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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa looked around, her leg raised on top of the other, seeing that she was kidnapped by some people, who was actually going to get their ass kicked in a couple of seconds. "Why do you guys have to do this..? said the girl, sighing as they slapped her and threw her to the floor, as she slid across the floor, but what they didn't know was that they broke her rope, so she pretended to still be tied up. They stood her up, but that's when she fought back, Alyssa kicked a guy on his right leg making him fall down, another one a jab on the face, as he was bleeding. "I told you guys, there is no need to be doing this. We are all frie..?" she stopped seeing one of the guys grabbing a pistol, shooting at her, but thanks to her enhanced reflexes, she manged to dodge them, of-course she put some of her speed in it too. Alyssa made a backflip, kicking the guy on the head, as she wrapped her leg around his neck, knocking him out, not killing him, there was a trick to knock people out like that. The other guy, she just punched him on the nose, as he stayed there holding his nose since it was bleeding. "Hmph." Alyssa said flipping her hair, and walking away from the basement that she was in.

As she walked up the stairs, she could see the house full of people, bad guys, no she wasn't in her costume so she didn't have her gadgets, she didn't know this was going to happen. So she decided to make a run for it, they all began to shoot at her, she threw herself out the window, falling into a truck, on top of the truck, as she escaped, the truck going into the city now. A few minutes later, she arrived in the city, falling into the ground from the truck. "Ugh, they are so stupid." she said to herself, looking around as people saw her, barefooted and with a long white dress, which was a bit bloody because of her cuts and all. Alyssa looked at herself, sighing and going to her house, which was close by. She grabbed her outfit, which was a white tanktop, black jacket, blue jean skinny pants, and her high heel combat boots. And that's when she made her way to the house of the heroes, or base in other words. So she rang the doorbell[?]

[i didnt know what to do, so I hope this is okay?]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonydas
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Dragonydas Game Designer

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Caroline didn't even made an effort to get to know any of her team members. She was slightly surprised about learning that the cartoon kid was on her team. Hopefully he would bring a bit of humor to the team. Caroline sure as well wouldn't do that. She was extremely skeptical about trusting others around her, so she intentionally distanced herself from the rest. She was not even on the mood to explore the house that had become her base of operations. Just going to her room would be the best way to avoid meeting others.

Following Sam's instructions, she walked towards her dormitory. She got there just in time to see the cartoon kid walk inside his own room. She took a look above the doors and noticed that it had the names of each member of team 2 above them, but was happy to find out that her door had only her super hero name above it. She approached the fingertip scanner and placed one of her fingers above it. She saw the red light run her fingertip and then the computer spoke. "Caroline Flint" And she looked around to check if anyone had heard her name. "Superhero name Black Puppet, please establish a valid password.". Caroline thought a bit about this. She didn't want anyone inside her room that she hadn't invited on her own, so she used the craziest thing that came to her mind and that she knew she could remember. "Papapipapapapapapuppet" She made sure to repeat to herself the password just to make sure she could remember it while the door opened to gave her access to her room.

She entered, closed the door, removed the mask and then took a look around. It was a modest room, but it was one that she would have to enjoy for the next months perhaps even years. She sat on the bed and placed her mask next to it. The mask was more than a symbol. She wanted to keep her real identity in secret till she trusted everyone in that house, and that, would take a while. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow would be the start of this little experiment. All she hoped was that she would work during the night. Daylight and black puppet never matched she thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ralph listened to Dixie and Elizabeth talk about how he should be more humble and he nodded, somewhat agreeing with them. Most of the time, when Ralph said something arrogant or egotistical, he was doing it for fun and laughs, but he did think highly of himself as a capable hero. When he heard Dixie talk about her powers he smiled.

"Cool! Turning into a wolf is bad-ass" he said with a grin. He would have said more but just then he heard the doorbell rang and he guessed that it had to be another recruit which he liked, it meant more people to be goofy around.

"Well I had better go see who it is, I hope we get a teammate with blob like powers" he said to Dixie and Elizabeth before he turned around and headed for the front door. Once he got there, Ralph opened the door and saw a girl who looked ready to get into some serious crime fighting, and she was a pretty good looker, she reminded him of a Hollywood actress, but he couldn't remember the actress's name, it started with an 'M' he thought to himself.

"Hello, are you a new recruit as well?" he asked Alyssa with a friendly smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Disciple Cain
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Disciple Cain

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The amount of anxiety this girl exuded was ludicrous. Optimistic spirit, but her mind was a mess of unsurity stemming from... somewhere. SOmething.. And... she was a shapeshifter. A wolf shapeshifter. Elizabeth just blinked at her and shrugged as Dixie transformed, "I don't see why you need to be nervous about it; your power is probably why you were hired."

