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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"I'm not feeling sparring today." Henry said, almost kneeling down to allow Victoria to slide off his back in case she wanted to go spar with someone. "I think capture the flag is more of my taste. I haven't gotten to really run in a while." He said, cracking his knuckles and flexing his wrists for the running he was about to do. He didn't want to sprain something on accident. "Unless of course you'd like to join me in my endeavor." he said, smiling. Unlike Valjean and Vespera, he didn't enjoy fighting that much. He preferred to expand on his powers rather than fight. His ability to survive would beat any fist, claw, or blade in the long run. And they might not know it, but his silent victory would stand the test of time. After all, you cant fight the reaper, but you could run from him. So, his decision being made, he tailed along with Dana, Theresa, Gabe, Jake, Jaska, Nikki, Deborah, & Shannon to show them how the pros do it. If Victoria didn't come, then he would have Dana ride him on his back into battle. It was hard to stop some people, but stopping a creature as huge as him?

Forget about it!


Matthew waited against the wall, watching Amanda and a few others head off to the arena to spar. He briefly considered joining them, but thought better of it. He didn't have ANY time to waste in learning what he could do and exact upon all of his potential. He was already sure that he would only scratch the surface in his lifetime of what he could do, unless he found a way to extend his lifespan, which could be a legitimate possibility if he thought about it. He followed after the other group, deciding to talk to Adam about private lessons, or the third activity depending on what it was. He had an assistance, why couldn't he help him out while Ms. Ravenwhatever played referee? And better question, why would a Blackmore deny a student with the potential he had to learn guidance? As Amanda had said, teaching was in the Blackmore's bloodline, along with their renowned power sponge ability. He would work well with Amanda in terms of power. With time and practice she could learn to manipulate just about anything he could, although she would be somewhat limited in options, which he was thankful he had. Versatility allowed him to suit many situations. He could be a warrior, like he was now, or a coward. And while warriors could battle it out honorably, he liked the idea of having the option to be a coward. Not flashy or honorable, but lets face it, as Starscream said in Transformers two, cowards survive. It held true pretty well. And so, Matthew walked with the group, following Adam to wherever he and Ms. Ravencroft were taking them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Poppy Flanagan

Poppy followed Theresa over to the group exercises. She didn't particularly like capture the flag, or any other gym game for that matter. That was one thing from school she did not miss. However, if her roommate was going to participate she would as well. For now she just tagged along behind. It was surprising to see the giant lizard would rather play than fight. How is this fair... Now she definitely didn't want to play. Even the youngest one there, a boy with wings and claws looked more capable than her in physical regards.

Vespera Spindel

Pretend fighting was useless, so was games. Vespera decided she'd sit out Adam announced the second activity. In the mean time she would stay with him and get a basic evaluation. She had no intention of showing anyone her true nature. That would come when the true sparring began, in the arena. Once a few people go she would then step into line. Certainly Adam would prefer not to work with her, but that was one of the reason it was so fun to cooperate. If she played nice he couldn't deny her, after all it was his job. She gained more mastery, and he had to live with the fact that he helped her. Win win. People like Valjean who just wanted to be all tough were missing out on the true pleasures. The wounds that strike deepest are not always of the flesh. Especially in a place like this. Of course she knew she wasn't mentally scarring Adam or anything, hardly. Plenty of others were more soft, weak. She would listen, observe them, see what makes them tick. While there wasn't always a way for her to play on an opponents physical weakness, those of heart rarely failed. However her own natural chemistry was off kilter, a unique psyche often compared to sociopathy. She had diagnosed herself as being closer to a psychopath, and it bugged her a little that most didn't seem to know the subtle difference. What a shame. In any case Vespera openly embraced it, found strength in it. She was not going to be outdone by 'regular people' meta or not. Every edge would be hers so she never had to be afraid again. Training by training, battle by battle, privacy invasion by privacy invasion.

Karlie Davis

"Alright! It was about time! Lets see anybody stop me in this outfit! I'll run them over! After making some revving noises, Karlie took off, well like a racecar. And she got going pretty fast too. Not too fast or she'd have a hard time stopping. Given enough space she could get up to actual racing speeds. Thankfully she had a boost in damage reduction so she was less likely to get hurt. The part that was really fun though is that once she got going her damage reduction got amped even further, that and she got a considerable inertia boost allowing her to ram things larger than herself and win. Most of the time. It ultimately depended on how much bigger it was, and how as fast got going. Now she wasn't looking to splat anybody, but somebody like Henry might be able to take it. Even better was the fact that Victoria was riding him. Wonder if she's up for a game of chicken... It didn't matter. Her plan was to join the other team then rush the flag as soon as it started. On second thought maybe I should get some more distance... except then I might over shoot the flag. Whatever. At least that way she'd be prepared if and when somebody tried to stop her. This game was hers! Though she'd be a good sport either way.

Zack King

The only thing that interested Zack was power training. Thus he followed along with Adam and the others. He didn't like the idea of showing others what he could do, and certainly not going first. When somebody else went (and hopefully vacated), he would go up and do his best at least not to let on to exactly what he could do. He could pretend to have any number of manipulations with his power. The only problem is what he wanted to work on was something distinctly different. I guess I could pretend that sending stuff flying is my only power. If asked maybe I could whisper or some shit. Anyone else could think whatever they want, if he looked unsure so be it. Because he truly was unsure, about being at this school. Everyone that had tried to 'help' him use his power, and a number of others, really just wanted to use it themselves. A few succeeded. Walking out unconvinced might mean him catching the next boat out. Sure would miss the grub... He thought to himself. Then he waited for somebody to step up so he could.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Swamp Fox

Swamp Fox

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Todd, Jerry Thompson, and Riley Rhode

Naturally, not caring about skill or all the little things teachers strongly encouraged that got in the way of enjoying life, Todd went over to the entrance to the Pit, opting to look for a good fight in the arena. He swaggered over that way, with a false confidence he was used to putting up. Todd had been uncharacteristically quiet most of the day. He was actually just getting over a hangover he'd had after spending the last night downing cup after cup of beer from Jerry's wrist. At least he's good for somethin', Todd thought.

His suit was pretty standard, bare of any decorations, though it was sleeveless. The most notable difference between his suit and the example was that his was made of a material that was both elastic and durable, to facilitate his transformation into rock without tearing or hampering his agility, which was nothing special.

Jerry Thompson

Chit chatting with Riley was Jerry, sporting his signature green glasses. He'd left his labcoat in the locker room. He hadn't made any alterations yet, though he was sure he would later. The only notable deviation in his uniform was a miniscule spout over his wrist, a little boost to help him concentrate his aerosols into liquids until he could do it on his own. Then there was Riley, whose outfit was completely standard. Without any technology in the area, she was just nigh completely useless. She'd only come to chat with Jerry, who'd been drug along by Todd. She really had no interest in sparring, and doubted anyone would pick to fight her, seeing as she literally only knew Nikki and the people from breakfast, none of whom had been negative to her.

The pair were heading to play capture the flag. Group activities seemed to be something that the two would enjoy, without too much moderation or adult supervision. Jerry figured he had plenty to learn about his ability, but he simultaneously decided that the effort would be just as valuable any other day. Riley had no interest in sharpening her abilities, it just wasn't very interesting compared to the more athletic options.

Felix Karrde

Walking all alone was Felix. Today hadn't gone great. He would've done things differently for sure. He probably would've waited on Ethan before breakfast. He would've branched out during classes, and maybe he would've killed himself with a boomerang. He'd been part of the crowd that went to play capture the flag. After all, he wasn't particularly suited for sparring unless he was allowed to use a weapon. But, being in a more open environment would let him cut loose a little. Maybe even let him show off a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mark walked out of the changing rooms in a suit that made him uncomfortable. Not that it itself was uncomfortable: the spectacle and the entire situation that he had found himself in made him feel uncomfortable.

When his invitation came, he jumped at the chance. And by jumped at the chance, he left his reply until the last minute, and as a result arrived a day late. He took the massive wall as a sign he should have turned it down; those walls weren't for protecting the people inside.. The gate had opened at his arrival, and in a scene that will forever be surreal to him, the young man in jeans and a t-shirt wheeled his small suitcase through that towering door. He did not feel as though he belonged here: his power was hardly noteworthy compared to the ridiculousness that a short googling could produce. And yet for some reason it was the death of everyone else who described their own power in the same way he would describe his. And on this topic, Mark was unsure of how to proceed. Would he be open about his power, or claim that it was 'advanced learning' like he had thought up before? Most of his abilities could be penned as 'advanced learning', and it wouldn't be hard to convince people of it after placing the idea. However; he had come here to try and find out how best to use what he had been given. His only fear was that in an effort to find out what he could do, they would speed up his ashing. He wanted to do something important before he fell to that fate. But then again, they may see right through him immediately if they had a telepath. Although, he was unsure if a telepath would be able to even read his mind when he was thinking as he was now.

