Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


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“Gustavo! Go get me a snack!” -Meryl, Page 3.
Imperium - Anima Aeternum

Florence glances to Aslo and scoffs at the remark. "I believe I misplaced it somewhere eight thousand years ago." He says with a bit of a joking tone as Gremlock's fireball reveals the hint of a humanoid arm. He takes aim to fire, only to watch it skitter into the darkness and hiss at them. Florence motions for Trom to come closer to him, his eyes widening somewhat. "I recognize the hiss now... Heh... Scuva." He grimaces as Trom looks at him with confusion, before something suddenly leaps from the ceiling at the speed of a bullet, slamming into Trom's shield and pinning him to the ground. It was a pale skinned creature, humanoid in shape and yet with thin hairs grazing all over its body. Despite being naked its gender was entirely indeterminable as it opens its mouth and sinks its fangs into the wooden shield, barely failing to pierce Trom's chest as he screams in panic. Raen's shot rings true from the shadows and sticks it in the side as Gremlock fires on it from the opposite side. The musket ball rips through the intestines of the creature, causing it to fall over on its side and start to convulse while Trom scrambles to his feet. Florence deals the killing blow as more skittering is heard from the ceiling.

Looking at the ceiling, Florence almost missed Murd clearly bowling his way through the metal door, blowing it off its hinges and sending it onto the floor. Miraculously, he also didn't hurt himself in the charge as Florence motions with his hand for people to start moving in that way, though keeps Trom close to him. It was likely that the Scuva in question were numerous and hungry for fresh flesh. "The next room should be... A simple, large training room, full of dummies and other such materials." He says aloud, though there was likely a reason he kept his orders silent, though he did narrow his eyes as he looked at the corpse. "That one was slow." Trom gulps and keeps close to Florence, back to back so as to maximize the shield coverage they both wielded.
Rheinfeld - Scheideweg

Moira Drafitee stops in her tracks again and swats Kasim across the face with a gloved hand. "Pig." She says with disgust, though her body language betrayed her: She did find him attractive. She watches Davian start to head for the barn and sighs, shaking her head. "I don't care for your childish assumptions. I'm following my own intuition and suspicion... Oh, and in case you didn't get the memo... I'm a tiefling, not a demon. Demons are just as hostile to my kind as they are to yours." Without another word she continues to follow Davian, making it quite clear: Either Kasim would have to stop her with force, or simply follow her lead to the barn where Davian was now heading.

Zin on the other hand gets a quick, almost curt nod from Alida as she whistles once, sharply. Two small messenger boys arrive to her side. "Spread the word to arm and be ready for an impending assault." The messengers nod as she continues moving for the meeting tent. It didn't take long to get there, though standing outside Taigyn looks around at the burgeoning situation. The Templar were beginning to arm themselves as well, likely in response to the Republicans. "Is there something I should be made aware of?" Alida seems to ponder the question for a moment, then smiles in a friendly manner. "Davian is investigating the barn, just in case there is trouble we are arming ourselves. It is likely a false alarm, but better safe than sorry."

Before the Templar could answer Laenaia's questions, they heard an older man yelling for them to approach. Three of the Templar leave immediately, the fourth at least has the courtesy to bow politely. "Ah, excuse me, something is stirring the camp into a frenzy. We can talk about this more later about this I would assume, since we're both likely assigned to protect Taigyn. My name is Eustice, remember that." He leaves her presence and rejoins his fellows several feet away.
Liveria - Heaven's Haven

The battle was moving at a rapid pace as Andrea attempted to cast her spell. The Orcish Leader however slams his skull-staff onto the ground and closes his eyes. Andrea would find her magical spell to affect the wind being countered, though she failed to recognize whether this is because he was wielding anti-magic or some other form of magic.

Mila turns and faces the Orc Champion, summoning all of her might she attempts to at least slow him down as she applied telekinetic force against his limbs, though he was still plainly able to move despite this. The princess--that is, the real one--was nowhere to be seen as Elbetrt rides hard and fast past her group towards the Champion. In one fell swing he brings his axe downward, though thanks to the jittery movements produced by Mila's attempts to use telekinesis on him, he fails to hit her and instead hits her horse. With the sickening sound of internal organs being shredded as the horse is cut in two from sheer force and momentum, Elbetrt goes para-sailing through the air, past the orc, into the boulders with the unknown numbers of enemies. Smashing against a boulder before hitting the ground, she would feel dazed, with a loud ringing in her ears that would leave her out of combat for a minute or so while she recovered.

