Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

need any advice?

We're on the guild IRC if you need some. We can even point you towards Sep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alright, I guess I'll hop in there. A first for everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sparks! Here are two npc characters for you to judge once you get back :)

Name: Numiel
Age: Somewhere around 600. After some time, details such as the passing of time become of less importance.
Gender: Female
Relic Description: Numiel her relic is supposedly one of her many jewelries, she never told anybody but Kheris which one exactly. Her relic allows her to interact with minerals and such, no matter where they are. She usually uses those in earth, but theoretically she could alter a body when she focuses enough.
Skills:[/b] Her womanly charms as well as her eloquence. She has always loved to wind people, especially men around her pretty little fingers and thus politics are one of her hobbies. Numiel is also said to know a thing or two about potions and poisons, but she hasn't really used that knowledge that often... recently.

Background: The only accessible information about Numiel her past is known through legends. It is said that a long time ago, when the world was young and the people were weak, a terrible plague ravaged the lands where now the pride city of Niwey Em Netjer stands. When all died and hope seemed to be lost forever, a heavenly light appeared and the gods themselves descended from heavens. They had looked upon the fragile humans and taken pity on them. Kheris, the god of gods, solemnly swore to deliver the people from evil and so it happened. Numiel stepped down from her heavenly throne to tread upon the soil of Azukhar, and everywhere she went, life followed in her footsteps. From that day onwards, the humans served the gods who had saved them. Many scholars outside The Dynasty have however noted that these legends are presumably nothing more than that; legends.

Facts can confirm that Numiel has ruled in her district in the fertile South Western district of The Dynasty for at least two hundred years. The commoners love her and know her as a beautiful, kind and just ruler. A peculiar thing some scholars have taken note off, is that revolts in the Western districts are always followed by natural disasters and several theories on the subject are circulating in the academic community.

Motivation: Maintaining her comfortable lifestyle, accumulate more power but foremost, she seeks to enjoy herself.
Theme Song:

Name: Nuriel
Age: He is fifteen minutes older than Numiel.
Gender: Male
Relic Description: As with his sister's relic, it is unknown what form Nuriels' relic has. Some even believe that he doesn't have a relic at all that he is simply a brilliant man whose life has been prolonged by Kheris. It is however remarkable that all the new technology comes from his ideas. For example, the winches and pulleys, which are all around the city are one of his brilliant promptings. The barge system as well as the design of the cities and palaces in The Dynasty are born from his thoughts. Overall it is thus believed that surely possesses a relic and one of the most likely theories is that his relic gives him an extraordinary memory as well as the possibility to see connections between things which others cannot. [In other words, he is capable of easily extracting information from his long term memory.]

Skills: Even without his relic, Nuriel is an extraordinary intelligent and wise man. He has lived for a remarkably long time and in all of these years, Nuriel has learned many skills and visited many places in the world of Azukhar. He speaks many languages, he knows a great deal about architecture, he is a skilled musician with various instruments and knows a lot about the flora and fauna as well as the laws in this world. He also possesses knowledge regarding various fighting techniques and weapons, but while he will be able to defend himself, this is one of the few subjects which he is not interested in and so there will be but a few who cannot best him in physical combat. It is said that once he learns all there is to learn about the world, Nuriel will pass on his knowledge to mankind and cease to be.

Background: Even less is known about Nuriel than about the other gods. He is barely mentioned in the legends and prefers to keep his secrets to himself, save for his inventions. Nuriel is known as the god who has steadily improved the lives of the people of The Dynasty by introducing new technologies. Aside from this, he provides counsel for his fellow gods and rulers from time to time and rules over the north-western district of The Dynasty..

Motivation: Gathering more knowledge
Theme Song:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll add them to the OP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Merci ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by voteforpandaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

making a cs now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Looking forward to seeing your CS, panda...
Just curious: be there anything you are willing to reveal about it before you finish it?

Also, if you have questions about anything, don't be afraid to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Name: Gezar

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Relic Description: N/A

Skills: Eh. Basic survival skills, some medicine stuff with herbs, muscle contest winning, and spearmanship. That’s about it. Never really needed anything else.

Background: On the day a poor, tattered, bloodied, struggling, screaming ten-year-old paleface was brought to the village gates, Gezar son of Gezhai wasn’t entirely sure of his future blood brother, Borgrund Fellhallows. Sure, they were the same age back then, looked almost identical and even had similar personalities, but Gezar still wasn’t convinced. He wasn’t sure his tribal furs and wild blood would mix with the torn noble clothes and rich wine of the paleface. However, they soon grew to love each other. Bor was a fast learner, faster hunter, and soon the fastest lumberjack in all of the Darratu village. Meanwhile, Gezar was a slow learner, slower lumberjack, but faster-than-hell spearman. He and his blood buddy were responsible for many tribal victories during their teenage years. Then came the time Bor decided to give over to his civilized side and his decision to leave the village. Hugs were given, tears were bawled, more tears were bawled, but the highlight was Bor divulging the secret of his Relic to Gezar. “Shaman Samai would have the Darratu’s wildest horses tied to each of my limbs and spurred if he found out that I was using an Amulet of the Great Spirits,” he recalls him whispering to him. They never met again... or would they?