His world had begun to spin again and he stepped through to the other side of the gate, onward to the reception desk. Mark was informed of the current lesson, 'power training' and was asked if he would like to proceed directly to it, or get settled down in his dorm first. He chose the former. After saying goodbye to his arachnid pet, and leaving his earthly belonging in the custody of a stranger, he set off to find his classmates. The map was easy enough to read, but had a few areas that were just labeled 'forbidden'. He had given it little thought. Instead, he grew in anxiety to the attention he would receive for being new. Everyone else had already known each other for a day, and the fear of being kept out of social groups was very real. Or at least, it was to him. Normal people would make themselves a place. But then normal people would not be in a school like this.

Mark had realised that he had become lost in his thoughts. Luckily, instead of getting himself lost, he had just ended up walking slower. He arrived at the building, and awkwardly looked around at what he was supposed to do. An instructor, mercifully noticing his distress, told to get changed into a suit that seemed to have been made for him. He had expressed his thanks, and gotten himself into the glorified coveralls that made him feel like an extra from a sci-fi film, and they were a plain grey with plenty of pockets.

And now here he was, watching as two groups diverted into two very different directions. One was heading into an arena of sorts, which piqued his curiosity, if nothing else. He didn't want to have to fight the reason that those AoT walls existed. The other headed off elsewhere. Among them was a giant lizard-man and a Panda. Mark raised his eyebrows slightly, but quickly equated any fear as profiling. He followed that group along: they weren't heading to a cage match at the least...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

:: Daniel Filson ::
(Warning: This post contains mature language. Reader discretion is advised.)

It had been a rough first day, as far as Danny was concerned. Last night, he and his new roommate had ended up bonding over a bottle of alcohol he'd snuck in and gotten monumentally drunk. He wasn't quite exactly sure what happened after that, his memories started getting a little fuzzy past a certain point, but he vaguely remembered something about the two of them discussing tapping into the school's power grid to do... something... Hell if he knew... All he knew was that he had woken up the next morning to the sound of an ear shattering alarm with what could only be referred to as the mother of all headaches. Seriously though, that alarm was loud as fuck, and not just because he was completely hung over. It might simply have been his migraine talking, but as far as he was concerned, whoever had the bright idea that this was a good way of waking up students could go fuck themselves with a chainsaw... repeatedly. Sadistic wankers...

One hangover cure, two aspirins and a quick trip to the bathroom later, he'd almost managed to make himself look presentable. He still had a pounding headache and a pair of slightly noticeable dark circles under his eyes, but at least he looked human now and was able to string together more than five words into a coherent sentence. He'd headed to the cafeteria for a quick breakfast, not in the mood for a chat at all. The world too loud, too noisy and too bright and could go fuck itself for all he cared... Uggghhh... Someone just shoot me now and get this over with...

His mood was certainly not improved when he was notified that both he and his roommate were expected at the headmaster's office. Immediately. Apparently, they ended up knocking out half the school's power grid last night while messing around with it, leaving it out of commission for almost an hour. Oops. Fortunately, they were prepared for tech students doing that sort of things and had a backup generator which kicked in not too long afterwards. They ended up being given a lot of community service and a stern reprimand, which he considered pretty light, as far as punishments were concerned. Fortunately, his hangover had mostly cleared up by then, and Cormack had also managed to make himself a bit more presentable, so they didn't have to add alcohol possession charges atop of that. Since his roommate had been the one actually responsible for the blackout, he was given a comparatively much longer speech, and was ordered to turn over the device responsible to the tech department for inspection. *Gulp*

After that, it was time for power training. His suit was relatively normal, compared to some of the other student's, basically just standard grey bodysuit with a bunch of extra pockets. It didn't really seem very efficient, considering its lack of usable sleeves, so he simply threw his black overcoat over it as well, figuring he would probably have to modify it later. He nearly jumped out of his socks when the giant freaking panda bear came rushing into the classroom, but things otherwise went fairly smoothly. The teacher eventually split them into two groups, and he elected to stay with the one which would not be fighting in a gladiatorial arena of death. When they were asked for volunteers, he immediately raised his hand to try attracting attention. Well, more accurately, he technically started waving a comedically large pair of literal racing flags he pulled out of his pocket space with a cheeky carefree grin, but let's not get hung up on small details which don't really matter.

"Oooh, ooh, me, me!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 10 days ago

When Dana and Theresa excused themselves to make a revealio of their own personalized suits, Aislin was as always, curious. Of course, it was only in the absence of the two older ladies that she noticed one extra (Poppy) in their group. She had fiery hair and the brightest of emerald eyes, and Aislin questioned again how she missed such a vibrant person. "I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you earlier. I'm Aislin." She said, flashing an apologetic grin. 

Damn, someone cue the slow-mo. Aislin watched with a wolfish smile as Dana and Theresa rolled back up to their group, and in her mind they were slowed right down. Dana's cape ebbed and flowed like a vampire. Or a villain. And it immediately looked larger than life slowed down, especially with black being the prominent colour. The hoods really brought out the best in the overall design, though Aislin couldn't fathom the need for such obscurity. Theresa walked slow-mo behind her, touting a shiny purple suit that extended up to the bridge of her nose. Her eyes blinked slowly, glancing to the side just like the Hollywood people. A sleek gas mask was integrated into her suit, and it glinted under the fluorescent lights. 

"Damn, ladies. I'll admit it, you got some serious style. I'm diggin' the cape thing." Aislin laughed, keeping the epic moment to herself. Time went back to its regular speed. 

"Ah, no I haven't met Theresa yet, thank you." She nodded at Dana, then glanced up as Theresa continued her introduction. Something struck her as funny with the lady. She didn't quite look like a lady, and the tone of her voice had that hint of masculine vibration in it. It was difficult to pick up, but she seemed transgendered, and very comfortable with herself. It was about time this school had some real diversity. 

"The pleasure is all mine, and I get what you mean. I'd personally like to be out exploring the jungle. But you mentioned regeneration, is it something airborne?" Said Aislin, gesturing to Theresa's mask. 

A teacher flipping off a student? Well, Aislin supposed there were new things to discover every day in this lovely school of 218. She hadn't considered it in the characteristics of Henry, but she guessed she had to add 'knows how to make fun of assholes' to her mental image of the reptilian. Consequently, she couldn't stop giggling at the whole picture. 

Adam's explanation for powers, rating, all the basics for their classifications made sense to Aislin. She had looked into it herself before she came here, and personally hated the rating system. Putting a number to a power, especially to those too immature to handle their gifts let it go to their head. "That's a pretty good number, Professor. I'm not the 10 either, and that's fine. Honestly, it's to their better interest that no one knows. Everyone would treat you different over that one factor."

The bear attack was unexpected. It was over so quickly, though, that Aislin barely had time to flinch. The bear wasn't actually a bear, just a Meta with stupidly strong animal instincts that knew how to roar the shit outta everyone. Adam's gust of wind was refreshing, it cleared the air of Amanda's crummy hero act. 

Henry's invisibility tactic was bizarre to watch. Aislin would have thought him completely gone if she hadn't been so close to see the subtle difference in his scales and the walls. It messed with her eyes so much she had to look away. "Neat trick."

"... Class is now in session."

Aislin enthusiastically pumped the air. "Yes! Finally!" She stole ahead of their group, turning back to glance at Dana and Theresa. "I've never been so excited in my life. Maybe we'll get to do some show-and-tell~"

Adam gave another speech in the next room, and Aislin immediately lost interest in having the option to spar. She wasn't there for that, not that she knew much of sparring to begin with. Team-building activities and working with their powers sounded far more intriguing. Aislin had never been one for P.E. games, and she automatically wrinkled her nose at the thought of playing Capture the Flag. But the ability to freely use powers might add some entertainment value. 

When Adam mentioned the need for a volunteer, one individual raced to put his hand up. Or rather, his racing flags. Aislin knew she couldn't compete with that kind of preparedness, but she put her hand up anyway. "Oh, me~"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The panda bear was unfazing. It prompted only a mere glance towards his direction, and even as the animal meta had grabbed onto Adam Blackmore, and Amanda Blackmore sending her hot scraps of metal through the air, he had just barely paused his pacing. He processed information faster than most people. It took only a brief glance at the panda bear and Adam Blackmore to assess there wasn't any danger in the situation, though Amanda, considering how young she was, was more prone to impulsive behavior. Adam had defended himself and the student from that reckless attack with a burst of wind powerful enough to blow back hot metal flying at high-velocity. That would be enough to blow down most of the children standing too close, and Peter was walking between the crowd. Despite all of his weight, the burst of wind did in fact almost tip him over. He was off balance and on one foot leaning back. In such a fast paced circumstance such as this one, there was hardly any time to notice what Peter had done: a swift arc of electricity was emitted from the bottom of the foot that was in the air, and subsequently pulled the foot firmly back onto the ground. He stood there for a brief second to regain his composure. His rooted foot crackled with electricity but was soon dispelled. Anyone else probably would've found that burst of wind annoying. Peter payed it little heed. He was too distracted. Too focused. He was too concentrated on the static feedback he was receiving from the girl with the ruffled collar.

