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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Black Rabbit said
This RP looks pretty interesting. A little to dramatic for my likes...and few too many children it seems. Looking through some of the OOC, it doesn't look like it will be a common occurrence after, as the GM put it, you "Commissar'd" the person out though. and though it says "Over-full" I noticed the amount of exceptions being admitted. Would there possibly be any current or potential openings I might reserve

By the way, I just started RPing on this site, and this is the first RP that caught my eye. Any suggestions on some other good RPs would be much appreciated.

Your disguise and subterfuge skills are horribly lacking, Raen. Just accept that you're not wanted here and walk away with whatever dignity is left to you. Making an alt and trying to get back into the RP after you requested the deletion of your old one is just sad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jorick said
Your disguise and subterfuge skills are horribly lacking, Raen. Just accept that you're not wanted here and walk away with whatever dignity is left to you. Making an alt and trying to get back into the RP after you requested the deletion of your old one is just sad.

Joined date = 15 hours ago.

Coincidence, I do not think so. And like Jorick said: That was a pretty sad attempt. Like really sad.

PS: Your "Mightier than thou" attitude is easily distinguishable in that one reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brand
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This is all kinds of awkward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-double post-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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Raen, your Steam Account name is Black Rabbit. I'm not retarded.

Go away.


@Everyone: LoR 2 post over weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well, A+ for bravado.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Herzinth said
Well, A+ for bravado.

no, a plus for brovo, tho
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jorick said
Your disguise and subterfuge skills are horribly lacking, Raen. Just accept that you're not wanted here and walk away with whatever dignity is left to you. Making an alt and trying to get back into the RP after you requested the deletion of your old one is just sad.

What? You're just gonna assume it's an alt just like that? Don't be paranoid, nobody's that stu---

Brovo said
Raen, your Steam Account name is Black Rabbit. I'm not retarded. Go away.EDIT LoR 2 post over weekend.

Oh... :P

Looking forward to the post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maxim said
What? You're just gonna assume it's an alt just like that? Don't be paranoid, nobody's that stu---

Nah, I made the call without that bit of info, since I never had Raen as a steam contact, but there were tons of factors that pointed to it being Raen.

Time of account creation was after Raen posted his request for account deletion in the Need Help? subforum.
The only post on the account was this one here in this thread.
The set is an anime girl with a katana, and from what I know of Raen he likes anime and has a weeaboo obsession with katanas.
The obvious reference to Raen being booted was highly suspicious.
The insult directed at the people who fought with Raen ("few too many children" meaning that people other than Raen were being immature in their eyes) was equally suspicious.
Someone coming in and saying the RP looked too dramatic and had too many children for their taste, but then going ahead and asking if they could join was inconsistent and weird.
The typing tone and style was rather similar to Raen's, including some typos he made frequently.

Just one of those things wouldn't have triggered the bullshit alarm, but all of them together? There was no doubt in my mind that it was Raen, and the name thing is just bonus evidence as far as I'm concerned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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A+ for tact
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zed
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Zed Known unto God

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Daekaelian Sinrae said
Next time you insult one of my friends, I will have the notion in my mind to do more than rant. Take that threat however the fuck you like. Afterall, I am borderline psychotic, so who knows what the fuck I would be willing to do.

"Borderline psychotic".

Threatening an actual psychotic.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Daekaelian Sinrae said You want an alt? HERE IS MY FUCKING ALT ASSHOLES! Just made it. Black Rabbit is a Friend.

You? With friends? I find that hard to believe.

I gave her the name to use, because she couldn't think of what to use, after leaving Roleplayer.net. I reccomended her to the fucking site, AND the RP, because I thought it was worth a shot, even if the community here is just a bunch of asshole dick-wipes apparently.

Excuse me, I have to turn down the alarm on my bullshitometer.

Fuck off. I guess I was wrong to think so highly of you Brovo. You are just another stuck up fuck-face running a group of thugs. Next time you insult one of my friends, I will have the notion in my mind to do more than rant. Take that threat however the fuck you like.

Cry harder you puerile little maggot.

You're about as threatening as a quadriplegic bunny with down syndrome.

Afterall, I am borderline psychotic, so who knows what the fuck I would be willing to do.

We know what you'd be willing to do.

Cry in a corner pleading to your imaginary friends Alyss to make it all go away.