Meanwhile, as Ceann climbs down the cliff side, the orcs snap out of their intimidated state as one of them dashes quickly to the edge of the cliff, pointing his bow downward towards Ceann. Gabriel however descends towards the orc. As he does so, the orc drops his bow and quickly pulls out a large blade from his waist, using it to block Gabriel's strike. Meanwhile, the second orc aims for Gabriel, and fires, easily scoring a hit on the now stationary target. The large arrow digs its way into Gabriel's lower torso, causing him to grit his teeth in pain as he kept his stoic demeanor on the forefront, though it was plain he was not going to last against these targets. Ceann, however, at least manages to reach the ground level.

While Elrithos analyzes the Orc Champion he would see out of the corner of his eye something slip past him, a wispy sort of shimmer in the air moved into the ground. The Champion howled proudly as a half-orc steps out from behind the rocks, blade drawn as he rushed forth... And impaled his blade into the back of the Orc Champion's left ankle. Falling down to one knee, the Orc Champion howls in pain while the Half Orc frowns sympathetically as he twists the blade in, back and forth, before being knocked away with a single slap. Before he could hit a boulder and most certainly die however, Mila was quick to change her priorities to slow the half-orc down using her telekinesis. "Safe and sound... Foolish princess." Mila mutters quietly while Elrithos would finally see it: The armour around the orc's waist was weak, likely due to the patchwork job that the other orcs would have had to do for him just to make it fit for his extra two feet in height.
Free Holds - Devil's Children

It didn't take long for Mikan to get dressed in something more comfortable as the thin, cloth dress wrapped about her frame. Putting on the mask, she became unrecognizable as she giggles, throwing Aëyr, Abida, and Mars some clothing. Mars had much to be thankful for: It wasn't slutwear. It was actually rather gentleman's wear. After all, Mikan was the one that had to win over the warlord's attention. "It's fine that you don't know. You just have to follow my lead." Mikan twirls on the tips of her toes once. "As for the succubi... There are a few demons who manage to escape control. I know two who did."

With that said, she leaves the overall uniform choice up to Aëyr, Abida, and Mars, trusting that they understood the basic strategy at hand. "This is the last chance to ask questions." She says as she crosses her arms and leans on a wall.
Amazons - The Greatest Hunt

Eyllt would find, surprisingly, that two more of the women complied to be scanned, stepping forward to her. In all likelihood the last two would have as well, were it not for the fact that they were challenged by Maeven's Fafnir and Alicia. The two of them look at each other and smile a little as they accept the challenge, a smaller brunette and a larger blonde each walk out into the center of the large circle formed by the Amazons. The brunette bows before princess, the blonde makes no motion of respect towards her. "My name is Tasha." The brunette said respectfully towards Fafnir. "And I, am Rashan." The blonde said as well. Meanwhile, Ethlinn stares at the six with confusion plain on her face. If the succubi was in there, she was playing her cards well... Or she had a way of disguising herself from Esyllt. Ethlinn bites her lip and looks to Alexandria. "Let us hope one of these four is it, or I will have made a grave error."

Naream's summoning of five skeletons seems to unsettle most of the surrounding circle of Amazons, save one, who instead looked at them with curiosity and awe. Touching the bone structure of one of them, she looks at Naream and smiles. "Undead warriors? How did you learn to do this?" She then looks at the arena, towards the two amazons who had been scanned. One of them looked at Ethlinn with disdain, the other glanced at Naream seemed somewhat appreciative of his arts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Liveria - Elrithos

The shimmer that just passed through his sight was not his highest priority, although he did take note that it was heading for the orc in front of the unit. He was trying to find where the steel plates either lacked or were flimsier than the rest of the suite of armor. The first clue was when the orc hit the horse of the young knight. His movements were a tad slower, yet still hit like a flying boulder. He slowly advanced towards the champion, taking his time, doing what he could to spot some kind of hole in his defense.

Part of his attention was taken from Gabriel as he came down on the three orcs on top of the cliff. The dark elf that had scouted out came down, leaving the holy one alone. He couldn’t take all three of them on. So, he started for the cliff as he then heard the howl of pain… He saw the weakness as the huge creature twisted his body to smack a half-orc away. Recognizing the thinner and more sectioned armor at the waist, he shouted out to those at the ground. “The plates at his waist are weaker! Aim around that area!”

He then ran for the cliff, turning a few seconds to speak to both Dark elves. “Lady Ceann, Lady Andrea! Give me some cover so I can aid Gabriel!” He then commenced his ascension of the rocky cliff, hoping that he would be granted the aid to reach the top. He had trust in those he fought with to let assume at least on of them would help him not get shot down. It was in the culture of the Aavikkanians to put trust in one another in difficult situations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

Banned Offline since relaunch

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Murd turned to Raen. "How about you silence that dribbling shithole of yours. You've already demonstrated the tactical aptitude of a particularly deformed turnip and your current 'orders' reek of cowardice." The Minotaur replied without any trace of sarcasm his voice dripping with enough contempt to eat a hole through the floor. Gryff meanwhile was moving up to point.

