Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Light still has good people and Darkness still has evil, yes.

Also I'll update the thread tomorrow and post the character sheets and lore and stuff so look forward to that, all those who are still interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Character sheets editted into the first post for those of you who are interested in this game. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitepulse


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Toru Fukui

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Toru has a shaggy ear length dark hair with couple bangs that reach past his eyes, he took liberty to dye the end of his bangs with blond color.
His Sharp blue eyes give him the cold look, causing people often avoid eye contact with him. He's often wearing dark track jacket with black T-shirt with " Rule 1#" underneath it.
Having also dark track jeans with black, orange and white colored sneakers.

Personality: Toru has a great dislike toward liars and cheaters of worst kind. He also has dislike toward pushy and rude people and those who avoid speaking directly to him avoiding his eyes. He has great a like toward animals because they are the most honest creatures he knows, because of that, he found working at his Uncle's and aunt's farm with animals pleasant. He hates being bothered by trivial matters that don't have any worth to be considered about. Toru Is rather straight foward with his words and has often ended up acting as straight man around people who joke around.

History: During his time of High school Toru often visited a countryside at farm that his Uncle and aunt owned, taking care of the chores and animals. Rather spending time with honest animals than dishonest people, making his school years lonely, even with him being in Judo club, he didn't get much friends. After graduating from high school he took several part-time jobs and bough himself own apartment unsure what career he should pursue. He was at farm doing chores when he was dragged into new world.

[Judo] After daily practice of throwing people around you have learned art of Judo
[Animal husbandry] Skill you acquired from working several times on a countryside farm.
[Intimidation] Due to your natural born appearance to intimidate you have learned intimidation

Maou Arts:
[Judo Flip] A move used to counter and stun attacking enemy.
[Judo Hold] A move used to grapple enemy and make them Immobile while in hold, forcing user to stay immobile and maintain it also.
-Animal Husbandry
[Glare] Natural born ability which you can use to terrify your opponent
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Question! Would any time have elapsed since the player characters were dragged into the fantasy world? Or are we starting immediately after the fact?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aix
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Aix Wolf, Spice, / and Everything Nice

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sounds like my kind of thing, though I'd like to get some clarification - All of the player characters are Demon Lords/there are multiple Maou?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Q&A Time:

@Art: The characters will start off after the event that will drag them into the fantasy world, yes.

@Aix: Yes, there will be lots of Maou. It's the ones that survive the initial purges that will be able to grow and cement their powerbase. Basically think of it like salmon eggs and how many actually get to grow up to become salmon in the first place. Hence simply being a Maou means you're a big old target by most everyone affiliated with Light. >.> <.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


  • Name: Tamara Winters

  • Age: 17

  • Gender: Female

  • Appearance: "Let's kick it into overgear!"

  • Personality: At heart, Tamara is an idealist. She holds a deep, strong belief that there is good in everyone, and that justice will always prevail over injustice. However, she's not unwilling to fight for her ideals, and is well aware that her worldview might rub others the wrong way. But as she sees it, it doesn't matter if she ends up making enemies; that's just a sign that she's actually stood up for her beliefs, after all. Whilst this all seems rather profound, the truth behind her reaching these conclusions marks her out as a massive dork: she is actually rather nerdy, and a huge fan of hero-related media such as fantasy novels, roleplaying games, and those live action Japanese shows were men in brightly coloured spandex hit rubber monsters with plastic weapons. Her love of overblown heroics even spreads to her musical tastes (her genre of choice is power metal) and her sense of fashion; she always tries her best to dress in cool, fancy clothes, like a hero would.

  • History: There... Honestly isn't much to say. Tamara is just your average (albeit rather nerdy) girl. Growing up in Britain, her life up to this point has been relatively boring and uneventful, the most exciting thing being that she's taken lessons in Lau Gar Kung Fu for about five years now, and guitar lessons for almost twice as long. Other than that, she's not really done much of note; actually, it kind of bores her how mundane and average her life is. If only there was someone who needed a hero to save them...

  • Skills: Above average intelligence and atheleticism; Tamara's grades aren't anything special, but she's not exactly stupid. She is somewhat skilled in martial arts, and her kick is a force to be reckoned with. Were she not about to be sucked into a fantasy world, Tamara would probably be trying to form a band right now, as both her guitar playing and singing voice are superb.

  • Maou Arts: [Tokusatsu] [Fashion] [Martial Arts] [Heavy Metal] [RPGs]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Karla Farrokhzad

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Many believe that justice is just a concept, that it does not take a form. That is rarely the case."

Personality: Karla thinks way too hard for a sixteen year old about stuff which should probably wait two years or so. She's an idealist, always more than eager to contemplate and consider the natures of goodness and justice. She's a philosopher and scholar in the making, but this usually leads to her being detached from her young peers - the things which concern her simply don't matter to them. More often than not, she is told that she's wasting her childhood attempting to pursue her philanthropic goals and epistemological interests. These are concerns which she brushes aside.