Elizabeth perked up at the sound of the door closing and glanced over Dixie's shoulder to glance at Beauty. A glance at her was all it took to Hear her. Those comments made her mouth twitch, but Elizabeth faked a smile for her to stay civil. Being vain didn't attract her ire. It was irritating, and she didn't take kindly to being thought of as a ghoul, but the less she knew for now, the better.

She opened her mouth to answer Beauty, then watched as she started to fan girl over Dixie's new canine form. An attempt was made to resist for a while, but she couldn't help but let out a little sigh and roll her eyes. Beauty wouldn't be unbearable to deal with, but listening to her thoughts could grate on the nerves. Either way, the question deserved an answer, so she waited a few seconds before saying anything just to be sure someone would be listening.

"Elizabeth Hazelquist," she told them with a subtle nod, "And you can just read about me online if you want to know what I can do." No smug tone, no subtext. She stated it like it were just a plain matter of fact.

That was simultaneously the correct answer and a terrible idea. Maybe they would be too lazy to go check it out, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa sighed waiting for the door to open, she already wanted to join up with the team, she was late but she had her reasons. A bunch of vandits wanted to kidnap her thinking she was a hopeless little girl, but she wasn't hopeless nor was she a little girl. Alyssa raised an eyebrow seeing the door open and there was a kid. "Uhhh. Yeah... I am. Sorry for being late." She said nodding, crossing her arms close to her chest as she invited herself in, walking into the base of the heroes. "This is nice.... I like it already!" Alyssa said looking around seeing more people in. She turned to Ralph, asking curiously. "Where is the leader of the team? I should tell her why I was late and maybe she can show me around or you guys." But of-course she wasn't going to be rude to a little kid! "Oh. My name is Alyssa, by the way." She smiled at him, continuing to look around as she admired how big, awesome and beautiful the base was! It had to be full with so many rooms too! "I can surely get used to this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charter

Charter Exploring Unknown Territories

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Frostbite continued to observe Sniper. While he couldn't exactly see what he was shooting, though there was probably a way to tell, he could see the man was shifting his aim after every shot. These shifts were too big to be corrections in aim and Frostbite simply assumed he was switching targets each time. As this was going on, he noticed that Rakshasi hadn't spoken or moved since, probably watching Sniper as a way to burn time, much like what Frostbite was doing. Frostbite didn't give her any attention either, simply because there was no need to converse about anything, he had no particular interest in getting to know her, or anyone else for that matter.

When Sniper had finished the simulation, he finally noticed Frostbite and Rakshasi, giving a wave as well as mouthing 'Hello' to them. Frostbite gave no response back and started to make his way out of the training observatory. He wondered what was on the top floor of the mansion, other than what was stated. He was primarily interested in the infirmary, since none of the others seem to have extensive medical knowledge, or that he was aware of, Frostbite took it upon himself to keep them alive if they could no longer function or do anything themselves. He did read and observe emergency medical teams, learning what he could from that and actually applying it to criminals before and after he interrogated them, they were better to let live than to simply end their existence as they spread fear into the ranks of thugs.

Frostbite noticed a bit of a crowd gathering around the front door, including Toon Master and Kisses Galore. He couldn't exactly see what was going on but simply passed by on his way upstairs. Probably Toon Master showing off his abilities or Kisses Galore doing the same. He could tell he wasn't going to like this group of misfits who've all worked on their own and have no respect for those with experience. Frostbite has presumed Titan has some kind of experience, hence her position, other wise he was probably the only 'professional' here. He had finally made it to the infirmary and browsed what equipment was there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Upon grabbing his suitcase and leaving the room, Skyler turned to gaze upon the training room again. He was sure to spend more time in there and would probably train together with others. That man, was he Frostbite? He was interesting to say the least. His marks had been left in the city, leaving villains a mess on the ground. Sniper had never actually seen him before but descriptions were accurate enough to paint this man as the real deal. His armour was thick and bullets would probably have a hard time penetrating its shell. Needless to say, Sky’s preferred shock darts would have no effect if Frostbite decided to turn on them. Shaking the thought from his head, Skyler left the training area and continued through the corridor. Evan was probably still getting to know the computers and the others were probably exploring the mansion. Throughout his aimless walk, Sky came across a gathering by the entrance. It was good to see how quickly people were getting to know one another, but hopefully no one would get their feet stepped on.