Gryff looked at Murd meaningfully. Should Raen encounter some sort of accident it wouldn't be beyond Murd to help it along it seemed. Gryff chuckled as it occured to him that he would not particularly object either. Let the loud-mouthed idiot die. "Hey Grem." Gryff said. "Keep up front near me where you have a clear shot. You can then move fast enough to get behind me. Aslo you know where best to put yourself. Murd cover the rear. We know for a fact there were nasties in that room and I want someone who can actually take a hit at the rear. Florence, if you can help cover Murd's back. Trom, you cover with me and Grem, Nyla if you can stick near the centre so you can reinforce whoever needs it most?"

Gryff and Murd took their respective positions in Gryffs plan. The notable omission of Raen from the series of orders both deliberate and meaningful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Imperium-Doctor Gremlock

The next actions happened in a flash, first one of the soldiers was pinned down, then Gremlock had pulled the trigger destroying it. He only barely figured out what was attacking them. Scuva? He had never heard of that one before. Regardless, it was hostile, could be killed by a musket, and was not open to negotiations, which was all that mattered right now.

"Gremlock, I suggest staying close to the middle of the group. It would be wise if we keep together, but not make ourselves clustered enough to create any confusion. Murd, Gryff, I think you two should lead. Florence, you and Trom should back him. Gremlock. You should probably be right behind them. I think it would be best if you save your shots for when they are needed most, as they seem to be able to do the most damage." came the orders from the half dragon's mouth.

"All ri---" Gremlock stammered, before he heard another voice, this one from the Minotaur, "How about you silence that dribbling shithole of yours. You've already demonstrated the tactical aptitude of a particularly deformed turnip and your current 'orders' reek of cowardice."

Lovely, barely 2 feet into the dungeon and already his companions were bickering at each other. Admittedly the Minotaur had a point, the half dragon didn't seem to have the best plans, but even then they weren't incompetent either. "Hey Grem." Gryff said. "Keep up front near me where you have a clear shot. You can then move fast enough to get behind me."

Well, now there were two conflicting orders. Gremlock wanted to follow Raen's plan since it kept him behind all of the meat shields, but at the same time neither of the mercenaries were following his orders, which would likely render the entire strategy moot. In the end he sighed and went to his position in front of Gryff. A flurry of thoughts went through Gremlock's mind. Unlike the mercenaries, who didn't seem to care whether the half dragon died, Gremlock did care, but there wasn't really a whole lot he could do, not with his only other option being the untested Elephant Gun. Well, that or a fireball potion, which wasn't the best thing if the dragon was pinned down like the soldier was. He then started reloading his musket, though keeping ready to get behind Gryff if necessary, and said, "All right Gryff, I'll go with your plan, but you had better cover me, I don't fancy being a meal to these things. Also, I'd advise going into that hallway over there, like the experienced Imperial soldier motioned for." Gremlock hurried, trying to get the musket loaded as fast as he could, though with some care put into it at least. If he was ready, he was going to shoot at the nearest enemy, who would be swarming their position pretty soon. If not...well he hoped everyone else could take care of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Icarus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Imperium Mission

Aslo would have been lying if he were to say he wasn't startled whe the "Scuva" came down upon them. he could honestly say thathe had never seen one of those before, and yet it was dispatched with what seemed to him like ease. There was of course the over-arching issue of further skittering and hissing coming from above, but for now at least they seemed subdued. He took note of the hairs on the creature, and assumed they'd act akin to those of spiders, presumably whatever kind had warped this poor... human? All the same to him really, but if speed and agility were their strengths Aslo would see to it that they suffer because of it. Reaching for the pouch at his right hip he grabbed at two of the four ceramic balls located within. Comfortaly he could hold two, each being around the size of his palm, and he juggled them lightly waiting for the others to settle.

Between the newcomer Raen spouting orders, and the mercenaries fervent opposal to said orders, it didn't seemed to care about the looming threat lurking above them, so long as they had their way. Wonderful. Thought Aslo as cynically as he could I've allied myself with those who'd rather bicker than survive. Soon Aslo would realize he had excluded Gremlock from his thoughts. ...And a midget with an Elephant Gun. Simply wonderful work on this one Aslo. At least semi luckily both parties agreed that Aslo should be left to his own devices, or find himself in the middle of the group, both of which worked fine for him. "Right then, then unless you lot are going to do our friends work for them and kill yourselves, I say we move along."

Afterwards he would move over to the doorframe and wait patiently for the group to go through. He smirked and nodded playfully as Florence passed, adding "Don't you worry dear general, I know exactly where I'm needed. Such a horror it would be if you weren't returned to the good Empress." As the last of the group passed him he proceeded to lob one of the balls up high in the air in front of the door. If it didn't hit the ceiling and burst it would land and burst on the ground releasing the mixture inside.

