Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 4 days ago

Two empires

Two realities

Separate in nature

Separate in fate

Together in conflict

Together in freedom

Much like all stories and religions, The story of the Galaxy's origin - as united, and as an empire - has always been singular, yet branching out across the imagination of people. Different version were born with each passing generation with different elements, motivations, and morals, until it became merely a myth, a legend. However, within the passing of any stories, there's always a single thread of consistency, and that consistency, is usually the truth.

Planetary Guide: (In Alphabetical Order)

In the known system that the Empire started in, there are 26 planets, each one habitable need it be by natural or artificial means. (One in particular just barely habitable.) Each one is ranked by numbers 1 through 3.

1. High-Class Planets: The Finest planets in the empire with all the best items and people the empire has to offer. ...At least in theory. In reality, it's the planets of the rich, noble, and famous snobs of the universe live and enjoy their high-lives without the bother of people below them. There are of course middle-class merchants and shop-keepers who come here if they're fortunate enough to know the right people, but that's about it.

2. Middle-Class Planets: Most of the inhabitable planets of the empire reside in this second class. They are not the best planets around, but they are essentially normal planets and are relatively easy places to live on. Most of the social activity and economic flow of the empire happens here, but also some of the more popular criminal activity. Those who live on these planets are generally living normal everyday lives, with an average income and family life.

3. Low-Class Planets: If you can help it, these are the planets you avoid at any cost. Those who, for one reason or another, can't live on the 2nd-class planets are essentially dragged to these ones kicking and screaming. They are usually used as planets to fill with the leftovers and scum of the empire, and are usually akin to really trashy and dirty worlds filled with crime. Every day of life on these 3rd-class planets is one of the only things you can cling on to, and would be fortunate to still have by its end.

X. X-Class Planets: These planets are not inhabitable planets of society, but planet-sized imperial facilities. Because of this, with the exception of facilities needed by the public, only authorized personel are allowed to be on these planets. Any trespassers are to either be carried off, or shot.


The Criminal Underworld:
Beneath a vast empire, is an inevitably vast organization of Crime. Any crimes beyond the common misdemeanors and felonies are often the ones that are done by more then just the criminal himself, with its strings running all across the reach of the government like blood veins. Pirates, Drug cartels, Smugglers, Syndicates, Extortionists and assassins; they're all separate organizations, but all linked to form the empire's dark and hidden underbelly. As the empire grows, the world beneath the law grows with it in a cruel parasetic relationship. The following are the factions that are known to exist in dark world, though there may be more the Empire is not aware of:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 4 days ago


1. No God-modding (No invincibility, no unkillable characters or Species, no indestructible ships, no auto-hitting or 1-hit kills, etc.)

2. This is a Loose Plot (A Loose-plot, for those who don't know, is a plot that, while it has a main plot, you are free to move around in sub-plots while the main plot is going. Think of it like a sandbox game, where there are things to do, but also having a main storyline to follow all the while. That being said, in this case, there's actually two main plots, instead of one, one being in the Sahlyncirle Empire, the other being in the Lenrohme Empire. Due to their hostility and constant clashes, the two plots merge at frequents points, like two lines in a double helix.)

3. Respect the GMs

4. Moderate-Casual Level (Decent Grammar/Spelling and 1 paragraph per post)

5. Have fun!

Character List: (Note: The lists stop at ten, but that is not the limit. The Spots will grow if we get more in than 10 in a single faction.)

Sahlyncirle Empire:

1. Damien Sabath Sahlyncirle Jr. (Emperor/Human/Neutral)

Lenrohme Empire:
1. *Emperor Reserved*
2. "King" (Imperial Advisor & General/?/Evil-Neutral)

Lenrohme Rebellion:
2. Cauldron (Rebel scientist/Human/Good-Neutral)

Melrolde Mafia:
1. "The Eclipse" (Boss/Unknown/Neutral)

Monacle Syndicate:
1. "Monacle" (Boss/?/?)

The Anquall Pirates:
1. *Captain Reserved*

The Inquis Pirates:

The Reshkolc Expedition:

1. Azeal Crystallis (Crystakero Crew Captain/"Human"/Neutral)
2. Mark Astaroth (Crystakero Crew Scientist/?/?)
3. Serena Crystallis (Crystakero Crew Naviator/?/?)