The Farrokhzad heir presents herself with a sort of majesty only found in royalty, soft and well spoken with a magnanimous feeling to her presence. This is both natural to her and a result of her upbringing in an incredibly affluent household with a public image to maintain. Karla will willingly back up her words when it comes to charity, going out of her way to help others even if it may be less than favourable for herself.

While Karla is definitely a kind girl, almost meek at times, she will quickly switch to becoming a zealous ideologue in the face of perceived injustice and unfair treatment of others. She may not have the physical strength, but she will certainly stand up for others.

This is all well and good, but she often comes across in a manner which could be described as 'holier-than-thou' or condescending - after all, who is she to say if someone needs her help? What does she know what its like to have a hard life? Not much at all.

In short, she's a girl who tries to be far more than just a child, with a strong sense of duty and justice resting upon her shoulders which at times crushes her.

History: The Farrokhzad family has a long and rich history that (supposedly) goes back as far as the late Safavid dynasty. Trade and mercantile work runs in their blood, and their children are taught the trades along side how to walk. In the modern day, the Farrokhzad family own F&H Technologies Incorporated, an international company in the markets of logistics, marketing, shipping and some slightly less savoury trades.

As you can imagine, a girl born to this family might find herself living quite the comfortable life, and that was exactly the case with Karla. Although FHTI and the Farrokhzad family have had some not-quite ethical business conduct and dealings in the past, that was meant to change when Karla eventually took over - that was until she got dragged into a world of Light and Darkness. She's a long way from the skyscrapers and mansions of Dubai, that's for sure, but the people have changed little.

Skills: Lets be honest here, Karla's a massive nerd. She's just a nerd which happened to be born into an incredibly rich family, finding her interests in the likes of mathematics and other forms of academia, taking a particular shining to the philosophical works of John Stuart Mill, Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Where she lacks in any physical skills, she makes up for in her intellect and wisdom. As she is a Farrokhzad at the end of the day, she's rather talented at convincing people, having quite the silver tongue when she wishes. Oh, and she's good with horses.

Maou Arts: [Equestrian] [Academia] [Charisma] [Analysis]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I can already see Karla and Tamara hitting it off. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Justice Intensifies]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aix
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Aix Wolf, Spice, / and Everything Nice

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I suppose it's time for someone with considerably greyer morality.

Name: Evelyn Rose
Age: 17
Gender: Female

I liek my apps all pwetty and nice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Miranda Allen

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Ah, hello, I apologize for any stress..."

Personality: Miranda is a very polite and demure girl. She tries to be kind of honest to everyone she meets, and she enjoys nice, pleasant things, such as baking, building models, funny and sweet slice of life shows, hotblooded action-packed mecha-wait wait what. Oh. Oh. As it turns out, while Miranda is a very sweet and sometimes shy girl, easily flustered and embarrassed and all, she can also shrug all of that off and become incredibly determined and hotblooded in a fight. She yells, makes speeches, and all that kinds of stuff... and when it's over almost immediately reverts to her polite and a little shy attitude. It's almost as if there's some second personality inside her, but nope. She's all Miranda.

History: Nothing too exciting, really. Miranda has spent her life baking, and watching cute things. And hotblooded things.

Skills: Miranda is good at baking, building models, some trivia, and naming anything hotblooded. Her favorites include Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill.

Maou Arts: [Baking], [Model Building], [Painting], [Explosions]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aix
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Aix Wolf, Spice, / and Everything Nice

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So... we're going to have a harem for lucky Toru over there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aix
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Aix Wolf, Spice, / and Everything Nice

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

gdi double post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All the above characters are accepted. And might as well throw my own into the ring. XD

  • Name:Ran Hoshigane

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Female

  • Appearance:Falling into place!

  • Personality: Possessing a special exuberance seen in people half her age, Ran is a girl with lots of energy to spare. A person who enjoys being physical, she learns better by doing than by sitting around. Enthusiastic and peppy, she does her best to cheer people up and bring positive energy to wherever she goes. Though easily excitable and rarely ever shy, she has a stubborn side concerning ideals such as fair play, honesty, and morals. Though ditzy, she is quite a bit sharper than she lets on and makes good use of her rather active imagination to get creative in all matters.

  • History: A third generation Japanese person who is aspring to become an architect. Currently in her fourth year of college and a mainstream otaku living in San Francisco, California. She works part time at a book store and is a member of several anime-related clubs and a rather avid gamer. Is somewhat eccentric due to her rather unaverage family members, of which there are a lot of.

  • Skills: Ran can draw and cook reasonably well enough, the two being her two main passions. She's also trained in a couple of martial arts with a firm grounding in several others, and has an affinity towards dressing up. Also a very good gamer, especially concerning JRPGs of any kind.

  • Maou Arts: [Cooking], [Martial Arts], [Drawing], [Cosplay], [Creativity]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyswimsky
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

All the sheets already, I had to sleep when you made that post and now I hafta work ;w;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Adam Amari

Before and After

Driven, but not outgoing. He’s got willpower and drive, no doubt, but they aren’t his default state of mind. On the contrary, unless the right stimulus is present, Adam isn’t too energetic and easily bored. He’s also not too open to others in the day to day goings of his life, so he feels distant to most people.

