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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sinai refused to lose herself in aggravating memories. But everything seemed to remind her of her past, big and little. By the time she returned to the Seireirei she had calmed down only a little bit. Going back to her squad wasnt something she wanted to do right away. So instead she thought it would be a better idea to see how the other squads were run. Maybe on of them would make her appreciate her choice but she honestly felt like she was shopping around for a better deal. It could very well turn out that way but she wasnt sure if that was what she wanted. She stopped and thought for a moment, there were some squads she didnt need to go visit. like squad 12. she had no inclination towards anything of the sciency nature. squad 4 she also didnt feel inclined to visit either. She respected their work but she wasnt all to great with kido. With that in mind she she had to pick which squad to go to first. The first squad to come to mind was squad seven. Only because Zheng was part of that squad. So she made her way in that direction trying to think of some questions to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She blushed a little bit and cleared her throat, "Thank you. I think I'll make it a normal part of my uniform." she said then linked their arms. "Come on, Lieutenant." her eyes sparkled a little bit, "Let's keep looking huh? It isn't often we can just...watch the other souls, you know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"It'd be a nice extension," Hikari told her. As she linked their arms Hikari stepped a bit closer to her. "Come on, Lieutenant," he heard her speak as he looked down at her, seeing the sparkle in her eye, "Let's keep looking huh? It isn't often we can just...watch the other souls, you know?" Hikari nodded at her suggestion, what she was saying was true, they really never got the chance to. For the most part they were always working, then training, not getting any chance to enjoy even the little things. He began walking with Haruka, looking around watching as the souls had fun chatting and playing games, at peace. It brought him back to the time he was just in his room, reading...Nothing heavy really on his mind, he wouldn't let it get to him though, that was the exact reason Tabo made him get away, to take his mind off everything. He looked forward as they soon came upon some souls dancing. "Huh, I wish I had those moves. Sadly dancing was never my forte, still isn't...Though I remember slow dancing with my friend Kenta a couple times," he said with a chuckle, "He'd kill me if he knew I told someone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"It'd be a nice extension," Hikari told her. As she linked their arms Hikari stepped a bit closer to her. "Come on, Lieutenant," he heard her speak as he looked down at her, seeing the sparkle in her eye, "Let's keep looking huh? It isn't often we can just...watch the other souls, you know?" Hikari nodded at her suggestion, what she was saying was true, they really never got the chance to. For the most part they were always working, then training, not getting any chance to enjoy even the little things. He began walking with Haruka, looking around watching as the souls had fun chatting and playing games, at peace. It brought him back to the time he was just in his room, reading...Nothing heavy really on his mind, he wouldn't let it get to him though, that was the exact reason Tabo made him get away, to take his mind off everything. He looked forward as they soon came upon some souls dancing. "Huh, I wish I had those moves. Sadly dancing was never my forte, still isn't...Though I remember slow dancing with my friend Kenta a couple times," he said with a chuckle, "He'd kill me if he knew I told someone."

The young woman smiled softly as they watched the souls play their games. Hikari was a nice young man, and a gentleman. She admired his strength and kindness, but she appreciated his brutality and matter if fact way of going about things. Alucard yipped and circled them as they walked before he jumped up to her shoulder. Surprisingly, he attacked Hikari's cheek with licks and yips then growled playfully at him. It had to have been the ease that his owner had with this person. Not to mention, he listened when Haruka told him not to hurt him anymore. He was grateful for the woman he called his, but...he didn't mind the other man as long as he didn't try to take her away.

"Haha, dancing is relative, Lieutenant." she gave a small smirk. "A ballet dancer may think a tango isn't dancing. A break dancer might see the waltz as stuffy movements. Heck, waving your arms in the air is a dance to some people. As long as you can move to the rhythm and have a partner that can lead or...give the illusion of giving you the lead, you can dance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro watched Nishiki as she took her place then he watched as she darted towards him, Shiro tilted his body to the right allowing Nishiki's Zanpakuto to pass him, he then gripped on to her right wrist with his free left hand then slashed down towards her right arm yet stopped before he got to it "You shouldn't be attacking so recklessly even against someone who'd be of the same power level, even weaker...such a broad move as this should be saved for last when you finally plan to kill them, before that you'll need to wear them down..." Shiro then released his grip and took a step back as he held his Zanpakuto out infront of him "Now come at me again! and this time I want to see you trying to spill my blood not trying to kill me...you want to enjoy this don't you!?"