And really? "Similar writing", and me being booted is suspicious? It was quite plainly obvious, and in fact, she wouldn't stop laughing at me about it.

Context >
Your head >>>>>

As far as writing, we have been in the same writing circle for six years, so I am not surprised. And if you look at my posts, the only ones I had were for Brovos two RPs. I didn't need to stick the fuck around, and I didn't plan on doing so.PSMB: Go fuck yourself Brovo.

In summary. GTFO you pretender. You don't have mental disorders, you're one of these fucktards that has gone around "Mental Disorders are cool. Here are my favourites" and done your best to 'live up to it' you fucking fake, making us all sick since more than a few of us have real issues.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Raen. If that was 'your friend' you should have invited them before you royally screwed the pooch and fucked your way out of this group. But we all know it is not the case. We all know you have been caught. The mask has been pulled off. The unveiling has taken place. The unraveling of clues has been spoken and you have been revealed as the creepy old Mr. Jenkins. Jinkies.

You are embarassing yourself at this point, Raen Lupus Black Rabbit. You have tried to lie your way back into this rp and failed. Twice. You could have simply left with your dignity without trying to pull this alt crap. You apparently could not. You could have left silently when you were found out. Instead you threaten my best friend. Get the fuck out of here. You are digging your own grave. If you keep up with these building threats, I will request the mods report you to the authorities because you are beginning to go above and beyond and are crossing the line. I don't give a fuck who you are or what your issues are. No one threatens my friend. Get the fuck out of here you pissant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Maybe we should all stop giving him a reason to reply to this thread.

I also wish they had a report option on the post like the old guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Daekaelian Sinrae said
You want an alt? HERE IS MY FUCKING ALT ASSHOLES! Just made it. Black Rabbit is a Friend. I gave her the name to use, because she couldn't think of what to use, after leaving Roleplayer.net.


I reccomended her to the fucking site, AND the RP, because I thought it was worth a shot, even if the community here is just a bunch of asshole dick-wipes apparently.

Wait now, we're the bunch of asshole dick-wipes, when you're the one throwing insults at people without reason, calling people names without reason, and above all: harassing people through PM because they don't agree with you, and threatening them?! Seriously, figure your shit out, and learn how to take responsibility for your own fucking actions. You keep saying shit, and then blaming your myriad of mental illnesses, like we are supposed to treat you with big soft padded child gloves, lest we hurt your feelings.

Guess what! You are far from the only person in the world to be diagnosed with mental illnesses. You are far from being the only person in these GAMES with mental illnesses. I am one of the people Brovo alluded to who has significant mental illnesses, ranging from Boarderline personality disorder, to severe depression and anxiety. You do not see anyone else hiding behind their problems, asking to be treated special, do you?

No. Grow the fuck up. Handle shit like an adult. Take responsibility for the shit you say. It is not our fault you say stupid shit. It is your fault. Figure it out.

Fuck off. I guess I was wrong to think so highly of you Brovo. You are just another stuck up fuck-face running a group of thugs. Next time you insult one of my friends, I will have the notion in my mind to do more than rant. Take that threat however the fuck you like. Afterall, I am borderline psychotic, so who knows what the fuck I would be willing to do.

No. You're not wrong to think highly of Brovo. He accepted you into his games, even after seeing your Mary Sue characters, and the concerns raised by long time players. He gave you multiple chances, and multiple warnings to shape up. YOU shat on that. Don't blame Brovo for your mistakes. Own up to it. Grow as a human being. Is it hard to accept the reality that you fucked up? Is it hard to accept that you may just not be as good at logical thinking at you thought you were? Yes. But it is a critical step in being a decent man/woman, and not a entitled child.

Secondly. What? You seriously think we give a shit about how borderline psychotic you think you are? No. Stop waving around your claimed mental illnesses like some kind of badge of badassness, or as some thinly veiled, pathetic attempt at a threat. Grow up. Deal with your shit. Seek medical help. Talk to a counselor.

I stayed out of this mess until now, but you've threatened Hellis with harassment, and now your making veiled threats against people here, who never insulted your friend, they insulted you.


Take ownership of your problems and deal with them.
Don't insult people without provocation.
Do not, ever, fucking threaten people.
Your mental illnesses are not reason to give you special treatment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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The Dichotomy of Man
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