Does not produce waste material.
    Ridiculously difficult to kill.

    Origin: Tekeli-li appears to be the result of some sort of attempt at splicing a human with the shoggoth equivalent of genetic material. Depending on perspective, it either went terribly right or horribly wrong.

    Personality: Tekeli-li is a very curious and contemplative creature at the core, and is always eager to unravel mysteries or learn new things. It is currently incapable of sustaining human speech, the only word it is capable of saying being its name. It is usually a rather quiet creature, only speaking out or making noise when something truly unusual happens. Instead, it will generally prefer to interact with nearby captives with non-verbal means of communication (which it is unnervingly good at, thanks to its unique physiology). It is mostly unable to remember much regarding its life before awaking in the tank, but vaguely recalls the taste of napalm and sound of gunfire in a white walled facility. It is relatively certain that it was initially human, although not absolutely sure. It also appears to have limited subconscious access to shoggoth genetic memory, allowing it to, amongst other things, understand certain languages which humans were never meant to know.

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solekii
    Avatar of Solekii

    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Accepted, though if it is genderless, please just include that so I can keep track.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
    Avatar of Cryptiic


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Standard conceptions of gender don't exactly apply to it, not even a lack of thereof... XD
    Just like with the sexuality section, trust me, you really don't want to know.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Well I'll just remember that I guess and keep track in my head.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Are we supposed to use the form you used or the one Cryptiic used? (I was thinking of combining them, but that would probably just unnecessarily complicate things.)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solekii
    Avatar of Solekii

    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Well I'll just remember that I guess and keep track in my head.

    And use my form unless you want to include more.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Engel
    Avatar of Engel

    Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I will be free.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
    Avatar of Solekii

    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Accepted! I wonder if she could have come from the same place as Neil, since he also became albino during the experimentation on him.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Engel
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    Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Maybe, I'd be cool with that.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    I will be free

    Name: Mikey

    Age: 21

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Sexuality: Just about anything, really.

    Species (if spliced or alien): The Surgesh, a species best described as amphibious juggernauts and excellent and cold blooded warriors. They come from a swamp planet full of similarly blood thirsty and dangerous creatures.

    Height: 5ft Tall on all fours, closer to 7 standing upright.

    Hair Colour: M/A

    Eye Colour: Black

    Deformities/odd features: Surgesh come out almost transparent when they hatch as tadpoles, and their coloration depends on their diet before they reached maturity. The food he was fed from the lab was mostly processed, and so he ended up Orange with black spots and a pale underbelly. Most of his race is a muddy green and brown, so his appearance is strange to say the least.

    General Appearance:

    Personality: Mikey is not exactly smart. He is well meaning and usually does his best to work for the greater good, but he lacks any technical knowledge at all. Despite this flaw, and his horrifying appearance, he is a very loyal and affectionate guy who will often throw himself into the thick of things for his friends. He often elicits fear in people due to the reputation of his species, but he had never seen one of his species before so he never had time to imprint himself on other Surgesh. Often comes off as a bit touchy feeling around friends, and can have a tremendous temper if he is provoked far enough. Overall he can be a joy to hang around, mostly because of blind optimism.

    History: Mikey was actually hatched as a tadpole in a laboratory collecting DNA samples from various alien races in an attempt to produce the most deadly race of all. The Surgesh were chosen for their exceptional strength, but during his time their he ran across many different creatures, some more dangerous then others. Mikey was a weird case there. He simply wasn't growing up to be aggressive like the researchers wanted. Surgesh were extremely hard to come by, and it appeared that if they weren't raised in the harsh environment of their homeworld and without the pressure of surviving with others of their kind they became docile. This frustrated them to no ends, and after many attempts at getting Mike to fight, even going as far as to pit him against other extremely dangerous creatures, they gave up and sold him to another lab for general experimentation.

    Abilities: -Impressive physical strength. The Surgesh are juggernauts, and are capable of twisting metal easily with their bare hands and effortlessly leaping several feat in the air.
    -Aquatic affinity. The Surgesh are naturally talented at swimming, and have very powerful lungs that allow them to hold their breath for up to 30 minutes if required.
    -Slimy Skin Membrane. Surgesh cover themselves with a water based slime that helps protect them from toxins as well as giving them the ability to attache themselves for walls. Surgesh need to be suitably hydrated in order to keep this film up.
    -A very long and powerful tongue. Useful for eating small creatures and whatever else such a thing could be useful for.

    Weaknesses: -Surgesh need to remain hydrated in order to keep themselves healthy. If a Surgesh were to dry out completely then they would be physically weak.
    - Cold is harmful to Surgesh. They, unlike most amphibians, are warm blooded. But despite this slight advantage he still can't stay out in the cold for too long without risk of immediate death by organ failure.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Accepted! Oh wait, did you read the rules?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oskar DiLondra
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    Oskar DiLondra The Eldritch Engineer

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    I will take a pee - I mean, I will be free...