Specifically a mixture which would visciously disorient anyone caught inhaling it, playing with their vision and causing substantial headaches, if those hairs were indicative of spiders, and they relied on them to sense surroundings, this mist may work wonders. Quickly Aslo hopped into the corridor himself, not wanting to be around when the ball broke. However before he got too far separated from the group he was reminded of the door that Murd had brought down. Holding his breath after hearing the crack of the ceramic container and giving it his mightiest heave he brought it back up to stand against the doorframe in a way that would require a normal sized man to move the door aside to proceed through. Aslo thought this might serve to discourage these creatures from following after them.

As he closed in on the group he turned back to the door and threw the second ball so that it hit at the top of the doorframe, causing the mist to rain down upon the entrance. It was likely that the mist would linger there for awhile, long enough at least for them to find themselves out of this corridor. As he retook his position just ahead of Florence with his sword drawn, ready to help wherever the group might have greater need of him, a question nagged at his mind. "Just how intelligent are these things? Is it only their hunger that drives them, or are they likely to give our good friend Murd here a battle of wits?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Rheinfeld - Laenaia

Laenaia looked at Eustice's back as he headed to the source of the older man's voice. She turned her gaze to the surrounding before focusing a moment to the main tent. She then looked towards Zayn and tried to guess what his next action would be. A huff escaped her lips before Zayn, being the closest Blade she could notify without straining herself, received an intention that Laenaia was planning to enter the main tent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kasim - Rheinfeld

The slap only served to amuse Kasim. He could see that Moira was interested, but apparently her current stalking of Davian took precedence. Grinning, he hurried after her yet again. At first he thought the woman having demon blood meant she was an agent of the demons themselves, but he found himself persuaded by her statement that demons hated her kind too. It was entirely possible that she was here for less than evil purposes, and his talk of wanting to fuck her hadn't been a lie, so it would not be heroic at all if he were to kill her outright here and now just because of his suspicions. That was how villains started out in a lot of the longer tales, well-meaning men who did a bad thing for a good cause and then just slid into the abyss of evil. He didn't want to be the villain of a traveler's tale, so he did not try to stop her or harm her.

Kasim spoke up again as he caught up to Moira. "Now who's making assumptions? When I said I knew what you were, that's exactly what I meant. If I thought you were the real thing instead of just having some of the blood, I wouldn't be chatting you up, I would be raising the alarm and trying to kill you." He quieted for a moment, considering whether he'd just spoken the truth or not. He knew he probably would fuck a demon if given the chance, but given the circumstances and the mission at hand he probably would do the alarm raising thing if he had spotted one here. Being a hero had to come before getting laid, after all.

Satisfied with his self-assessment, Kasim continued on. "It's alright though, no harm done. You were right, I am a pig, but I'm also a persistent one. You've got business with Davian, that's fine, I get it, business comes before pleasure. I'll just tag along and make sure none of these Crusader assholes get it in their head to kill you just because of your skin color. You know how they can be, I'm sure. Then after you're done, hey, maybe you'll be in the mood for something more entertaining than dealing with Lieutenant Shitbrains of the Templars." That said, Kasim let her pull a couple steps ahead of him and slipped his bow off his shoulder. He did not draw an arrow yet, but he kept his right hand near the quiver hanging from his belt. He hoped that he wasn't making a huge mistake in letting the woman get near Davian, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it would be far too obvious for a tiefling to be the bad guy at a gathering of Crusaders, thus she had to have some good reason for being here instead. There was nothing for it but to follow and to be ready to put an arrow in her back if necessary, so he followed and remained ready.
Zin - Rheinfeld

Zin chimed in to add to Alida's response to Taigyn, giving him a more comprehensive answer than the Republican leader had deigned to give. "I received a telepathic message from Kasim saying that there's a tiefling woman disguised as a Templar and following Davian, and that he in turn is following the tiefling to make sure she causes no trouble. Davian is heading for the barn to investigate some odd feelings coming from it. I would suggest that we leave the barn situation to Davian, Kasim, and the Republic soldiers who are already nearby, as I am sure they're capable of investigating and dealing with whatever they find. The Templars ought to stay here in case there's more trouble afoot. Better safe than sorry, as Alida said."

She gave Taigyn and Alida both a pleasant smile. "Distracting though the situation may be, I think it would be best to continue on with the meeting as planned. There's naught to be gained from delaying, and I'm sure we'll have ample warning of any troubles coming our way from the barn, should it prove to be anything more than a false alarm."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aëyr — Free Holds
Aëyr caught the clothes and began sorting through them in her hands, letting those she determined to be of nonuse fall to the ground at her feet. Quickly swapping vestments on the spot—she had some light underclothes on underneath her protective leather gear for just such an occasion—she took on a new role. A roguish fighter she was no more, but instead some sort of shady trader.