The static feedback also picked up a girl by the entrance where the panda came in. She was holding something highly conductive, shaped like a box. She moved, and he could no longer see the box. Reacting as fast as electricity could, his body vibrated and crackled - the air itself filled with static, prompting the hairs on people's bodies to stand on end. Through his perception, the entire room lit up to life by all dimensions. A conductive shape was flying through the air on a course towards the panda bear metahuman as Peter was passing them. It just took a mere, sudden movement of his head to avoid the metal box (something inside of it? there was more in the box, and it was conductive - he could tell by the shaking and collisions inside) and proceeded with his pacing uninterrupted. If this girl he had set his eyes on was in fact somebody that could help him, then he'd figure out how he could help her. These were deals that had to be made, not just favors. And Peter was willing to do quite a bit to get a hold of his research. Once he had his research, he had hard, solid proof of his status as a doctor and could proceed as he would have. Adam Blackmore's niche was teaching and the school board - Peter held strong doubts he'd have any place in research development. Those were two completely different fields. Adam would be useless to him.

"Tin Man," Peter heard a voice say as the vibrations of the sound buzzed in his head from the interaction with the static, and it vibrated through his metal body like an echo, "you got a problem?"

Peculiar. She sounded defensive. Antagonistic. Prepared. He remembered hearing it in some of his old friends in the military before they... anyways, it was peculiar. He didn't feel as if she had a reason to. It validated some of his prior concerns, how whoever possibly held that sort of skillset among this age group wouldn't be necessarily generous or trusting. There was at least a form of satisfaction that this young girl fulfilled one of the prerequisites. It suggested that there might be a chance she had what he was looking for. But to answer her question? Peter certainly had a problem. A number of problems. But the most pressing was retrieving his life's work, and he had to figure out how much to tell her about that. After all, if she didn't agree, he just let loose all the information of his predicament to a total stranger. Who knows what she would do with it? He had little time so he'd have to run with it as he went... what a strange feeling, that was. It almost felt slacking; inadequate. He was usually prepared.

"Good voice." Peter said to her, off topic of what she was asking. His voice sounded much like a projected echo, or that there was a man speaking inside a metal shell. It had varying tunes and pitches - he probably could've been the voice actor for Bane. Biding his time to come up with an answer? Well, he had to do something. "Sounds assertive."

He contemplated her question for a brief second and managed to come up with something. "Yes." Peter admitted. He had no reason to lie. "I've been improperly assigned by a "malfunction". I am separated from my life's work. I have one arm. My body is made of metal, so the latter can not be fixed. I have issues with seeing, hearing and spe-eeieak...ing--" reaching certain pitches provided complications, resulting in speech impediments that sounding the warping and screeching of metal - "...a handful more than just a problem. I manage."

Adam Blackmore began talking more on the choices they had this class. Between sparring, power training and games, Peter wasn't interested in any of that silliness. He was just interested in getting business taken care of. And with a mind that moved as fast as Peter's it felt like the teacher was taking as much time as he could to cover all of the options. But he remained silent. When Adam Blackmore finished, Peter remained silent. He said no more. He ought not to ask as soon as they had met, that wasn't much of a "bonding" experience, so to speak. Kids didn't really have the business mindset. They did favors for people they enjoyed or for people that could benefit them. They operated on their own schedule. Interpreting others wasn't quite one hundred percent developed in their brains yet. So he's giving them a chance to reply and so on.

"I am Dr. Peter Brooke." He said. The slapped on tag that was beside the ripped seams where his sleeve used to be, though, said "Richard Cox". That was something he did not know. The writing wasn't made in conductive material and did not stand out.

That said, that's when Peter finally stopped and allowed the girl and her friend (if that was what they chose to do) to speak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Adam Leo Blackmore.

Excellent. Adam has his first two willing volunteers. A boy who produced a flag out of no where, trying to get his attention (That better not become a habit...), and a rather preppy young girl. He knew who the first boy's power was right off the bat just by observing it in action. Dimensional storage. A spatial ability that tends to prop up from time to time. The other girl's power was an enigma to Adam because she has yet to use it. That would be remedied in a second. "Come on up." He gestured for them to approach him. He looked at his clipboard... He didn't know their names, if he did, he would know their powers. "Would you two tell me your names?" He would know how to appropriately handle and train them after he got some basic information out of the way. However, he would have to supply some of the other students with something to do. "In the mean time, everyone else is free to practice their abilities. Ask me if you require any resource and I will supply you with them."

Deborah Lillian Termellio, & Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

Fighting was soooo not their style.

It went without saying that Deborah and Shannon went with Adam's group. There were so many things they could learn about their abilities. Unlike the other students, they were perfectly comfortable with the other students knowing of their abilities. Shannon's ability wasn't anything special, and Deborah's ability was so well known at this point that there no point in trying to hide it.

Deborah took this opportunity to get information about her fellow class mates... It wasn't anything special. Bor-ing. Plenty of people didn't want to share their powers, and were more concerned about everyone else's. Vespera was still trolling for information on the other students. I would warn everyone, but honestly, she isn't going to have that edge she thinks she will. The other half was waiting for someone to go first. Deborah would have gladly gone first, but it seems like Aislin and this new guy (Possesses Spatial power, a storage ability) beat her to it. Heh, she'd rather try something with Shannon. "Go Aislin!" She cheered on her friend, just as a 'Hey, I still remember you' kind of thing. At the corner of her eyes, she saw a weird girl with this massive hunch on her back (Bestial-type. A sea urchin is attached to her back). Interesting.

Shannon looked up, and saw the support beams on the ceiling. Her suit came with some spare fabrics, which was kept underneath her cape. She grabbed it, and used the excess fabric to create a makeshift swing that wrapped around the support beam. Somewhere for her to sit down, because they'll be here for a little while. Altering little bit of tensile-strength to allow it to support her weight. She wanted to step up with Aislin (She had an idea about animating clothes, specifically dolls), but that would mean she would have to deal with that jackass Daniel. Nah, she has better things to do. "I am glad that I have not volunteered myself first. I'd rather not deal with yet another attention whoring jackass..." She venomously hissed.

Ah, Shannon's dark and cynical attitude. There was nothing any less appealing to Deborah than that. She said with a smile, "Don't be so harsh, Silkworm, there's more to everyone."

".... I'm sure you tell yourself that a lot when Valjean has his arms around you."

"... Hey, Karlie! Want to come over here for a second?!" Deborah immediately replied to Shannon's bitchy comment by calling over one of the people she did not like.

"... Dammit, Debby." Shannon did not want to talk to Karlie.

Dana Lucille Alcott, & Theresa Sindel Obott.

"... Thank god, I was praying that the testosterone factories would split off." Theresa joked to her own group when some students jumped into the sparring pit. She followed everyone else after Adam. It was funny to Tess. The two more reclusive and unknown students managed to gather together a group of their own. All of their friends and acquaintances - Though Theresa really didn't like it when Aislin pointed out the gas mask, but she kept quiet the whole time. She was walking along Dana - Which was relieving that she was given an electric wheelchair, because Theresa's hands were getting tired. Up until Aislin mentioned show and tell in regards to their powers. Yeah, that was a real grey area. Theresa really didn't want people to know her power. For obvious reasons. So she replied to Aislin with a simple, "Yeah. It'll be fun." She tried to be carefree teen that she always was.

"Oh, um, yeah, that's good." Dana was rather hesitant when Aislin mentioned show and tell. Her power was something... Something powerful, yes, but something she'd rather keep to herself. To her, she was a powerful abomination against God when nobody could see her. To everyone else, she was just the sweet crippled girl that nobody cares about.

When the rest of the class gathered around Adam, the two choose to sit closely to each other. With their group near them. Dana was just left where her wheelchair was, and Theresa sat down next to the wheelchair (Standing here is going to be tiring).  Aislin was quick to step up to Adam's offer and get her power assessed. "Woo!" Theresa cheered Aislin on. Though, Daniel's little display made Tess amusingly roll her eyes. Perhaps it would be interesting to see what Aislin is packing. Because there's no way in hell she's going to show her power - Narcotic fluids, nor the Regeneration. Tess turned her head over towards Poppy. She spoke, amused "Why so quiet? Heh, this is easily the best part of class." She looked over towards Adam, and saw Miss Ravencroft. Looks like hot stuff is going to help Adam today. Nice! She thought to herself. "All you have to do is sit on your ass and watch! Best class in the world!" She quietly snickered.

