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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarian grimaced at Rosa's insensitivity. "Perhaps he would be more comfortable if he was in clothes?"
Somehow the Gnome doubted whether threatening to clamp him in irons was the best way to make him open up. This was man who was probably beaten because of his wont for freedom, and now this girl was joking about chains. This muscled foreigner didn't seem the one for jokes
Tirarian knew she was good at judging people, hell it was almost her job. And she judged Rosa was a lovely young girl. In other words she was too innocent to see what the world could really be like, especially for a slave
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"All the tailors will be closed by now" Rosa lamented "And I've not got anything on me. There is some stuff back at the house, but..."
Actually, what 'but' was there? Why should all three of them go to the Jolly Hippogriff anyway? To spend someone else's hard earned cash on watered-down drinks at the high risk of getting felt up (again)? And Lucien always said 'When in doubt, go home.'
"Actually, you know what? Let's go home. We've got plenty of food and drink, there's fresh clothes and a warm bath for Rhone and it's a lot more familiar to me. Lucien will understand."

Oh god. Tirarian was giving her the Look. Not just a look, the Look. The same look that she got all the time at the Astronomy Guild. It was the look that said 'Stop talking, Rosa, you don't know what you're talking about'

Rosa hated that look

"You think he should be miserable?" Rosa turned on the gnome "Probably the best thing in his life happened today. He'll never wear a chain, get beaten, starved, forced to work or insulting by so-called masters ever again! In a couple of hours, he'll probably feel better than he ever has before, with clothes on his back and food in his belly! If the roles were reversed, I'd been whooping and hollering!"

Still, Rosa felt the need to address Rhone's past "I know you've had a rough time. It must have been difficult, doing such hard work and getting nothing but taunts and bruises to show for it, but it's all changed! In fact, I think you should be even happier because you've had such a hard past, because the future will look even better!"

"I was a street rat once. I lived in this big city called Ostrheinsburg. Great for the rich, hell on earth for the poor. I fed myself by scavenging through bins and stealing from shop vendors. If you were caught sleeping on the streets at night, you were tossed in the dungeons, and believe me, you did not want to spend a night in an Ostrheinsburg dungeon. We formed gangs to keep each other safe, but it was whoever had the oldest kid got everything. And if the leading gang was run by a boy, then you did your best to avoid his atttention. Come to think of it, I heard rumors that some girls were just as vicious as the guys."
"Lucien saved me. I could have ended up in the dungeons permanently, or worse, if he hadn't taken me away from it all. I've been through things as bad as slavery, Miss Gnome. I'm living proof that things get better. Do you think that he would have put up with me if I was curt and tartly when he asked a question? He saved me, Miss. Just like he's saved you, Rhone."
Afrer some thought, Rosa added "Well, maybe not exactly the same."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Honari rolled her eyes at Rosa as she was following the trio, as she noticed the Lucien has disappear to what seemed to most likely be the auction but she didn't care about him... for the moment. Her current attention her was Rhone and Rosa. She honestly didn't like the girl but she gave her some small sympathy of some sort. But she wondered if the girl needed to be reminded of a lesson and pondered to herself silently.

'Everyone needs to be treated fairly even if they are a slave they're still people. If this girl didnt care about that then she wouldn't mind teaching her.' she thought to herself as she looked at her and then back to Rhone sighing sadly at the boy's difficult past...

But is she did that then they wouldn't be pleased if they discovered that it was her who did it but then again, there always the chance that they wont find out. So I could do it and maybe get away with it if I wanted.

'It could all be an elaborate trick to them, and I could help them find the girl...' she thought to herself with a good moment of silence. Then she sighed with the internal conflict with her she had decided to wait to see what kind of girl Rosa was before and if she deserved this. So she waited to see what other things she would do that might affect her choice tonight and what ever she did would be very crucial to her fate. So she stayed with the shadows and followed the trio observing Rosa carefully as they continued to travel Estermere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The streets were nearly empty at this time, and that only made the silence after Rosa's last comment more significant. When you are raised as an apprentice in a highly skilled profession, what can you say to a street urchin and a slave?
It was almost a relief when thunder rang through the town, rain wouldn't be far off.
"I'd best be getting home. Good night, Miss Rosa," She tipped her hat, "And goodnight Rhone."
She turned and headed away. Though she had her hat and coat, there wasn't much worse than pulling a merchant stall through a storm during dark hours
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Um... Goodnight" Rosa called after the gnome, before turning her attention to the (ex) slave.
"Just you and me, huh? Follow me, then. I'm sure you'll like it. It's got warm fires, plenty of space and...
Rosa stopped and frowned. She didn't know why, but she suddenly got the shivers, and it wasn't the cold.
"I'm sorry. We should keep moving. Don't want to be caught up in a thunder storm."
Whilst she continued undaunted, there was something not right. She felt like someone was watching her. Judging her.
"Rhone, is it alright if we walk a bit closer?" There was distinct fear in her voice.
She tried to shrug it off as the thunder storm, but now that Tirarian was gone, she felt lonely. She was a young girl, out at night, with nothing but an unarmed slave and hidden stiletto to protect herself with.
Nothing she could think of dispelled the malaise. She kept sliding closer and closer to Rhone, eventually taking his hand and walking in silence.
She was trembling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Rhone said nothing to the woman's insistence that he 'lightened up'. He wasn't a very light hearted person; never really was. And, despite her claims that his life was going to be so much better, his suspicious self found it hard to believe. He had been betrayed time and time again by people who claimed to be interested in his wellfair. He was a slave because 'it was better than being a street urchin'. He was beaten because 'it would do him good to learn a lesson'. He had to work day in and day out for no pay because he 'would be begging for food in the streets otherwise'. What these people considered good for him may or may not be actual good. Rhone supposed only time would tell.