Neutral (No faction):
1. Sorceress Alice (Sorceress/Human/Neutral)
2. Tristitia (Sorceress' Knight/?/Neutral)
3. "Inferno" (?/?/?)
4. "Serpent" (?/?/?)
5. "Beast" (?/?/?)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lenromhe Empire:

As everyone can see, this is a wip. If anyone has any questions regarding the Lenromhe empire before I have put everything up, pm me and I'll reply as fast as I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Mason Hale
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Planet of Residence:
Alignment: Evil
Faction: Monocle Syndicate
Position: Enforcer/Bounty Hunter

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Physique: Athletic



Skills: Mason's intense physical training by his masters has allowed him to hone in on many skills. He is an experienced practitioner of parkour and many sword and knife fighting techniques, making him a respective in the category. He is a skilled fighter and has attained the title of expert in a few of the arts of fighting; Atemi excels in taking advantage of the anatomical weak points of the human body, Kempo or the way of the fist, Hapkido, a style focused solely on high kicks. Kendojitsu, a style created by Mason himself by combining the sword arts Kendo and Kenjitsu.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Ork or Orcanus to fancy people.

Ork's are a large but squat race. Heavy set in their physiques, Orks are a bright green at birth but grow steadily darker as they live and fight. The average size of an adult Ork is around seven foot even however the oldest and most battle hardened individuals can get to twelve feet in height. They are, as a whole, have no gender but sound male.

Faction: The Orks, as a race, have no allegiances to any one faction but are hired by both.

Star-System: Lenrohme

Home Planet: Morkathal

Ability Traits:
-Ork Anatomy: Orks have an anatomy unique to the galaxy. They seem to be part fungus with chlorophyll found laced into their skin and spores released continuously released throughout their lives, but have a single large release at death. This gives them a large advantage during prolonged conflicts as they would only need sun, water, and a little meat. Along with their plant like nature they also have an incredibly large pain tolerance, able to ignore small arms fire.

-'Ead Powa Orks, when gathered in large groups, have a powerful psychic ability. What they believe becomes reality, to a point. Things painted yellow explode bigger, things painted red go faster, things painted blue are lucky, and orange & purple are stealth colors. "You 'eva seen an orange Ork?". This ability also seems to be the only reason why some of the purely Ork equipment seems to work, as they believe it will.

Culture: Orks have a strict hierarchy of who is in charge. If you are bigger, than your the boss. That's it. However the sizes are broken down in several ladders.
-Boyz: The lowest rung of the ladder. Fresh from the pits, these mean and green bastards are willing to prove themselves in any way they can.
-'Ard Boyz: Boyz that have at least a decade or two underneath their belts. Through their travels they have gained several feet to their name and grown several shades darker.
-Nob: Big ol' bastards roughly 10 feet tall in height, a very muddy green.
-War Boss: The biggest and the best. These guys get the best gear and are one mean bugger to kill.

However, there are exceptions to the rule. A Nob could plant himself as boss but his position would always try to be contested by bigger Orks vying for his seat.

Racial Characteristics: Mean, green, and daft. These bastards are however one of the most tenacious creatures in the galaxy with a wicked streak a mile wide.

History: A long time ago, longer than any Ork even cares to remember, there was just war. Orks have never been unified, at least not for long. Each day was another battle, each day a new river of blood was created. Orks didn't care, to them it was just another day and each day was fun. If they didn't know any better than they could assume that they were created for battle, but that would be silly.

Eventually, some species found the miserable rock and "uplifted" the race. Since then they have been the scourge and boon of whoever had enough money. Of course, the Orks thought the whole situation to be extremely fun. With all these guns lying around, it was a whole new ball game of war. It didn't take long for the Orks to infest other planets and create their own technology powered by their collective psychic powers. Since then, the Orks have stationed themselves as a species of mercenaries and cannon fodder renowned around the galaxy for their simplicity and effectiveness.

Other: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Trisha Krill
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Planet of Residence: Kiacrastil
Alignment: Evil, Neutral
Faction: Melrolde Mafia
Position/Occupation: Pilot/transporter

Psionic?: None
Weapon: Turbo laser gun.
Personality: Optimist and opportunist

Backstory: Born on a planet of war and spending most of her time as orphan scavenging and fiddling with mechanical apparatuses until she was old enough to gain interest from the men of which she left and began looking fork work in mechanics. Keeping a low profile and strong hatred of merchs. She then found her pride the Delinquent and restored it before leaving the planet. With little as her own except the ship and her skills she was picked up by the Mafia.

Other: She holds heritage from a high gravity world meaning she is stronger than she looks though it also means she is not a good swimmer.
Theme Song (Optional):

Name: Delinquent
Class: Frigate
Commissioned: 4 years ago
Built: Unknown
Technology: Strangely enough it's a mess of different technologies put together making maintenance a pain.
Engines: 3 high performance Havoc engines that seems custom made. supported by 6 thrust engines of an unknown type.