Tess's eyes scanned the scene. Grabbing onto her chin as she looked. "Lotta familiar faces here, eh, Dana?"

"Like always. How many of them do you think will actually do anything?" Dana asks.

"Not many. We aren't, right Poppy?" Theresa had a feeling that Poppy wouldn't share her power - Even after Tess had a heartfelt talk about her whatever! Whatever. No harm no foul.  

Sylvia Bertoose, Jake, Gabe, & Jaska Valos.

Two options... Train with the kiddies, or spar? It was pretty obvious what the Valos choose. Jake and Jaska despised violence, and Gabe had no interest beating up random kids - When the time came she would show everyone here that she definitely was not someone you fuck with. Until then, she would play nice and chill with Jake. They followed the rest of the group. Sylvia looked at them, staying behind.

Sylvia put a hand on her chest, her face was calm and chill as they get, "C'mon, not even one spar with your favorite friend?" She wanted to fight Gabe specifically.

"Nah, I'm not a fighter." Jake put his hands up with a smirk on his face. He rolled his eyes. Fighting (Even for practice) was always a stupid concept. He only bought when left no other choice - When hanging around Gabe and Sylvia, he doesn't get much of a choice to begin with.

Gabe looked at Sylvia dryly, "Besides, I rather spar you one on one. Not with these jackasses around." She was fine with sparring with Sylvia. The lasers, the sound, the light, the explosions, it'd be an epic spar. The only problem here was that everyone else wouldn't be able to take it. Plus, Gabe would rather converse strength for the other activities.

"Well, fine, I'll go fuck up some kids down there," Sylvia started off walking down the steps. She stopped abruptly, looking down at them. Pointing at Gabe sharply "I'll hold you up to that, Gabe!" Before she ran down the stairs.

"Enjoy yourself!" Jake said, with a smirk.

Separated from their friend, Jake, Gabe and Jaska sat down with the rest of the group.

Jaska sat down, Gargoyle style. Legs bent, hunched forward, and clawed hands on the ground. He had his tail wrapped around his waist, and his wings folded. The last thing he wanted to talk about was his power and letting his beast form come up in a conversation. So he was reluctant to volunteer himself. He noticed a few familiar scents in this mass of different smells. Henry's, Dana's... Aislin's - In fact, he noticed Aislin get up and volunteer herself. "Hiiii." He said to Aislin, as he waved at her.

Gabe snickered as she sat down, legs crossed, looking at Aislin. This was definitely someone Jaska knew, because he wouldn't even acknowledge her if he didn't already know her. But she was certainly... attractive. She asked, a half-grin on her face "Heh, friend of yours?"

"Yeah! Her name is...." For a moment, he fumbled on her name. Ash-lin? He thinks it was. Ah, screw it, he just continued like it never happened. "We met when I got a fish from Henry."

Heh, he doesn't even know her name and he's cheering her on. Jake smirked, he commented saying, "Well aren't you out and about? Already meeting girls on your on own."

"Soon ya' won't even be needin' us." Gabe shrugged, a carefree smile on her face.

"You'll have to introduce us sometimes." Jake said.

Jaska smiled ear-to-ear, showing off that mouth of dangerous-looking teeth of his. It was blatantly obvious he was pleased with the praise.

Amanda Daisy Blackmore, & Sylvia Lana Bertoose.

Amanda was hoping that Matt, but if he wants to train, that's cool. Amanda will be with him shortly, she has to scope out both scenes after all. She's a warrior, plain and simple, not a woman of wisdom and teaching. She stepped to the bottom and saw someone familiar step down. Todd Thompson. A real loser that calls himself one of the big men. Honestly, this guy might as well be Valjean 2.0. Which made it all the more amusing to mess with him and take him down a peg or two. "Hi Thompson, I see you came down here." Amanda used her metal manipulation to craft a hand out of the metal this room was made out of, just to sit down on. "... That means you want to fight someone. And there's no one else..." Amanda looked around and saw more people here. God dammit.

Sylvia was immediately engaging in a back and forth with Valjean. Except instead of words, they were exchanging increasingly obscene gestures. Until Sylvia walked away after flipping Jean off one last time, all smug. Now who will entertain her for the day...? Ah, she saw Amanda and Todd - She didn't know either of them (But she has certainly heard of Amanda) but it might be more entertaining than fighting Jean again. She skipped over towards them, and the second she was close, she spoke, "Hey, hey, hey, kids, what's going on?" She was most interested in Todd.

Amanda's eye turned towards Sylvia. "Nuttin' much. Just enjoying the golden opportunity we've been given today!"

"Sweet. I guess that means you two are about to beat each other's fucking brains in?" Sylvia asked, strangely nonchalant and casual about it. Then again, it could be just her attitude.

"Yeah, but it'll be more of me beating his ass - If he has the balls for it. So what's it gonna be, Todd? Can you get rock-hard for me?" Amanda gave Todd a cocky grin. Awaiting an answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Matt was about to raise his hand, quietly and calmly, unlike the two before him, but because of his calmer demeanor and lack of speed, he missed his chance to hop in on the action. The other two had already been called upon. Not fair, not fair at all. So, with Matt not being the type to sit around with his thumb planted firmly up his ass, split off from the group of meta humans he was in and went over to where Adam, Aislin, and Daniel were. He would normally forcefully move past them to achieve whatever his goal was, intimidate them out of whatever uprise they'd get, or beat them into submission if need be (although that was something he preferred to avoid) as that was his style. But there was a teacher here currently, so unfortunately he'd have to ditch that type of acting in order for Adam to even consider him. "Me, Blackmore." He said, stepping forward and walking after the other two. As he came up he heard the teacher ask them their names and powers.

"Matthew Detmer or Evans. Whichever is the official one on your sheet. Complete Arsenal Omnikinetic." He said, crossing his arms across his chest, one of his arms rippling for a minute as if they were about this shift into weapons at any second. "Currently in possession of Biokinesis." He said. He liked to list his information out, just so that way Adam could get all the information on him possible. He had seen Adam do this before, he'd normally use their names to look at their power, at least that's what some of the mental based metas had told him. He hadn't seen all of his information, so he didn't know if Adam knew of his capabilities, or only what he had right now. He could be labeled Biokinetic or Omnikinetic. The difference in terms would make a huge difference in how Adam would train him. Instead of just focusing on Biokinesis he might try to help him develop another power. Maybe even practice an air technique or two. He had watched Adam closely in how he did it, and had managed to push a few coins around without touching them on his desk, much like how he could move water in a small way. Not anywhere close to something he could use offensively, but it proved to himself that he could do it and his powers weren't just bogus thoughts implanted in his head by crazy doctors.


Henry was currently invisible and looking up girl's skirts, waiting for someone to talk to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

:: Daniel Filson ::

There were a few chuckles, a few rolled eyes and a few glares from the people around him as he performed his cartoonish display of enthusiasm. He merely responded with an easy chuckle himself, his eyes twinkling with amusement, an easy-going smile on his lips hinting he wasn't taking himself too seriously either. Not a bad set of reactions overall, as far as Daniel was concerned. He could definitely work with this crowd. So long as at least one person laughed, he considered his job done. The teacher's look was definitely in the "rolled eyes" category though, so he should probably keep it down a little bit for the moment. Another person volunteered herself, a cute, slightly preppy looking young woman with a dreamy look on her face, and they were both called forward. Joining his two flags in one hand and twirling them with a fluid gesture, he stood up straight and confidently strode to the front with a broad, earnest looking grin painted on his face.

As he walked by, he held his left arm up with a showy, falsely casual gesture, and pushed his flags tip first back into his sleeve in a way which was blatantly physically impossible. He gave a quick wink at the cute girl with the gas mask and her friends as the flags vanished into the opening, flashing her with his most charming and disarming smile. While she was a bit on the flat side and certainly no super-model, conventional good looks weren't always everything, and she had this sort of "girl-next-door" vibe going for her, and a pretty kickass looking costume. The whole "gas masked super-hero" thing was definitely working well for her, and she seemed to carry herself with a certain air of confidence which he always found appealing. He gave a courteous, playful nod at the other volunteer as he approached, and another, slightly more serious one to the rather tempestuous looking boy who joined them shortly afterwards. That guy is packing some serious attitude...

"Would you two tell me your names?" the teacher asked them, giving them an appraising look.

"Daniel Filson, at your service." he responded with a grin, before pulling a magician's hat out of a pocket it couldn't possibly fit in. He performed a brief yet elaborate flourish with it and brought it to his chest, giving them all an exaggerated old fashioned bow.