While the girl and gnome bickered as if he weren't there, Rhone continued to walk silently. He felt the air slowly grow heavy with storm. Clouds gathered above and the smell of rain began to drench the air. He really didn't want to get rained on and sick.

As they walked, Rhone noticed Rosa grow tense. What was the matter with her? She looked around as if she thought someone would jump from the bushes and rob them. When she asked if she could get closer, Rhone only shrugged. What did he care? However, she got a lot closer to him than he expected. The girl practically pressed into him as they walked, making him feel a bit uncomfortable. He was beaten and sold by his last master for merely speaking to his daughter; what would Lucien do to him if he saw this?

When Rosa took his hand, Rhone had had enough. He pulled his hand back from her and replaced it by his side.
"I don't think you should do that," He said quietly, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed. Most people seemed to have headed inside by now. "You'll get me in trouble."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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The moment, the very moment those chains were lifted from her wings the woman stretched them out as wide as they could go and hit the air with what handful of feathers she had left, trying to bring herself into the air. Cuts started to open again as blood seeped down her feathers from the filthy wounds, and she managed to push herself through the air a metre ahead of Lucien before she stopped, span around and crouched like a beast to observe Lucien.

12 didn't get it, she didn't understand. The only thing that stopped her from staggering and jumping her way as far as possible from his new master was the fact he willingly and knowingly took her chains off, and he didn't strike her as the type to do something as stupid as that without a good reason. Admittedly, she did owe him something due to the fact he saved her from being trapped with the slavemaster...

...All of these moral issues were making her head hurt. 12 reverted to her natural state - she was too weak to make it more than a night in this strange town - as she crept forward uncertainly, wings flicking at the air every so often to check that she can still move them if she wanted to. Her beady eyes looked fearfully at Lucien, then down at the outstretched hand. Eventually, she left him holding his hand out and instead pushed herself to her feet on her own; she stood straight-backed in what would've been taken as arrogance if it wasn't actually the weight of her wings requiring her to avoid slouching to keep her spine in one place.

When Lucien asked (or, well, ordered) 12 to follow, that's exactly what she did. Her talons clicked against the cobblestones as she stepped very lightly on the floor, for each step hurt her toes and trying to fly hurt her wings. She did not see a reason to speak unless she was asked a direct question, so she walked in complete and utter silence, peering down at Lucien's back whilst she walked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Um... Ok, then." Rosa backed off, still incapable of feeling at ease. She hated the dark. Even as a child, she couldn't stand not being without light. Darkness meant murder, rape and kidnap. Nothing bad ever happened in the light, or at least nothing as bad as those things. Without someone to comfort her and without a greater source of light, she was bricking it.

"We're almost there. Help yourself to anything you find in the larder - you'll need it. There are plenty of spare bedrooms and a couple of baths with water pumps. I imagine you'll want to get cleaned up for tomorrow. My room is the firsr one on the middle floor and all of the top floor is off limits. Other than that, feel free to wander around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You don't trust me." Lucien observed, withdrawing his hand "I can't say I'm suprised. That's a shame."

He only took about ten steps before stopping again. Without even looking over his shoulder, he informed 12 "I will not keep you if you do not wish to stay. You are free to leave at any time." He knew full well that the Harpy wouldn't survive on her own in her condition, and he doubted she was stupid enough to try. He walked on, somewhat comforted by the click-clack of talons on cobblestones matching his own, softer footfalls.

It was getting late. Though he could see perfectly well in the dark, he knew Rosa and the gnome couldn't, and neither could Rhone. The flashes of lightning and rumble of thunder were not encouraging, and Lucien doubted Tirarian would be keen to stay out this late. The pub was probably closed anyway.

