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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phobos said
Seki released a sudden small shockwave as a pink aura covered her body. Shoske used this to his advantage to gain some distance, letting himself being taken by the shockwave. He skidded to a stop as he looked up at Seki, his eyes wide as a giant demon white dog appeared "This is new" He said to himself as the creature let out a powerful roar and shockwave. Shoske quickly stabbed his zanpakuto into the ground and held onto it tightly. He looked up, the massive dog in front of Shoske . He grinned as the dog hit him, blood coming out of the wound and sending him crashing into a group of trees. "Just what I needed" Shoske said as he shunpoed back into the area, blood dripping from his deep wounds and his shirt torn. Yet he kept the grin on his face, as if he enjoyed the hit "My turn. Rise and Fall. Tsutaiyou Kengetsu" His zanpakuto was covered in a golden ghastly aura, his zanpakuto transforming into his shikai. Suddenly, his second shikai appeared in his free hand. Without a delay, Shoske kicked off the ground and went flying towards the giant demon dog. As he approached, he swung his right shikai towards it's neck.

"Huh? Are you some kind of masochist? Oh well if you enjoy being hit, then I'll be happy to pound you around fourth seat." Seki said as she watched his movements, as he seemingly activated his shikai. She noted the change, and watched him launch at Koma, to which she shunpoed forward as well blocking his right shikai with hers, while Koma howled again as it touched Seki with its tail. It began vanishing into Seki who's pink Aura became bigger as she planted her feet and holding his shikai back with her right hand, she arched her left arm back and swung at Shoskes face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Zane620 said
Hyperion who was punching away at a practice dummy with some jabs a few hooks and uppercuts, all in order to perfect his Hakuda as much as possible, suddenly sneezed. As he knew he wasn't sick, he looked around the room trying to figure out who just said his name. And really only three people came to mind. Haruka and even she might not say it. Hikari, who gave him the nickname he didn't want and then...... Hyperion sighed as he knew it was probably the captain. As he gave Hyperion even more of those crazy nicknames. Well this gave him an excuse anyway. H e needed something to do, so he walked to the office and knocked on it, he waited for entry and then opened it right afterwards as he looked at Tabo. Hyperion did bow, but looked Tabo in the eye and frowned. "I figured it was you that said my name. Anyway I'm a little restless, so can I have a mission?"

"You dern sure can, that's exactly why I said your name freshie! Now you see that young lady over there?" Tabo said who pointed to Keina. Keina was sitting across from Tabo looking at Hyperion, she pointed at his hair, "Coooool hair man," she said before Tabo began speaking again. "This is going to be her first mission so I expect you to take good care of her, although she can take care of herself, just make sure there isn't any sudden cases of death...Within both of you. Also Hypest party masta, you're seventh seat! Wait, no, you're eighth...Or are you ninth?" Tabo scratched his hair before shrugging, "Ask Hikari when you get back! Now shoo!" Tabo said before slipping Keina a mission report.

Once Keina and Hyperion left Tabo's office she informed him of the mission, to clear out some hollow. How many were unstated, so were the types of hollows. But they had their mission and it was their job to complete it. Keina let Hyperion lead since she wasn't as knowledgeable with the Soul Society as he was, although she had been taught allot by Kenta and Tabo despite the short amount of time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro watched Nishiki come towards him, his eyes remained the same as she got closer to him, his Zanpakuto was held steady as he then took a deep breath and closed his eyes. As Nishiki got close enough his eyes shot open, his Zanpakuto was then slashed up towards her however he was only aiming to cut her clothing at most and no more. His Zanpakuto flew at a blinding speed, this caused Shiro's eyes to narrow slightly as he thought to himself, he clearly hadn't adjusted himself correctly for this sparring session...

As Nishiki continued to fly towards Shiro, she swung her Zanpakuto down slowly however Shiro sliced upwards at a speed hard for her to follow. This caused Nishiki's eyes to widen before squeezing shut as a loud CHING! noise reached her ears. After a second, Nishiki slowly opened one eye to see her sword held against Shiro's blade, however she could also feel a slight breeze tickling her right shoulder. 'Dammit, any closer and he would of cut my skin' She landed, turning both eyes onto Shiro while continuing to push her blade against his before pushing forward forcefully and using that force to propel her back, away from Shiro while looking at him. Looking down at her right shoulder, she notice just how much of her clothing had been torn. Looking back up, she grit her teeth before running towards Shiro once more, holding her blade on the right side of her legs and pointing the tip to the floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Summary: Tabo takes Hikari to a secret area, there he has an impassioned interaction with Ken his Zanpakuto Spirit.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
"Huh? Are you some kind of masochist? Oh well if you enjoy being hit, then I'll be happy to pound you around fourth seat." Seki said as she watched his movements, as he seemingly activated his shikai. She noted the change, and watched him launch at Koma, to which she shunpoed forward as well blocking his right shikai with hers, while Koma howled again as it touched Seki with its tail. It began vanishing into Seki who's pink Aura became bigger as she planted her feet and holding his shikai back with her right hand, she arched her left arm back and swung at Shoskes face.