    Name: Forty-Two

    Age: 2 (Appears to be young 20s)

    Gender/Sex: Female

    Sexuality: Straight

    Species : Human spliced with an innumerable number of other species.

    Height: 6' 3"

    Hair Colour: Blonde

    Eye Colour: Blue

    Deformities/odd features: Patches of different animal skins everywhere. Shedding hair, very thin on her head. Stub of a tail poking out from the bottom of her spine. Long, clawed hands and unnaturally thin arms. Is not walk bipedal, only on her hands and knees.

    General Appearance:
    As this, yet with less hair which is falling out in scraps, with patches of feathers, reptilian skin etcetera covering around half of her face.
    6' 3" with a very skinny body, not particularly muscly, her gangly limbs appear to be about to fall of at any point if given a bit of a pull. She wears white rags around her body, barely covering her tall but skinny frame. There can be seen a variety of different animal skins combined with her own, due to the splicing.

    Personality: Forty-Two is incredibly kind, friendly, loving, and submissive. She will care for anyone and everyone, and will not cause damage to any, unless they attempt to attack others, in which case she will get incredibly defensive, displaying a surprising amount of strength. She ponders on many things, yet none in very much detail, always switching from topic to topic. She enjoys completing the tasks that others set for her, and will carry them out to the best of her ability. Yet, she has incredibly animal instincts. If she feels like it is necessary, she will resort to violence quickly, and is overly protective. She also has the animal instincts for intercourse, as a constant thought within her mind. She approaches every male being with a sexual desire.

    History: Forty-Two was a failed experiment to try and create perfection. The perfect woman to be exact. The scientists attempted to create this through hypnotherapy, and splicing supposedly desirable aspects of many animals. For them, she had to be the perfect physical form, as well as having the typical submissive behaviour of the women you see in the adverts of the 1950s, to be able to serve men as best they could. Through this gene splicing, they thought they would end up with a supermodel with a housewife nature and a mothering care, who also will do anything for her man. Yet it failed, and they had this deformed partial woman, with animal instincts yet a slightly submissive behaviour, and she was sent away as a failure. Forty-Two was given to her as a joke name, as it is stated to be the meaning of life in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and many other media, as they were trying to give her the ultimate meaning in life and thus achieve perfection.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    My mistake, I did the thing you wanted me to. For some reason I always see it, but when I'm actually making the CS I completely forget to include it.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Both accepted then. :D
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DreamersKeeper


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Name: Chime (Subject CHMI-130223)

    Age: Unknown, though appears to be about 10 or 11 years old.

    Gender/Sex: Female

    Sexuality: None yet.

    Species (if spliced or alien): spliced human and butterfly-alienoid of sorts.

    Height: 4’8”

    Hair Colour: Lemon yellow

    Eye Colour: Black

    Deformities/odd features:
    The wings on Chime’s back are relatively small in size and seem to be premature in terms of growth. As such, both of her wings have a slight, shriveled appearance near the end tips, appearing just as delicate and frail as the rest of Chime’s body. They do nothing to give her flight, though they do tend to flutter from time to time as a reaction to her emotions.

    General Appearance:
    Chime appears to be a unique mix between a human and an insect alienoid, particularly one of a butterfly-like race. Being only a child, she stands at a height of 4’8” and has a fairly normal figure save for her lean limbs. Her skin is a jaded grey hue with a bit of peach, hinting at the human part of her DNA. Chime’s forearms and lower legs are black and have an exoskeleton that resembles an insect’s limbs. She has normal hands and feet that are also coloured black, however their sizes are smaller than average. Chime has lemon yellow hair that is long, messy and wavy, ending just at the bend of her knees. Her eyes are big and black with no pupils or irises, taking after the alien half of her genetics. She has a large, feathery “eyelash” resting atop of each eye with a smaller “eyelash” on the outer corners. Both have a similar colour scheme to the wings protruding from her back, which are small and semi-shrivelled in size. The top two sets are tiny while the bottom two sets are long. Chime also has two tiny antennae that she keeps hidden in her hair.

    Chime’s wings often create problems for her in terms of clothing. She sticks to wearing large or oversized t-shirts and tops to help her hide them, as that was all she was given to wear from the workers. She pairs them with shorts worn underneath. If Chime feels irritation from hiding her wings, she may start wearing t-shirts with the backs ripped open and wear the shirts like a hospital gown.

    Chime is a quiet one. She’s not a big talker and doesn’t appear to speak much at all, preferring to use simple gestures in order to communicate with others. Her main reason for doing so is the fact that her voice makes a chime-like ringing sound whenever she talks. It’s pretty to listen to, but it isn’t very practical when it attracts unwanted attention. The chiming also makes her words hard to understand most of the time, so Chime tries to avoid speaking as much as possible. If and when she does speak, Chime is found to be very soft spoken in tone, though this will change if she’s trying to warn others of danger or whenever she feels upset. She doesn’t forget anyone who angers her and she will bear a strong, hated grudge against them for what they’ve done. Chime is bright for her age and she is able to learn new skills or information rather quickly. She knows when is the best time to apply her knowledge within a given situation and rarely makes the same mistake twice, though she can be a little indecisive on picking the best solution for the problem. Chime is surprisingly strong-willed and she has the determination and stubbornness that goes along with it. She doesn’t like it when others underestimate her due to her frail stature, so she will do whatever it takes to prove to them her own strength. However, Chime is still young, so certain things will still frighten her even when she tries to put up a brave front about it.

