Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

After having knocked the first guard over with his sudden high speed body slam, 066 looked up and around, the fight seemed to be active for a little while now before he came back and in general it seemed like an mass slaughter.
If 066 did not knew better that they were the victims and that this was needed to get out, he would have thought that the subjects were part of some horror movie and the bad guys they way things were going, he really hated this bloodshed and all, never having been one to fight first, always having wanted to first ignore or talk and otherwise just defend himself or others, but if needed he would fight, he was a rational person knowing that in times its needed, but even then he would never have gone for the kill, at most break some bones in order to prevent his attack from attack further, just a simple elbow blow to break the joints of both arms would stop someone from attacking, most would attack from just one joint.
It was Ironic how he found this type of knowledge useful for self defense as he as thought this much for killing.
But as said, he was rational and he knew this was unavoidable to get everyone out...
He noticed how he had to put his personal thoughts aside for the well being of the others, guess he might be fit to lead them after getting out, but would he want that, if this would become their way of live, would he want to do what was best for the group even if he hated it himself? well it was likely for the best if things came to this...

He looked to someone that was in the center of the group, Red was her name..., wait it was a she right?, cause the one putting his thumb up was clearly a male, strange...
Just nodding, ignoring the sex change fact he looked at the door, trough the group was fighting for a while now, they had not gotten one step closer to getting past the door, the sheer numbers of the soldiers were overwhelming, This explained why it was so quite, they were building up a army to take them down in numbers.
well he would likely have done the same thing if he were on their side so...

It was not looking good, if this fight would last to long then all the subjects would become tired and we'll lose.
But there was also an upside.
066 touched an intercom that was close by "SOMEONE, COVER ME" he yelled

002 Heard 066 asked to be covered so she quickly went to his side, pulling the water out of the bottle she made a more shield like thingy it was not thick enough to stop bullets so she could only hope they came after them with melee fighters.
"I am Glad to see that you are alright" she quickly said to him, looking back to the bunny's, hoping that they might come to help her.

when 002 came to guard him he put his mind in the com, broadcasting a message to all systems, it wont matter who would hear this much and he needed to be fast.
"Everyone of XXX" giving the group a temporal name, he was pretty sure they knew he was talking to them, it was his voice, trough electronics, so it would be recognizable "I know this fight is hard and it seems bad for us, but there is an upside, The are trying to take us down by number, but in order to do that they would have needed to put either their entire army or at least 90% of it behind that door, If we can take them all down, then we can expect a open road, this fight is as much as a final gamble for them as its a freedom ticket for us, LETS MAKE SURE THEY GAMBLE AND LOSE IT ALL FOR FREEDOM"
066 quickly pulled his mind out of the com system, hoping that his speech would give them all the motivation to fight more then ever, hoping that those that were getting tired or were beginning to lose hope would see the light and fight on.

Nodding to 002 (and possibly the bunnies) 066 charged his muscles once more, grabbing the blade and tested if the sword could be used to guide his electrical powers, which it did perfectly.
He dashed as fast as he could, guiding his full force into speed and healing of the damage in order to go into enemy lines, touching, slamming and cutting as many soldiers as he could
All Soldiers that were touched by him had their bio-electrical impulses disrupted and were getting a hard time to move properly, giving the subjects a better chance to them them down faster.

After 066 got to the end of the Soldiers he turned a corner hoping to find a place to rest, only to find a stationary automatic Gatling gun.
Luckily there was a small interval between noticing a target and shooting, likely for soldiers to turn the thing off someway.
066 used this interval to jump into an other corner on the other side of the corridor he came out off.
It was a dead end...
"great stuck between a gun to my left, a dead end on my back and soldiers in front of me"
It seemed he had some luck as they seemed to wield swords and electrical rod's?, still even they could not cross past the gun without setting it off again.
One of these soldiers went back to call someone, either the one with the controls for the gun or someone with a gun.
066 just hoped it took long enough for him to recover a bit more until they showed which option it was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex saw Shin and Six dealing with enemies and then 066 dart around a corner into enemy fire. Decisions had to be made, so Alex chose to help Six and Shin first before gonig to help 066. The advancing guards were quick. Shin seemed tired. Alex wasn't hurt and he wasted little energy. Growling, he drew an incendiary arrow and ignited the tip along the ground before hefting it into the guards. The group of advancing guards was covered in napalm like flames, the ones hit immediately forced to roll on the ground as they screamed for their lives. The other guards couldn't advance, though they seemed to not wish to. Then, he saw it. A two man crew coming. One held a rifle and the other a shoulder mounted launcher. The rifleman carried ammo for his squadmate. Almost cursing, he saw the grenadier taking aim at the weakened Shin and Six. He took not time in gauging his chances of keeping them alive. He had to keep the guards off of them. Such is the burden of a guardian. Such is the pain of protection. As the launcher fired, he had moved to and shoved both out of the way. The round hit him square in the back and exploded. His armor was shredded and the clothing under singed off. He was knocked flat on his belly, but he was able to shakily get to his knees. His back was a spiderweb of cracks and between the cracks, blood was seeping down his normally smooth skin. His lipids took effect soon enough, but he definitely looked the worse for wear. His body was cracked and he was bleeding from the cracks.