Shoske laughed as they clashed blades "No im not a masochist, I just enjoy a good fight" He said as he let go of his shikai that was trapped and shunpoed back, narrowly dodging her slash. Immediately afterwards, he shunpoed behind Seki and aimed a slash across her back and towards her arm that held his shikai.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 41 min ago

Phobos said
"Bah! I bet you thats a lie!" Mukei said in response to what Zheng had said, taking another drink shortly afterwards "There's no way they could lose such important information. You know what, I bet you *hiccup*...what was I saying?" Mukei scratched his head, completely forgetting what he had said. He shrugged it off and drank a few more shots, his vision getting blurry. He turned towards Zheng after he asked him the question and chuckled, patting Zheng on the back "I've learned from the best, trying to keep up with you has made me a better drinker!" He said with a wide grin. It was obvious he was drunk already, but did not slow down on the drinking.

Zheng chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. It was probably a good thing that his friend had forgotten what he was talking about or else Squad 2 would be all over his ass. "You were saying how your captain has a nice ass." Zheng lied through his teeth, wondering what kind of reaction he would get. He downed another cup of sake, not feeling relatively tipsy, just a bit off unlike the plastered Mukei. "You know, drinking a lot and having an alcohol tolerance are two completely different things." He was trying to hint that Mukei was already drunk out of his skull and the owner of the ramen stand shot him a look. It was telling him that if his friend did anything stupid then he himself would pay for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

They had been at it for a good ten minutes before the other man threw him off. Finally the man released his shikai and it held a blue aura. It was a large mace that had spikes on the ball. Raizo smiled and released his own shikai ""Fall before the lions fang. Release! Kogane no raion kiba!" he yelled. As he ran forward he was enveloped in a brilliant golden aura and his sword was a shining longsword. Again they locked in combat and this time the difference was obvious. Raizo danced around the other man slashing him shallowly, but all the while had to dodge the mans strikes or he could be done for.

Raizo clashed blades with the man over and over. Finally the man brought the mace down overhead and Raizo shunpoed behind him. As he did the step Raizo slashed the man deeply across his chest as he passed and quietly said "Lions Claw.". As the man fell Raizo sheathed his zanpakuto before helping him up. He finally noticed the crowd that had gathred and many of the members were cheering and even congratulating him. The man stood smiling and said that he was definitely giving him a recommendation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Zheng chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. It was probably a good thing that his friend had forgotten what he was talking about or else Squad 2 would be all over his ass. "You were saying how your captain has a nice ass." Zheng lied through his teeth, wondering what kind of reaction he would get. He downed another cup of sake, not feeling relatively tipsy, just a bit off unlike the plastered Mukei. "You know, drinking a lot and having an alcohol tolerance are two completely different things." He was trying to hint that Mukei was already drunk out of his skull and the owner of the ramen stand shot him a look. It was telling him that if his friend did anything stupid then he himself would pay for it.

Mukei looked at Zheng, with a confused expression "Well I don't recall saying anything about his ass, he was sitting down after all so I never got a look" He chuckled at the end, taking another gulp of sake immediatly after.. He refilled his small cup once again, his vision blurry. He raised an eyebrow at what Zheng said and poked his shoulder, some sake spilling over "A-are you implying *hiccup* that I can't handle my liquor? I'll have you know I c-could sober up just like that" He said, snapping afterwards. He dropped his head on the table right after "Besides, this is probably gonna be the last time I get to enjoy something like this" Mukei said, staying in silence after a while as he kept his head down, looking at the floor. He broke the silence "Zheng, as sad as it sounds you're practically my only friend. Which is why I ask of you of this promise. If I ever lose myself and stray off the path of good, I want you to be the one who kills me. I have something planned that I cannot share, for the benefits of the Soul Society. But...there's a chance I may lose my mind in the process. So promise me, if I lose myself...kill me" He said, sounding completely sober and serious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