"Messieux...", he said to the teacher and Matt in horribly accented French, giving them an agreeable nod. "Mademoiselle...", he turning to his female stage companion, mysteriously producing a single red plastic flower and offering it to her with a cocky grin.

"And as you've probably surmised by now..." he explained, nonchalantly sending a continuous stream of playing card from one sleeve to the other. "I have an inder-dimentional storage area which I can access at any time..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tetsuya & Asae Kyuuji
He nodded and picked up Asae, putting her on his shoulder and walked briskly to retrieve their suits "They were laughing at us..." Asae looked down at Tetsuya as he smiled and couldn't understand how he was able to stay so calm in situations like that. He looked up slightly and laughed slightly "Daughter of a dragon, yet unable to keep calm? Who cares what they think? I have these scars because I care about you, I don't have the scars because of them" he patted her leg reassuringly and she smiled back at him. She had always liked him because he was nicer than any human being she knew of and he was a Panda for christ sake, he was less human than most and could be as nice as an innocent kid. It always made her wonder about his sanity some times, but spending time with monks since the age of 2 can do that to anyone more or less. They got to their room, quickly changing in silence. Tetsuya looked over to Asae "Still gunna bring [i]that[/u] with you?" he pointed to the long slender box.

She looked at him and nodded "Hell yes, like I said I am not leaving this thing in this room, who knows who comes in here after we leave" she looked over to the box standing up on it's own. Tetsuya shrugged, though he could never understand why she didn't trust this place, he didn't exactly disagree with her actions, nor blame her. Between always being on edge during their time in Europe and her power heavily relying on what sat in that box at this time and place. He looked at his suit and certainly made him seem WAY more slim than he really was, his defined his muscles to much, Asae seemed to love it though. Nothing was really special to his suit, it only had small guard shield like plates on the top of his hand down to his elbow and stopping on both arms. Other than that his suit was plain, Asae on the other hand, her suit just like Tetsuya showed off her womanly figure, wrapping around every curve it could find. But her suit had holsters, capable of holding knives, fit any type of blade within them. Her suit seemed to be more built towards her ability more than anything. She looked at herself in the mirror and gagged "Jesus this thing is squeezing me in places you dont ev-"

Tetsuya flicked something at her "Shut up..." getting Asae to laugh and hug him around his neck as he stood up and hobbled towards the door. Both walking out of the room, they locked the door. Asae put the box on her back again, the strap going diagonally across her chest. Meanwhile Tetsuya stood on all fours, waiting for her to climb on and he carried her back to the room. Seeing as everyone was splitting off he looked back at Asae "You pick" she jumped off and looked at the situation.

"I really dont want to deal with anyone, so I guess lets just spar with each other until your friend decides to reveal whatever he has up his sleeves" she indicated to Adam. Tetsuya nodded and simply followed "Say how long has it been since we sparred? not since we left dad right?" she looked at him smiling.

"Yea if I seem to recall, you couldn't beat me" she looked at him slightly annoyed while he smiled like a dumb idiot. They walked past everyone, walking down to the sparing mats. Tetsuya stood adjacent from Asae, who was putting up her hair. She looked at Tetsuya and than at the box "Oh what, can't beat me without Ame'o'sasu?" Asae tilted her head, standing the box next to her "You got balls, Panda Man, okay sure" he smiled as he stood in a ready stance his left leg in front of him and his arm out. She stood across from him, mimicking her stance and their arms crossed touching as their palms faced the ceiling.

Asae stepped forward punching Tetsuya stern in the stomach, making him slide back slightly. He stood in the same stance, while Asae walked around him, she ran at him, sliding under his feet and kicking up as he went to stomp on her. She jumped on his back, grabbing at his head. He caught her leg, picking her up and tossing her down. She stopped herself from hitting the floor, laying in a push up position. Tetsuya stood in another stance again, waiting for her to get up, this time Asae stood in the defending stance. Tetsuya rushed her, punching towards her hand, she blocked with both her arms, making her slide across the floor. stopping herself she shook her arms off, and slowly began picking up speed towards Tetsuya. He smiled at her and stood solid in movement, she began flipping, catching air. She went to make a downward kicking into him, Tetsuya moved out of way barely as her foot made contact with where he stood, the ground making a small but noticeable crater "Oh that would have been worse than last time" he shrugged.

"I still beat you that time, gotta remember that" he snickered as she cracked her knuckles "wanna repeat that, Panda Bear?" he looked at her "I Still Beat Yo-" she kicked him suddenly mid speak square in the chest pushing him up against the wall. She went to punch him, him siding stepping her, and kicked her in the side. She rolled and stopped herself using her legs and one arm. She stood up and moved over to her box, touching it, it made sounds at first, than a handle appeared, on the side of the box. She gripped it and held it on her shoulder "Never said I couldn't use the sheath" he laughed "Still a weakness of yours" he taunted her. She shrugged and motioned for him to attack her, her standing with the box behind her back and her hand forward. He ran at her again, this time sliding into her legs, she responded by jumping, in which he kicked himself up and went to kick her. She used the long slender box, blocking his kick, she kicked with her right leg, then pivoting, kicked with her left. Tetsuya, blocked the first kick, not suspecting her to use her left, it collided with his shoulder full force of her strength and he slid to his side. She took the opportunity to jump on him, sitting on his stomach "Say unc-" he rolled over and on top of her. He raised his paw, punching towards her, she narrowly scooted to the left, putting the box between her and him, she kicked out his left leg while he stood over her, causing him to fall, she then used her right foot to kick him back into the wall. Throwing the box into the air, she kicked herself up going on the attack, she threw a punch, he swatted it away. He threw one in return, Asae pulled him forward, using his weight and force, he fell to the ground. She caught her sword and pointed it to his neck "you lost" she said smugly.

He laughed "Did I?" she looked down and saw that he had his claws at her chest, pressed against her suit "My claw would have pierced through your body before you even caught the sword" She helped him up and realized they made a little more of a mess than they usually did "You know that was a draw right?" she looked to him and he only smiled "Sure whatever you say" he coughed "Wasn't" and she punched him making him laugh even harder. She propped herself up against sheath of her sword, the box, and let out a sigh "Haven't fought you in a long time like that since Russia" she looked at him.

His hand went to one of the scars on his arm "Yeah that was...a pretty bad fight if I remember correctly, you did win that one however" he said jokingly but she didn't laugh. She looked at him worryingly and lowered her voice "Do I make you happy Tetsuya?" she looked at him looking for an honest answer and he shrugged replying.

"You crazy, has a temper, you've given me more scars than I gave you. If i didn't like you than there no reason for me to stay Asae, remember that" he laughed and hugged her slightly before picking her up and putting her on his left shoulder "So what next? Seems we've got our rust off" she laughed.

"Speak for yourself, i was never rusty, you're the one who just used your muscles to bully people" he laughed and sighed "As to what we are going to do next, I have no clue, lets just chill out for now I guess and maybe do that capture the flag thing?" he didn't respond, rather just walked slowly, sparring had gotten his old memories back in him and they weren't exactly the best to remember.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zack King and Vespera Spindel.

Zack raised his hand briefly, then stuck it right back in his pocket. He walked up behind the other three not caring whether he was invited up or not. The other guy, who introduced himself as wasn't either, not that it mattered. Worst thing that could happen is he'd be sent back to the crowd, but for what reason? There was little point since he'd end up heading right back. What's an Omnikinetic? It was the first part that was evading him. Biokinesis, now he knew that that was. Let's see. Now that he thought about it he had heard the word used before. Omni-directional. A word used to describe an area of effect ability. Attacks that went in all directions. So if that would mean that he had the power to control everything? That would make sense if he was able to gain access to such a powerful ability.

Once the others finished speaking he started right up with his own information. "Zackary King, but I prefer to go by Zack. I'm a telekinetic." He spoke only as loud as necessary. While he would have preferred to have kept his gift on the down low, it's not like everyone withing hearing range knew exactly what he could do. Wasn't planning on showing anyone either. Unlike the first guy who in his mind had make a fool of himself with his 'tricks'. Dumbass. His simple opinion, he didn't think any better or worse of the guy than before. They hadn't even met. However, it was likely though that his impression would seep into his words; if and when they conversed.

A filth person came up behind him, and he began to ease up. Looked like a number of people were going to join them, except that wasn't entirely it. The difference hardly registered with him at all, if anything it was nice. Zack didn't even feel the need to turn to get a look at whoever it was until she spoke. Her voice was familiar somehow. Very refined and alluring. Possibly English. It startled the crap out of him when he took a glance over his shoulder and saw how she actually looked. Towering, clad in black, skin that looked like it had never met the warm light of day. Menacing and beautiful. She had her eyes obscured with a veil, yet an hint of eerie red was still visible through it. People like this didn't exist in the real world. This chick looks like a bonafide vampire.