Undaunted, he did what he set out to do and picked up his stolen carbine, flicking to auto fire. He unloaded, in 5 round bursts, the entire mag. He caught the grenadier and his squadmate as well as most of the soldiers behind the flame. He also tossed an explosive arrow that was not yet ruined over to the corner where 066 was. He called out to their de facto leader. "Hit the tip and throw! 4 second fuse!"

He was stuck on the ground for now as he regained his senses and waited for an adrenaline rush. He looked at the two he saved and chuckled lowly. "That hurt a bit. Note to self, rockets are pretty effective on me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six overheard 066 yelling something about freedom and could only hope his outbursts meant they were winning. After all, who would have the time for rallying statements shouted in the air if they weren’t? She continued holding Shin’s hand, standing behind him and 080, hearing them as they fought, growls, heavy breathing as Shin tired, more gunshots. Next thing she knew though she was being shoved hard. Letting out an ‘umph’ she ended up half on top of Shin, half on the floor, hearing a loud blast. She groaned softly, having hit her head on the floor and rubbing the spot as she sat up, turning towards where the blast came from. She heard 080’s voice say something about 4 seconds and breathed a sigh of relief that whatever had hit him, and that he had saved them from, hadn’t killed him. What the heck was he made out of? She gently found Shin’s hand again and squeezed it, worry furrowing her brow.

”Are you alright?” she asked, unsure if 080’s shove had harmed him.

That hurt a bit. Note to self, rockets are pretty effective on me.

”You took a rocket for me?!” Subject Six said, bewildered as she turned to Eighty’s voice. Not to mention a bit frightened that rockets were being shot at them at all. ”How can you be okay?” she asked, terribly worried and upset. ”Seriously, let me stand in front of you, tell me clock directions, like 12 o’clock, and you two rest!” she said like a mother to her children, not wanting that either would be hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Skylar could feel, the power in him, it grew with every guard he attacked. They would shoot at him, but with his speed, he would dodge, and then he would claw, punch, bite, kick, slice, at all of them. He was thinking, that he should fall back, the guards kept coming, but then 066, their new found leader, gave the group words of encouragement, his adrenaline, came rushing back. He ran up to a guard, Skylar grabbed the guard, by the head, he ripped off the man's head. Blood started to squirt out of the limp body, like a bloody water fountain. Skylar's, animalistic, ways flourished, in this battle. He was too fast, for the guards, to catch him. Skylar was like a speeding, death, white ball, of murder, and mayhem. The whole time, he was still grinning. He saw that 066, snuck off to rest, his powers, needed to recharge. Skylar went after him, making sure that he had back up. When, Skylar got to where he was, the soldiers, looked like mechanic robots, after they were touched by 066. Skylar, couldn't help but laugh at them, as he slit their throats, on the way towards 066. "Need...some...*Growl*...Help?" Skylar eventually found 066, following, the robotic guards, mayhem, down a hall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The fight continued onwards. And with Eighty helping out, it certainly eased the pressure up on him, even if only for that short time. It was enough to get his breath back to keep fighting, he really needed to gain some better stamina if they got out of this alive. He wasn't build for drawn out battles, not yet anyhow, he'd have to make sure to be in the future, but back to the present. His thoughts and actions were distracted briefly as he heard Sixty Six shout about how many they'd need to stop them all getting out, most of them then eh? Grinning lightly, as he exhaled lightly. A second wave of energy passing through his body as he spoke aloud, more to himself than others nearby. "Well, if ya put it like that. Best get a move on then." But before he could do more, both he and Six were suddenly thrown to the ground, the impact causing a light wound on his forehead, bleeding slightly, yet he didn't even feel it at this point and thus ignored it. Whatever Eighty had just saved their butts from, it wasn't a very nice attack by the sound of it, his senses all over the place during the attack. As his senses returned, although feeling Six half on top of him wasn't helping much but still. Slowly sitting up after Six did and feeling her grab onto his hand, he squeezed her hand tightly, as if worried she would disappear if he didn't.