Weapons: Being designed as a raider the ship carries a full sortie of weapons to wreak havoc on it's prey when it strikes regardless of it being on a planet or in space.
Forward mounted are 4 chargeable battleship class beam cannons. On the sides there are 4 in total Missile pods and in the rear it carries two turbo lasers and two Torpedo launchers.
This is not however it's only set of weapons. Sporting 3 sets of point defence systems capable of launching countermeasures against energy and projectile weapons alike.
A part of the sub bridge connects to an unknown weapon section that can only be activate by people with psionic abilities. The only part not needing this is the part that can stun psionics within a 2 kilometre radius.

Crew: 1 person so far
Decks: there are two bridges, A sickbay, Mess-hall, A cargo bay linked to what looks like a bay for two small fighters or personal transports, Observation deck along side living quarters. Engine rooms, Reactor.
Background: It's original name is lost but now carries the name of Delinquent by it's new owner. The past is not really known of it but was found on the Kiacrastil in poor condition and was then slowly restored and put into service by Trisha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Double post due to site getting stuck or something i dun know >.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Done, I'll start on a character later this weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 4 days ago

Very well Pathfinder, I can wait.

Same goes for Silvir and of course Windstormugly.

Stryder, your character is in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So .... this is the Hellsquad prequel set-up then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Yes it is. Now get in here and make your characters :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I think, I'm completely lost in this world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

Member Seen 9 mos ago

You'll be fine ;)
As Jest mentioned, the reason for the overbearing amount of information and setting is due to our wish that every sub-plot that gets made will become a part of the great flow. The story may spread and spin in countless way, but it will still be bound together when neccessary ^^
Just get on the merc bandwagon and there will be paths logical to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

hmmm i have started by CS but i havent quite finished it ill use this space for when im done, ive got a thing ive got to go to
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Lug

Age: 46

Gender: Agender

Species: Ork

A standalone Nob of advanced age, Lug has grown up to be 10 feet tall over the years and has gotten several shades darker than the bright green of his youth.

Planet of Residence: N/A, lives on his ship.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Lug doesn't care about petty things like good or evil. All he wants are good fights, drinkable grog, and things to fix.

Faction: Mercenaries

Position/Occupation: Mek Boy, a sub order of Ork. Mek Boyz are belched into existence with an instinctual knowledge as to how machines work. As such they are perfect for quick fixes and dangerous, if not chaotic, weapons.

Psionic?: Besides the 'Ead Powa he has none.

-Ork Big Shoota: A powerful gun with lots of slugs and not a lot of accuracy. The thing uses a specialty ammunition known only by Orks that is quite the doosy when they make contact with people.

Powa Fist: His left hand is an unconventional powerfist when in melee mode. The faulty wiring gives his punches an exceptionally electrifying punch.

Personality: A mean, green, fighting machine. Lug is typical for his species in all aspects save for his drive to be independent. He loathes when people tell him what to do and as such hates the Warboss's of his people. Traveling the stars has filled Lug with a purpose greater than the constant wars of Morkathal, fighting for a profit. It isn't very hard to sway his services, jingle enough credits his direction and he will switches sides in an instant. However, his fee jumps exponentially should he already be with another faction.

Backstory: Lug started out life as your average boy, belched out of the earth punching and kicking. Afterwards he was given some clothes to wear, a choppa to chop with, and sent forwards to kill things. Life was simple for the green ball of anger and drunken rage, however something was missing. That something was his Mek instincts telling him to fix all the useless guns and meks lying around. Eventually he got to them, satisfying his itch while making his tribe even more powerful. Now armed to the teeth, his tribe mopped the floor with the weaker tribes and eventually became a thorn in the resident Warband's side.

The current war boss had enough when this little tribe took out his major supply route with well placed charges and a lot of orkpower. This act of defiance sparked the powder keg of war between the war boss and the tribe in what would be called "Da Runt War" which would end a decade later with the warbosses head on a boss pole and Lug's boss the new War Boss of the region. As a reward for supplying the tribe with better Dakka, War Boss Smashface gave Lug a broken down ship that they had found deep in one of the many jungles of Morkathal. Jump forward twenty years and Lug had a space worthy, if not ratty looking, ship. Several years of travelling and battle through the stars Lug has gained enough of a name for himself as a mercenary that other Orks have begun to join him on his journey through the stars as his loyal crew.

Other: N/A

Theme Song (Optional):

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I think mine is done now o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I might step back from this. There's going to be so much going on with all these sub plot that I fear I'll get lost among it and do something to piss someone off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 4 days ago

2 days later, I have convinced Mike to stay, moving right along...

Silvir and Stryder, you're in. Pathfinder, I'll make a judgment when your CS is complete.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ok, Lug himself is done and I just need to make a ship. Should I create a faction for his Boyz? They aren't going to be a big deal story wise, just characters I could drum up when convenient.
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