Selfish, but compromising. It might seem odd to people who know his past, but Adam is frankly not someone who goes out of his way to help strangers. If he know someone well, they’re the exceptions not the norm. He’ll try to benefit himself, but won’t go far as to hurt others in the process. He isn’t a saint, nor is he a demon; Adam’s just trying to make things work for himself.

Controlled, not reckless, thrill seeker. He jumps at the vibrant opportunities in life, and tries his best to see them through, even if they end up being unpleasant. He was never someone just to abandon something that’s hard. Unafraid to test his limits, he enjoys pushing himself and going all out. Despite the energy he puts forth, it is often tempered by caution beforehand. Exciting is good, but getting caught up in it? Not so much.

Born to a working class family, Adam was the eldest child of three. He spent a good portion of his time taking care of his siblings when their parents were at work. Never really minded it because family’s important and what not, though he did get into his own fair share of troubles. Messing with his siblings, given how he basically took care of them for a few years, generally didn't end well for either party. Both ended up hurt, but Adam generally made sure he came out better.

Plans for after high school got derailed when his mother died though, and Adam decided to enlist instead of continue onto higher education to help out with monetary issues. Four years of service later, and with no money issues for the foreseeable future, Adam released. He was taking the year off, time for himself and the family, but shit happens. Just generally doesn’t involve being pulled into another world.

Surprisingly, Adam was a fairly good housekeeper. With his parents out of the house almost all day, all week to make ends meet, as the eldest he had to pick up the slack. It’s been a good five or so years since he’s done a lot of that stuff though, so he’s a bit out of practice.

While there was some courses on empty hand control during his short career, the techniques didn’t really replace what Adam already knew. And that was how to brawl, one against multiple. He incorporates and uses them, but doesn’t rely on them.

In the same vein, when things got a bit too hairy he had a way out. The urban sprawl he called home made for a damn good place to run, and he took and still takes good advantage of it. Hopping fences, jumping roofs, sliding down poles, the whole works. Even now, whenever he has time and nothing to do, Adam doesn’t mind heading out and just going at it.

Another way he dealt with problems was by simply being him. Adam was always fairly tall and well built, and could put forth a pretty cold glare if he wanted to. He learnt how to hold and present himself on the street when he was younger, but now he can also cut a fairly icy, professional look.

Taking care of things at the house and looking after himself on the street taught Adam to constantly be vigilant. Whether it was a prank of his younger siblings, or some people looking to pay him back, they helped him learn quick. Enlisting has only helped to hone this skill of his.

Not much to say. He spent a good portion of four years practicing with these sort of weapons. While not a dead shot with any particular weapon, he’s got experience, familiarity, and competence.

Maou Arts
[Brawling] - Skilled at the unarmed combat. Enables feats by peak humans such as shattering concrete with bare fists, etc.
[Parkour] - A discipline that involves moving from point A to B in the most efficient manner. Grants Adam swift movement as well as an instinct to the best path taken.
[Intimidate] - The ability to frighten or awe others. The effect is not yet supernatural, but there is an inexplicable mental aversion towards Adam by observers.
[Observe] - The ability to glean information about one’s surroundings or a target. Highlights things of easy notice, even in high stress scenarios, ie, an individual stepping out of an alley in front of Adam while he’s in the midst of running.
[Small Arms] - An ability that grants the usage of small arms. Allows generation of a fully loaded pistol at the moment. Additional ammunition requires more time and concentration to materialize.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: August Lim

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Personality: August generally doesn't think of himself as a very good guy but he knows he's not exactly a bad one even if he doesn't want to admit it. He mainly just wants people to live peaceful and hopefully happy lives and wishes to do the same for himself. On the less bright side August has a bad temper that can sometimes grab hold of him unexpectedly. He also tends to mask his actual thoughts with cynicism, but will leave that behind if you get to know him well enough. Underneath both the feigned cynicism and occasional anger issues really is someone who wants to see the whole world smile if he can, but he's found himself rather bored with his life lately and not knowing how he can make any sort of difference in the world.

History: August was born with a neuromuscular disorder and a slightly warped left leg. Fortunately he was raised by very caring people and excellent doctors, so his life has been fairly decent and a long series of experimental treatments and extensive surgeries have even let him walk fairly well on his own. He always felt a little bit of an outsider most of the time despite all of this and tended to take up quiet, contemplative hobbies by himself. Lately he's mostly been wondering what to do with his life and longing to escape to do something new and positive for a change.

Skills: Most of August's hobbies involve quiet things he can do by himself like reading or gardening, and for obvious reasons he doesn't have much in the way of physical ability. However his arm strength is far above average and he has a lot of experience with horseback riding for both therapeutic and recreational reasons. Lately he's also taken up a mix of several different forms of meditation to help with pain control amongst other things.

Maou Arts: [Reading] [Riding] [Gardening] [Meditation]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Oh right, I guess this is Tamara once she establishes herself as a Maou. I know it's a really drastic change and she's barely recognisable anymore, but hopefully she'll be able to cope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aix
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Aix Wolf, Spice, / and Everything Nice

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm new to this site, so I'd like to know. When does the OoC and the IC get put up?
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