"We can skip the formalities." Was all that Vespera said. After attending the academy for so long Adam certainly knew what she was capable of. In more regards than just her power. He didn't appreciate things like getting in another blow on an opponent she had already downed, before the match was officially called with the siren. That and being too violent in general. She was perfectly capable of control, and in fact that was the problem. For a long time most everything she did was deliberate. It was a very fine line she rode, exploiting the rules to their fullest, but making sure not to over step them. In the past when she slipped up her punishments reflected her antics. Which in the end only made her more careful next time. Vespera took note of the other's powers as they announced them. To think somebody like him has a power like that. What a waste. In her mind he'd be hard pressed to out power her in any of his forms. It would ultimately come down what he was using, and how good he was with it should it come to a fight. Looks like I might have larger hit list than usual this year. Same thing of the kid in front of her. Before she got too hasty she wanted to see what exactly they were capable of though.

Karlie Davis

Well this sucks. Since most of Karlie's powers require little to no practice she didn't have much of a reason to go up. When Vespera got in line any desire she had vanished. So she crossed her arms and tapped her foot looking for somebody to talk to. Shortly after she heard somebody call her name. "Sure thing! I'll be riiight on over!" Her r's got mixed into the revving noise she mad as she accelerated over to Deborah. With her was none other than Shannon. Very convenient since was too found of her, while she herself would jump at the chance. Karlie peeled out in from of them and stood sideways as if she was stopped on a motor cycle. Of course she was a race car driver, but she couldn't exactly sit in mid air. In this costume at least. She pulled up the visor on her helmet. "Hey you guys! Whats up?" Shannon didn't look happy, but when was she ever? The reasoning for her being called over was oblivious and irrelevant. Saved her some time in finding a conversation partner. Even if she was let in on it she would have jumped right in, whereas somebody else might not have appreciated it. There wasn't much that could get Karlie down. As long as something wasn't obviously bad, it was good. Most of the time.

Poppy Flanagan

Poppy was lost in her own thoughts when Theresa interrupted her. She hadn't meant to be so quiet, but she didn't have anything to say either. "Oh, I was just thinking..." Now she was more fulled engaged. "How is this the best part?" Her roommate went on to explain that they didn't have to do anything. "How is that fun? I liked some of my other classes..." It wasn't something she was going to elaborate on. Back at her old school she looked down upon for being smart. "Yeah..." she agreed. There was an unsteadiness in her voice, and she found herself wanting to say something about her situation. Share her burden, or as much as she could with somebody else. These two didn't seem like the type that would poke fun a something heartfelt. "To be honest I don't know what I can do." Trembling entered her body. "I don't want it to happen again..." Now that she had said it she was wondering what they might say. Both of them knew, Theresa told her her's, and Dana's suit was enough evidence for her. All that she knew is that she passed out, and one other thing. I was so angry, I wanted to punish him so bad. And it happened... But all I wanted to do was hit him... Over and over again. Not that it'd have done any damage, he just have grabbed her tiny hands and told her what she wanted to here, but the intent was there. A tear rolled down Poppy's face. She quickly wiped it away and hoped the others wouldn't say anything about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


Member Offline since relaunch

Atticus Fowler and Codi Bailey

When the concept of practicing abilities came up, it was decidedly difficult for any new student to figure out how they could train their respective powers without guidance. Atticus was no exception to the rule, and even though he had the faintest of ideas, he wasn’t about to act on them and make himself look ridiculous. He didn’t know how good his first impression was, when he had already waited an entire full day to make one. Although on one level, he didn’t care what other people thought; he didn’t want them to outright hate him, if he could avoid it. He supposed he should just find someone with abilities that could relate to his on some level, which meant he had to find other meta-humans with animal, super-system, or energy powers.

While he was musing over this, Codi approached, with the enormous, highly-colorful-looking creature sitting on her back that gave her a somewhat tank-like appearance, and forced her to slouch. Sometimes people would think she looked tired, because of her posture, but she was actually energetic, and even smiling a bit, being able to talk to someone she knew. Together, they were a unique matched pair of underwater-themed friends, one seeming to have come from the midnight zone, and the other from a tropical sea. Even though Atticus now looked nothing like a human, having taken on his creature form, Codi was not frightened away by the alien-like appearance of it. In truth, because the suit was so poorly suited to his coloration, it looked wrong on him. It looked wrong on Codi, too, and they both looked brand-new, based on the fact that their suits had no alterations.

Atticus tilted his head at her, the mirror-like eyes catching the light, and flashing red, briefly, before returning to their typical, void-like black that could have gazed into a person’s soul. “I guess we could find someone who would be willing to train with us?” He asked, his voice whisper-like and strange, warped somewhat by the long, snout-like shape of his jaws, while he vaguely prompted Codi for some sort of assurance he wasn’t the only one confused as to what they should be doing. He didn’t show confusion, and it was especially difficult to read on non-human features. Codi, though, was capable of picking up on it.

Codi looked uneasy, “I guess we could ask one of the older students...I’ve never been in this kind of situation before.” She said, her voice having a southern accent. Atticus sometimes spoke with an accent, also, but it usually didn’t appear, because for some reason he typically wasn’t inclined to have one. His words were careful and spaced, slow, like southern speech, but they lacked a drawl

Atticus shook his head, “I haven’t, either.”

He then proceeded to look around, and saw a reptilian meta-human, apparently not having anyone else to talk to. “We could go ask him. He’s a meta with animal powers, so maybe he could relate to some of our skills.” He said, nodding at her.

Codi began playing with her hair again, before nodding, “Okay, that sound’s good.” She said. She then proceeded to slowly make her way over to the lizard-man, who would have towered over her, had the maximum height of Reef sitting on her back not rivaled him. Codi’s actual height was normal, but the creature dwarfed her human-like body. She looked up at him, “Uh, excuse me, sorry to bother you, but my friend and I are new here, and we’ve never trained before. We don’t really know what to do…” She then proceeded to drift off, before looking down at her feet, extremely shy in the situation. She wasn’t scared of the concept that this person looked like a giant reptile, but more because she was shy in meeting new people.

She then proceeded to get over her fears, and looked back up to him, “Could you please help us? I’m Codi Bailey, and this is my friend Atticus.” She said, introducing Atticus as he walked up to stand next to her, eyeing Reef’s arms suspiciously, wondering perhaps if the parasite would try to swat someone. So far, it was being compliant and not doing anything.

Atticus looked at the stranger, “I’m Atticus, nice to meet you.” He said, extending his hand, for the reptile man to shake, if he so pleased. The right hand offered had long, spindly fingers with sharp claws, and webbing between the first joints of each digit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mark was at the far back of the group, and thoughts raced through his head at triple speed. He watched his classmates chatter and walk around in slow motion.

What on earth am I supposed to be doing? Am I just watching people use their powers? Am I going to have to go up and show mine off too? But, there's not much to show off. Especially if I go along and call it 'advanced learning'. Well, I suppose if I did, I could show off the one-inch-punch, but there isn't that much else. It's not flashy at all. Gah, I'm going to get stigma for this. I'm going to be that one guy who has the lame power because it is so damn subtle. Grr..

Alright, you know what, I need to decide now whether I'm going to come clean. Should I speak up and say 'advanced learning' was a cover for my.. whatever on earth you'd call it.. Thats a point, I've never really came up with a name for it. Hmm... hows about reflex manipulator? No that could mean a whole bunch of other things.. Perception manipulator? Nope. Same issue. Hmm... Time perception manipulator? Good enough, I'll take it. But I'm not going to come clean. I don't want that potentially negative attention. And I certainly don't want people to know I have a statistically certain death within the next 20 years...

Or maybe I do? No, no, don't be ridiculous. Thats not something you want to burden anyone else with. Worst case scenario, they won't even care. Best case scenario, they won't even know. The instructors will. Thats their business to know. Ah, but then again, this particular power has never really been documented. Its just been described. Maybe they wouldn't know. Hmm.. Alright, screw it, I'm coming clean. Tuition will definitely be easier when they know what they're trying to teach me to use. Yup. Mind is made up. I'm coming clean.

Mark didn't move a muscle. He stayed at the back of the group with his arms folded, and with a stare that could reach China.

..When I get called up of course. No need to be pushy.

He slightly nodded his head as if to convince himself that was his reason for not going up. It failed, but the young man still didn't move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kristen Schwally

Kristen followed Adams group and just sat there for a short while. She needed the help and she knew that. But if she stepped forward then everyone would find out about her and then some might even avoid her to avoid getting caught up in it, of course little did anyone know that some of them if not a majority of them were within range since they were all next to each other, and so were already being slightly affected as they stood here. Luckily she was just a little nervous, excited, and happy all at the same time, so it wasn't as likely someone would notice since it was a mixture, and quite normal feelings.

