Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 days ago

[Welcome subject XXX, I hope you had a pleasant rest, as you might realize, your memory's have been swiped, an interesting side effect of the experiments, for now rest some more, we will see what you can do soon]
In this rp we will start in the cell's hearing that same announcement (trough personalized a bit).
We are, or were, normal humans until we were abducted and experimented on, trying to make a super human army for some reason.
BUT we dont plan to stay here very long, we will escape using what they had given us to use, working together and getting out of the facility.

each of us will have a power, this can be anything BUT also limited to what scientists might be able to add
for example, someone might grow additional limbs due to cellular reconstruction, or have telekinetic due to brain wave modification, but telepathic powers like mind control would be a no go I think.
normally we have one clear power (trough uses and sub traits are not counted, have the power to set release flames might have the sub trait of being fire immune, have a power to control electricity in your body can have more uses that I can count in this second)
But the powers are normally also limited to the human body, so in order to fly you need wings, but the human body has no wings, so you cant fly
THERE however is one way to break those 2 settings, but it also has a downside, break the human shape, give the human wings, would result in the subject able to fly but he will stand out unless he finds a way to hide the wings.
make the subject look like a cat person could increase agility, speed, give claws and sharp senses, but the person would always look part like a cat.
its a great limit breaker but the person would lose their human looks in the result, so take heed of that, find a way to cover up the physical mutation ^^
we wont have our memorys, meaning we all have to give ourselves a new name and work together to make sense of the world, find our place in it, with our powers that we need to learn to control and always stay out of the military/ scientist hands as they will want us back.

this story can go anywhere and anyway.
starting a little free roaming once we get out of the facility, trying to find a save spot and all, but eventually we would create a story line as things become more and more chaotic.
including the option to get super powered soldiers hunting us as well (new experiments made after we escaped that ended up following the military or stolen by some scientists that left with the idea to use that subject for personal gain (making that subject a nut job)
once that moment in the story starts we can make 2e or 3e characters to join those groups.
with the military and rouge (scientist follower) ones can also get missions from their supervisor aside hunting the rest.

from there I got some other idea's to make more chaos and deepen the storyline, but, well, spoilers XD

first lets say if anyone finds this rp idea interesting???

please repost your CS here in order for me to shortlink them into the member roster

Drake Baku = Luna (002)
YuukiSuzuki = Shin (003)
Whirlwind = Arden Reed (006)
resiak verdungert = Felix (007)
Phantori = Charity Russel (009)
Charlie = Bone (010)
DragonBeastMode = Skylar Grey (021)
UnseenShade = Valdis (22)
Sheeplon = Jalo (027)
Hawlin = Keepa and Kapra (047 and 048)
Drake Baku = Blade (066)
UnseenShade = Alexander (080)
Savato = Fiorella (097)

NPC lists: 033 (Heavy acid, cannot melt fabrics such as clothes and bones, able to release this acid from every part of his body )
Sefenti Threy (073) created by Hawlin but not used anymore.

Inactive members: (those that were and sadly never came back for some reason, I wont kill you, in hoped of your return)
NotABagel = 12 (012)
ReapTheMusic = Ivey L'utess (013)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 days ago