At the question, he nodded simply before speaking. "I'm fine. Ya okay?" Three questioned, quickly getting to his feet and pulling up Six with him, before listening to what both Eighty said and Six replied with worriedly. He simply chuckled towards Eighty and spoke. "Your insane ya know that?" The elder questioned in an upbeat tone, flames now surrounding his body but carefully avoiding Six's as to not harm her any further. As he ignored Six's protest to let them rest while she worked to help, he simply shook his head while his grip around her hand tightened lightly. As he spotted more guards coming in from afar, his powers acted before he did, surrounding the first lot who entered and slowly freezing them, allowing others to kill them whenever they could. Meanwhile flames shooting forwards towards any that tried to approach the three of them, if they were putting every man they had into capturing them, then they might as well go all out as well. And that damned well included him, besides, like fuck he was going back into that cell. Not now, or ever again!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

080 steadily lifted himself to his feet and tossed the stolen weapon aside before pulling out his machete and hatchet. Cracking his neck, which unsurprisingly led to it sounding like rocks grinding together, he looked at Shin and smirked only slightly. "Not insane. I guard. A guardian's job never ceases and the pain with it just a sign that I am doing my job well. Now, let's crack them open like tin cans."

He stepped toward the grouping of guards as his full adrenaline rush hit him. The guards were not overly joyful at seeing the rocket just essentially spur him on to more bloodshed. A couple fled, like any coward would do, and the rest were hesitant to attack him. Alex let loose a rather demonic laugh as he called out to the guards. "You let the monster out of the cage! Come try to put me down!" And he leapt over the flames, rushing the first guard, ramming his blade through his gut, withdrawing it, then slicing his throat open with a well place hatchet cut.

The other guards, perhaps not realizing that his skin wasn't impervious to bullets, switched to their clubs. They were rather late as yet another one fell. Before they could advance, 080 called out to Six. "12 o'clock! Two targets!" He basically danced around them to keep them corralled where Six would need to fire. The guards, in their zeal to avenge their fallen squad mates, fell for each feint.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Six nodded her head reassuringly when Shin asked if she was okay, relieved he was as well. She doubted any of the others would be leading her around in such a fashion as he was, although it seemed 080 was doing a fairly good job being a shield for her. She felt Shin’s hand against hers once more, but he didn’t give any indication whatsoever that he was going to let her use her power or help her use it anyway. She huffed softly and heard 080 mention that he was a guardian of some kind. Guardian and his interesting skin made Subject Six think of those gargoyles above a catholic church, protecting those that entered from demons. Perhaps that’s how she would think of 080 from now on. A giant, protective gargoyle. Odd but comforting. Luckily it didn’t seem as if 080 was going to baby her as much as Three was, yelling out a direction for her. She smirked and turned her head a few slight degrees before opening them, and hitting both targets in her vision before shutting her eyes once more. It felt good to help, although she hoped he could do two things at once… fight for himself and still shout her directions as needed. Then again, the battle had to be waning right? They had to be winning surely? She held onto that hope, and Shin’s hand a little tighter. ”Are they still coming?” she shouted to either one, looking for a shred of hope.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Bone starts going on pure instinct, his eyes glazed over, killing or maiming anyone that looks like a guard, an enemy. He has gut at least 4 unarmored guards, shaped 3, poked out 2 eye, and beat a guard to death with his own gun. 'This feels good, it feels right, I was made for this' Bone starts thinking. Blood covering his bare chest, staining his pants. He had been shot at but anything that hit didn't faze him, and anything to big is apparently saved for 080.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[ Subject 097 ]