Making the living room his point of interest, Skyler dropped his suitcase besides the sofa and placed his rifle in his lap. If nothing else could be done productively at the moment, he could as well maintain his weaponry. With care and nimble fingers, Sky gently took the rifle apart and cleaned every individual piece. “Wouldn’t want you to malfunction on me, buddy.” The Sniper spoke quietly, crossing one leg over the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dixie blushed at Ralph’s compliment, partly from being happy he thought her power wasn’t lame, and partly from his language. She watched him race off towards the doorbell that was now ringing in her ears, making her twitch slightly. I don’t see why you need to be nervous about it; your power is probably why you were hired. Well… yes that was true. She wouldn’t be here without her power. Dixie supposed that did make her special in a way. After all, a weird person among other weird persons… well they would be normal right? She smiled at Elizabeth and nodded, tucking some hair behind her furry ears.

”Course yer right I..” she started softly when the really pretty girl walked up. And in a robe no less. Dixie would have simply died at the immodesty. She listened politely though as the blonde introduced herself, cringing visibly as the girl dropped the f-bomb, and looking unsure as to what she should say to the… compliment? ”Umm… thank ya Beauty,” she said, looking confused still as to whether the girl actually meant it or not. She wasn’t used to hearing that kind of language involving a compliment.

Elizabeth Hazelquist Dixie heard, turning to the girl she had originally been talking to. Online? So she must have done something noteworthy. Dixie preferred to learn about a person from their mouths though. Back home that was the only way she could anyway as Farrah didn’t allow smart didn’t hones or social media. ”Um, it’s really nice ta meet all of ya,” Dixie smiled at the other two girls, figuring it best to leave herself part wolf so anyone else that happened by would know what she did without her having to explain. ”Um, maybe we can walk ‘round an’ talk at tha same time? I dunno where anything is,” she said with her attempt at a laugh, though it was so soft one could have barely heard it at the end of her sentence. She was glad to already be making friends. And such nice, pretty ones too!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Look her up online? Really who does she think she is? Beauty could tell that this girl would not be a party in a glass. Dixie is such a sweet girl, Beauty never met anyone so innocent and optimistic, if anything Dixie would be the only one to bring the good side out of Beauty. "Your welcome Dixie, and yeah we should look around, the kitchen is marvelous." Before walking towards the stairs to the kitchen, Beauty saw Ralph open the door. A beautiful girl, with dark hair and great features walked in. Beauty not being the jealous type, thought she was cute. "But first let's go introduce ourselves to the newbie." Not waiting for Dixie and Elizabeth to reply, Beauty glided down the stairs, like a golden goddess and walked over to the new girl. "Hi, I'm Beauty your new best friend," Beauty was trying to joke around but it came out more venomous then usual. "You seem normal, what powers do you have? If you don't mind me asking your name also." Beauty smiling her devilistic smile at the new girl. The whole time Beauty was sizing the new girl down, head to toe. Beauty could see so many flaws in the girl, but she wouldn't say anything unless the girl did something Beauty didn't like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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With a smile plastered on her face Suzy began to walk towards the house they would be living in. It was pretty big and the grounds around it were pretty, like the said rock outcropping were the bath just was. Suzy took her time getting from point A to B as she waited for Cassandra to catch up with what she was doing, whatever those words did was pretty amazing. She would have to make a note to ask about it more later but for now something more important than that train of thought was the little thing fluttering around her head.

It was a small thing, a tiny body but large and beautiful wings. It flew around with little "Thwip, thwip, thwips" and it was one of the prettiest things she had ever seen. Searching her banks, Suzy was a little dissapointed that she didn't know what this was. However she knew not to be too surprised, she had known only the compound in her life and it was doubtful that this little thing would have been useful in her studies. However it was pretty all the same and when Cassandra caught up it gently fluttered away. Mesmerized as it flew, Suzy said "Cassandra, what was that just now...I haven't seen anything like it before."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Disciple Cain
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Disciple Cain

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Who did Elizabeth think she was? Wow, that was a complicated answer. But, Beauty didn't bother looking it up, and Dixie didn't have a means to, so it didn't matter. The stark contrast between the three of them forced Elizabeth to hold back a smirk. It was humorous. Before her was a nervous wreck, a catty bitch, and then there was herself. An escaped mental patient with a hellish addiction and a curse. She couldn't tell which of them was worse off in a team environment. She didn't bother thinking about it much longer either, as she dismissed herself from the crowd and decided to return to her room. Anyone that wasn't next to Beauty. Anywhere she didn't have to read another goddamn thought from her. "I think I'll leave you to that," Elizabeth said to Beauty. It was the first day. Maybe they'd all mellow out and get along, she convinced herself.

The robotic dog caught her attention just as she put her finger on her print scanner. She squinted at him. Was her holding a memo with his tail? Mission specs, maybe?

"Please input password," a robotic voice spoke. Elizabeth blinked in confusion for a second, then drew her attention back to her door. The password was whispered to quietly to hear, but the door opened and let her in. She retreated into her room and hastily closed the door behind her.

"I'll deal with the rest of the team later..." she murmured with a sigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Dixie started to walk with Beauty, when Elizabeth said she was going back to her room. ”Oh, okay,” Dixie said with a friendly wave. Before she took even a few more steps with Beauty though, the girl spotted the front door opening and quickly made her way towards it. Hesitating, Dixie was left by herself. She looked back at Elizabeth’s door, and then down the stairs at Beauty talking to what she could only assume was a new member of one of the teams. ”Um… okay,” she said quietly, transforming her wolf parts back to human for the moment. She kept her head tilted downward, boots sliding slightly across the floor as she tended to shuffle with her walk sometimes and drag her feet. Farrah would get onto her about it sometimes, but well… she wasn’t here to say anything now.

Dixie eventually found the kitchen and saw the man who was smoking earlier. She almost backed right back out, knowing he probably wanted to be left alone, but then again she should meet everyone more personally. So after hesitating in the doorway, she put on a small smile and entered, going towards the cabinets and opening them before just staring within and trying to decide what to eat. She eventually just grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, finding a chair to sit upon and eating a spoonful. She glanced over at Axle and looked back to her jar before looking back up at him. ”Um, howdy,” she said softly, eyes looking unsure of how he would respond.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 7 days ago

Boring. Sophie could deduce that much from Frostbite's personality. Well that made one person in the mansion, she assumed. While she wouldn't exactly call the others she'd seen thus far "entertaining", they at least added an inconsistent spice to her world that shied away from dullness and silence. As much as she already hated so many of them, she appreciated the novelty she'd undoubtedly be faced with. Only thing that she needed then was something to punch relentlessly.

A mission would come soon enough, she was certain. For the time being however, she had to suffer with a distant sociableness, finding time-passing sustenance where she could. Thus far it hadn't gone well. Sophie noted not to hang around Frostbite both for his apparent lack of temperature control and his utter lack of humor. Couldn't take a joke, probably couldn't make one either. As both Frostbite and Skyler left the scene, she waited a few moments before eyeing the simulation room questioningly. It was tempting, and as she walked down the stairs and passed by the now-open door to the simulation chamber she recalled the nature of her powers; a simulation could do nothing to boost her strength, and so if she were simulated to be hurt, it'd merely elicit memories of how stupid training ultimately was for her. You didn't need to train when you actually wanted to be harmed, after all. Sophie scoffed and continued on.

A game room, that would suffice. In all her years of vagrancy, the one thing she consistently find herself faced with was a game of pool. If this fancy mansion didn't have a pool table, she'd be utterly astounded. What were they? Brutes? Finding her way by virtue of sheer instinct through the pointless immensity of the mansion, she eventually came across a game room complete with the destined pool table. Didn't hurt to practice this, Sophie thought to herself. A good hustle or two with her teammates might land some cash or a few favors, and she was a bit rusty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ralph smiled at Alyssa and he responded to her introductions.

"Hi Alyssa, my name's Ralph, but when we're fighting crime, you can call me Toon Master because as you can see-" he created a cartoon bear-trap that floated around in the air chomping down on its metal jaws like it was frantically biting something invisible.

"I have a thing for cartoons" Ralph said with his happy grin. He then saw beauty Mathews come over to say hello, and she talked about herself. This made Ralph smile and he replied in a mischievous voice.

"Beauty I was just about talk to Alyssa about you, since you are the best hero here, next to me of course" he said with a laugh and the cartoon bear-trap laughed in a whacky way as well before it disappeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa looked at the kid, giggling, he was so adorable too! "It's nice to meet yo, Ralph. I am Alyssa, you know that, BUT call me Black Widow." she smiled at him, and noticed him drawing something, as she looked up sawing a bear trap floating around the air. "Wow....so you can basically draw anything and it will come to life?" she asked raising an eyebrow before she was interrupted by someone who is called, Beauty? Who is called Beauty. Well she is beautiful but still.

