MasterOfMetal said
Anyone can take controll of that prostitute now xDShe is not named yet.Who will be this poor girl in need of saving
I might take her up.
MasterOfMetal said
Anyone can take controll of that prostitute now xDShe is not named yet.Who will be this poor girl in need of saving
MasterOfMetal said
Nice! Thats a god to my liking
akje said
Very nice gods.As for your domain Vortex. Here's a weird suggestion: Maybe it's freedom.Indulgence and gluttony are supported by the complete freedom to do whatever you want.Escape from responsibility seems like a strong theme in your god.
Vortex said
Anyway... Am I accepted?
Thantos said
What about me am I accepted
Thantos said
What about me am I accepted
KatherinWinter said
Akje hasn't rejected anyone so I would say probably
BingTheWing said
This looks very interesting. Subscribed. If anyone remembers the Creation: Play God, Free Roleplay, was this an inspiration from that? (I won't tell anyone if no.)Possible CS contributor right here-o!
Thantos said
hows that for a first post of the god of fear and death
Berdagon said
Name: True name: The true name is a combination of metalworking sounds, fires burning, swords ringing and the low humming of three men chanting. These sounds combine into one true title: “mankind’s greatest creation”.