(given)Name: Blade
age: 25
alias: <open>
subject number: 066
but with a scare on his right cheek
Personality: He will try to be the leader of the group hoping that they would all band together if someone takes charge, I plan for him to have an different personality then he tries to keep up in order to become reliable for the others.
Power('s): Bio-Electric enhancements, able to manipulate the bio-electrical pulses that the brain sends out throughout the body.
using this he can increase his strength, speed and agility but this will damage his muscles, however this ability can also be used to redirect to his healing, in order to recover from wounds and restore the damage to his muscles, he can use his ability together with the physical improvements BUT both get more limited, able to barely restore his damaged muscles and still increase his ability's but at a lower rate (making him chose, balanced, healing or at own risk), also he can cover his body with the same electrical pulse in order to shock others, slowing down the other persons own bio-electrical impulses, making them react slower, weaker and less agile and fast in general.
Theory of the scientist is that he might even be able to connect his mind to a computer trough the impulses, using this he might be able to hack into systems on an organic level, able to bypass most computerized defenses or download its intelligence in his own brain (trough these same theories also contain so many dangers, such as overloading his brain, getting stuck in the computer forever or just die), there might be more possibilities using this power but he has yet to learn them.
finally he can also overload his own electrical force, leaving him completely drained and hardly able to walk around, but using this he can completely electrify someone or something, it takes time for him to restore from this but it has no permanent effects at least.
Equipment: A short sword.
History: N/A
Goal: He just wants to live a normal live and hopes to find out who he used to be.
Other: He has a natural born ability to think at a super high level, able to process entire thoughts in a matter of a mere feeling (this is not a super power, I actually have this in real live), this is one of the reasons why the scientist believe he is able to hack computers with his mind, the sword is something he would steal in the beginning of the rp of some soldier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 days ago

(given)Name: Luna or Runa (decided on this after escaping and looking at the moon, because she has a Japanese accent she will say Runa)
age: 21
alias: Aqua
subject number: 002
Appearance: http://38.media.tumblr.com/1e3062d68fb371361dbb18ebd17b04a6/tumblr_n4ykopHQwc1re5z1ko1_500.jpg
This is actually how we would find her, having gotten no cloths.
Personality: sweet and polite to a level where she would even be polite to a small child, but she is prone to get hooked to pleasurable stuff, she can be a tease, especiallt towards males.
Power('s): Aqua-kinesiss, able to manipulate water, even simple moist in the air, giving her an unlimited array of abilities, she can even pull out water from plants or control water in plants and possible even water inside living creatures (trough her personality would refuse to use this).
she generally will use it for defense actions.
Equipment: medical gear
History: all that is to say (that I can think off XD) is that before this all happened she was a rising star in the medical field.
Goal: To aid those in need and have a happy live
Other: she had gotten special permission to learn medical knowledge once more, having a defensive healer in the heat of battle is a good thing according to some generals, it was the reason she was chosen as one of the subjects (trough the idea then was an healer that could attack just as hard as the others, but with her personality things changed but they thought this was even better)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(given)Name: Jalo
age: 19
alias: Öl
subject number: 27
Personality: Jalo has a lonely nature, often times unintentionally isolating himself. Always being a follower, he looks for someone to take a leadership role, and once they have, will follow them to the end. He can become clingy and realizes this, but has a hard time stopping himself. His way of thinking things through is abstract and he ends up at conclusions other people wouldn't. If not a bit shy, he's friendly enough, but feels distant.
Power('s): telekinesis
Equipment: a blindfold that helps him calm down if he goes into a sensory overload
History: After losing his parents in a car accident when he was a child, Jalo lived with his uncle and aunt, the former in the military. Because of this he found himself moving often. (as i think of more i'll elaborate on this.)
Goal: To live his own life, to stop relying on others for direction in life, and being a pacifist, he doesn't want to join the army.
Other: Due to the experimenting on his brain, he tends to speak backwards, and he needs to think about speaking normally to do so. Because of this, he doesn't speak much. He also gets migraines.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by phantori


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Name: Charity Russel

Age: 16

Alias: Red

Subject Number: 9

Appearance: She has no visible changes, except for the fact that one of her eyes is light blue.

Personality: Her personality depends on her powers; normally she's a quiet but determined girl, set on getting her way, but when her power activates, she's terrifying. Violent, impulsive, and overly confident, she's the exact opposite of her regular self.

Power('s): (I'll have to explain part of her history here, sorry) Her twin brother was taken to the facility as well. They gave him massive amounts of power, so much that it couldn't be contained in his body. To solve this, the scientists combined him with his sister to balance it out. It's fairly difficult to control, but Cherry can bring her brother's power and personality to the surface, allowing her to create blasts of excess energy, along with gaining superhuman strength. It tires her out quickly, though, and she passes out after using it for more than five minutes. It also changes her gender on a cellular level; her face looks the same, her body does not.