Of-course, Alyssa was going to be nice and all, so she looked at Beauty, smiling at her. "Hiiii. I'm Alyssa. And best friend..? Alrighty then...?" Alyssa said a bit confused because she had no idea what the girl was talking about, they JUST met, but it could look like they have some stuff in common. "Oh.. I don't have any like real powers or anything. I just have enhanced attributes, like I can run faster than a normal human...strenght... and so on." she nodded not being ashamed of her 'ability' because she dosen't call them powers, it wasn't nothing like Ralphs. Alyssa noticed how Beauty was looking at her, head to toe, what was this girl's problem? She had to keep an eye up on her, a sweet person can be mean as hell behind other's backs.
"So...where do I go now? do I get like a tour around this place or something?" she rose an eyebrow, looking at both Ralph and Beauty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie watches as Suzy becomes delighted with what is obviously a novel experience to her. When she asks Cassie to name the creature the Sorceress smiles as she says
"That was a butterfly and yes one of nature's marvels"

Cassie casts a small summoning spell and waits only a few moments before they come to her and Suzy. Their colors are varied as are their breed as in the beginning there are only 20 then in less than two minutes there are over a hundred

"The butterflies are Gai's most lovely creations but also her most fragile. To understand them and their life cycles is to learn to many changes we all go through. They are in the final stage of their lives and oh how short for many this stage is.
Some feel sorrow ate their passage but you shouldn't as they are enjoying every moment of it and their own beauty."

Cassandra spreads her arms and the colorful sky dancers light on her covering her with a restless beauty. Among them are reds so vibrant they seem impossible but then are seen the peacock blue wings of others that flash in the sunlight like rare crystals.

"They feed on the nectar of flowers mainly and some believe their colors are stolen from those same flowers but if that were so then the beautiful color of the Monarchs would be the drab shade of the milkweed on which they feed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Hey there, err... Dixie? Want a sandwich " Axle says to Dixie, trying his best to remember her name. All these people he's kind of having trouble remembering names.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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"Awww that's sweet Ralph." Ralph was starting to grow on Beauty, in a annoying but loving little brother kind of way. Alyssa a nice name, to fit a nice girl. "So your kind of like an adrenaline junky, or someone who has built in steroids? That's a pretty good power...I guess." Beauty changed into Kisses Galore to show off her powers, Fluffy, Rose, Pinky and Creampuff appeared. "I have powers of love, these are my love birds, Fluffy the oldest and the most graceful, Rose the creative free spirit and second oldest, Pinky the mischievous one, she reminds me of me sometimes. This one right here Creampuff the baby, shy but she has a lot of potential." Talking about Creampuff made Beauty think of Dixie, she was shy and optimistic but full of potential. "I can create love, or take love and weaken evil people with it. So I'm like the superhero of love." Beauty motioned for her birds Rose and Fluffy to pick up Ralph and Alyssa, she rode Pinky, since she was the only one that Pinky would let ride her. "I can give you a tour since I've looked around here before I found my room myself, let's start with the kitchen." Seeing the robot guy passing by not even saying anything, Beauty and her birds just kept going. Going into the kitchen Beauty spots Dixie, I guess the robot didn't even notice her, that was a jerky move right there. "Hey Dixie this is our new hero...Alyssa right? She has like steroid powers or something." Spotting Dixie, Creampuff waddled over to her, creating a bond like friendship already. "Looks like Creampuff really likes you Dixie." Beauty only giggled at the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dixie looked down at her spoonful of peanut butter then back up to Axle. ”No thank ya,” she said quietly, going back to eating and looking in her lap. She screwed the lid back on the jar when Beauty entered the kitchen, trailed by massive pink birds and a girl with long dark hair. Hey Dixie this is our new hero… Alyssa right?”

”Howdy, Alyssa,” Dixie said with a gentle, albeit nervous smile. She really liked animals, but most had a sixth sense about her wolf form, and her ability to lose it, like she was dangerous, and stayed away. However one of the giant pink birds walked up to her. Dixie just stared back at the thing, waiting for it to nip at her like most animals, but it seemed content. She raised an eyebrow curiously, looking up to Beauty when she said Creampuff liked her.

”Creampuff?” she said, tilting her head. The bird seemed to respond to its name and Dixie smiled gently, reaching out and petting its head with only a bit of a nervous quiver to her hand. ”Do yer birds help ya fight?” Dixie asked Beauty, curious as to what the creatures actually did, or if they were just pets of hers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Axles eyes widened when he saw the birds, he doesn't hate or fear them, birds up close just make him feel uncomfortable. 'I suppose we have all kinds here' he thinks as he watches Dixie pat the bird, Cream Puff.
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