After Rio and Fumio had left the Seireitei, they made their way to their Clan. Once there, they were welcomed by smiles since they were known throughout the Clan members as saviours.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Souta spotted Rio and Fumio while making his way over to them, seemingly coming from nowhere. As soon as Souta was close enough, Fumio hugged him suddenly before letting him go. Souta was of course caught off-guard by this, however he just chuckled and hugged back. "Well someone seems to be in a good mood today" Souta commented as he smirked at Fumio, the latter chuckling a little. "Is there an issue with me hugging my best friend? Or, more appropriate, brother?~" Souta shook his head lightly with a smile. "I guess not heh" Rio stayed silent at first, looking up at the two. "Anyway" The woman spoke, attracting the attention of both males. "Souta, I need you to come with me, the three of us have an appointment to attend." She stated, gaining a raised eyebrow from Souta. "Really? Who are we meeting?" He asked, confused. Rio just smirked before turning around, her lengthy hair gently following her movements. "Follow me and you'll see." She then began walking, Fumio taking a step in her direction before being stopped by Souta's hand on his shoulder. "Hm?" Fumio looked back at the guy. "Do you have any idea who we're going to see? I can't think of anyone.." Fumio smirked himself and shrugged. "Like Rio said, follow her and we'll find out so come on~" Fumio then turned back towards Rio and continued to walk, Souta shrugging before following, wondering who they had an 'appointment' with.

After quite some time had passed, the three walked into an unrecognisable part of the Soul Society. Rio continued to walk while the other two followed, eyeing the surroundings. They were pretty damn far from the Seireitei and their Clan's grounds, also far from any towns, almost as if they had walked into a forgotten part of the society. The floor began inclining which both Souta and Fumio noticed, however Rio didn't look back, she just kept walking as if she had walked this path many many times before. "How far are we now Rio?" Souta spoke up, feeling a little uneasy seeing as he had no idea what-so-ever to where they were... It was almost like how he felt during the first time he had entered the Seireitei, only worse since there were no sign of life around so he'd easily get lost for days or even weeks on end if he was alone.... "Just keep walking." Rio stated, still continuing to walk whilst in front of the two. Souta pouted at this response but he kept quiet and just kept walking meanwhile Fumio continued looking around. Around them were tall forest trees, however it seemed that a clear dirt path had been made that was lined with various types of small flowers that didn't seemed to grow naturally within any other part of the forest. Clearly someone had tended to this inclining path but the question was who?

After what felt like another hour had passed, Rio unexpectedly stopped, causing Fumio to almost bump into her. "What is it?" Fumio looked at the back of Rio's head, confused. The girl turned her head around, a smile lighting up her face as she looked at the guys behind her. "We're here" She spoke, her voice sounding slightly softer than usual. "We are? But all I see is a wall of bushes... I can't even see passed them..." Souta voiced what both him and Fumio were thinking. Rio merely smirked before looking back at the bushes and holding her hand out. As she inched her hand closer to the wall of foliage, it began parting itself, pushing apart the closer she stepped towards it, creating an opening moulded for her only. "Come you two" Walking forward, she dropped her hand to her side as the bushes parted further for her. Once she walked through, the opening sealed tightly behind her.

Fumio's and Souta's eyes widened a little before the red-head looked back at Souta, the latter looking to him and shrugging with confusion. Fumio then looked forward at the bush and then back at Souta with a smirk. "You go in next, I'll be right behind you" Souta took a breath before stepping in front of Fumio. "You'd better be or else I'll come back and kick your ass." Walking forward, the foliage rustled a little before parting once more as Souta continued to walk into and through it, who met him on the other side was someone he could of never expected to see... "H-huh?"

Fumio watched the bushes close behind Souta before stepping forward himself, looking around him as the bush rustled once again and parted for his entry.

"Souta, Kazuhiko, I'm so happy to see you both again"

'Th-that voice...' Fumio's eyes instantly widened but were directed to the floor, however Souta's eyes began welling up a little, unable to move from the figure in front of him. Rio stood beside the figure, a smile on her face while her arms were crossed. "Y-You're alive?... H-How?" Souta asked before his eyes darted to Fumio. "Ka-Kazuhiko, l-look!" He noticed Fumio was still staring at the floor, stiff until Souta nudged him. "Look!" Souta grinned with happiness, knowing how Fumio would feel if he saw who Rio was talking about.

Fumio simply looked at Souta, closing his eyes before taking a quick breath and opening them once again. He slid his vision upwards, looking at the figure's shoes, showing that they must of been a guy, which was also noticeable through the very familiar sound of their voice. He then slowly continued to slide them upwards, revealing to himself more and more of this guy while tears came to his eyes and slipped down his cheeks. Once he had made it to the man's face, Fumio was unable to stop himself from holding any of his tears back. The man smiled widely back at him, a smile he remembered seeing many times during his childhood before what happened with Ursula. Fumio wanted to say something, but he just couldn't open his mouth. Walking forward, the man passed Rio, then Souta and stopped right in front of Fumio.

"D-D..." The red-head tried to talk but still couldn't. The man just continued to smile while placing his left hand on Fumio's right shoulder.

