Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sorry to burst your bubble... those were high-frequency waves. I.e. fast waves. Heard of resonant frequencies? That's what happened here. There's only one place someone can outrun earthquakes. Hollywood movies. only not even then can it be done afoot, only in cars. He might've run, but a good 200m or more of walls collapsed. Probably more. with a nice circle of rubbled around it. And the wall was level the entire way, so the drop would be the same.

Oh and how exactly did he cross through the entire Kalesian army to the command post several kilometers back that he couldn't even know where was, to find the officer he doesn't know the existence of? Kalesian military structure has changed a lot in the past few centuries. The idea of a Processus didn't exist before those reforms.
Only a fool sticks the command post near the front.

EDIT: We recommend reading the lore provided for Kalesia. It'll enlighten you, Freeshooter.

@Maki: Who were you speaking to about it not being Anime?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

What?! Oh come on! So I'm screwed then? I literally show up, and am now forced to deal with an INESCAPABLE breaking of my character's legs as he falls fifty freaking feet, is immobilized, and summarily stabbed by a dude with a stick?

Do you know how many cobblestones are in a road? all of those EXPLODING upwards at once, with no room to miss, should have pulped the Evoker instantly! This whole wave shouldn't have happened!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

inescapable, no. You manipulate stone. Make yourself a cushion of some sort. Or perhaps throw dirt up rapidly enough to halt your drop. That's what Echo would've done. PCs have one distinct advantage. Cursed good luck in the worst situations. Enough to escape with their lives, but not necessarily unharmed.
If you'd read up on the lore and imagery, you would have seen that the walls were tall. And that there weren't any ramps up/down the walls. There are stairs inside the towers, though.

One tip. The shell was armor plated on the bottom too. your "lethal" rock spikes would roll it back, not perforate it. Besides, you'd have to see where it was, and unless the stone is funny, lots of dust/dirt/whatever would've been thrown up by the fall of the wall. You're trying to do too much at once, Free.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Alternatively you could manipulate the rock into opening for you basically allowing you to tunnel underground, you could then use your momentum to go behind enemy lines. That's what I'd do myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yes, sep's advice is also fairly good. Use the ground to your advantage. Use it to escape. When anyone has got this much bad stuff happening to them at once, they'll be thinking about self-preservation, not about causing extra damage immediately. Unless, of course, they have no self-preservation instinct.

An earthslide (above or below ground) would negate most of the problem of such a tall drop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ellri said
inescapable, no. You manipulate stone. Make yourself a cushion of some sort. Or perhaps throw dirt up rapidly enough to halt your drop. That's what Echo would've done. PCs have one distinct advantage. Cursed good luck in the worst situations. Enough to escape with their lives, but not necessarily unharmed. If you'd read up on the lore and imagery, you would have seen that the walls were tall. And that there weren't any ramps up/down the walls. There are stairs inside the towers, though.One tip. The shell was armor plated on the bottom too. your "lethal" rock spikes would roll it back, not perforate it. Besides, you'd have to see where it was, and unless the stone is funny, lots of dust/dirt/whatever would've been thrown up by the fall of the wall. You're trying to do too much at once, Free.

He can't do any of that, he's in th air at that point! he needs a connection!

You never mentioned the bottom was armored, if it was, how the hell did that evoker get in there? Regardless, if there was one hole and she was over it, my attack should have killed her.

Sep said
Alternatively you could manipulate the rock into opening for you basically allowing you to tunnel underground, you could then use your momentum to go behind enemy lines. That's what I'd do myself.

He can't do that, where would he get oxygen? he lived in the brick because his soul was bound to it.
Ellri said
Yes, sep's advice is also fairly good. Use the ground to your advantage. Use it to escape. When anyone has got this much bad stuff happening to them at once, they'll be thinking about self-preservation, not about causing extra damage immediately. Unless, of course, they have no self-preservation instinct.An earthslide (above or below ground) would negate most of the problem of such a tall drop.

His powers do not work that way, falls will kill him. burying himself will kill him. He shouldn't be in this mess anyway, the fiest attack was more than lethal! you portrayed it as like four rocks scattering around, not multiple dozens of fist sized cobblestones (and other shrapnel) bouncing around at deadly speeds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There were many rocks bouncing off the bottom of the armour, some got through. The Evoker is either crippled for life, or, more likely, dead. You accomplished your goal of taking her out.