"I've never seen a creature quite like yourself" he remarked, turning off onto a more familiar street. When 12 didn't answer, he elaborated "Do you have a name? And if it's not too much to ask, how did you end up in the hands of those boors?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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What a predicament 12 was in!

She had this kind of owner, once before. A manipulative woman, who let her slaves run free but at night would drag them, kicking and screaming, back to the manor - no matter how many times they ran, or however far they used to run. It was a sickening way to live, under a cruel illusion of freedom and false chains. Perhaps this man was worse than the woman from before, perhaps not...either way, she knew what to do this time - abuse his hospitality and make a break for it at the first possible moment.

But break -where-? Where does a winged woman rush off to? She didn't know where she was, she didn't look like an upstanding citizen, and certainly couldn't hold her own anymore after they ripped her nails out and blunted her teeth...

12 rubbed at the stumpy, fleshy fingertips folornly. Her footsteps were short and light - usually, she'd try to take long, purposeful strides to avoid the pain but months of ankle-shackles made her muscles ache if she even attempted to stretch out fully. Besides, at her peak, she'd probably overtake Lucien...well, her -peak-, she couldn't remember a time when she was properly health-

12 gasped, tripped on the cobbles and was sent sprawling to the floor at the clap of thunder that rolled through the city. Her burlap sacking dress was thrown in a very revealing position for the briefest of moments as she gathered herself, still trembling, and pushed herself into a kneeling and apologetic position as swiftly as possible before Lucian decided to forcefully kick her for her clumsiness. 12 waited for a few seconds until she was certain, absolutely certain, that she wasn't about to get reprimanded for her error. Then she stood up and continued following.

Lucien attempted small-talk with 12, starting with a statement she knew far too well; 'I've never seen something like you before', or 'my, you're different, aren't you?' or 'Ain't never done seen one of yer pigeon-folk round these here parts, girlie', depending on the location and the type of person. It became so old to her so quickly that she didn't even grace the statement with a reply.

Then Lucien asked about her name, and 12 faultered in her steps. Names were a very precious thing; she knew her name very well, she knew how to pronounce it even after all of these years, and she kept it dutifully clutched close to her heart. That was the name of the half-harpy woman from Sudal, not the slave in...in...where was she? Cobbletown? It certainly seemed like a suitable temporary name for the location. 12 waited a little longer in silence, long enough for Lucien to elaborate and ask her how she ended up becoming enslaved.

Ah, poor Lucien, if there was anything that over a decade's 'voluntary' work in the slavery business taught you, it was to find loopholes in questions to keep what little scraps of privacy you still had left. Name first, questions later. "Twuh-....tweeelve." replied 12, in a distinctly foreign mash-up of a variety of accents; she seemed to be trying to accommodate herself to Lucien's style of talking for better understanding. "Got sold to Sir," elaborated 12. Technically, it was the right answer in the briefest amount of syllables possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"No need to bother the squirrel too much, Anya." James smiled, rustling his daughter's hair.

"Besides, we can't spend too much time here. We still need to find a place to sleep for the night. Though at this rate, I fear we may be left with a barn." he stated with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Anya, but if we don't find something soon, we won't be much more comfortable than normal."

He peered at the front windows. "Well at least it isn't raining."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Twelve? What a quaint name." Lucien chuckled "Here, that is a number. I don't think anyone would really appreciate being named after a number. Is it alright if I call you something different?"
He thought for a moment, weighing up the best names he could think of.
"How about Sarah? Is it alright if I call you Sarah?"

He couldn't blame her for wanting to play her cards close to her chest. Still, he wanted to reassure her that nothing bad would happen to her by his hand. Or maybe she just didn't understand him? She clearly wasn't a local. Perhaps they spoke a different language where she came from.
"Alright. If you want to play it that way, I won't pry further. But I must insist you start learning our language more fluently. Perhaps I could get Rosa's tutor to teach you..."
It seemed that the life of a slave was a varied one. The girl couldn't decide which accent she was going for. From the sounds of it, she had served in every part of the country - no, the continent. Fortunately for Lucien, he had grown up in the Vurkolak Caravans, so he could understand her. He doubted there would be many others, though

They walked on, noble leading servant. The storm seemed to be getting closer and closer, as evident by the increasingly bright lightning flashes and loudening thunder. If they didn't end up in the manor soon, they'd be caught up in a flurry of rain and lightning.
"We should get moving. You don't want to be caught up in a Estermere storm, believe me."
He quickened his pace accordingly, moving with greater speed and conviction. He knew these streets like the back of his hand and had been along every possible route at least once. But he was worried about Rosa - he hadn't seen her at all on the way back. He reassured himself with the knowledge that she had a key and had set off ahead of him. She also had Rhine by her side, who didn't strike Lucien as the kind of man who'd let a girl like Rosa suffer.