Nishiki's eyes widened a little as Shiro grabbed her wrist, bringing his sword down as if he was going to chop her arm but stopped. She listened to Shiro, taking aboard what he was saying while nodding her head, her face still serious however her mind was busy. 'Okay, think Niki, what do I do? What should my next move be?' He then let her go, taking a step back and spoke before Nishiki jumped high into the air, swinging her sword back over her head. Gravity then began pulling her body back down towards the floor however she forced her body to fly towards Shiro, as if she was going to land on or in front of him. Keeping her senses sharp, Nishiki paid close attention to her surrounds and her opponent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sinai weighed her options as she walked. She didnt want to bother the head captain, though she was interested in squad 1. She would definitely make a stop at squads 3 and 6 but she wanted at least one more. she came to squad 3 first not knowing what to expect. unlike squad two, squad three didnt really have a big a signature task. At first glance it seemed pretty rudimentary and basic. But sinai believed that since it was a squad there was something about it that was a strong suit. She glanced around quietly at first, and of course the flashbacks came quickly.

reconnaissance, gathering information, was a necessity in any line of work apparently. To be able to gather information without drawing attention was an important skill but there were also ways to get information with more direct approach. Like talking to people which is what Sinai eventually decided to do. Just to get a feel for the squad members feelings about the squad. They all seemed to enjoy their duties and squad life as a whole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Hikari noted Alucard warming up to him, seeing as to how he circled around them both playfully and had licked his cheek a few times instead of laying on Haruka's shoulder and glaring at him. He gave Alucard a scratch inbetween the ears before putting his attention back on Haruka who began speaking. He chuckled, "That's a nice way of going about it, but either way it goes you can still end up looking like an idiot or step on your partner's toes....So I assume you're confident in your dancing ability?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Did I say that?" she asked with an amused look on her face. "I can't dance worth a crap." she scratches Alucard beneath the chin, "But that doesn't matter as long as I am having fun. Happiness is infectious, and how new, strange dance crazes get started: a bunch of people having a good time." Alucard huffed happily at the attention between them. "Granted, this isn't the venue to do so. We, as Shinihami, have a public image to uphold. But, when we have a celebration of some sort with the others, you can show me your moves, yeah?" she asked with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"Looks like we both have something in common, we suck at dancing. But I guess you're right, it shouldn't matter as long as you're having fun. If anything I guess that's what it's there for," Hikari replied as he began walking around again with Haruka on his arm, though he walked slowly so they could enjoy their surroundings if only for the moment. "Tell you what, I'll promise you I will if you promise me the same, alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Haha, alright. You have yourself a deal, Lieutenant." she said with a grin. She continued to walk with the man, just enjoying their surroundings and the other souls as they enjoyed themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Some time had passed with Hikari and Haruka walking around the gala, but their time there was up so they decided to head back. They had walked back to the Seireitei and walked to Squad Ten, once inside Tabo walked up to them. "I see you two had a swell time," he said with a wink before pulling Hikari away from Haruka putting his arm around his neck bringing Hikari down to his level, Tabo was just an inch taller than Haruka. "What the hell Tabo?" Hikari asked with a laugh.

"You know what," Tabo said smiling while rustling his hair, "But Kenta dropped off Keina earlier. I was just about to send her off on her first mission with party masta' Hype! So when they get back you should stop by and introduce ya'self!"

"Uh, yeah, gotcha," Hikari said as he pulled away and fixed his hair....Or atleast tried to. It just made his hair messier than what it was before, "I'm just gonna escort Haruka back to her room, there's something I need to talk to you about later alright Tabo?" Tabo just shrugged and reached under his hat pulling out a sandwich. He nibbled on it then skipped away.