How long has it been since I've been stuck here? Days? Weeks? Months? I didn't know, I couldn't know, my memory felt as if I was nothing, as if my mind was just filled with facts I knew about the world and how to communicate, combined with a vague yet somehow powerful emotion that pushed me to think there was something I had to live for. I didn't know what that thing was, but it kept me sane, and kept my mind occupied as I remained attached to this prison they had built just for me. Well, the entire complex probably housed many other freaks such as myself, but my cell had the insane size to be able to hold at least fifty normal prison cells yet it felt so small from where I was. I was trapped in a huge glass tube which itself contained a smaller steel tube that closed itself when I was told to go to sleep. Inside the first tube was, from what I could tell, a green liquid that appeared to be that color from the inside by was completely transparent from my end, while the second tube was charged with an almost solid-like mass that felt like jell-o, probably meant to limit the possibilities of me moving. I was in the smaller tube, in a suit that looked like a straight jacket made of metal and special, spandex-like fabric, with multiple tubed connected to the top of the tube were glued onto that suit I was wearing and thus were planted into me as well. They were injecting something, a powerful drug and at constant doses, probably to keep my abilities at bay. They knew these wouldn't stop me from escaping, so they kept me drugged. If they were to get me out, they made sure I would faint before I'd make a move that was out of place. Well, I didn't really remember these, the tests, because of my memory being purged, but I did know I was refrained from escaping.

All of a sudden I heard a voice, to which I could not respond to due to the gas mask I was forced to wear when in my "cell". But as he announced we were getting freed, I didn't see anything open on my side, nor anything significant change at all. However, it would maybe because of my cell's placement that a minute later I would hear a loud buzzing noise, signaling the neutralization of the machinery placed on the ends of my straight jacket suit thing, ending my exposure to the drugs. I still felt helpless, possibly due to the effects lasting even without constant exposure, but this left me some time to hear what others were saying to this 066 guy and what was their plan. It would be nice to join, I'd like to have some help to get out. But I'd probably need to help myself first as I wouldn't see some random bunch of freakozoids come here just for me anytime soon. About another minute later and I could feel it, I could feel my immortal self flourish once more, tasting the glories of freedom as I released my power with great joy. By body was touching the suit, and the suit was connected to all the machinery and tubes in the cell, allowing me to focus a large scale aging process on everything connected to my suit, visualizing the expansion to the consumption of the last large tube. I then imagined the time they would leap, and that one was easy, I planned a billion years.

The suit was the first thing to rapidly rot in this environment, becoming nothing more than dust, then the jelly surrounding me rotted into a disgusting green mass before vanishing all together. Finally, both tubes crumbled to pieces quite quickly as they too had the aging process spread upon them, all the small pieces becoming even smaller pieces before vanishing in the air. I had fallen down a couple of meters, but at least I was prepared for it as I landed on the floor without hurting myself; The cell felt empty without these huge tubes or these scientists observing me. Actually, where were they? Did they freak out when the guy announced this? Oh well, I walked toward an already opened door, which led me into some locker room. Great, because as I forgot to mention, I was completely naked in exception to these control gloves they gave me. Memory erased or not, they sure checked if I retained what they taught me. I took a quick shower there, letting all the guys talk through that mic as I kept my hygiene going for me before dressing up appropriately. They kept casual clothes for me, jeans, a T-shirt, basic bras and panties for someone of my size, possibly for future training sessions. As I walked out, I also took a candy bar from the lockers and nibbled on it as I stepped out of my cell in general. I would only turn my head to the sound of footsteps.

A basic security guard had pointed a pistol at me, and I'm not magical kid, so I simply lifted my hands, candy bar still ridiculously in my hand. He appeared stressed, almost scared of me. Since he worked here, he probably expected a dangerous monster-thing to just come out of my belly and eat him, heck that's what I would expect. I didn't speak a word, nor did her. Or rather I was chewing my chocolate bar while he was panting out of fear. As he got closer and pulled out a set of handcuffs out of his pocket, my look turned into a glare. I didn't want to get back in one of those crappy cells, hell no. I didn't move, yet, I waited for him to be in my reach. As he got close enough, I simply slapped my first hand on his pistol while my other hand let go the candy bar and hit the hand he used to approach the cuffs toward me. He flipped and took a second for him to point the gun at him, but a that second passed, the gun was already half gone into complete dust. He froze as he saw that, the rotting of the hand gun continuing but only ending at the handgun. However, as I hit his unprotected hand, his arm was getting entirely devoured by the aging with no limits to is as it spread like a virus on living things. He screamed in agony, as the propagation was slow but fast enough to constantly hurt new nerves and hit the shoulder in a few seconds. There he was doomed and half his body was being consumed. When his head was hit, he didn't release a scream anymore. After a few more seconds, his whole body, including the skeleton, was gone, leaving only his extra handgun and two magazines. I would pick up his belt in general with his pistol and magazines attached. Hey, I was getting out of here, and I wanted extra protection, so a gun is where it's at.


As I ventured through the gloomy corridors of the area, I considered it too... Mainstream to simply follow a pre-determined path. I couldn't hear the 066 guy or anyone else talk through the mics at this point in time and instead I would hear gunshots. That didn't sound good, so as I followed my first idea, I touched a wall I randomly selected, and made it rot to the point of creating a hole in which I would access a new area without trouble. Reinforced doors? Same treatment, nothing was immortal and nothing would maintain its shape in exaggerated periods of time. At one point during my little exploring of actually encountering little to no guards, I realized that the whole base was probably fighting out the grouped up experiments near my position. As the gunshots got louder and the screams more and more varied, I knew this idea was the right one.

I rotted myself through an air vent system, possibly the best godsend for a person of my size trying to escape. I would fit in one of those underground vents actually and keep going forward toward the shootings. That was probably my best bet to get out while avoiding deathly conflicts. As I crawled and slowly realized I had claustrophobic tendencies, I could feel the vibrations of neverending shooting and exploding right above me. And this is when I heard that guy's voice again. He shouted through a mic something about freedom, that these security guards would all die so they could be free. I actually agreed with this, these people took us apparently against our will and are new trying to kill us for trying to regain our freedom. They deserved to die... But that doesn't mean I have to be a hero.

As I progressed more and more, I realized this air vent served more as a drain than a freaking vent. Well duh, air vents are UP usually. I felt dumb there, but hey this got me pretty far without any trouble. As I reached a certain drain, I could see an automatic machine gun mercilessly brutalizing all those it seemed to cross sights with. Like one of those I could imagine seeing in an action movie. I was like, right under it and... Ugh I was slightly hesitant. In the end however I'd place my hand on the concrete above me, causing it to rot as well as the drain and the automatic gun. I didn't want to entirely destroy it, but rather destroy the obvious computer in the middle that allowed it to function alone as well as it's visor. The rotting was rather quick, rusting the metal before turning it into tiny little pieces that crumbled away. The system on it fried and made a little, noticeable explosion which would alert more attentive ones that the automatic gun had a malfunction. Since that thing was stationary and I didn't know where else this sewer would lead me, I quickly jumped up and hid behind the now shut down guy with rotted pieces of scrap metal all around it. If anything would end up too weird, I would simply hide back in that little hole I just made that led me to the sewer and wait for the shooting to end. Otherwise, I took a second to look at the gun while all the soldiers were focusing on the experiments they had already SEEN.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by phantori


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I battered my way through the crowd of guards, punching one in the gut, kicking another's feet out from under him, knocking another's gun out of his broken wrist, but none of them stayed down very long. I was strong, but not strong enough, it seemed, or at least not tall enough to get in a solid blow to the head. Not that I wanted to...really...

One that I had missed pointed his gun at me and I put my arms up, palms out, instinctively. Suddenly there was a bright red flash and the man fell down, a small scorch mark on his chest. I stared at my hands and let out a whooping sound, raising them again to blast away at other guards nearby. Soon I'd formed a small circle around me and had a chance to check for the others. They seemed to be mostly holding their own, but a new guy had shown up, with strange stone-like skin. One guard shot at him with a rocket launcher and I winced, though he seemed okay. I turned back to the task at hand and slowly cleared a path...but to where?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All Jalo heard were screams and gunshots and at one point there was the familiar static of the intercom, barely able to be heard over the mess. He couldn't hear much of anything that was said, either, but he heard something about freedom. It could have been sixty-six trying to motivate them, or as far as he knew, a demand from the other side. It wasn't a demanding task to throw a metal door around, so he wasn't having a difficult time in a long stretch of battle. While it was wearing him down a bit, adrenaline was starting to kick in, and he didn't feel anything. He found that because of this, he could move his right arm again. The troops were starting to get reinforcements and his makeshift shield was taking a beating, so he took a minute to get another. It wasn't as smoothed out and as neat as the other, but it would work for what he needed.

