Sparks! Here are two npc characters for you to judge once you get back :)
Name: Numiel
Age: Somewhere around 600. After some time, details such as the passing of time become of less importance.
Gender: Female
Relic Description: Numiel her relic is supposedly one of her many jewelries, she never told anybody but Kheris which one exactly. Her relic allows her to interact with minerals and such, no matter where they are. She usually uses those in earth, but theoretically she could alter a body when she focuses enough.
Skills:[/b] Her womanly charms as well as her eloquence. She has always loved to wind people, especially men around her pretty little fingers and thus politics are one of her hobbies. Numiel is also said to know a thing or two about potions and poisons, but she hasn't really used that knowledge that often... recently.
Background: The only accessible information about Numiel her past is known through legends. It is said that a long time ago, when the world was young and the people were weak, a terrible plague ravaged the lands where now the pride city of Niwey Em Netjer stands. When all died and hope seemed to be lost forever, a heavenly light appeared and the gods themselves descended from heavens. They had looked upon the fragile humans and taken pity on them. Kheris, the god of gods, solemnly swore to deliver the people from evil and so it happened. Numiel stepped down from her heavenly throne to tread upon the soil of Azukhar, and everywhere she went, life followed in her footsteps. From that day onwards, the humans served the gods who had saved them. Many scholars outside The Dynasty have however noted that these legends are presumably nothing more than that; legends.
Facts can confirm that Numiel has ruled in her district in the fertile South Western district of The Dynasty for at least two hundred years. The commoners love her and know her as a beautiful, kind and just ruler. A peculiar thing some scholars have taken note off, is that revolts in the Western districts are always followed by natural disasters and several theories on the subject are circulating in the academic community.
Appearance: Motivation: Maintaining her comfortable lifestyle, accumulate more power but foremost, she seeks to enjoy herself.
Theme Song:
Name: Nuriel
Age: He is fifteen minutes older than Numiel.
Gender: Male
Relic Description: As with his sister's relic, it is unknown what form Nuriels' relic has. Some even believe that he doesn't have a relic at all that he is simply a brilliant man whose life has been prolonged by Kheris. It is however remarkable that all the new technology comes from his ideas. For example, the winches and pulleys, which are all around the city are one of his brilliant promptings. The barge system as well as the design of the cities and palaces in The Dynasty are born from his thoughts. Overall it is thus believed that surely possesses a relic and one of the most likely theories is that his relic gives him an extraordinary memory as well as the possibility to see connections between things which others cannot. [In other words, he is capable of easily extracting information from his long term memory.]
Skills: Even without his relic, Nuriel is an extraordinary intelligent and wise man. He has lived for a remarkably long time and in all of these years, Nuriel has learned many skills and visited many places in the world of Azukhar. He speaks many languages, he knows a great deal about architecture, he is a skilled musician with various instruments and knows a lot about the flora and fauna as well as the laws in this world. He also possesses knowledge regarding various fighting techniques and weapons, but while he will be able to defend himself, this is one of the few subjects which he is not interested in and so there will be but a few who cannot best him in physical combat. It is said that once he learns all there is to learn about the world, Nuriel will pass on his knowledge to mankind and cease to be.
Background: Even less is known about Nuriel than about the other gods. He is barely mentioned in the legends and prefers to keep his secrets to himself, save for his inventions. Nuriel is known as the god who has steadily improved the lives of the people of The Dynasty by introducing new technologies. Aside from this, he provides counsel for his fellow gods and rulers from time to time and rules over the north-western district of The Dynasty..

[This is a homemade picture, so sorry for the bad quality :') He is a slim, tall and dark-haired man. He has a fair but slightly apathetic complexion and some claim to see maliciousness in his eyes.]
Motivation: Gathering more knowledge
Theme Song: