Lynessa "The Princess Of Blades"Sladek
Appearance: N/A
Lynessa wears medium armor because she likes he balance defense and flexibility. Her armor has a red trim that goes around all parts of her armor. On the back of her armor she has a simple of three swords pointing down.
Lynessa carries a steel longsword. It is inscribed with magical runes that makes her weapon heavy to everyone except her. She holds her sword in the sheath on her waste. Her sword's name is called Dark heart.
Chaotic neutral
Lynessa has been trained in the way of the sword since she was very young. She has also been trained in hand to hand combat and is above average at both swordsmanship and hand to hand combat. She is also stronger then most women her age.
Lynessa has a handle on most basic elemental magics. But she is more proeffecient at body manipulation magic. She can make her self move faster, pick up heavy objects, jump semi high distances etc. She can only use this type of magic if she has her sword in her hand. If darkheart was to leave her possession any type of manipulation magic would dissappear. She is able to use all of her magic by digging into a pool of mana inside her body. At the moment she is able to fire about five to six spells before becoming tired.
Backstory: Lynessa was born a princess from a far away island. But she never knew her parents or anybody from her homeland. A few months after Lynessa turned three a rebellion had started. The kings castle was seized peasants running through the halls killing any noble they could get there hands on. The only reason Lynessa survived was because she was smuggled on a ship by some peasant who still sided with the royal family.
She and one of the family's most trusted advisors landed at the harbor of waeldeshore. It is there he raised Lynessa teaching her to defend herself with both physical and magical training. It took her about ten years to master swordsmanship and be able to use the most basic of her family's magic. All that time she was never exposed to the outside world, she stayed in the confines of her masters farm that was on the outside of waeldeshore. One day her master left and after waiting a few days she noticed he didn't return, now she is searching for her lost master.