Jalo felt himself enter a different state, one where he looked to be in much more control of what he was doing, much more focused on the guards, and all but his sense of sight had shut off. His mixed feelings of revenge and gult had removed themselves and he felt nothing but a commitment to what his current task was. This had happened once before, in an extended training session, and he remembered the scientists' reaction to it. They were pleased with the state although it only lasted a few moments and used up much more energy, and they had wanted to work on making it a permanent state of mind. Now it seemed that they had at least done something, the trance coming to him more naturally than normal. Suddenly he was much more to the point of it, going from mostly reflecting the bullets back to stemming the problem at its source, and using the doors to kill with no mercy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

After 066 had rested a bit he stood up again and nodded to Skylar.
"thanks for protecting me, I just got a little idea but its better if you would go back to the others, cause this corridor is going to be one danger zone" 066 said as he charged his body again to quickly move trough the soldiers, slowing down other soldiers by touching them or paralyzing body parts he stabbed or slashed his sword past.
He was lucky that the group had lessened thanks to the others and that he had already touched a lot of them so it was not that draining this time as he quickly made his way to 007, lucky.
"Lucky, I have an idea, were both electrical so I think we can finish this mess if we worked together"
066 touched a light switch or at least some kind of electronic control panel as he grabbed Lucky's wrist.
"I am going to control both our electrical currents into one massive attack, were both going to be drained after that, still ready?"

066 waited till lucky give him some kind of OK and then looked at Bone and 080.
"80 can you take care of lucky here, he is going to be blackout for a while, Bone I am going to need you to support me after this, EVERYONE ELSE< GET AWAY FROM THE CORRIDOR!!!"
Then 066 send his mind into the system while he took his bio-electrical powers and lucky's powers which he temporally tried to increase, he had no idea if it worked but he tried it at least and send all the juice to the corridor occupied by the soldiers.
wounded, slowed down and those planning something were still in it while preventing the group from getting trough it, but that changed soon enough...
The lights suddenly started to flicker and small electrical arcs started to shape, not long after that, just enough time for the soldiers to look up in confusion did the lights started to break, raining them with glass and did a full scale electrical storm fill the entire corridor, electrocuting all those inside it.
The path where the stationary gun stood, where 097 was, was saved as the electrical system 066 focused on only covered that exact corridor where the soldiers were placed.
It was a sight to see as the entire corridor was filled with white and yellow light, hardy any electrical bolts could be seen as it truly filled the space, trough near the end and beginning (meaning where we all are, incl.097) there were some visible bolts.
only a small few soldiers that were outside the corridor, just before attacking some of us, were left and were looking at the storm with fearful eyes, completely forgotten they were fighting a few seconds ago.

After a few seconds the storm finally ended, showing all the charred body's in the dark light less corridor.
Right after the storm stopped did the lights in the roam they were in starting to flicker and quickly after stopped, all power on at least this floor had stopped working as this storm had drained the generator and perhaps even fried it (trough that is just a possibility) or at least shut it down for a while.
Lucky and 066 both fall down after that, 066 was still awake but he was having a hard time to stay awake as a hard time to breath as well as his own bio-electrical pulses were hardly working at the moment as well.
Still he smiled, or at least he felt like he smiled, he guessed his face wont smile or he had to stop breathing to direct those pulses, but then again he might smile and just unable to feel it as he cant feel anything, all the bio-electrical pulses that get send to his brain trough the nerves were down, you could stab a sword to his stomach and he wont feel a thing, like I said, he had trouble to keep his own organs running, beyond that he was just a puppet with a consciousness, no feelings no power to stand no nothing.
but still, he and lucky did it, they taken down nearly all the soldiers, if the others were to take the final few down than they were home clear, with the power down on the section, he did not know it was the entire floor, then the stationary gun would also be offline, he only had to stay awake to guide the others, and keep himself breathing off course, but he guessed the hard part was over and he wont have to fight anymore for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

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Lucky saw the sense in 066's plan and began amping up his power. The air around him began to crackle and his hair began to have electricity arc in it. The smell of ozone began to permeate the air. He tried directing his charge toward 066, but finesse was never his strong suit. Anyone near him had to back away or risk getting shocked. The last time he gave this much juice he had been measured at 10,000 watts. and that was a year ago he'd developed since then. He felt the drain of energy as his calories drained away and his blood pressure fluctuated, his vision began to dim. He eased off and fell to the floor panting. He didn't want to pass out "That's all i got" he gasped unable to rise from his knees as his legs felt like jello. "Could i get a lift?" he asked looking around "i'm safe to touch until i recharge"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alex saw the soldiers in front of him essentially vaporize and he quickly made his way back to Six. 066 called out to him through the chaos and asked for him to take care of Lucky. He nodded to Six and yelled over to Shin. "Work with her. She needs some fun. I have to help some others!" With that, he waded through the people until he reached Lucky and 066. Both looked about ready to pass out. "Come on you two, I have a shoulder for each."