Equipment: One of those zinc energy bracelets that can calm her down to deactivate her power. Also, a baggy long-sleeved t-shirt with an odd collar and baggy shorts.

History: Just that her twin brother was brought to the facility with her and then was powered up and combined with her. I might elaborate more in-thread.

Goal: To find out who's in her that makes her feel so heartsick.

Other: That picture is adorable. I don't care what anyone says.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Name: Unknown
age: 20ish
alias: Bone
Subject 10
Appearance: He has bone spikes piercing all over his body, on his forearms larger spike come from his elbows and each finger is a spike. He only wears pants, no shoes because the bottoms of his feet are bone.
Personality: He is protective of his friends and is al ways truthful, he doesn't understand why people lie.
Power('s): Spiked bone that are hard as steel and very tough skin, enough to stop a small bullet.
Equipment: While fighting Pants... No underwear just pants. While in public, He also wears a hoodie that covers his body.
History: None, but he had fever dreams about a beautiful woman that he calls an angel.
Goal: He wants to find the angel that's in his dreams
Other: Blade may be how Bone gets his name, like, "I'm Blade." "I'm er," Looks at arms "Bone.", that's the abridged version
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Reserving a spot, working on a CS now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NotABagel


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Name: 12
age: Varies
alias: Varies
Appearance: Varies
Current appearance: A small man of asian descent. Dyed blonde hair that is tied back into a ponytail..
Personality: Calculating and dangerous, 12 presents a high escape potential and has been deemed hazardous to staff and public, his chambers have been designed so he has no access to any personel or other detainees. This means that his feeding is infrequent, to the point of malnourishment.
Power('s): Able to switch bodies upon contact.
Requires physical contact and results in old body falling unconcious.
Takes memories of new host making him immune to polygraph.
If switches too often his brain can be overloaded resulting in seizure.
When hopping, his new body will develop a unique mutation. The colours of the hosts iris will turn to sea green.
Equipment: N/A
History: Unknown the organisation are unsure whether the current host is #12's original body.
Goal: 12's only goal is for amusement. During interviews with staff he has expressed a distaste for both authority and responsibility preffering to "hop" between bodies to whoever catches his eye.
Other: 12 will betray any allegiances he has at any point if he feels it will benefit or amuse him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NotABagel


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: 12
age: Varies
alias: Varies
Appearance: Varies
Current appearance: A small man of asian descent. Dyed blonde hair that is tied back into a ponytail..
Personality: Calculating and dangerous, 12 presents a high escape potential and has been deemed hazardous to staff and public, his chambers have been designed so he has no access to any personel or other detainees. This means that his feeding is infrequent, to the point of malnourishment.
Power('s): Able to switch bodies upon contact.
Requires physical contact and results in old body falling unconcious.
Takes memories of new host making him immune to polygraph.
If switches too often his brain can be overloaded resulting in seizure.
When hopping, his new body will develop a unique mutation. The colours of the hosts iris will turn to sea green.
Equipment: N/A
History: Unknown the organisation are unsure whether the current host is #12's original body.
Goal: 12's only goal is for amusement. During interviews with staff he has expressed a distaste for both authority and responsibility preffering to "hop" between bodies to whoever catches his eye.
Other: 12 will betray any allegiances he has at any point if he feels it will benefit or amuse him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NotABagel