Appearance: Strikingly similar to Bor, except slightly lankier (but at all costs do not take this as a disadvantage. He will murder you, rip you into little pieces and those pieces into littler pieces if you call him skinny). Also a nice little ponytail on the back.

Motivation: Gezzy just wants to live an ordinary life in service to the Great Spirits of the wild, and to just as importantly maintain his alliance to Borgrund Thomas Fellhallows.

Theme Song: When big bear kill people, Gezar spear. Gezar no have time for paleface boy bands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry about the wait, I'm waiting for a response to something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Havent RP'd in a while, but this looks really good to me. here is a CS. Hopefully its up to your standards

Name: Caius Ronus

Age: early 30's old enough to know better, still too young to care.

Gender: Male

Relic Description: No Relic

Skills: Mediocre woodworking and herbal identification, swordmanship and field dressing/medicine. Practical woodsman skills and basic military fieldcraft. He does not excel in any particular field but these are the fields he stands out in.

Background: Born into a family of 6 with modest wealth and means. When Sickness took his father and thieves blades took his mother, his 3 older siblings left an adolescent Caius to tend the family farm as they left for the larger surrounding towns to secure employment and hopefully a better life for the clan. Caius grew up quickly out of necessity. Becoming weathered and strong under the hot sun of the fields and occasionally under the heavy hooves of the farms livestock. 2 years after his family had left Caius accepted that his siblings had either perished or abandoned him, having no concept of money he sold the family farm to neighbours for a pittance and sought an easier life elswhere or possibly any information on his remaining family. Caius Eventually tracked down his sisters, in shallow, poorly marked graves on the outskirts of am impoverished Hamlet. They met their ends as "entertainment" for a band of travelling soldiers. Of his brother he found no trace.

Caius eventually enlisted with the army, losing an eye and most of his blood in his first Skirmish, but finding God as some of his surviving fellows dragged him back to camp. He still is not sure how he survived, but the fact he still lives has given him resolve. Caius deserted from the army at the age of 20 and at the age of 25, after years of wandering he found a way to serve God and do his will by joining the ranks of the Church. Cauis learned to fight with a vigour and dedication that made him stand out amongst his peers. Although he lacks an eye, decent equipment and even adequate training. Caius' dedication, faith and perseverance has elevated his station in the Church. He now roams the land under orders to seek out corruption and bring the people into the light.

Appearance: Caius is a tall man, with sun-bronzed skin and shoulder-length coarse brown hair. He wears a white cloth wrapped around his forehead covering his missing eye and a long olive cloak with the symbol of the church stitched into the back. Beneath is a patchwork leather cuirass complete with rusted iron shoulder plates and one iron gauntlet for his sword-arm.

Motivation: Faith, although his one good eye is not turned blindly to the churches corruption. The Church is doing Gods work..... right? Unsure of himself, Caius keeps his eye open. His Church is important to him, but if he loses his faith in doing their bidding he has no qualms raising a sword against his superiors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So Bucket, your guy hates Relics? Cause the Church hate Relics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

two quick questions: Which nation is he serving, and what church is referred to?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh jeez im sorry i just kind of figured i would be lumped in with the kalesian empire on account of how militant their church and government seem to be. I imagined my char to be of kalesian origin. Also i suppose i should have mentioned he does not hate relics ir anything really. He is just a misguided man of god following orders as he hadnt learned to hold his own beliefs and morals yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

From what I can tell, the Kalesians don't destroy relics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I thought kalesians were the ones hunting relics to strengthen their armies?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, the only thing labeled "church" so far in the RP is the knights of Idris, and they're not allowed in the Empire. Also, the empire is rather fond of training people well.

The closest thing to a religion in the Empire is actually something with the Empress at the top. She is the closest thing they have to a deity and the only thing the average Kalesian will worship.

One other thing: Rape is one of the crimes with the highest punishment in the Empire. The Kalesian Empire is gender-equal with tendencies towards slight preference for women. I.e. women get at least as good opportunities as the men. Imperial Soldiers would never dare to start things like raping random citizens. Punishment for such is dealt out based on probable suspicion, and involves "snip snip". If someone lacks the organs for it, they can't rape someone again. If they try a second time despite having been physically neutered, the sentence is a slow death.

What you describe actually fits better with a soldier of some other nation than Kalesia.

EDIT: Kalesia track down evokers and try to take them to their side. they don't kill evokers until they have no choice, and they keep any relics they find, in the hopes of finding a second wielder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. Im having trouble navigating my way through the lore part of this... but I suppose wounded holy man with mysterious homeland doesnt fit so im open to suggestions. I dont even know where to find this knights of idris lore
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. Im having trouble navigating my way through the lore part of this... but I suppose wounded holy man with mysterious homeland doesnt fit so im open to suggestions. I dont even know where to find this knights of idris lore
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. Im having trouble navigating my way through the lore part of this... but I suppose wounded holy man with mysterious homeland doesnt fit so im open to suggestions. I dont even know where to find this knights of idris lore
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bucket-O-Justice


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. Im having trouble navigating my way through the lore part of this... but I suppose wounded holy man with mysterious homeland doesnt fit so im open to suggestions. I dont even know where to find this knights of idris lore
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