notdeadyet said
Thanks guys, advice apreciated. We skype pretty regularly (every 3-4 days mostly.) if your advice is to NOT attempt this, how would I go about telling them? I cant imagine a successfull conversation where i say "Yeah i was second guessing our relationship so i asked people i dont know to throw hatfulls of advice at me, and the general concensus was that we wont work. Id like to try anyways, but now i dont think this wil work. Sorry."
Crud. Our advice didn't help you become less awkward.
You don't have to say anything like that, dumby. SOME people were saying to stay away from it, but that doesn't mean you should stop talking to someone you're already talking to a lot for no reason, Spaghetti Jeans.
Don't mention this topic to her, Nerdnuts. Just do what you normally do and only take our "advice" into account if/when the decision to make it a romantic relationship naturally comes up.
And when that happens don't say "The Internet told me to say no." It's called advice, not instructions, OP. I have a feeling I'm going to have to give you a literal example.
"Sorry I can't. I don't do this kind of thing." OR y'know just do whatever you want and try not to be the embodiment of 9th grade so hard.
Thank goodness I picked up my angry pants from the cleaners this morning.