He knelt down and hefted Lucky onto his right shoulder, careful to minimize the discomfort as much as possible. He then got over to 066 and did the same for his left shoulder. "You should probably rest. I can lead the others out and direct survival needs. I am no good at persuasion, but once they see me carrying you, I expect they will be willing to follow my directions until you recuperate."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

066 did not feel anything when 080 lifted him of the ground, the only thing that made him realize that he was getting lifted was the fact that the ground suddenly was getting further away from his face and his vision was beginning to become horizontal.
It was strange that hearing and seeing, and he guessed talking were still working fine, but it was a good thing as well.
Then he heard 080 talk and realized it was not Bone that helped him up as he had thought he would have done, then again, he thought lucky would K.O. and he seemed to be awake still, so 080 could support him instead of fully carry lucky so 080 could easily support himself as well.

"I need to stay awake anyway, so I can still guide everyone, slap me if I were to fall asleep or I might die at this point" 066 said softly, unable to speak out loud at the moment.
"just repeat after me if I have something to say to the others, cause I cant talk louder at this point"
066 looked at the corridor with some difficulty by forcing his eyes to look up and see the corridor, it was hard for him too see what they had done exactly from this angle, everything was black, the floor, the walls, even the ceiling was scourged black from the storm, from his point of view he was unable to see what was a piece of the floor and what was a electrified corpse.
"at least it did his job"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[ Subject 097 ]

Well that worked, the machine gun seemed intact in exception to the smoke coming out of it and it appeared to be completely offline. I felt like a good person there, helping those in need even though I'm putting my life at risk, what a selfless act they should be grateful for! Nonetheless I remained hidden behind the big gun so the armed guys wouldn't get all jumpy once they see my casual self just hanging around. I sighed, expecting more shooting and random power blasting, but what I actually got a very quick warning that something was happening. As this 066 guy screamed to get the heck out of there, my eyes enlarged slightly as all this got kind of creepy. I would choose to swiftly bounce back as a magnificent theater of colors and eventually visible lightning could cover the entire area and illuminate this forsaken hole. The blast of power seemed to be avoiding my area for some reason, even though I was hidden, it appears the people causing this mess were aware of my position.

After this was all done and things fell into darkness, I rose from my hole and looked around, emergency lights were still present over my area due to the strike 'missing' my position, allowing me to see around the area of the now dead automatic gun as well as the charred corpses of soldiers nearby. The smell was awful, but the adrenaline from what just happened made me somewhat immune from the disgust I would normally be feeling. Seeing people die and corpses were common for me nowadays, with my power and tests, one could easily assume I've had to handle many angles of 'death' during my little vacation here. Being able to see, I pressed my hand against the dead turret gun and caused it to rejuvenate, fixing the machine I had previously broken by aging it a few hundred years. The computer attached to it went back online and had reset, allowing me to select its properties, notably what kind of targets to take down. It already had in its memory to ability to recognize soldiers and avoid shooting them. Control-Alt-Suppr I did to that machine, switching the targets of the gun to the soldiers and avoiding EVERYTHING else, including the prisoners. Good thing I didn't have to hack or anything, as when it reset it assumed it was the first time used, thus I had access to whatever entry code I wanted on it. What a kick ass gun that is. The remaining soldiers, terrified but still around, were shot via infrared view by the machine, their bodies exploding into pieces when they meet the gun's canon. This would also prevent reinforcements from being a nuisance as well.

The group beyond would clearly notice the random surge of senseless gunshots shooting near the end of the area they seemed to be escaping from. I turned my attention toward the voices and footsteps coming from their direction and started to walk toward them. I kept a rather calm demeanor, not wanting to cause a bad reaction or sudden moves, I made my footsteps loud enough to be well recognized as a person walking toward them and not catch some weirdos by surprise. I also kept my hand against my holstered handgun, not out of fear but we can never be too safe with one of these experiments, claiming to be friend or not.

"I can do the slapping if you doze off during a fight. Believe me, mine work exceptionally well on slackers like you."