She watched as the first two volunteers walked up, then there was another guy that walked up. After they had all finished introducing themselves though Kristen finally decided to step up.She slowly walked past some people and walked up to Adam slowly glancing at the other three volunteers before looking back at Adam. "Um, I'm Kristen Schwally." She was heavily avoiding any eye contact because she was too nervous to know what he'd think, or for that matter didn't want to look behind her or at the others, one because they would all son know her power, and also she didn't quite care if people did or didn't know who she was right now. "If you have room for another I'd really like to be part of this." She was obviously a little nervous right now. Then it occurred to her that Jake and Gabriela would find out here in a minute what she could do, unless Adam kept her secret, but would he? Could he help her without letting others know? Well time would answer these questions, and that time was now shortly coming to a close.

Stephen Avarian

Stephen observed everyone splitting into their own little groups and he just sighed. Well guess that means he'd have a harder time observing everyone at once. He didn't care too much for going to Adam for help, not yet. He had to figure some things about himself first. As such he went over the arena group and jut sat down with a knee up and an arm draped over it allowing himself to observe any fights that went on. If someone wished to converse with him it would be fine, but he didn't really care either way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Adam Leo Blackmore.

Adam immediately took a look at his clipboard. Daniel Filson, Matthew Detmer, Zackery King... Vespera Spindel. Dimensional Storage, Omnikinetic, Telekinetic, and Spider/Darkness Manipulator. He knew of their powers from the clipboard, but what he didn't know was their skill level (Which would be nigh-impossible to gauge with a mere number). Something he was going to find out himself, and find things to work on.

Almost immediately, his attention went to Daniel, who was using his power to summon a rose. A gust of wind came by and knocked the rose out of Daniel's hand. "I regretfully have to inform you that this is no time for romantics, Filson." He gave Daniel a glare. He will not stand for this level of silliness in his classroom! Now with that out of the way, he wanted to get started. He has a lot of work to do. He was happy that he got this many volunteers, but now he has to work with them one at a time. Fortunately, he was capable of multitasking this activity. First there was Daniel since he was the first to come up, "Yes, dimensional storage. You've demonstrated it well enough for me to get some information on it." He still needed more, there were a few questions to ask, "What is the largest object you've stored? And by that extent, can you summon the largest object you have in your possession?"

Matthew was up next. He had the most interesting ability to Adam. One that he believed even surpassed the famed Blackmore ability. He was curious about getting this ability to it's fullest potential, but only if Matthew was willing to get his power improved. "That is quite an interesting power. Near-infinite potential and versatility. I will teach you the basics of my current copied ability... Air manipulation." He took a few steps back from Matthew, and pulled that remote out of his pocket. "Everyone take a step back please." After everyone (presumably) followed his orders, he pressed a button on his remote and three trap-doors opened on the floor. Three shooting-range targets, attached to a circular fixture that would allow them to rotate. Adam nodded his head and pressed the clipboard tightly against his midsection. He swung his free hand and conjured a wave of air that caused the targets to start spinning wildly for a few moments. "I have to know where you are right now, Detmer. Show me what you are capable of."

Vespera... He didn't like her, he found her too brutal and sociopathic for his tastes. She was on top of his list, and he would keep her there until one of them left. That said, he didn't have a valid reason for not training her and telling her about. He knew of her ability well, and respected how skilled she was with it, but didn't like how she used it. He knew she didn't want him to digress much, thus, he'll keep his mouth shut until she says otherwise. Same with Zack.

Yet another eager volunteer steps up. Kristen Schwally. He pulled out the clipboard again and carefully searched for Kristen's name. Ah, yes. A chemical-class power. Relates to the many chemicals that the body produces. He would have to be careful to avoid getting affected himself. Fortunately, he would know if she tried anything. "There is always room for more students... What would you like to improve upon, Kristen?"

Deborah Lillian Termellio, & Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

Shannon could only groan in defeat as Karlie came over almost immediately. That's what I get for running my mouth, yes. There was literally no choice but to play along, until this mouth breather gets bored and runs along to go do whatever. She kept her mouth shut, but...

This was all too juicy. All Deborah had to do was take one look at Shannon and (Shannon wants nothing to do with Karlie and is staying quiet in hopes of her leaving) she knew her thoughts. Well, the whole point of this was to get back at her for that comment. Soooo, her punishment can't go this smoothly. She looked at Karlie's outfit (Her outfit is gifting her a power symbolic with racing) and it gave her an idea. "... Ooooh, nothing, Shannon was just wondering if you were willing to try a few things. Clothing manipulation and your power just compliments each other just so nicely." She looked at Shannon, with the most amused smirk on her face, and got a death glare in response. "She was so unsure of if you'd do agree and I just thought 'Hey, we're friends how about I do it'." Her tone became increasingly amused.

Shannon rolled her eyes. Her power was the one reason that Karlie was even interested in Shannon. Otherwise she was damn certain that this barbie doll of a human being wouldn't care less about the redhead. But whatever. She'll humor Karlie for now.

Theresa Sindel Obott, & Dana Lucille Alcott.

So many people here were reluctant to share their powers. It didn't take Dana too much observation to be able to say that, it was just a fact. Everyone had their own reasons, either a lack of trust, or other malicious reasons. But not knowing your powers? That was a little odd. Even by their standards. Dana was a little curious, but she knew that it'd be best not to press too deep into it. "I suggest you talk to Adam about it after class." She suggested. "He can help you, and keep quiet about it, he did the same for us and many others." She had a problem even proving that she had a power when she first manifested. Due to it's nature of activating only when nobody was looking at her.

Hm. Tess had to say that she was curious about Poppy's power. What could it be that not even Poppy knows about it? It was probably a very recent discovery, or the kind of powers that don't activate (Like Dana's)... There were a lot of variables here. Of course, she choose not to pry too deep in it. "Well, I'm not all for asking about powers... But yeah, go find Adam after class. That's what we do. Perhaps you can come with us?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 10 days ago

Oh yay, she was chosen! As Aislin excitedly picked her way around students, a couple voices she recognized hollered from the crowd. Deborah cheered her on -- I need to talk to her again, she's awesome. Tess hollered, and Jaska gave the cutest 'hiii' as she made her way to Adam's side. Aislin couldn't wipe the grin off her face as she waved back at Jaska, half-noting the people (family?) he sat with. She felt popular. Just a little. At least, with her small amount of friends she admired. Having never experienced enthusiastic friends in her previous school, Aislin was all smiles. 

More students slipped into their little group as they all centered around Adam, which actually made Aislin feel a little more comfortable, rather than outshone. Adam was still kind of intimidating, especially with that suit. Among their group, Aislin didn't recognize any of the other students. Thankfully, they started introducing themselves. The quiet one with a no-bullshit attitude was called Matthew. The comical enthusiast that made her laugh before was Daniel. And upon introducing himself, Daniel turned to her and pulled a plastic rose out of nowhere in a romantic gesture. She immediately laughed, thoroughly amused with his showmanship. 

Before she could accept the rose Adam gusted it out of Daniel's hand. Which sucked because she was going to be all cute and give it a kiss. She flashed the dimensional man a pouty look before shrugging it off, winking. Adam was the boss, and the boss got to use whatever level of strictness he wanted in his class. 

When Adam asked everyone to move back, Aislin did without thinking. If they were getting a demonstration, she was all for it. Matt, he sounded like he had a crazy ability. She was curious to see it in action. Well, honestly, she was curious of everyone's ability around their circle. Not as a comparison thing against her own, that was narrow-minded thinking. Powers, she considered them to be an art form, an extension of the soul. It was an honor to see someone else use their gift. 

Aislin debated whether she wanted to sketch something on paper, and shook her head. She wouldn't need any extra supplies this time. Meeting Adam's intense gaze, she introduced herself. "Aislin Rose, sir. My power is Animation, I can make my environment come to life."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Red Winston & Christopher Fox

Red and Chris both followed Adam's group. Red wasn't intending to fight overpowered meta-humans and Chris knew that he wouldn't be much of a threat at his current level. Chris was familiar with Adam's way of teaching, so he knew that a demonstration would follow. He decided to just observe the demonstration and wait until "capture the flag" started. There wasn't any point to demonstrate, since he couldn't use his ability well.

Red, on the other hand, had no intention of being the center of attention. He worked best when he was in the sidelines. Apart from that, watching other people's powers was just the thing he wanted to do. It would be efficient to find the abilities of other metahumans so he could work out strategies against them if the situation called for it. Despite that, he had to join the "capture the flag" game and was reclutant to use his analysis abilities to get some kind of advantage in the game. It also had to do with the partner he would have. In order to make a good plan, he had to team up with someone who was a senior student, so he would know some things about the abilities of their opponents. He also needed at least one of the opponents to be a senior student, so he could get more information about them. So many variables, so little time. Things would get complicated, so Red would take action if he felt like it.