"It's Okay son" Fumio's father looked down at Fumio before pulling him into a comforting hug, closing his eyes. "I'm so so sorry for ever leaving you.... But I had no choice" Fumio silently cried while hugging his father back tightly and burying his head in his Father's shoulder, sniffing every now and then before steadying his breathing to try to speak. "B-But I-I.... I... wa-watched you g-get be... beheaded..." The red-head managed to let out a few words that were slightly muffled. His father stroked his back to calm the boy. "It wasn't me you saw.... It was Huerona's father, Ryato.... He switched places with me and took my place to ensure that you had a guardian since we did look rather similar.... He used Ronda's escape with Huerona as a distraction. I'm sorry to of lead you to believe that Ursula killed me... but you were too close to her for me to get you... I tried so many time to get you out of there, away from her, but I failed on numerous accounts... If it wasn't for Ronda, I might of gotten caught but she told me what Ryato had told her... He had a back up plan, and that was to ensure that no matter what happened, you and Huerona still had someone to watch over you both..." Fumio's father then pulled back to look at his son. "I'm just glad that you're Okay... I won't ever let you down as a father again... I hope you can forgive me Kazuhiko..."

Fumio looked up at his dad, wiping his eyes before looking down at the floor between them. "Whether you let me down or not doesn't matter to me... It's obvious that I can look after myself now... but..." He bit his bottom lip nervously. "I'm glad... you're alive... dad... I forgive you..." Souta smiled at the scene of the reunion, knowing that Fumio would feel a little complex but would overall be happy, that was when Fumio's father turned to the fruity-top and walked over to him, hugging Souta also. "Thank you so much for taking care of my son when I couldn't Souta" He pulled back shortly and ruffled the guy's hair, smiling. "Truly, thank you..." Souta grinned. "No problem Kurou, me and Kazuhiko have always been close anyway, I don't know what I'd do without my brother" He chuckled, a smile pulling across Fumio's lips at what Souta had said. Of course Fumio was happy to have his father back, but that didn't mean he needed him now. All Fumio felt that he needed in his life was Souta to support him and kick him when need be, and Souta felt the same way about Fumio.

Kurou then turned to Rio and walked towards her, stopping in front of her while looking down. He noticed the eye-patch but already knew the story since Ronda had been keeping an eye on Rio ever since she noticed that Fumio and Souta were close to the area she was. He chose not to mention it since he did feel bad that Fumio was the cause but he couldn't exactly do anything about it now. "I saw the fight between you three and Ursula... You saved us all and... I'm sorry about your mother..." Kurou looked down, frowning while Rio just smiled assuringly. "There is no need to apologise, I understand that what happened needed to be done so don't worry about it" Kurou looked back at Rio, his frown shrinking. "... I see that you've grown into a strong woman, both of your parents are proud just like I am. Which reminds me, here" Kurou smiled before reaching into an inside pocket and pulling out a small pill bottle. "Your mother told me to give these to you, they will help with your headaches" Rio looked up at the bottle, blinking a few times before taking it. "Thank you" She observed the pills for a moment before sticking them into her own inside pocket. Kurou just smiled before turning to look at all three of them. "Why don't you all come in and relax for a while? We can catch up and such. Remember this place as this is also a home for the three of you. There are three extra rooms incase any of you three wish to stay the night some time. Also, the entrance will only open for you three and myself for security reasons, therefore you cannot bring any guests here heh" Kurou chuckled a little before walking towards a semi-hidden house that looked rather cosy before stepping inside. The three soon followed, marvelling at the plush inner-house décor that was kept spotless. No one expected it to look so royal and large on the inside from seeing how cosy it looked from the outside. Kurou also had already made some food and drinks for the three, seeming to of clearly been expecting them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The decision took less time for her to make than she'd been expecting. She drew her zanpakuto and stood with the blade parallel to the ground. She took in a deep breathe and released it.

The muscles of her arm tensed in anticipation as her partner's voice called out to her. Show me the ambition of someone who has lost everything, of someone whom has realized everything she once knew was a lie. Call my name and wield my power, so that we may destroy the ones you once called "Family". The ones that shunned you and despised you, the ones that would sell you off like a fattened calf to a butcher. I will not be wielded by mere prey, nor by a weakling with no gumption. Show me that you deserve me, Haruka!

"One more time, Yuurei Kishi."

The sword glowed a blindingly green color as it shrank. It melded onto both hands and shaped into a pair Gauntlets with two pairs of claws. One pair of five were situated on the fingers. The other pair consisted of two curved, serrated blades along the forearm and covered the knuckles. The blades were glowing green with black accents shaped like skulls on the wrists. She panted breathlessly as she subjugated the denser spiritual pressure and brought it under full control.

