Name: Ekaterina Kurae (Most call her Katja)
Gender: Female
Side: marine
Crew: G-5
Position: Captain

Type: Superhuman (drag-kin)
Devils fruit:
Ability: Katja enjoys a nigh-immunity to fire-based attacks, and a lesser, but still considerable resistance to most physical attacks. Furthermore, possibly because of her super-dense body allowing such a resistance to attacks, she is incredibility strong for her size, and does not get fatigued as quickly as other people would.
Personality: Ekaterina has the beauty of a doll and as such is admired and regarded with awe by other girls. Fully aware of this, she presents herself as extremely shy, innocent, and child-like in public and amongst strangers; even going as far as to pout or look cute for the sake of her audience. She can also put off attackers with her petite body, cute looks, and all-around innocent persona.
However, she is far from any form of innocence, and privately indulges in sadistic acts with whoever she wants to indulge in at the time. Further more, the person has no choice but to accept, since no one else would ever think she is such an evil person, and thus thing the accuser is chatting waffles.
Bio: Ekaterina was adopted at a young age, And her adoptive parents told her that she had 'inherited the blood of a Dragon' and with it great strength. This filled Ekaterina full of wanderlust, and so she left home at a very early age and went to join the Marines. The recruiter laughed until he was thrown over Ekaterina's tiny shoulder and was quickly drafted into the organization. It was during her time as a Marine that she saw, and became enthralled by, Hajime Toshi. So, as soon as she was able to, Ekaterina joined the G-5 Branch and became a Captain with her abilities, but did not raise much higher due to her very young age.
Others: I do believe the time to show is upon us.