Hikari turned to Haruka with a rub to the back of his head, "Sorry about that, Tabo is...Tabo. Should we keep going?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kurisa said
~in the human world~As the Gillian finished emerging it looked down to see a Shinigami, then watched as the Shinigami released some odd skill, The gillian lifted it's foot then went to stamp down on the Shinigami, then it began charging up a cero as it aimed it at the city, the cero growing larger and larger before it finally released it this caused a powerful shockwave that would have thrown most of the people climbing it off. The cero then flew towards the city at great speed, getting closer and closer.

Ryozo had to shunpo out of the way, of the giant creature trying to crush him beneath its foot, soon after it started charging a cero, firing it off towards the city which made Ryozo grit his teeth. Whiel some of his corpses fell off and exploded into dust, a few other still climbed higher, trying to reach its mask. Ryozo then noted the damage that would be caused if this cero hit the city, so taking a huge risk, he shunpoed fast enough to get in front of the cero and held his coffins in front of himself, bracing himself for the impact. He then felt a Violent force ram right into his coffins, exploding on impact and sent him flying at quite a fast speed into the streets of the city below, him landing might have caused a rather big hole, but he saved the city from having an even bigger hole. However he was much to sore too move at the moment, but he still kept his shikai going, knowing the corpses were moving towards the mask. Megumi watched this sight and started panicking a bit. "Do.... we retreat? If we do, we can live. Yet we also are throwing these people to their death.... Crap!" Megumi then started shunpoing towards The Gillian, after Ryozo had been knocked away from it. "Enji!! Try and find the source!!" Megumi shouted as she gripped the pole as she appeared above the Gillian and swung down at it, hopefully causing enough pain to distract it from the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka chuckled softly and reached.up to fix Hikari's hair for him. Tabo was a silly man with a lot of knowledge, but his quirks came across as a bit of an annoying uncle to her. "You don't have to, Lieutenant. I think I know my way around the barracks." she said with a quirk of her lips. She laid her fingers on her scarf then licked her lip, "You have a good night, ok Hikari?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Hikari raised an eyebrow as she reached up to his hair, he figured his hair still didn't look the best after his attempt at fixing it. He only recently started trying to make it look nice, even though it looked nice even if he didn't do anything to it. He bent down so she'd have an easier time, giving a thanks once she was done as he stood up straight. "Well, that's good then....You have a good night too," Hikari said as he backed up. He looked at her scarf then smiled at her once more before turning around and beginning to walk. He stopped walking and looked back at her, "And, uh...Haruka? Thanks for keeping me company tonight, I know it was your celebration but....I really needed it, so yeah, thanks." He nodded and looked forward as he began walking again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Some time had passed with Hikari and Haruka walking around the gala, but their time there was up so they decided to head back. They had walked back to the Seireitei and walked to Squad Ten, once inside Tabo walked up to them. "I see you two had a swell time," he said with a wink before pulling Hikari away from Haruka putting his arm around his neck bringing Hikari down to his level, Tabo was just an inch taller than Haruka. "What the hell Tabo?" Hikari asked with a laugh."You know what," Tabo said smiling while rustling his hair, "But Kenta dropped off Keina earlier. I was just about to send her off on her first mission with party masta' Hype! So when they get back you should stop by and introduce ya'self!""Uh, yeah, gotcha," Hikari said as he pulled away and fixed his hair....Or atleast tried to. It just made his hair messier than what it was before, "I'm just gonna escort Haruka back to her room, there's something I need to talk to you about later alright Tabo?" Tabo just shrugged and reached under his hat pulling out a sandwich. He nibbled on it then skipped away. Hikari turned to Haruka with a rub to the back of his head, "Sorry about that, Tabo is...Tabo. Should we keep going?"

Hyperion who was punching away at a practice dummy with some jabs a few hooks and uppercuts, all in order to perfect his Hakuda as much as possible, suddenly sneezed. As he knew he wasn't sick, he looked around the room trying to figure out who just said his name. And really only three people came to mind. Haruka and even she might not say it. Hikari, who gave him the nickname he didn't want and then...... Hyperion sighed as he knew it was probably the captain. As he gave Hyperion even more of those crazy nicknames. Well this gave him an excuse anyway. H e needed something to do, so he walked to the office and knocked on it, he waited for entry and then opened it right afterwards as he looked at Tabo. Hyperion did bow, but looked Tabo in the eye and frowned. "I figured it was you that said my name. Anyway I'm a little restless, so can I have a mission?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Seki watched as the fissure has swallowed Shoske whole, luckily for her he propelled himself out of it and into the sky. Flying above her as he unsheathed his second zanpakuto and swung down at her. She did meet his swords with hers, yet what might send a shock to him, was the fact she began glowing pink with the sudden appearance of a giant white demon dog beside her. The creature let out a roar which was enough to push back away from her, with the demon looking at Seki who just nodded. This made Koma plant his feet and took off running at Shoske, raising one paw in which it swung down at him.