They turned the corner - second to last one before Lucien's house - and were met with a welcoming sight. Rosa and Rhone were walking the other way down the street towards them.
"Lucien!" The Cambion called "Is that you?"
"Don't shout, Rosa, people are trying to get to sleep."
In response, the girl broke off into a run, leaving Rhone behind. She practically threw herself at Lucien, wrapping him in a hug.
"Don't. Ever. Make me walk home in the dark again" she said, slightly tearful.
Lucien returned the girl's hug, though he was somewhat anxious to get home. "It's alright, Rosa. There's nothing to be afraid of."
When she finally let go, Lucien started to walk ahead again. He really didn't want to get caught out in a storm, despite the fact they were practically on their doorstep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Rhone looked up at the large, foreboding home in front of them. He had been owned by several masters who lived in such mansions, but he was rarely ever allowed inside. Much less given such free reign. He walked silently alongside Rosa until Lucien caught up, at which point Rosa threw herself at him. Rhone took notice of Lucien's company.

Was that...the female slave that had been chained next to him? He looked from Lucien to the poor, dirty girl. A feeling of disgust welled up inside him. It was clear what a slave girl such as she was intended for. He'd heard the slave master's sales pitch several times. She was a home keeper, a trophy, and a sex servant. And his new master had bought her. Rhone tried not to feel slightly betrayed; he'd known the man wasn't genuine all along. He was disgusting and evil, just like every other pale skinned man he had ever met. So why did it feel as though, for a few moments, he had been lied to?

With a frown set on his face, Rhone followed the company inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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"Oh, no," squeaked Anya, "I don't want to have to sleep in a barn again! I'm sorry mister Squirrel, but I have to find a nice place to rest. We can play together later, if you want."

Anya tugged on her Papa's chain mail and looked up at him seriously.

"We need to start quick or we won't have a nice place to sleep," she reminded her papa who had just reminded her to remind him. She was a good reminder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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James nodded in agreement, patting his daughter's head.

"Best we were off, then. I don't think many inns are open, and-" he was cut off by a loud crack of thunder, as a loud pattering sound signaled heavy rain.
"Ffffffuck." he swore. James knew he had to keep his daughter dry.
He knelt down, and wrapped Anya's cloak around her shoulders, and scooped her up in his arms.
"I'm gonna find the driest place I can, so hold on tight. Are you ready?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Anya gasped when her papa used a bad word, before remembering that adults were allowed to say those things. She still didn't know why it was bad or what it meant, but it was probably something like 'It's raining! That's not good at all!'.

Anya nodded at her papa. She was ready to find a dry place, and she was ready to be princess carried there. She liked when her papa princess carried her places anyways. The tiny Vampire wrapped her arms around James and prepared to go super fast.

"Go papa go! Super speed!" She chirped excitedly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Right, then. VROOM!" James pushed his way, and ran down one street.

Then another. Left, right, right, right, left.... No inns were open, or at least the ones he passed. Worse yet, he found himself increasingly lost in the unknown city.
"No, no..." he whispered to himself. The knight hugged Anya closer to himself, and rounded another corner, glancing down alleyways. At this point, he was becoming increasingly damp, huddled over to use himself like an umbrella for his daughter.

"Bad news.... Anya, I think we were too late." he said, entering an alley. He grabbed a large crate, and pulled it down onto its side.

"It's no castle... but it'll keep the rain off of us." he sighed, crawling in. "Come on in; it's only for tonight. If we huddle, we'll share body heat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Anya chortled merrily as her papa ran about with her in his arms. The papa wagon was one of her favorite things. After a while, however, it seemed like they would not have a nice warm place to sleep. Her papa put her down and turned a crate on its side, and she smiled at him.

"It's OK, papa. As long as we're together, I'll be happy."

Anya clambered into the crate. She really did want a real bed, but this had been going on for a while now. She was used to it, and didn't mind so much as long as she had papa.

"But... I don't think we should huddle," replied Anya softly, "I'll just make you really cold, and I don't want to make you feel cold."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"That's very thoughtful of you, Anya." James said, pulling the girl close.
"But you shouldn't worry about me. It's more important that I take care of you than the other way around, got it? You matter more than anything else to me." he explained, adjusting Anya's cloak as if it were her blanket. He made sure she was bundled tightly, the hood pulled over her head.

"Besides, I've been through worse than being cold for a night. You think your dad's gonna let that get in the way of hugging his daughter?" he said, lying back against the wall of the crate. James cradled Anya against him, laying her head on his chest.
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