On her legs she wore soft cotton-white pants ending shortly above her high ankles, choosing to rely on the thick pads of her feet as always to walk and run barefoot. For a shirt we wore a thin pinkish-beige buttonless blouse with loose sleeves—widening as they extended from her shoulders—along with a hood that, though now resting down around her neck, could be pulled up to cover her eyes in darkness. Her feet excepted, her blank black eyes were the most easily recognizable aspect of her race, and an extra precaution could prove useful in an escape. On top of this, she wore a dark leather sleeveless vest, unfastened. Not for protection, but rather to keep the loose fabric of the blouse from obstructing her movement or getting caught during a chase.

She tied the two poisoned daggers to each of her triceps with a pair of strong ribbons. Concealed by the loose fabric of her sleeves, she could also inconspicuously retrieve them by crossing her arms. As usual, she tied her sling around her waist, already designed to be disguised as a belt. She removed the sling-stones she kept strapped to her bracelets and poured them into two coin-purses she tied to the her belt at her right hip—though this might encourage petty theft, she expected her quick reflexes to be enough to catch any little miscreants in the act, and who would arrest a woman for carrying riverstones in her pocket anyways?

Tying the rest of her clothes into a bundle and inserting both her combat and sacrificial daggers, she set it down on the floor. She felt confident that she could blend in, and she was ready to fight.

Addressing Mikan, she finally asks her last question for the mission. "Once I strike Deimos and the fighting breaks out, be there a particular location we—" She motioned to designate the Queens Blades present and Mikan herself. "—should regroup?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alicia Le'roux-The Duel

A Collab with Brovo

Alicia held the spear in her hand, smiling at the approaching amazons with an obvious glee. To the vampire, these battles were important: they were the precursors to her success, should they go well. Giving the spear an experimental swing, she couldn’t help but notice the blonde haired amazon, and her obvious disrespect towards Ethlinn. A brief snarl curtailed the vampire’s smile, and she flicked the tip of the spear in the direction of the blonde woman, not an immediately deadly action, but one that held very obvious threat. “You, Rashan, I would fight you first.”

“Truly?” Rashan purred as she motions to the surrounding Amazons, one of them throwing her a spear in response. Twirling the spear between both of her hands with grace and skill, she brings the spear back down just in front of Alicia’s feet before stepping into the centre of the makeshift arena. “No killing blows.” Rashan reminded Alicia as she grasped the spear tightly with both hands. She seemed content to simply wait for Alicia to attack her.

Words seemed ill-suited to the occasion as Alicia matched the display put on by Rashan as she entered a lowered stance, spear-tip pointed towards the floor. She waited a whole second before she moved forward, jabbing the spear low, at the Amazonian’s legs. Unlike her bout with Hanus, Alicia was hardly content to focus on defence here. Intent on pushing her assumed advantage, Alicia didn’t settle for just one jab, but made an effort to make several Rapid Blows at her opponent’s lower body.

Rashan watches the spear come for her legs and jumps forward, slamming her feet into Alicia’s chest and using her own momentum to then kick herself up and backward from the vampire. Landing a few feet away, she chuckles and shakes her head. “You fight like a cub, so much passion and yet no way of manifesting it properly.” Licking her lips, she then counter charges with her spear, keeping it close to her body rather than lashing out with it constantly. Alicia had time to respond.

Alicia could do little more than grunt as the Amazon used her as some sort of springboard. The jibe from Rashan was enough to cause a pang of annoyance, but she repressed the urge to charge in like an angry child. It was as Hanus had warned her: pride would blind her, and in a situation where a demon might attempt to stab her in the back, that would be lethal...More so than underestimating this foe. “Please, do keep talking. It will make what follows all the more sweet.”

Now that her opponent was on the attack, Alicia felt slightly more comfortable in her plan of action. She was a much stronger fighter when she reacted, it seems. Perhaps a result of her duellist heritage, or perhaps because she normally used a weapon that would be foiled under a smart counter blow. Either way, seeing Rashan charge forward was enough to ease the Vampire as she waited for the amazon’s approach.

When the distance was closed by Rashan, Alicia lashed out at her opponent. She launched a one-handed overhead swing with her spear, a wild and seemingly unruly blow: full of power and speed, but predictable enough.

That was because the overhead blow was only part of the movement. She lashed out with her unarmed hand not half a second later, attempting to grab the Amazonian’s spear as she either blocked or made an attack of her own. Alicia was confident her vampiric heritage would allow her to out pace the Amazon, so this was as good a plan as any.

