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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro watched as the two clashed, holding his Zanpakuto against hers until she jumped back, she then ran at him again, her Zanpakuto held to the right side of her legs as she got closer. Shiro flicked his Zanpakuto up to his right shoulder then watched Nishiki closely as she got closer, he was going to be trying something a little different right now. It was clear the method he was using would get them nowhere or more her anywhere. He had to get her trying something different...he could only hope his plan worked

As Nishiki reached closer, an idea formed within her head. She wanted to try some different moves to see which could be usable within battle and which couldn't. Once she was close enough, Nishiki bent her knees a little, seeming as though she was going to slice diagonally upwards, but instead of aiming to cut Shiro, Nishiki let go of her sword, throwing it high into the air one step away from being stood right in front of Shiro. She used it as somewhat of a distraction and a way to make her appear less dangerous, as if to make her opponent underestimate her suddenly since she had much more power than she had been showing, before bending her knees a little more, aiming a forceful uppercut to Shiro's chin with her right fist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
As Nishiki reached closer, an idea formed within her head. She wanted to try some different moves to see which could be usable within battle and which couldn't. Once she was close enough, Nishiki bent her knees a little, seeming as though she was going to slice diagonally upwards, but instead of aiming to cut Shiro, Nishiki let go of her sword, throwing it high into the air one step away from being stood right in front of Shiro. She used it as somewhat of a distraction and a way to make her appear less dangerous, as if to make her opponent underestimate her suddenly since she had much more power than she had been showing, before bending her knees a little more, aiming a forceful uppercut to Shiro's chin with her right fist.

Shiro watched Nishiki as she got closer, his eyes narrowing as she got right up close, he then saw her throw her Zanpakuto up in the air, he glanced up a little however his focus quickly returned to Nishiki as he saw her fist coming up towards him, he held his left forearm up to block her attack, this caused him to slide back slightly as he then slashed from right to left, once again his only intent to cut Nishiki's clothes at most as he wasn't trying to kill her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai's wondering was cut short by an idea. if she wanted to do omething different she might have had an idea. she ran over to squad ten... got lost on the way, ate some food, and found it eventually. once there she asked around for anyone to speak to. while she waited she hung back against a wall, watching people work and run around and do quad ten things. not a tumble weed in sight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro watched Nishiki as she got closer, his eyes narrowing as she got right up close, he then saw her throw her Zanpakuto up in the air, he glanced up a little however his focus quickly returned to Nishiki as he saw her fist coming up towards him, he held his left forearm up to block her attack, this caused him to slide back slightly as he then slashed from right to left, once again his only intent to cut Nishiki's clothes at most as he wasn't trying to kill her

As expected, Nishiki's strike was blocked and countered with a slash from Shiro's blade. Since he slid back, Nishiki tired to slide back herself to avoid the cutting edge. Whether she did avoid it or not wasn't on Nishiki's mind at the moment, instead she immediately threw her body forward, aiming to do so before Shiro had a chance to move his sword back to where he desired. As she did, Nishiki aimed to punch Shiro's right forearm directly in the middle, since this was the arm he was using to hold his blade, with her left hand. If she landed the strike, she'd then use the palm of her right hand to grab hold of the back of Shiro's blade to hold it still before aiming to knee him in the gut with her right knee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
As expected, Nishiki's strike was blocked and countered with a slash from Shiro's blade. Since he slid back, Nishiki tired to slide back herself to avoid the cutting edge. Whether she did avoid it or not wasn't on Nishiki's mind at the moment, instead she immediately threw her body forward, aiming to do so before Shiro had a chance to move his sword back to where he desired. As she did, Nishiki aimed to punch Shiro's right forearm directly in the middle, since this was the arm he was using to hold his blade, with her left hand. If she landed the strike, she'd then use the palm of her right hand to grab hold of the back of Shiro's blade to hold it still before aiming to knee him in the gut with her right knee.

