Ok, would a my Fort and Grand Manor have a training ground?
And my heir, such as it is, is Nenatalev.
And my heir, such as it is, is Nenatalev.
KabenSaal said
Question, how do I evaluate my troop upkeep? The actual troops, not their weaponry.
FortunesFaded said
Pelataria uses Cognatic Primogeniture. This may (likely will) change in the future, but this is what Lord Cole and past rulers have done.That being said, Damon Cole is the intended heir.
Flooby Badoop said
Cognatic can mean Agnatic-Cognatic or Absolute Cognatic. It must be specified which one.Update's on its way.
So Boerd said
Valgard, not Ragnvald. Ragnvald is already married.
Heyitsjiwon said
Welp, someone is certainly gunning after my vassals.
KabenSaal said
I wanna build a military Bailey in my fort and then a training ground. Was thinking a blacksmith, but if the drop is only 10% (910) and it costs 50,000 then that'd take 50 seasons to break even.