Rashan reacts predictable to Alicia’s overhead swing by bringing hers up to block it, only to see Alicia grab it. Looking down in surprise she slams her knee into Alicia’s gut, and notices that Alicia doesn’t flinch. “... Undead?” She whispers quietly before kicking outward, pushing Alicia back and snapping both interlocked spears in the process. Looking to her broken spear, she keeps the half with the spear tip and holds it tip down towards the ground, slowly walking around Alicia with a growl. “No wonder the princess likes you.”

“You don’t do listening well, do you?” Unlike Rashan, Alicia did not abandon either part of the spear, holding one half of the spear in each hand, as if they were batons. She mirrored the Amazon’s circling motion, although her opponent’s growl was replaced by a tooth-revealing smirk. She hardly planned to hide what she was, especially when she’d announced it prior.

After a small amount of time circling, Alicia surged forward again, both club-like remains of the spear held menacingly in Rashan’s direction. In theory, Alicia had the advantage by having two weapons; but Rashan had proven to be a good opponent already. So Alicia would be a bit more...clever. She was thinking through her moves this time around, as opposed to the blind instinct that dominated her fight with Hanus.

No more than a step or two away from Rashan, Alicia struck. She was going to press her two-weapon advantage, so she begun a flurry of Rapid blows, first a left side swing, followed by a right side jab, followed by more and more furious attacks, one after another. Each aiming to overwhelm an Amazon on the defencive.

Rashan seems to welcome the offensive with her own, blocking the blunted weapon with her broken spear and simply blocking with her arm the sharp spear from Alicia, allowing it to dig into her arm and inevitable hook into flesh. Wincing, Rashan then pulls her arms back and lashes out, headbutting Alicia and then viciously kicking out one of her knees. Stepping back a moment she tears Alicia’s spear out of her arm, throwing it to the ground. There was no blood coming out of the wound, yet it quite visible trembled on the surface of her skin. “Not bad.” She looks at her arm and shakes her head. “I concede.” She tosses the remainder of her spear away. “Between the Undead and an Amazon, the fight will only end in death. A pointless death.”

Alicia winced at the feel of her opponent’s physical blows, both the knee and the headbutt causing a degree of pain as she was forced to step back and regain her senses. What hurt more was the way Rashan simply discarded the fight, as if it were meaningless: as if there was no pride to be shown in the battle. Alicia growled as she lobbed the tip-less end of the spear at Rashan’s feet, demanding her attention. “You...fought well: Rashan. I would be honoured to duel you again, should the opportunity present itself.” Slowly, Alicia was calming the torrent of emotions: trying to balance the lessons from Hanus and Ethlinn. Controlling Pride, yet letting passion hold sway: such a strange set of lessons, she had been given.

She walked over to the Amazon, extending a hand to shake. She was unsure if the gesture was known in Amazon culture, but the open palm would surely be indicative of non-threat, right?

The Amazon seemed plainly aware of the tradition of shaking hands, and chose to ignore it, instead focusing her attention on the princess. “Your champions are outsiders who fight your battles for you. You’d make a remarkable leader… For a Free Holder.” Spitting at Alicia’s feet, she steps in line to be investigated by the golemancer. Meanwhile, Ethlinn frowns and looks to Alicia, but nods in appreciation. “You did well.” Her voice seemed somewhat pained, not having the experience to truly hide her emotions yet.

Alicia’s rage nearly bubbled forth as she watched the woman stroll towards Esyltt, having both insulted her gesture of kindness, as well as the Princess. She was ready to lunge at the woman, to strike the insolent bitch and rip out her throat for such an insult, but she resisted...barely. Instead, she strolled over to the spear tip and picked it up, for the first time noticing the lack of blood on it. She paused, a moment of clarity washing over her. “Of course…” She recalled the widespread myth about Amazons, something she had discarded as just that...myth.

“Princess Ethlinn, may I speak with you in private?”

The princess looks about the small group of Amazons, who seemed more eager to watch the next duel then see how she would respond. Ethlinn nods, then quietly motions her just outside of the circle of Amazons, behind a large tree. Smiling at Alexandria momentarily, she leaves the Queen there to watch the next duel, and interfere if anything would happen to go wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elrbetrt Westfeld
Liveria - Heaven's Haven

The winds rushed through her helm, the noise it made making it hard for her to hear much of anything. At any moment she prepared for the impact of lance upon flesh, prepared to bring down beast worthy of any knight to fell.

What she felt however was a mass of wind generated by what she could only think of as a giant swinging a blade, then a sickening crunch that reverberated through her horse , followed by sudden weightlessness and the disorienting feeling of suddenly having nothing around her. Wondering what on earth just happened, she landed in a heap against some boulders, the impact of her armor against it ringing out against the environment, giving her a vague mental picture of where she was.


With her shield still strapped on her arm and the sword undrawn in its scabbard, she put her back against the boulder, catching her breath.