Shiro watched as Nishiki narrowly avoided his Zanpakuto cutting her as she then quickly closed in on him again, her left fist then slammed into Shiro's right forearm effectively stopping him from moving his Zanpakuto back to cut her however she then grabbed his Zanpakuto with her right hand further preventing him from moving it. Her right knee them slammed into his gut, this caused him to skid back a little more however Shiro then with his free left hand extended his middle and index finger as he aimed to slam them into Nishiki's mid section to us Tsukiyubi. This would create a small white flash upon contact that would send her flying back away from him. As it stood Shiro was impressed with how well she fought at close range, he wanted to see what else she could do but he needed to see what she could do with her Zanpakuto also
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro watched as Nishiki narrowly avoided his Zanpakuto cutting her as she then quickly closed in on him again, her left fist then slammed into Shiro's right forearm effectively stopping him from moving his Zanpakuto back to cut her however she then grabbed his Zanpakuto with her right hand further preventing him from moving it. Her right knee them slammed into his gut, this caused him to skid back a little more however Shiro then with his free left hand extended his middle and index finger as he aimed to slam them into Nishiki's mid section to us Tsukiyubi. This would create a small white flash upon contact that would send her flying back away from him. As it stood Shiro was impressed with how well she fought at close range, he wanted to see what else she could do but he needed to see what she could do with her Zanpakuto also

Nishiki hadn't accounted for what Shiro would do with his free hand to retaliate and thus prepared herself to take on any attack he'd dish out. Shiro was successful in using a Tsukiyubi which, after a flash of white light, sent Nishiki flying back and rolling across the floor before she forced herself to her feet, skidding a little to a stop. Her Zanpakuto was on it's way to the floor in which Nishiki suddenly dived forward, jumping over the blade as it was just about to pin itself into the floor. As she flew over it, Nishiki grabbed the hilt before flipping her body in the air to land on her feet with bent knees. Straightening herself back up, she shook her legs a little, one by one before darting towards Shiro once more, this time running towards his left arm. As she closed in once again, Nishiki raised her blade that was held in her right hand across her body, as if she was aiming to slice Shiro's free hand from the left to right, however once Nishiki was close enough to slice, she jumped to the right side of Shiro and aimed to sliced his right shoulder from left to right before turning her body inwards with her sword straight and ready to block a sword strike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinai's wondering was cut short by an idea. if she wanted to do omething different she might have had an idea. she ran over to squad ten... got lost on the way, ate some food, and found it eventually. once there she asked around for anyone to speak to. while she waited she hung back against a wall, watching people work and run around and do quad ten things. not a tumble weed in sight.

One of the unseated squad members made his way to Haruka. It was a bit of a chore for her to actually listen to him talk because his voice was that perfect level of "Shut the F*ck Up!" Alucard seemed to snicker when her lips twitched into a downward position of vague neutrality, followed by a slow incline of her head.

"I see. Well, Tabo is...busy, I guess. Hikari is also busy. And Hyperion is training I believe. I've got some free time, where is she?" The male nodded in rapid succession and motioned for her to follow him. For his part, her partner jumped onto her shoulder and licked her cheek as she walked. Haruka, used to such antics, laughed and scratched beneath his chin.

It didn't take long for her to approach the prospect. She thanked the male and sent him on his way so he could finish his duties. Haruka smiled at the other woman and introduced herself, "Hello. My name is Haruka Katsuye. I am the Seventh Seat of Squad Ten and am happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai hung around. simply observing until woman approached her and introduced herself as the 7th seat of the squad. " My name is Sinai from squad 2. I appreciate you meeting me." she introduced herself as respectfully as she could. " i recently graduated from the academy and they tell us all these things about the squads and what they do. But then they tell us everything is in the process of changing. So my cohort is in a bit of limbo. I was hoping to find out how much has changed. for example we were told that squad 10 leads large scale operations. is that still the case?" Sinai was curious, tat much was obvious but at the same time she wanted to know if she could get any missions from squad ten. from all the Squad shiz she remembered being told from the academy she was most likely to work with either squad 5 or 10. And since Squad 5 already kidnapped her, she figured it would be a decent idea to check on squad 10 before any more surprised popped up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah, everything is in turmoil, but that hasn't changed about Squad Ten." Haruka said after she listened. "We've had quite a few members go off on missions already. The only thing is, we don't have a more stable captain yet. Tabo is only an interim until another can be chosen." she answered honestly.
"So far, our missions have been pretty average as Tabo usually sends no more than 3 or 4 shinigami at a time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After a few hours of sat on her ass hearing some muffled stuff from something she couldn't see and not being sure it wasn't so weird dream she was having from bad Rice-Cakes or that the giant thing looming in the darkness of blur was not a Cave Troll, Mirja stood up and stretched. There was only so long a person could sit on the ground in a day anyway, before it came down to being to bored to move and then you turned into a statue. Or at least that was here believe anyway.

Wither it happened or was physically possible was another thing entirely, Mirja's mind did not operate within the realms of sanity or possibility, but still, annoyingly enough, possessed morals, and common sense. So, headbutting competitions with the wall where out, but she could use her head for something else, and so with a gleeful giggle, she Flash Stepped over to the Training arena, watching the world go by like a blur and often wondering how it would be to live out life as a droplet on a car window travelling 80 down the motorway.

Once she had arrived at the training ground, Mirja set about claiming a free dummy, and glaring at it intently. There was a lot of theory attached to this technique, and she wasn't about to mess things up here. Thinking for a while, she postulated the best way to approach her new and awesome technique, and so with a wide grin, Flash Stepped towards the dummy...and promptly smashed her face off it, the dummy appearing more grounded in physicality than she was in reality. Of course, one failure wasn't going to put her off, so she got up, brushed herself off, and tried again, but met the same result. And so launched a vicious kick at the dummy's head and knocked it several feet down wind, before grumbling off to find another dummy, since someone had broken the one she was using.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki hadn't accounted for what Shiro would do with his free hand to retaliate and thus prepared herself to take on any attack he'd dish out. Shiro was successful in using a Tsukiyubi which, after a flash of white light, sent Nishiki flying back and rolling across the floor before she forced herself to her feet, skidding a little to a stop. Her Zanpakuto was on it's way to the floor in which Nishiki suddenly dived forward, jumping over the blade as it was just about to pin itself into the floor. As she flew over it, Nishiki grabbed the hilt before flipping her body in the air to land on her feet with bent knees. Straightening herself back up, she shook her legs a little, one by one before darting towards Shiro once more, this time running towards his left arm. As she closed in once again, Nishiki raised her blade that was held in her right hand across her body, as if she was aiming to slice Shiro's free hand from the left to right, however once Nishiki was close enough to slice, she jumped to the right side of Shiro and aimed to sliced his right shoulder from left to right before turning her body inwards with her sword straight and ready to block a sword strike.

As Nishiki came back at Shiro to attack him, he watched her go to slash his left hand then suddenly she moved to his right side and went to slash his right shoulder, Shiro twisted his body to avoid the slash, as he did he then brought his Zanpakuto to Nishiki's yet aimed to hit it's side to push it out away from her, he then stepped in close to her with his left foot and brought his open left palm towards Nishiki's chest as he aimed to used tessho on her to once again send her flying I must say, this is proving to be more fun than I expected
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

AeronFarron said
"Yeah, everything is in turmoil, but that hasn't changed about Squad Ten." Haruka said after she listened. "We've had quite a few members go off on missions already. The only thing is, we don't have a more stable captain yet. Tabo is only an interim until another can be chosen." she answered honestly. "So far, our missions have been pretty average as Tabo usually sends no more than 3 or 4 shinigami at a time."

Sinai nodded. turmoil wasnt the description she wasnt expecting. It made it sound worst than she thought. The small numbers of the missions made sense in that circumstance though. if it really was that crazy it was better to coordinate smaller units rather than larger operations. "i see. how has the squad reacted to this..interim captain?" she realized that might not be a proper question. "you dont have to answer that. But if there is a mission or assignment in the near future please keep me i mind. I dont have much experience since I'm new" hopefully she would be able to get something, sometime to get her feet wet in other shinigami operations. for perspectives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
As Nishiki came back at Shiro to attack him, he watched her go to slash his left hand then suddenly she moved to his right side and went to slash his right shoulder, Shiro twisted his body to avoid the slash, as he did he then brought his Zanpakuto to Nishiki's yet aimed to hit it's side to push it out away from her, he then stepped in close to her with his left foot and brought his open left palm towards Nishiki's chest as he aimed to used tessho on her to once again send her flying

Shiro twisted his body away from her slash, leaving Nishiki open, however she did twist her body towards Shiro's and held her Zanpakuto straight. Instead of expecting Shiro to just swung his sword at her, he hit the the side of her blade, knocking it out of his way yet Nishiki didn't let it go. She only had enough time to look at Shiro with a serious glare before being hit with a Tessho. Nishiki flew back, tumbling through the air before hitting the floor. "Another!... Damn!... Hakuda!!" She yelled as she hit the floor three times before rolling to a kneeling position. Stopping herself, Nishiki stood up. 'Damn... I should of spent more time perfecting my Hakuda skills instead of training solely with my Shikai... Hehe, oh well' Nishiki began smirking after her thinking time was over. Walking closer this time, she stopped a few steps away from Shiro before holding up her Zanpakuto in front of her with both hands and jumping forward, aiming to slash across Shiro's hips from left to right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kurisa said
~Human world~ The gillian watched as one of the Shinigami blocked it's cero but near at the cost of their life, this only caused the Gillian to charge up another cero which grew larger and larger yet before it fired off, A large blue arrow pierced the gillians head and split the cero in two causing the cero to explode causing the gillians head to become no existent as it's body then fell back onto the ground throwing up a mass amount of dust. High in the air above the city stood a figure with a hood over their head, this hid most of their features except their white hair, they then spoke seemingly to themselves yet the others wouldn't have heard due to how high they were in the air "I didn't want to do that...If only my arrows could purify you, you have my apologies...however I could not let you destroy these people's lives...it was you or them, I chose you...." The person then looked down at the three Shinigami then disappeared from sight

As the Gillians prepared another Cero, Megumi readied herself. Only to watch a blue arrow go through its head and kill the monster in one hit, she turned around and looked at the cause, but before she could do anything the person left. Well luckily for them, they seemed to have helped them, yet the arrow thing indicated they might be shinigami with a bow shikai. Or that they were a quincy. Well with the Gillian out of the way, most of the danger was gone. She decided to go check out on Ryozo to make sure he was still alve, snd shunpoed off to the location in which he crashed in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinai nodded. turmoil wasnt the description she wasnt expecting. It made it sound worst than she thought. The small numbers of the missions made sense in that circumstance though. if it really was that crazy it was better to coordinate smaller units rather than larger operations. "i see. how has the squad reacted to this..interim captain?" she realized that might not be a proper question. "you dont have to answer that. But if there is a mission or assignment in the near future please keep me i mind. I dont have much experience since I'm new" hopefully she would be able to get something, sometime to get her feet wet in other shinigami operations. for perspectives.

"Well, most of us actually don't mind. He's a good captain, if a bit lazy." there was a slightly playful laugh from her, "Well, we can go see if we have any intersquad missions available now if you'd like?" Haruka shrugged. "Alucard and I need to get for a bit anyway."

The dog barked in agreement from his mistress' shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai smiled, mostly at the dog but at the proposition as well. " if you don't mind, that would be wonderful" she was happy that the squad had a good captain. She herself was not yet able to speak about her captain. She never met him. She liked her lieutenant though if that counted for anything. "What are your missions usually like? I have only ever been on one mission"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Same. I've only been on one mission myself." she motioned for the woman to follow her as she walked off to find Tabo. "My mission was pretty basic, but I was kinda useless. It was me, another squad member and our lieutenant." Alucard nipped her ear in reprimand. "Ok...I wasn't totally useless. This one managed to play host to a lot of hollow masks. Poor thing was starving and was being led to eat souls. He was pretty damn big, with bones and skulls embedded in his hide. Hikari, Squad 10's Lieutenant, was ready to kill him. But I rescued and then adopted this pup." She rubbed his ears, "After that, we found the bastards that did that to him. Hikari pretty much killed everyone then destroyed the base. Hyperion and I were pretty banged up, Hyperion more so than I." she said.

She knocked on the door to Tabo's office, "Captain? You in there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

As soon as Haruka knocked on the door and asked was Tabo in there the door opened revealing Hikari there with a girl by his side. She had short brown hair and brown eyes, the resemblance to Hikari was there but it was questionable. Hikari had shorter hair than the last time Haruka had seen him, and he looked more stern and built. His spirit energy would even feel different than before. Hikari looked down at Haruka then his eyes drifted over to another girl he didn't know...She looked very young. He didn't care though. "Tabo you have visitors," he said in a much deeper voice which was probably just him not talking as care-free and relaxed as usual. Without a word to either Haruka or Sinai he grabbed the girl he was with hand and walked away. "Oh please enter!" Tabo called out, mouth full with food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

After dropping Souta off and saying their goodbyes before walking back to the Seireitei, Fumio and Rio once again parted ways, giving each-other a smirk and a wave as they did.

The first task on Rio's mind was to visit her Captain's office. She had been gone for quite a few hours, but not enough time to cause any alarm, however she knew Kaizo may of been a little worried about her due to the last encounter the two had. Making her way up the stairs, Rio felt a familiar throbbing pain in her head. At first it was calm, bearable, which Rio was glad about since it showed that the one pill she took earlier seemed to help a little... However it wasn't until she had almost reach Kaizo's door did the pain suddenly sky-rocket to the point that she was paralysed... Her eye widened at the sudden strike of pain, as if a lightening bolt had just hit the top of her head, paralysing her nerves. She was unable to talk, hardly able to breath or move a muscle. "U-un-un..... a-a..." Only stuttered sounds were all she could get out.

After a short moment, Rio managed to breath, slowly forcing herself to grow accustom to the pain before reaching into her inner pocket and pulling out her bottle of pills. Since it seemed rather dark out, indicating that it was late, the barracks were almost barren as many chose to sleep for early starts in the morning, meaning the likeness of Rio getting help were thin.... Throwing a pill into her mouth, Rio squeezed her eye closed and waited however the pill didn't seem to be working.... the pain only continued to throb, if anything it was worsening, almost as though it was trying to fight against the effects of the pill or something... Deciding to take one more, Rio threw another in her mouth and swallowed it before putting the bottle back into her inner pocket. After while, Rio had stood there, simply breathing as the pain slowly faded away bit by bit until it was non-existent.

'These seem to work well, that's goo...' Rio's thoughts were cut off by her vision beginning to blur while her body swayed slightly. 'Wha...' Soon everything turned black... The last thing Rio heard was the thud of her body hitting the floor close to Kaizo's office... Too bad no one seemed to be around to see this....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
After dropping Souta off and saying their goodbyes before walking back to the Seireitei, Fumio and Rio once again parted ways, giving each-other a smirk and a wave as they did. The first task on Rio's mind was to visit her Captain's office. She had been gone for quite a few hours, but not enough time to cause any alarm, however she knew Kaizo may of been a little worried about her due to the last encounter the two had. Making her way up the stairs, Rio felt a familiar throbbing pain in her head. At first it was calm, bearable, which Rio was glad about since it showed that the one pill she took earlier seemed to help a little... However it wasn't until she had almost reach Kaizo's door did the pain suddenly sky-rocket to the point that she was paralysed... Her eye widened at the sudden strike of pain, as if a lightening bolt had just hit the top of her head, paralysing her nerves. She was unable to talk, hardly able to breath or move a muscle. Only stuttered sounds were all she could get out. After a short moment, Rio managed to breath, slowly forcing herself to grow accustom to the pain before reaching into her inner pocket and pulling out her bottle of pills. Since it seemed rather dark out, indicating that it was late, the barracks were almost barren as many chose to sleep for early starts in the morning, meaning the likeness of Rio getting help were thin.... Throwing a pill into her mouth, Rio squeezed her eye closed and waited however the pill didn't seem to be working.... the pain only continued to throb, if anything it was worsening, almost as though it was trying to fight against the effects of the pill or something... Deciding to take one more, Rio threw another in her mouth and swallowed it before putting the bottle back into her inner pocket. After while, Rio had stood there, simply breathing as the pain slowly faded away bit by bit until it was non-existent. Rio's thoughts were cut off by her vision beginning to blur while her body swayed slightly. Soon everything turned black... The last thing Rio heard was the thud of her body hitting the floor close to Kaizo's office... Too bad no one seemed to be around to see this....

Kaizo had been sat in his office working on the mountains of paperwork, he had to sort out missions plans for the Onmitsukido, the transfers of prisoners to lower or higher levels of the maggots nest. There was just so much, but it was all in the work of a Captain and it was worth it in the end. Kaizo then stopped for a moment and took a deep breath as he put his hands behind his head and looked up to the roof, thinking about where Rio could have gotten to, he just hoped she was okay...however she had only been gone for a few hours so it wasn't like it was unusual. Kaizo then got back to work and continued on with the mountains of paperwork, a few minutes later Kaizo heard a thud outside his office door, this caused him to raise an eyebrow as he stood up and walked around his desk to his door, he then opened it, his right hand on his Zanpakuto's hilt as he did so. Kaizo then looked out of his office door, his eyes then widened as he noticed Rio laying on the floor, Kaizo quickly ran to her side and crouched down by her as he put his hands on either side of Rio's face "Rio!? Rio!? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Getting no response from Rio caused Kaizo to quickly pick her up then run out of Squad 2 carrying Rio in his arms as he then shunpoed off to Squad 4 and immediately once he arrived, demanded that someone check her immediately to see what was wrong with her
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