Surprisingly, Chris once again closed up on Red and touched his soldier from behind him. Red turned his head slightly, so as to not turn his back on Adam. He thought that it would not be a good idea to just ignore his Power Training instructor. That guy was most probably a beast, after all. His expression not giving away any sign of wondering, Red just stared Chris in the eyes. Chris, in turn, said:

"I am sorry for before. I got riled up, withou even asking your reasons about your behavior. I guess I shouldn't be too hard on you."

Red's expression was unwavering and emotionless, but his answer was much more humane than expected:

"We were both at fault. I shouldn't turn my personal opinions into facts. That's what fools do. I should apologise for my actions, too. Now, we should focus on the training, shouldn't we? I think that Mr. Blackmore wouldn't be satisfied with us talking."

Victoria Larouse

Victoria still stayed on Henry's back, despite his gesture in case she wanted to go down. She held herself from saying "till death do us part", because she didn't want Henry to misunderstand something, although she would pretty much mean it at the time. She held tight on Henry and deeply wished to be in the same team as him, when Henry turned invisible. Luckily for her, she was wearing her tight capris, so no one would see her underwear because of that, even though her thighs were pretty much drawing attention either way. Victoria was not a student to listen to much of Adam's theories, only paying attention to him when he was teaching her about her powers. He then decided to talk to Henry:

"I hope you are not doing something pervert now that you are invisible. You will get me pretty jealous, you know, Croco..."

It was half joke, half serious. Victoria was very sensitive when Henry talked to other women or was interested in them, but she didn't ever express her dismay to him, because she wouldn't be able to do so without betraying her feelings. Of course, if Henry would actually focus on her, he would eventually find out about her hormone-party when she was close to him. She knew that she would eventually have to confess to her little lizard and face the consequences, whatever they were. With that thought in mind, something changed in Victoria's resolution. She decided that she had to do it now. That she wouldn't be able to stand Henry chit-chatting with other women much longer. With that in mind, he looked at where Henry's head was supposed to be, since he was invisible, and said:

"Hey Croco, do you want to...ehm...how do I say it...go on a date with me after class? That's if you don't have anything better to do, of course!"

Her face was obviously blushing and her heartbeat was going bananas. Her intention for their date was pretty obvious to even the more oblivious-to-these-situations people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cordelia Lynn Holmes

Rather quickly, Pacific Rim fell down a few notches down in her book. Not in terms of raw capabilities, but rather in terms of how immediately threatening he was-responding to what was a pretty clear challenge as if he'd entirely missed it told Lynn this guy wasn't the type that was used to dick measuring contests and throwing haymakers. The alternative was that he was so supremely confident in his abilities he didn't regard her as a threat-however, a lovely little side effect of her facial tattoo was that most people were at least leery of Lynn, and rightfully so. The ratio of people who interacted with her and walked away without having something stolen as opposed to those who didn't was...alarming.

Good voice? Lynn had a disconnected smirk on her face. She'd heard she had a decent voice for other stuff (Cordelia Lynn's great claim to fame was being a white girl that was skilled at rapping), but never when she was being an asshole to someone. And furthermore, the way this guy talked was...weird. He was saying a bunch of stuff sorta robotically, kinda directly. Lynn mused on whether or not he was actually a cyborg-most of the people here, herself included, had endowments leaning towards the supernatural, but maybe this guy was the result of some lab experiment gone wrong. The Feds were doing stuff like that all the time, it made perfect sense. Maybe Tin Man could hack into computers and stuff too. When in doubt, you can't go wrong overestimating your opponent's capabilities.

But the Iron Giant didn't sound like an opponent, now did he? No, his tone was more of...explaining. Between his explanation, the strange way he moved, and the creepy warbling of his voice when he got too high, Lynn was pretty sure there was a Rain Man type deal going on here-something confirmed by his revealing he was a Doctor. Doctor? Hm. Well, the lizard guy was a doctor, too, but he was in twenties or something. Gauging the age of a metal man was pretty damned impossible, but...oh. Oh shit, that was part of why this guy was so out of touch. Maybe he was like eighty or ninety or something, and like, his metalness made him not age. And it explained why he was wearing a nametag that read "Dick Cocks". Lynn didn't reply for a second or two, trying to put the pieces of this dilemma together (she'd completely ignored Adam's speech, figuring that of all the people here, she needed training the least-she'd been relying on her power day and night for years now). On one side, a God-knows-how-old, armless doctor. Made of metal. Social skills of Stephen Hawking. Has trouble seeing and speaking and shit. Moves slow and probably can't do too much physically with one arm, maybe has trouble jerking it and holding up the nudie mags at the same time.

Lynn's inferences sometimes get carried away.

And on the other side...well, even with the suit on, Lynn's tattoo and general demeanor weren't exactly inviting. If he knew what the teardrop stood for, and spent about two seconds judging her posture and facial expressions, he'd probably have a good idea of the image she wanted to project: Lynn relied quite heavily on her "don't fuck with me" aura". Warded off people good and bad, prevented getting burned, prevented opening up. (With the exception of Alex. Shut up.)


The centerpiece, and Lynn so felt like Nancy Drew doing this, had to be the 'separated from his life's work' deal. But he's a doctor. So is he missing his job? How could he do surgery and shit with one arm? Must've been something she was missing. Regardless, Lynn sized up-from his tone and backstory-pretty quickly what his intentions were. Iron Man wanted something, and thought she could help him get it.

God bless mutually beneficial arrangements.

"Well met, Doc," Lynn finally spoke, analyzing the man quite closely. "Love to hear more about this life's work of yours." Lynn glanced over at Alex, giving her a look of "don't worry, I got this"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Matthew took a step back, watching carefully what Adam said. He had spoken about teaching him the basics in manipulating air. As the targets rose out of the ground and began spinning, instead of focusing on the targets, Matthew focused on Adam's hand. The flick of the wrist, the position of his fingers, the contraction and relaxation of his muscles. He took into detail everything he could. When he was asked to try, he followed Adam's unknowing example. He took a step back, and took a deep breath, before moving his hand. His eyes shifted from their normal color to gold for a moment, showing he had shifted his power to what he was practicing, using the air around him as a source, and took a breath.

He contracted the same muscles Adam had, approximately, and relaxed others, holding breath, he directed his hand in a direction just above the targets, before spinning underneath his arm arm releasing his pent up breath, while forcing his opposite arm forward. At that moment, two of the three targets immediately stopped spinng, and the third on slowed to a stop. Nothing fancy like what Adam could do, but it was a start, Despite this he was disappointed with himself. It had taken him a solid ten seconds in order to gain the concentration required to stop three relatively light targets. He had a long way to go. He took a deep breath and stood back up to his full height. "Sorry to disappoint. I haven't worked with air much before." He said, an expression very similar to the meme of Lily Swan's 'unimpressive face' at his own action.


Henry turned upon hearing someone ask for his assistance. The hulking lizard turned around and was surprised to be nearly eye level with a huge crustacean like formation. One of his eyes swiveled downwards to look at the owner, a small girl. The other person, who seemed to have some of the more fish related characteristics joined her soon afterward. The one male offed his webbed hand for shaking, and Henry smiled, enveloping the hand in the huge appendage that was his own. Henry was not afraid of such small claws. The weapons that were his own claws were over two inches long on his middle finger. He shook firmly, careful not to crush the poor boy's hand, and nodded to the other girl. "Dr. Henry Olin, PhD. I'm the new chemistry teacher here." he said. "We'll be playing capture the flag soon, in terms of training, if you wish to spar, you should go to the pits over there." Henry said, reaching his arm over and pointing in the direction of the other group. "If you wish to team train, remain here. Stretch, talk, make some friend and alliances, we dont know who's team we'll be on yet. Once Adam finishes the one on one training, we'll be ready to move." He said.

He felt someone jump on his back again, and he briefly flashed invisible, only to hear Victoria's voice bounce around in his ears. "Please, like that would happen. Invisible or not it's kinda hard to move all of me around in broad daylight." he said, crossing his arms across his chest. His tail swished around behind him, curling and uncurling and twisting as if he was playing with it. He felt Victoria lean in closer to his head and turned back to a visible color, his eyes looking directly up and focussing on her with both of his eyes. Then when she asked his on a date he coughed. "Uh, what?" he said. He had literally never been asked out. And his intelligent mind raced. He wanted to say yes, but he would risk her health in doing so, he would hurt her. He knew he would, at some point. He didnt know how bad but he would do it. He wanted to say yes so bad though. Here was his first and most likely only opportunity though... "Uh... maybe?" he said, his eyes wide, showing his mental struggle. "We'll talk on our little jungle adventure. But... I guess it's a date." he said. He fell silent for a minute before mumbling 'the struggle is real' under his breath. God had it out for him. He knew it.
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