Name: Vayu
Gender: Dude
Side: Neither
Crew: None
Position: ---
Type: Bilkan
Devils Fruit: None
- Tenpūryū - A sword style that allows the user to manipulate air and wind in a myriad of ways. Techniques of this type of swordplay include generation, attacking with, and cutting with wind itself along with supplementary abilities such as the walking on air, wind-enhanced mobility, and redirection of currents to name a few.
- Mantra - Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally.
Personality: ---
Bio: Oh, hey there! You wanna know about my roots huh? Uhm, I guess that's okay. I don't really mind though. So, from appearance alone, its pretty obvious where I'm from; I'm a Bilkan from the a Sky Island located above the North Blue. You probably haven't heard of it, but its called Boreas. Anyway, life up in the sky was kind of boring at first, but after I discovered the world beneath the one I was leaving in, things definitely changed. This new world was filled with vast amounts of information that I knew nothing of, but what caught my attention was really the violence that filled the seas. I'm not saying its a bad thing, but most probably dislike those sort of stuff. Luckily, I'm not like most people. Over the years, I've seen a lot battles and experienced quite a few myself; the result of all that was the awakening of my thirst for knowledge and the development of my own style of fighting. So yeah, with my lust for blood, or something like that, reaching its peak, I decided to flee from the sky and descend down to the world below. Fortunately, my timing couldn't have gotten any better. For some reason, chaos and havoc was spreading through the seas like wildfire. This was the perfect time to move, so I did. Currently, I'm just going with the flow of the waves, moving from one island to another, leaving a trail of blood and dying the ocean a crimson red. Life couldn't get any better.
Others: It's Show Time. Pirate Crew: None
Crew Name: None
Ship Name: None
Flag: None
Affiliation: Independent