"Holy hell..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"You dern sure can, that's exactly why I said your name freshie! Now you see that young lady over there?" Tabo said who pointed to Keina. Keina was sitting across from Tabo looking at Hyperion, she pointed at his hair, "Coooool hair man," she said before Tabo began speaking again. "This is going to be her first mission so I expect you to take good care of her, although she can take care of herself, just make sure there isn't any sudden cases of death...Within both of you. Also Hypest party masta, you're seventh seat! Wait, no, you're eighth...Or are you ninth?" Tabo scratched his hair before shrugging, "Ask Hikari when you get back! Now shoo!" Tabo said before slipping Keina a mission report.Once Keina and Hyperion left Tabo's office she informed him of the mission, to clear out some hollow. How many were unstated, so were the types of hollows. But they had their mission and it was their job to complete it. Keina let Hyperion lead since she wasn't as knowledgeable with the Soul Society as he was, although she had been taught allot by Kenta and Tabo despite the short amount of time.

"..... Okay, I see her." Hyperion said turning his gaze over to the female who instantly said cool hair man. He moved a stand to a point he could see it, and sighed and shrugged. "T-thanks." He muttered, before Tabo gave him the rundown on her going on her first mission and to make sure she didn't die. Of course he then said that absurd nickname again which made him resist the urge to bash his skull off a wall. He told him various seat position of which were his, yet he seemed to not know this.... Despite being the captain of the squad. So he was told to ask Hikari, in which Hyperion just nodded his head. As he left the office with Keina, she informed him of the mission and he nodded, as he began shunpoing to the source with her behind him, and once at the destination stood on a sturdy branch and looked at her. "Wanna give me a quick rundown on what you can do Miss...... He actually never told me your name yet. Mines Hyperion."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 41 min ago

Phobos said
Mukei looked at Zheng, with a confused expression "Well I don't recall saying anything about his ass, he was sitting down after all so I never got a look" He chuckled at the end, taking another gulp of sake immediatly after.. He refilled his small cup once again, his vision blurry. He raised an eyebrow at what Zheng said and poked his shoulder, some sake spilling over "A-are you implying *hiccup* that I can't handle my liquor? I'll have you know I c-could sober up just like that" He said, snapping afterwards. He dropped his head on the table right after "Besides, this is probably gonna be the last time I get to enjoy something like this" Mukei said, staying in silence after a while as he kept his head down, looking at the floor. He broke the silence "Zheng, as sad as it sounds you're practically my only friend. Which is why I ask of you of this promise. If I ever lose myself and stray off the path of good, I want you to be the one who kills me. I have something planned that I cannot share, for the benefits of the Soul Society. But...there's a chance I may lose my mind in the process. So promise me, if I lose myself...kill me" He said, sounding completely sober and serious.

Zheng looked at Mukei amused at how drunk his friend was. It was one of the few times that his friend was ever relaxed and had fun like a normal person, which was sadly true. The only times it seemed like Mukei ever had fun was when he was drunk off his ass. "Yeah, you can sober up as fast as lightning." He sarcastically said. It was suddenly silent. Mukei didn't say anything at all and stayed in silence for quite awhile. Zheng shifted around slightly uncomfortable and sipped his sake hoping that Mukei would say something. When he did all signs that showed he was drunk were gone and it was replaced with a grim and much more somber attitude. The fact he became suddenly sober was incredible just like that was incredible though what he said was upsetting. How can he give up so damn easily before it even started? Zheng clenched his fist tightly and punched the back of his friend's head hard. "For someone so damn smart you can be such a dumb ass!" He folded his arm and looked at down at him with contempt. "I'll keep your damn promise, but if you've got to promise me that you will put a damn effort into staying sane." Zheng said before taking another sip of sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Summary: Kenta wakes up in a strange place, soon meeting a rather interesting figure. There he learns more about why he was taken, and some things that had been said about him.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai couldnt really deny that she had the skill set for Squad 2, in theory. She would have to learn how to lower her spiritual pressure to hide still but the other aspect that she knew about seemed to fit. instead of feeling more confident in her choice she actually began to wonder if she should have chosen something with less similarities to her past. maybe a squad that takes on more hollows she thought as she moved away from squad six. She had went in but didnt go far, or ask questions. She just turned around and left. [i] come one Sinai, think...what do you want? Who am I kidding, i dont even know. I Just wanted out of that life. so why would i go to something so similar. I cant go back. I dont want to go back. But i cant stay like. but i dont know how to move forward..UGH. [/] there really should be some sort of advisors for dilemma's like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Zane620 said
Ryozo had to shunpo out of the way, of the giant creature trying to crush him beneath its foot, soon after it started charging a cero, firing it off towards the city which made Ryozo grit his teeth. Whiel some of his corpses fell off and exploded into dust, a few other still climbed higher, trying to reach its mask. Ryozo then noted the damage that would be caused if this cero hit the city, so taking a huge risk, he shunpoed fast enough to get in front of the cero and held his coffins in front of himself, bracing himself for the impact. He then felt a Violent force ram right into his coffins, exploding on impact and sent him flying at quite a fast speed into the streets of the city below, him landing might have caused a rather big hole, but he saved the city from having an even bigger hole. However he was much to sore too move at the moment, but he still kept his shikai going, knowing the corpses were moving towards the mask. Megumi watched this sight and started panicking a bit. "Do.... we retreat? If we do, we can live. Yet we also are throwing these people to their death.... Crap!" Megumi then started shunpoing towards The Gillian, after Ryozo had been knocked away from it. "Enji!! Try and find the source!!" Megumi shouted as she gripped the pole as she appeared above the Gillian and swung down at it, hopefully causing enough pain to distract it from the city.