Well, that was rather.... revealing. In her books the knights could lance pretty much anything into submission. Her father's stories had also told of knights slaying dragons with only their trusty steed and some sharpened steel. Perhaps she was not of legendary dragon slaying knight rank yet? It was a pity about the horse however, she did so like that one.

However, she had a more pressing problem right now. If what she could hear and SMELL were correct, she was now positioned behind the giant, and in front of the minions knife throwers. With her back to what seemed to be a big boulder, she would have two sides the minions could attack from, and her front would be very exposed to the giant. Going for the giant's back would be reasonable, but opens her back to sharp knives being embedded in it or anything else they might chuck. An axe or a bolt through her back would barely be impeded by the chainmail she was wearing.

Going after the minions opens up her back to a HUGE weapon which would eat up a full plate knight, as well as risking her being overpowered by the minions' unknown numbers.

Seeking a way out, she drew her sword, braced her shield and concentrated on her hearing, listening for the telltale whisper of cloth upon skin, the sound of a feet as they shifted bearing, breathing as they prepared to move or perhaps even the faint twang of a bow as an arrow took flight with a hiss.

Elrbetrt listened for a way out, and lacking that, she would take the lesser of the two choices, and perhaps distract the minions. She would perhaps survive better in a tighter place with only her front to worry about. Silently asking for guidance from her ancestors, she moved,ready to bail at a moments notice as she rushed behind the boulders. There was a nagging question in her head however, a question that really bugs her a lot.

Why didn't she hear more knives thrown out?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andrea


Member Offline since relaunch

Ceann and Andrea mucking about

Andrea cursed as her magic suddenly left her, the grasp on her spell vanishing into the ether, blinking confused and a tad enraged as she sought for the source of what cancelled out her attempt to trigger her rockslide. Turning to the cliff side from which Ceann was rapidly climbing down from jumping the last bit and landed on the ground, from where she came she thought she could sense the magic user responsible up the cliff side. Powerful indeed if there was a magic user up there who could cancel her out without seeing... unless he was trying to unleash something of his own that somehow cancelled her magic out?

She glanced at Ceann, "So good of you to rejoin us." She said dryly.

Her bodyguard turned back to the cliffs, looking up. "Big orc, possible leader, up above with two others." She said, more for Andrea's information and any of the others nearby, "Angel! Disengage!" She shouted at Gabriel while retrieving one of her special arrows, the red feathers indicating she picked her fire enchanted arrow. "Priestess, care to enhance this arrow if you are able!"

Snorting she approached Ceann, "Enhance it? Those are already enhanced arrows, what do you want it to do."

Ceann knocked the arrow back. "Just make it go boom upon impact if possible." She said tight-lipped as she aimed, waiting, hoping that angel would not be the stubborn kind and disengage, though she wouldn't loose the arrow if he was still there. Andrea just rolled her eyes but she had no other option, perhaps her fire magic was still available to her and enhancing a arrow she had made for Ceann to explode in a ball of fire might do the trick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rheinfeld - Scheideweg; Draza, a post to catch up by
Small and deft; sneaky but pure and innocent in demeanour

Also, soothing aura!

"Apple. As in, a regular, run of the mill, bright red cherry apple. Like in the orchards back at my family estate. I don't suppose you could... Somehow... Bring one of those here?"

Draza would have to remember that. Given this barn business, she hoped that Davian would be alright, for more reasons than just making him pastries with apples. However, given circumstances, she would have to table that thought for now, and instead she stayed upon her horse and listened to the two converse, rather civilly all things considered.

“Ensure she remains safe?” Draza muttered to herself. It’s not quite like she had much defencive or otherwise capabilities that could come into use for protecting someone. She was tiny, weak, and nonthreatening. Best she could do is try to talk them out of hurting Alida, and that wasn’t going to be easy or fun, especially if they attack before she knows who the threat is--

Oh. Tiefling, eh?

A combination of messages from telepathy and from Zin’s mouth alerted her to the type of threat to be anticipating. But it wasn’t from the barn, wherein lay another threat entirely. The unknown one. Wonderful.

But, alas, it was a threat that even if made manifest, was not one that Draza could likely take in a… well anything. She could be there, but she was told not to, and the meeting would be needing her far more than the barn. Making the only decision that seemed reasonable for her to do so, she quickly tied up her steed at an impromptu stable and hitching post, and made her way into the meeting tent where her talents would be of the most use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mars - The Free Holds

"Does a man?" Aeyr quickly retorted.

"Only when we're not in the heat of the moment," Mar's answered with a close lipped smile. He then moved behind a pile of clothes and proceeded to dress into his outfit. Removing his shirt and pants he swapped them with the ones Mikan had tossed him. Neatly Mars folded his own clothes, and rested his rapier across the pile. Aeyr had managed to conceal a weapon of her own, and Mars pondered if he should hide a weapon of his own, but he didn't want to risk it's discovery on the chance he was searched, if it was at all a possibility. Under his rapier rested the string of prayer beads which had belonged to Thailen.