I'd say in a slightly sarcastic tone. I wanted to appear friendly but not overly welcoming either, I couldn't trust these people but I could at least help them get out of this hell. I kept my eyes fixated on most of them, as best as I could, hoping that things would go as smooth as possible. But I could hardly see the rest of them through the dark, as they would also only see a silhouette of a short person, hand where a gun would normally be put away, and a voice that sounded close to a young teenage boy's rather than a little girl's. Yeah that voice annoys me too, but I rarely got to use it since my leisurely stay in this place, so I got over it for now.

"I'm not staying in this rig much longer. So I'm only helping you good folks if you start hustling."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While the main group prepped to leave, a single woman sat around a corner, listening in. There was a single pile of bone dust beside her, its color blackened from decay. She was safe, for now. She was also waiting patiently for them to open the door and leave so she could escape as well. They open it, I slip out. Might stay close to them, but I will not introduce myself right away. I have yet to figure out what they will do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

Member Offline since relaunch

Lucky felt a familiar feeling as the edges of his vision dimmed and a rushing sound filled his ears. He had thought he could fight the coming blackness, but it was a losing battle. The gentle swaying as he was carried lulled him, and he lost himself to the darkness. He would be unconscious for several hours while his body recharged. Anyone touching his bare skin after about 3-4 hours would get a nasty static shock.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


Member Offline since relaunch

Coming down from his high of the massacre that is Bone, he finally gets his head clear. "Hey! Lets get the fuck out of here." Bone says, more in general than to anyone specific. He rolls over a guard while snapping his neck. He then sees the corpse of high ranking officer, or the burnt body of one with only sunglasses on his body. Bone picks up the aviator style glasses, and puts them on his face, "You won't be needing these." Bone says stepping closer to a door that he assumes is a stair well. He then opens the door and looks up the stair well to see at least a few hundred floors, "Fuck that..." He turns around. "Alright we should probably find an elevator or something."

Bone had then noticed what appeared to be a young woman in the middle of the battlefield. Not hearing her or seeing her before. "What are you doing here, kid? Are you like one of us?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The rumble of power that Blade and Lucky generated, he had to admit, was impressive. If nothing else. Luckily, the elder had made sure they were out of the 'deadly zone' as he referred to it in his mind, before they all got turned into little charred people. Either that or you'd walk around with no skin on your body, not a pleasant idea. The power from the sparking lightning alone was enough to burn someone far more than he ever could at the present moment. As everyone seemed to slowly recover, four remaining guards stood not all that far away in front of them. Nudging the female beside him with his elbow, the elder pondered if he'd ever done anything like this before. Nah. Attention turned from his thoughts, his voice carried across towards the currently blind female holding onto his hand tightly, a sentiment he returned equally just before speaking. "Six, four of them right if front of you. Feel free to take a hit at 'em. Doesn't look like any of their buddies are coming to help, ne?" He questioned jokingly, voice like that of an amused boy, and perhaps he was in a way. But that was better to consider later, when all had gotten free from this place he called hell. Or a hell hole if you felt like being foul mouthed, which when it came to this place, Three was all for being as foul mouthed as a sailor.

Once the four remaining had been, ahem, 'taken care' of. Small blue flames appeared within the air near others and he as well. With no lights to see, it seemed like a logical idea to make sure no one walked into a wall or anything stupidly dangerous like that. Those flames generated were enough to allow everyone to see each other clearly for once, a blessing for many. Now with a gentle grip on the hand within his grasp, as he then began to move around all the bodies that surrounded them, gently leading the female close to him around such a horrible sight, one that was best left unseen. The cloak that he had taken from a guard previously swept and surrounded most of his body, as well as hid his hands and arms. A nice thing to have when you were concealing such sharp and dangerous weaponry, as well as keeping blood off you. Picking up on the male calling himself 'Bone' speaking in what he heard to be a very stupid question, his silver head turned, quirking an eyebrow at the new-comer where everyone seemed to be gathering together. Even while walking, slitted eyes were carefully scanning the area, like a machine searching for a way out and thus far, he had found nothing. Darn. Of course, with this new female arrival, he had heard her approach before, but thought it best not to comment. Just yet anyhow. "Looks like someone's late to our little party." Three commented aloud mostly to himself, mirth in his tone and expression as he glanced at the female he was adressing. A short little thing wasn't she? Ah well. That ever habitual smile remained as he now directly addressed the female that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, of course he knew that couldn't be the case. Even so. "Ya got a name kiddo? No use us helping ya if we don't have a name or number for you." His tone was calm, somewhat serious for a change, and yet it still carried that lilting tone that many would come to know him for.

(100th post, yay!)
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