Normal hollows were one thing, but even a gillian arriving? Just what was the cause of attracting all of them to this city as he was scanning the streets and buildings and would move on after finding no signs of whatever it was he was looking for. His breathing was growing heavy and sweating profusely now with the muscles in his legs cramping and burning; stopping only for a flash was seen from the corner of his eye and turned to barely see the blast of a cero. Something like that should of taken out a large part of the city, though the fact the cero didn't make contact with the city directly and guessed Ryozo must of blocked it with either his coffin or his own body. At that moment, Enji had completely forgotten about the mission and started running in Ryozo's direction as he only thought about making sure Ryozo was alive.

Skidding to a halt as he panted heavily and was glad he did; had he kept going if not for Megumi's shouting that he would of ran right into a group of hollows who were waiting to ambush him.'...I..b-but I.'Watching Megumi's faint figure charging towards the gillian and faint outlines of other figures climbing it. He bit his lip as he fought back the urge to fire the signal for retreat for he knew if they left now that the gillian would destroy the city and countless lives would be lost. Still, he couldn't just leave them like this and saw how the hollows were slowly surrounding them and wanted to help in some small way.'...Flubber!'At that the glove would open and a green baseball with gel like appearance would form; even if the ball wouldn't do much damage, it could help distract and keep the hollows off them as the glove reeled back and threw it at a speed of 180 mph down at the mass of hollows on the street. The moment the ball made impact on a hollow's back it would knock it down before bouncing off the surroundings rapidly and with each bounce its speed slightly increased. He saw the ball bounce into the mass of hollow which knocked them down or got their attention as it did only little damage, but was doing its job.'That's..all I can do. Be careful.'Looking in the direction of the gillian for a moment then turned to resume running in search of the source.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka stared down at her shikai in quiet thought. She released her shikai, then sheathed her zanpakuto. The seventh seat decided to find Tabo to see if he would train her, the sooner the better in her opinion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
As Nishiki continued to fly towards Shiro, she swung her Zanpakuto down slowly however Shiro sliced upwards at a speed hard for her to follow. This caused Nishiki's eyes to widen before squeezing shut as a loud noise reached her ears. After a second, Nishiki slowly opened one eye to see her sword held against Shiro's blade, however she could also feel a slight breeze tickling her right shoulder. She landed, turning both eyes onto Shiro while continuing to push her blade against his before pushing forward forcefully and using that force to propel her back, away from Shiro while looking at him. Looking down at her right shoulder, she notice just how much of her clothing had been torn. Looking back up, she grit her teeth before running towards Shiro once more, holding her blade on the right side of her legs and pointing the tip to the floor.

Shiro watched as the two clashed, holding his Zanpakuto against hers until she jumped back, she then ran at him again, her Zanpakuto held to the right side of her legs as she got closer. Shiro flicked his Zanpakuto up to his right shoulder then watched Nishiki closely as she got closer, he was going to be trying something a little different right now. It was clear the method he was using would get them nowhere or more her anywhere. He had to get her trying something different...he could only hope his plan worked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Human world~

The gillian watched as one of the Shinigami blocked it's cero but near at the cost of their life, this only caused the Gillian to charge up another cero which grew larger and larger yet before it fired off, A large blue arrow pierced the gillians head and split the cero in two causing the cero to explode causing the gillians head to become no existent as it's body then fell back onto the ground throwing up a mass amount of dust. High in the air above the city stood a figure with a hood over their head, this hid most of their features except their white hair, they then spoke seemingly to themselves yet the others wouldn't have heard due to how high they were in the air "I didn't want to do that...If only my arrows could purify you, you have my apologies...however I could not let you destroy these people's lives...it was you or them, I chose you...." The person then looked down at the three Shinigami then disappeared from sight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Ahh, I thought I'd find you out here. I was wondering where you had disappeared off too"

Kurou had stepped out of the house both Souta and Fumio were currently occupying in search for where Rio had gone. After a little walk towards the back of the land, he walked through an arc made within a bush, stepping out onto a clearing at the top very top of the cliff they resided on. Up here the view was to die for. It was extremely beautiful and looked over various areas of parts of the Soul Society. The cliff was high, making it a perfect vantage point as well as a prefect hiding spot. Rio was currently sat on the edge of the cliff, both legs dangling down as she gripped the edge to make sure she wouldn't accidentally fall.

Walking closer, Kurou took a seat next to the left side of Rio and looked out at the sun set. ".... My mother would come out here often... Wouldn't she?" Rio didn't move an inch, only opening her mouth to talk, her eye pinned on the sight in front of her. Kurou looked down at his knees and sighed. "She did... Everyday she'd stand right in the very spot behind us and look out. I had no idea of what she was looking for, but whenever I asked, she'd just say that she was just looking..." He looked back up at the colour-filled sky. Rio didn't react to this, just listened. Reaching inside her inner pocket, she took out the pill bottle she was given earlier and took one before closing the bottle and placing it back into her pocket. Kurou looked at her from a side glance, almost as if he was observing her. After a moment of silence, a tear slipped down Rio's left cheek. "I can't believe that this is where everything has lead to... My mother and father are dead... I have no family and I do not belong in the Hari Clan since I still can't remember ever being a Hari." Rio gripped harder on the ledge of the cliff, rubble running down the steep end due to her tightening lock causing some of the rock to break off. Instead of being upset, Rio gave off an air of anger. "Do you have any idea of how I must feel... trapped without any escape from my pitiful life... I just wish I could start over..." Her words shook slightly with her body but soon she calmed down with a breath.

Kurou watched her in silence, somewhat expecting this type of reaction. Looking straight, he couldn't help but smirk. "You're just like your mother Rio... She's said the exact same thing to me various times, using the same tone of voice... heh..." Soon Kurou's smirk fell, causing him to frown a little. "I know I've already said this before but I really am truly sorry Rio... I couldn't save your mother or father.... They both were close dear friends of mine... and my wife's.... We valued our friendship with your parents a great deal... On this very cliff your mother and father had gotten married... but on there wedding day, me and my wife found out that we were expecting our first son. It was a joyous day for us all, but me and my wife didn't say anything as we didn't want to take any attention away from your mother and father... We were surprised to find that your mother and father arranged a small wedding, one comprised of only the four of us and the figure preforming the ceremony heh... They never were the type of people who liked to involve others within their personal life together, except of me and my wife. I still remember the day as if it happened yesterday~" Kurou placed both hands behind him as he leaned back and looked up. "Your mother was a smart woman, the four of us had also known each other ever since we were children. She picked up on my wife's pregnancy symptoms and brought them up right after her and your father were pronounced husband and wife. My wife, being the woman that she was, couldn't help but be honest, however Ronda then punched us both in the arms saying "Why did you try to keep something like that from us? I don't care if it's our wedding day! This is great news!" Heheh... That day couldn't of been any more perfect~ Your parent's were certainly special people... never selfish in any way.... even down to that dreadful day...." Rio watched Kurou as he spoke before looking down. She knew about that through her mother's memories and what happened to his wife...

Kurou then looked to Rio, a smile on his face. "It's unfortunate what happened... but, you and I both know that they wouldn't want us to be upset or angry, they'd want us to move on and live, not just for us, but for them also.... I'm sorry for your loss... They both meant alot to me and my family... You know that they both love you with the whole of their heart's, which was why they gave their lives to make sure you were Okay... So just know that, they may not be here, but that doesn't mean they're not in here" Kurou held a hand over his heart after he spoke before dropping it back down. Rio watched him, her eye slowly growing saddened while holding back tears however she just closed it, taking deep breaths to keep herself calm before opening her eye again. "You're right..." Rio whispered before looking back out at the view with a small smile. 'I'll remember that'

Kurou simply smiled before looking back at the sight himself.
"Oi! Kazuhiko you bastard! Give me that back!!" Fumio had swiped the last sandwich from Souta's hand just as he was about to eat it, showing off a little at how faster than Souta he was. "Heheh~ A moment on the lips, forever on the hips~" Fumio smirked deviously as Souta launched towards him to try and take back the sandwich. Fumio simply side-stepped him before Souta started to chase him. "IT'S MY SANDWICH!" "A-a-ahh~ No more for you~" Fumio teased, chuckling while dodging all of Souta's dives, meanwhile a door nob attached to one of the many rooms within the house began turning.

"For goodness sake! I question myself sometimes on whether you're actually a man or a woman!! The latter seems very plausible right now!" Fumio grinned at Souta's outburst. "Who said one must be female to care about their appearance and health?~ I don't think there is anything wrong with taking care of one's self and making sure one looks good~" Fumio nodded to his own statement while Souta glared daggers at him. "One should also make sure they learn manners!! Such as don't take food from others!!" "I'm just doing what's best for you~ Besides, you've eaten over half of these sandwiches and I like them too soooo...~" Fumio couldn't help but laugh as he watched Souta's expression. "Pfft!! Whatever you greedy bastard!! I don't ca-" The sudden presence of a little boy caused Souta to immediately stop talking, attracting both Fumio's and Souta's attention.