    Telekinesis/Telekinetic abilities
    -Chime can create a strong blast or wave of energy emitted from her brain. This wave will affect anyone within the immediate area and cause momentary headaches, rendering them immobile for a brief period of time.
    -she isn’t a telepath and cannot read or transfer information to minds. She can, however, affect minds through her powers when she releases them in a physical form.
    -Chime is able to create a momentary force field to keep both herself and others from any harm.
    -Chime has the capability of creating a physical form of matter out of her telekinesis powers as a means of attack (such as spheres of telekinetic energy). Chime’s skills concerning this technique are still under development and she is still learning how to master it properly.

    -Chime’s mind is strong, but her body is weak; she tires very quickly after using her powers, be it by a small amount or by a very large quantity. If she overuses her abilities, or push past her own limits, Chime will pass out from exhaustion.
    -While Chime has wings, she cannot use them to fly at all. They are far too small and delicate to provide her any sort of lift up in the air.
    -She can be easily overpowered by anyone who is physically stronger or bigger than her own stature.
    -She is vulnerable to the elements of both fire and electricity.
    -Her abilities become uncontrollable when Chime is very emotional. She requires constant meditation in order to keep them maintained. She is vulnerable when she meditates.

    History (may skip if you’d like to reveal IC):
    Chime knows next to nothing about her own past… but she’s hoping to find that out soon enough.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    -Subject File: CRYS-000076

    Name: Sapphire (or Crys, though she doesn't much care for that)
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Unknown, purportedly female
    Sexuality: None yet
    Species: Non-Carbon Lifeform
    Height: Sapphire is only a little more than 2' (.7m) tall
    Hair Color: Pink, but only if you count the crystals on her head as hair
    Eye Color: Pinkish red
    Deformities/Odd Features: Her body is a dark gray in color due to the fact that it is composed of rock. In a way, it appears that she is a torso that sits on top of a floating chunk of rock, though she is in fact attached to it. She actually moves around via levitation, which is believed to result from some kind of electromagnetic field she puts off, though nothing has been proven regarding it. In addition to the rock, she has crystals growing in numerous places over her body. What's interesting about the crystals is that she can change their color as a method of communication, with their natural color being pink.
    General Appearance:

    Capabilities: The only real ability that Sapphire has demonstrated is the ability to manipulate crystals, such as her own. In the case that she has none around, she can create some by compressing materials that could create a crystal into one. Needless to say, this does require a supply of certain materials to be near by for her to compress. As mentioned before, she does move around by levitating, and has been observed moving up and down in the air, indicating that it works similar to flight. Her crystalline nature also gives her a great resistance to thermal heat and impacts.

    Sapphire's food source is any type of silicate mineral. Her stomach, or core, is under an extreme amount of pressure, which, in a sense, converts whatever it is that she consumes into a form that her body can use for energy and growth. The growth of her body occurs in a rather unique fashion, as the material that is melted in her core is applied to the various areas of her body. Of course, she won't continue to grow forever; she will reach maturity at some point, much like any other creature.

    Weaknesses: Sapphire's crystalline nature does have some drawbacks. For one, high frequency vibrations can seriously mess with her. A little bit of exposure can result in massive headaches, while prolonged exposure can result in physical injury. Creating crystals, in addition to having material present, requires a good bit of concentration, as she has very little practice with it.

    Origin: Sapphire was almost certainly an attempt to create a life form that didn't use carbon as its principle bonding agent. Sapphire's body is therefore composed mostly of silicon and its various compounds. Incidentally, an interesting phenomenon occurred while she was being created. The silicon that formed up a majority of the crystals in her body underwent immense pressure, resulting in a new allotrope of silicon that was very similar in hardness to diamonds, if a little more flexible due to the bigger size of the atoms.

    The project was deemed a failure due to the fact that she was unable to wake up at all. It was almost like a coma of sorts; her vital signs were normal, at least as normal as a non-carbon life form could have, but she wasn't conscious. It wasn't until she arrived at the Soap Factory that she gained consciousness. It still is a bit of an issue when she overexerts herself, rendering her helpless for an amount of time based on how much she overexerted herself.

    Personality: Sapphire is, as expected of what is essentially a newborn, quite curious and inquisitive. She is also generally kindhearted and tends towards optimism, despite the rather glum circumstances of their environment. To be entirely honest, her personality isn't entirely developed, which isn't surprising considering how young she is.

    Hopefully this is still okay. :D
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Both accepted!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    *Slides head in silently*
    Anyone home?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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    Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I would just like one more character, but I think we're okay with what we have. Is everyone okay with starting?
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