You did however place your character in the single most dangerous position anywhere in the current limits of the RP, and shouted out 'Bring it on!' in both the IC and the OOC. There are consequences to that. They need not be death, but fighting will most likely result in death.

There is a reason why the Kalesian army is winning here, and it is not because they are invulnerable. They siezed all the strategic advantages. When the Othean army (the actual army, not the defenders of Amaryth) gets its act together and challenges them on the field of battle, things will be quite different, but here, nothing short of Kheris hopped up on all those souls hes been eating for a great many decades is gonig to stop them entirely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He's... he's gonna die. I-I got one post with him...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We mentioned the bottom armor in the recent IC post. We also made it clear in the post where the shell was first mentioned that it was impossible to see anything beneath it, including whether it was a roof or a box or what. Do you read IC posts before you make your stuff, or what?

Actually, the evoker's legs poked through the small holes in the shell. The rocks flying about underneath the shell started making a mess of said legs.

Lets see... A massive earthquake wave hits a wall built up of countless blocks of stone, toppling it and countless structures behind it. What do you think happens when that all falls down?

The reason your character is in this mess is because he started meddling in affairs without being sure he personally was safe. Blundering about is risky. sometimes it bites back. Hard.

We see one very simple solution to his otherwise certain death. Have another evoker on the Othean side. Not a powerful one, but one skilled with basic control of air. Have him (or her) catch your baron. Problem solved.

Alternatively, the nanosecond he touches the ground, he starts digging a tunnel. With space around himself. Sure, it might take a while to stop, and it might be troublesome to get back up out of the ground, but at least he'll live.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Not really, you can always allow yourself to be captured.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He doesn't even get to die with any dignity... He's just gonna crumple to the ground and die...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Sep said
Not really, you can always allow yourself to be captured.

As Ellri said he doesn't have to die from the fall. Also what if you were to make contact with one of the falling stones would you not be able to manipulate it then?

Also you said you wouldn't have oxygen, leave the top of the tunnel he digs open? If you're fast enough you won't use it all up before you're back out!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sep said
As Ellri said he doesn't have to die from the fall. Also what if you were to make contact with one of the falling stones would you not be able to manipulate it then?Also you said you wouldn't have oxygen, leave the top of the tunnel he digs open? If you're fast enough you won't use it all up before you're back out!

He has to be on solid ground, it's why he can't fly around on a stone disk.

It would be easier to move a mountain than to displace enough stone to make a tunnel.

All of this matters little, he wouldn't run, his personality doesn't allow it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Be captured? Bide your time to then escape? Also you wouldn't run from a normal situation. He doesn't know what is going on, for all he knows he is helping the bad guys and the invaders are the good guy. I mean has he seen them randomly burning houses? They've been attacking in quite a civil manner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

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Sep said
Be captured? Bide your time to then escape? Also you wouldn't run from a normal situation. He doesn't know what is going on, for all he knows he is helping the bad guys and the invaders are the good guy. I mean has he seen them randomly burning houses? They've been attacking in quite a civil manner.

they just annihilated a good chunk of a city
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Perhaps he can counter the quake? Diffuse the waves?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Freeshooter92 said
they just annihilated a good chunk of a city

Because you were interfering :P Besides, you surely woulda seen them evacuate civilians. Just trying to help you out though if you don't want it, allrighty then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A nicely focused shockwave pattern meant to shatter a gate. then suddenly someone throws car battery into it, causing it to do more than it was supposed to, because the two relics involved had the same base material they affected. If you had not interfered like that, the gate would have been shattered, and that's it. Now the Kalesians will have to build a complete new wall section there after they finish taking the city.

The result of the two earth powers mixing was unpredictable, and thus it just can't easily be countered. You can't prepare completely for the wholly unpredictable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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Not to mention try to explain to a skeptical populace that they didn't mean to kill a whole lot of civilians, which is gonna be Alessia's job by the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I think he should be able to negate at least some of the effects surely.
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