The boy stood still, silent while looking at the floor. Souta's face softened, however he was confused. After a while of standing in an uncomfortable silence, Souta decided to break it. "Erm... Sorry about the language... Err, don't say bad words, they're well... bad..." Souta stood straight, rubbing the back of his neck nervously realising just how loud he must of been. Souta's choice of words made Fumio chuckle which gained him an instant glare from Souta.

"U-um... I was sleeping... and I woke up... because you're both too loud... and of course I wouldn't use such foul language...." The boy spoke with a soft, quiet voice before yawning while Souta raised an eyebrow at the kid's words... He sounded well-spoken, must of been older than he appeared... that's what Souta thought anyway. "Good job Souta, you woke up a child with your inconsiderate behaviour~" Fumio grinned devilishly while Souta narrowed his eyes at the guy in utter anger. "Oh I'll show you inconsiderate.... fuc-I mean... idiot...." Souta made sure to speak with a normal voice despite sounding as though he had to force himself not to shout, also being sure to watch the language he was using. "It's okay..." The little boy spoke up, walking past the two and into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.

Fumio and Souta stood in silence for a moment before Fumio spoke up. "Is it just me or does that kid seem familiar?..." "... I know what you mean, but I don't think I've ever seen him before... but there's just something about hi-" "About who Souta?" Souta's eyebrows shot up for a moment before settling as Kurou had walked into the house from behind him. Souta turned to look at him and answer his question. "The kid here" Kurou chuckled and simply waved for both Souta and Fumio to step outside. "Oh him, don't worry about that. Now Rio said she's ready to leave, you two going to go with her?" Souta looked back at Fumio as the latter shrugged and began walking, still holding the sandwich he took from Souta while smirking at the guy as he passed. "I guess we are" Souta shrugged himself, narrowing his eyes at Fumio before walking out.

Once out, the two joined with Rio and waved their goodbye's before leaving through the bushes, making their way back. The little boy from before then walked out of the house after he quietly watched the three leave. "Kurou, who were they?" He asked with his soft voice. "You'll meet them properly one day, just not yet. Until then, don't worry about it" Kurou continued to smile before looking down at the young boy, ruffling his hair. "I'll go make you something to eat, you must be hungry~" Kurou turned around, taking his hand out of the boy's hair before retuning to the kitchen of his house. The boy, however, just stood outside, an image of the three in his head. 'That girl reminds me of someone...'
As the three walked, Fumio kept the sandwich in his hand and crossed his arms as he purposely walked in front of Souta. After a while, Souta couldn't hold in his annoyance any longer. "ARE YOU EVEN GOING TO EAT IT?! If you are then FUCKING EAT IT ALREADY!" Souta yelled all of a sudden, startling Rio a little before she just rolled her eyes and continued to lead the group back. Fumio chuckled, his amused grin never fading. "I might eat it, but not yet~ It's much more fun to piss you off and if I just ate it then I wouldn't be having any fun~ You see my dilemma? I want to eat it, but I want to play with you too~" At this point, a vein was visibly pulsing on Souta's forehead while his face turned a little red. "You're literally trying to fuck with me right now?!" "Hmhmhm~ Now now, I'm not 'fucking' with anything... yet~" Fumio spoke in a suggestive tone, clearly making Souta uncomfortable which was his goal. Souta pursed his lips, gaining a small uncomfortable blush at the tone Fumio used before looking away, choosing to just ignore Fumio and his uncomfortable teasing and playful ways from this point onwards. This made Fumio practically burst out laughing. "AHAHAH! Gosh Souta, you're so sensitive! I was clearly messing around!" Souta simply crossed his arms and made it obvious that he was ignoring Fumio. "Aww, come on, I was only playing~ Don't be like that Souta~" Fumio pouted, trying to get Souta to look at him, which the boy avoided at all cost. "Fine, have it your way" Fumio rolled his eyes before holding the sandwich out in front of Souta's face, Souta still refusing to look. "Souta take the damn sandwich, child" Souta pushed Fumio's hand away instead and shook his head. "I don't want it anymore... And I'm older than you asshole." Souta was a little embarrassed if anything so he tried to redeem himself by acting as mature as possible. "But I don't want it either.... Rio~ Would you lik-" "No." Before Fumio could even finish his sentence, Rio answered, not wanting to be brought into whatever was going on behind her. Souta then took this as an opportunity to swipe the sandwich and eat it. "Heheh, I'm faster than you think asshole" Souta grinned at Fumio whereas the latter just chuckled. "If you say so asshole~" Fumio continued to chuckle as Souta rolled his eyes, smiling a little the three of them made their way back.
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