Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by No Bite and All Bark

No Bite and All Bark

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If starry wasn't literally across the map he would be able to stop your fall
I'm afraid hes just a bit too far away for that, though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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No Bite and All Bark said
If starry wasn't literally across the map he would be able to stop your fallI'm afraid hes just a bit too far away for that, though

teensy bit over ten feet
just a teensy bit over 10 feet away
teensy tiny little bit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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WilsonTurner said
teensy bit over ten feetjust a teensy bit over 10 feet awayteensy tiny little bit

and running away from a fire some careless person started.

Some people eh?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maki Casanova

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@Ellri I was referring to Free, really, but it was meant to be a more of a gentle "Hey dude, you're going a wee bit overboard there" probe rather than an insult.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Markul could will the stone still! not the whole wall, but the part he's standing on...

Also, how was he supposed to know 'total annihilation' wasn't the plan? just because he has earth powers doesn't mean he knows what she was doing...

I just think it's kinda weak how the city is mandated to fall thanks to the flowery perfect circumstances for them. I put him there with the assumption of a fair fight, if I had known Kalesia couldn't lose I wouldn't have had him there...

Also: did I mention how much I hate predictive text?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Freeshooter92 said
Markul could will the stone still! not the whole wall, but the part he's standing on...Also, how was he supposed to know 'total annihilation' wasn't the plan? just because he has earth powers doesn't mean he knows what she was doing...I just think it's kinda weak how the city is mandated to fall thinks to the flowery perfect circumstances for them. I put him there with the assumption of a fair fight, if I had known Kalesia couldn't lose I wouldn't have had him there...

In surprise invasions of large scale the ones who have the element of surprise rarely loose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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It's rare to take a large city in a day...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Not that rare. Superior forces, element of surprise, element of shock, a plan of attack made up, some insiders, etc.
In medieval style city captures, they are either really quick, in where they overwhelm the defenses quickly, taken through breaching by way of siege, or starved out.

The biggest problem the Otheans had here is that they were wholly unprepared, with mostly ceremonial guards. The real soldiers of Othea (beyond the small number of royal bodyguards) are at the borders. The Kalesians bypassed the border entirely. We imagine that when there are encounters later between the Othean Army and the Kalesian Army, provided the sides are roughly balanced in size and makeup, the rate of victory for the Kalesians will be roughly 50%.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I will accept that Ellri and Echo swept through the outer city with gusto, though I'm really impartial. I just helped create the vocators and then went onto better and more evil things coughDynastycough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Fine, if I have to lose, I'm taking as many of those bastards with me. Let it be known! Better dead than a mindless puppet to some empress! at least not-egypt doesn't pretend to be good...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Is there anyone, ANYONE, in the city who can back me up? At the very least, I saw what happened to the not-vampire, that's the most terrifying fate I can think of...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

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Nope. My character was ordered to be arrested for no legitimate reason, so his original plan to become some kind of knight or somesuch was smashed, and now he hates Otheans. So now he will either go to Egypt, or my unfinished lore of the Helia Kingdom
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Freeshooter92 said
Is there anyone, ANYONE, in the city who can back me up? At the very least, I saw what happened to the not-vampire, that's the most terrifying fate I can think of...

Luckily for you Ellris guy that brainwashed not vampire can't do so again. So more likely you'd be captured and sent up to the Vocator sanctuary and would have to find a way to escape along the way, or have one of our dashing heroes help you.

WilsonTurner said
Nope. My character was ordered to be arrested for no legitimate reason, so his original plan to become some kind of knight or somesuch was smashed, and now he hates Otheans. So now he will either go to Egypt, or my unfinished lore of the Helia Kingdom

Isn't that like, way south? I can just imagine it "U-Turn Tyrell! I feel like heading South!""To where?""I have absolutely no idea."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Freeshooter. There are ways out of the city. The Kalesians won't force everyone to stay, and once the Inner city and fortress have been taken, they will let citizens return to their homes. If we'd suggest something for escaping: Hide, wait for the city to become Kalesian domain, then escape afterwards. Mind you, we'd still recommend that you do something like finding an air evoker of some sort to catch you from dropping to your death.

Also, one more tip: We know the "Empress, may she live forever,"-bit irritates you. But that should not reflect onto your character until after he actually comes across it himself. It'll make him a much more believable character. From his experiences so far, he has never come across it.

We personally prefer not to kill or maim other PCs, aside from when they foolishly step in front of a highly focused weapon of great power of course. Yes, that is basically what Markul did when he interfered with the Shaker.

One final tip: If you're unsure about something, if you wonder if it'll go across well with someone: Ask. We personally will gladly answer questions about lore and/or posts that we've worked out. If the idea is good enough, we'll even gladly help work it out, no matter how detrimental it'll be for "our" forces.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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What are the Kalesian's going to do to the Othean King? And to those most loyal to him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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To be honest: No idea.

If you got a good idea, feel free to suggest it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Well, I was kinda asking you out of curiosity, since I doubt the king will be able to hide the fact that he's an Evoker for very long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Kangutso said
What are the Kalesian's going to do to the Othean King? And to those most loyal to him?

He probably has a secret escape tunnel. I know Kheris does.

I mean, I know nothing of the sort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Or do you?

...I've never had this much trouble making a character before, got the name, age, and gender before I hit wall.

EDIT: Anyways, looking forward to see how things unfold. hopefully I get my CS finished before the city is taken completely.
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