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: 12
age: Varies
alias: Varies
Appearance: Varies
Current appearance: A small man of asian descent. Dyed blonde hair that is tied back into a ponytail. Currently appears malnourished due to containment procedures.
Personality: Calculating and dangerous, 12 presents a high escape potential and has been deemed hazardous to staff and public, his chambers have been designed so he has no access to any personel or other detainees. Infrequent feedings have reuslted in the host body appearing malnourished.
Power('s): Able to switch bodies upon contact.
Requires physical contact and results in old body falling unconcious.
Takes memories of new host making him immune to polygraph.
If switches too often his brian can be overloaded resulting in seizure.
Host bodies develop a unique eye mutation if #12 inhabits the body for an hour. This is not reversed upon hopping to a new body. The eyes of the body will glow in the dark and the iris will change to a sea green.
Equipment: N/A
History: Unknown, to such a degree the organisation are unsure if the body in custody is #12s original body or just his current body. Test results pending.
Goal: 12's only goal is for amusement. During interviews with staff he has expressed a distaste for both authority and responsibility preffering to "hop" between bodies to whoever catches his eye.
Other: 12 will betray any allegiances he has at any point if he feels it will benefit or amuse him.

What you think OP?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NotABagel


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: 12
age: Varies
alias: Varies
Appearance: Varies
Current appearance: A small man of asian descent. Dyed blonde hair that is tied back into a ponytail. Currently appears malnourished due to containment procedures.
Personality: Calculating and dangerous, 12 presents a high escape potential and has been deemed hazardous to staff and public, his chambers have been designed so he has no access to any personel or other detainees. Infrequent feedings have reuslted in the host body appearing malnourished.
Power('s): Able to switch bodies upon contact.
Requires physical contact and results in old body falling unconcious.
Takes memories of new host making him immune to polygraph.
If switches too often his brian can be overloaded resulting in seizure.
Host bodies develop a unique eye mutation if #12 inhabits the body for an hour. This is not reversed upon hopping to a new body. The eyes of the body will glow in the dark and the iris will change to a sea green.
Equipment: N/A
History: Unknown, to such a degree the organisation are unsure if the body in custody is #12s original body or just his current body. Test results pending.
Goal: 12's only goal is for amusement. During interviews with staff he has expressed a distaste for both authority and responsibility preffering to "hop" between bodies to whoever catches his eye.
Other: 12 will betray any allegiances he has at any point if he feels it will benefit or amuse him.

What you think OP?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NotABagel


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: 12
age: Varies
alias: Varies
Appearance: Varies
Current appearance: A small man of asian descent. Dyed blonde hair that is tied back into a ponytail. Currently appears malnourished due to containment procedures.
Personality: Calculating and dangerous, 12 presents a high escape potential and has been deemed hazardous to staff and public, his chambers have been designed so he has no access to any personel or other detainees. Infrequent feedings have reuslted in the host body appearing malnourished.
Power('s): Able to switch bodies upon contact.
Requires physical contact and results in old body falling unconcious.
Takes memories of new host making him immune to polygraph.
If switches too often his brian can be overloaded resulting in seizure.
Host bodies develop a unique eye mutation if #12 inhabits the body for an hour. This is not reversed upon hopping to a new body. The eyes of the body will glow in the dark and the iris will change to a sea green.
Equipment: N/A
History: Unknown, to such a degree the organisation are unsure if the body in custody is #12s original body or just his current body. Test results pending.
Goal: 12's only goal is for amusement. During interviews with staff he has expressed a distaste for both authority and responsibility preffering to "hop" between bodies to whoever catches his eye.
Other: 12 will betray any allegiances he has at any point if he feels it will benefit or amuse him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

What's with the quintuplet post? And I find 12's power OP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

What's with the quintuplet post? And I find 12's power OP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

DaDrummer676 said
What's with the quintuplet post? And I find 12's power OP.

The whole site is being glitchy. One thread I'm subscribed to just got 7 repeated posts.

Oh, and I concur about 12.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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I have an idea that could lightly nerf 12, he can't use it on us because the scientists would not want 12 getting out by doing science stuff on us. Or make him exactly like Jericho. And they have to make eye contact, and he chooses at his own will whom to possess, switch? I'm not to sure of the parameter of 12's ability.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 days ago

Dont forget this is a military facility.
Having a body hopper coukd be perfect for a spy.
Besides, partly due to the mind whipbut also due to their own egos and such, they think we wont escape, that we wont even think about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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I added a picture
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So someone who could control my character just by touching them is accepted? =/
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