Seki released a sudden small shockwave as a pink aura covered her body. Shoske used this to his advantage to gain some distance, letting himself being taken by the shockwave. He skidded to a stop as he looked up at Seki, his eyes wide as a giant demon white dog appeared "This is new" He said to himself as the creature let out a powerful roar and shockwave. Shoske quickly stabbed his zanpakuto into the ground and held onto it tightly. He looked up, the massive dog in front of Shoske . He grinned as the dog hit him, blood coming out of the wound and sending him crashing into a group of trees. "Just what I needed" Shoske said as he shunpoed back into the area, blood dripping from his deep wounds and his shirt torn. Yet he kept the grin on his face, as if he enjoyed the hit "My turn. Rise and Fall. Tsutaiyou Kengetsu" His zanpakuto was covered in a golden ghastly aura, his zanpakuto transforming into his shikai. Suddenly, his second shikai appeared in his free hand. Without a delay, Shoske kicked off the ground and went flying towards the giant demon dog. As he approached, he swung his right shikai towards it's neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Hikari raised an eyebrow as she reached up to his hair, he figured his hair still didn't look the best after his attempt at fixing it. He only recently started trying to make it look nice, even though it looked nice even if he didn't do anything to it. He bent down so she'd have an easier time, giving a thanks once she was done as he stood up straight. "Well, that's good then....You have a good night too," Hikari said as he backed up. He looked at her scarf then smiled at her once more before turning around and beginning to walk. He stopped walking and looked back at her, "And, uh...Haruka? Thanks for keeping me company tonight, I know it was your celebration but....I really needed it, so yeah, thanks." He nodded and looked forward as he began walking again.

Haruka nodded to the man, "No problem. Let me know if you need to get away again." she called after him before she walked off.

Haruka made her way to the training room. She hummed, Alcuard's claws were scratching along the floor behind her. She licked her lips and just stared at the far wall. She was debating on whether or not to release her true shikai.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki's eyes widened a little as Shiro grabbed her wrist, bringing his sword down as if he was going to chop her arm but stopped. She listened to Shiro, taking aboard what he was saying while nodding her head, her face still serious however her mind was busy. He then let her go, taking a step back and spoke before Nishiki jumped high into the air, swinging her sword back over her head. Gravity then began pulling her body back down towards the floor however she forced her body to fly towards Shiro, as if she was going to land on or in front of him. Keeping her senses sharp, Nishiki paid close attention to her surrounds and her opponent.

Shiro watched Nishiki come towards him, his eyes remained the same as she got closer to him, his Zanpakuto was held steady as he then took a deep breath and closed his eyes. As Nishiki got close enough his eyes shot open, his Zanpakuto was then slashed up towards her however he was only aiming to cut her clothing at most and no more. His Zanpakuto flew at a blinding speed, this caused Shiro's eyes to narrow slightly as he thought to himself, he clearly hadn't adjusted himself correctly for this sparring session...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sinai moved on from squad three after a while. She had learned all she wanted to. the next stop was squad 6, it took her a while to find the place but but she was not disappointed when she did. She didnt enter at first, more so watched as people were coming and going. Most of the time she did this she would have been waiting for some kind of target, or making sure a location was safe. Now she was just being curious. It was starting to get annoying how much of her old life was beginning to flow into her new life. Everything she did somehow reminded her of her old missions, of her old life, the old her in general. For that reason she wasnt really sure if she wanted to go into the squad six barracks. She would no doubt wind up keeping track of exits, mentally measuring distance and somehow forget that she wasnt on a mission.
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