Character's username/what they go by: Nat K
Real name: Natasha Kerensky
Gender: female
Skills: (Three to four, the skills they focus most on. No special abilities such as dual wielding):
Heavy Metal Armor Forging
Light Metal Armor Forging
Emergency Recovery
Picture: (anime) (will post later)
Weapon: same weapon in the gear pictur

Side note: she doesn't fly its just what she crafted her armor to look like. Also, probably going to die first night.
Short bio: she joined the game with Caleb who has been her boyfriend for a long time now. Her and her group of friends eventually all started to fall apart after SAO started and they got split up. Many of them suggested they should spit, partially because they didn't feel safe without Caleb there and also because they would rather not watch as each one of them died. So they decided to split up for now until they would be reunited with Caleb. It broke Natasha's heart as she was taking care of them while Caleb was gone, in fact she had become like a mother almost to everyone. Luckily one of Caleb's best friends, Sosa did not leave and stuck around to make sure Natasha Stayed alive.
Personality in the game: Friendly, loving, protective, motivational, caring, basically like a mother would be
Personality in real life: Protective, easily stressed, loving, but judgmental at times.
Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: Natasha doesn't like it at all, not one bit. She especially hates that she has been gone from Wally, whom she didn't add to her friends because she never thought they'd get separated.
Character's username/what they go by: Sosa
Real name: Stevie Sans
Age: 20
Gender: male
Skills: (Three to four, the skills they focus most on. No special abilities such as dual wielding):One Handed Rapiers
Emergency Recovery
Picture: (anime)

Weapon: (No pulling weapons that look suspiciously like Kirito's or Asuna's):

Gear: (Description or picture. Put stats if you like.)

Just his clothes nothing else about this picture is viable :P
Short bio: Stevie is one of Caleb's best friends, he loves to play basketball and is the best at that. He was a decent gamer but no where near the skills of Caleb at them. But he also picked his sword because of how in his life he practiced with the rapier beforehand. He loves friends but loves to goof off even more, although he can get dark and maybe a. bit moody at times; he is probably going to die the first night. He comes to SAO with Caleb and the rest of his friends ONLY because he can take a rapier as his weapon. His girlfriend is also playing, but he convinced her to stay with a guild of good players who level safely and together. She and he both know each other are alive thanks to the friends list. Stevie learned his lesson after watching waltic and the rest of the group split up.
Personality in the game: (to be played out)
Personality in real life: friendly, kind of reserved, he is very careful with his decisions, but when he gets on the court in basketball he becomes "the man" as he is super confident and a great leader on and off the court.
Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: He just wants to know if there is basketball there, if not, then he wants to finish as soon as possible. But also he himself thinks that he only needs to stay alive, but he is at war with himself here because he still cares for his friends.