She saved his life. It was an odd thing to think about, as Mar's couldn't understand what kind of drive would push someone to risk thier life for strangers. People talk about taking the stab for others all the time, but when push comes to shove Mar's had never seen it until that moment. It was the real thing and it baffled him. Perhaps that's why noble men were so rare, because they readily put themselves at such risk. Unfortunately for the woman this wasn't a world for heroes, it was a world for cheaters, liars and thieves. Mars lifted the beads and gave them a gentle tug, wondering if they were strong enough to choke someone with. They might have been, but he didn't want to risk breaking them. Besides, with him dressed as a slave someone might mistake them for anal beads, and he didn't want to be put in that kind of position. Sentimentally, he laid the beads back with his clothes and stood up.

"By the way, after we're done here I would like to meet your demonic friends if at all possible," Mars inquired to Mikan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rayvon Krayvitch // Liveria - Heaven's Haven

Rayvon, coming up on the champion was firsthand to bear witness to his sheer might. Gore spatters across her chest as he hews through the steed of Elrbetr like it was butter. The half-orc turn-coat is thrown back like no more than a child's ragdoll. It was enough to unnerve herself, it was no wonder that Elrithros was so quick to turn about to seek another foe to assist against.

Yet, that left the paladin Rayvon there alone as the sole melee combatant against the orc champion, injured as he was and roaring in pain. She bolsters he trembling nerves as she tries to make sense of what she had at her disposal as he struggles to move. She could see his achilles' tendon was severed and his movement would be hampered direly from here on out. A lucky blow, Heavens' mercies be upon them. Andrea and Ceann both were called upon by Elrithros. Gabriel was still upon the cliff. Elrbetrt, for all she knew, was unconscious or dead. She could not see beyond the hulk before her.

“Mila! Helene! With me! By the Heavens' might we will fell this foe, yet!” she grits her teeth, clenching her fist tight about her blade as she ducks in low and closes the gap between her and the champion, going in upon his injured side, praying to whatever heavenly figure might hear her plea that her blade run true... True to the mark Elrithros has spoken of, the gap between the armour on the orc's mid-section. That Mila and Helene would find the wisdom to know how best to disadvantage the orc further... That by the Heavens' grace Rayvon might see it through to the other side by some divine intervention where the axes fail to cleave through her.

It could almost be a trick of her mind, brought on by the adrenaline coursing like fire through her veins, but the light radiating magically from her armour almost seemed to be shining ever so brighter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Abida Qisaf
Free Holds

With Aeyr playing the part of the trader, then Abida would play the part of the guard. And guards generally did not dress in such stiff finery as she was prone to. First she undid the loose bun in her hair and let the dreadlocks spill out down her back. The rings and bands she left in; they were the kind of small vanities a slave could be expected to receive from a well off master.

Next she donned a dark leather jerkin, with a stiff necked collar. It left her arms bare, but she had always preferred to dodge blows than deflect them with armour. A pattern of four white diamonds traced down from the left shoulder, a contrast to the black that she found quite pleasing. Tall, supple boots went over her feet; and finally a loosely woven blue scarf around her neck. Sometimes a small splash of colour made one less noticeably, instead of more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

"Aww but I could have such fun with you in shackles and chains, don't you agree?" -Mikan, Page 1.
Imperium - Anima Aeternum

Raen stares at the mercenary duo and growls lowly, his draconic heritage showing as he shakes his head. "You're all fools who will die dishonourable deaths! BELIEVE IT!" He says without a hint of irony or sarcasm as he runs full speed down another path, both of his katana pulled out in an incredible inept fashion as katana are not duel wield weapons of any sort. He dashes down a hall to a dead end and a loud scream is heard emanating from that path. It was obviously the wrong path. Florence then shrugs as he follows along with the mercenaries. "He should have listened to his grandmother and searched for traps." Trom looks up at Florence with confusion. "What?" Florence chuckles. "An old reference, from another time."

Aslo's smoke bombs strike the ceiling and disperse into a mist that quickly fills the room. One Skuva falls to the floor, hitting the ground and snapping its neck from the fall. There were sounds of other chitters, and some skittering, though nothing else. Above him as he tried to set the door up, he could hear some skittering through the ceiling, as could the others as the Skuva sped their way to the next room, likely to remain on the ceiling and try to ambush them like their unsuccessful, impatient member attempted to. As Aslo turns away from the door, he hears it fall to the floor again. It seemed that the damage the minotaur had done to it would refuse to allow it to stand again.

Florence's eyes scan the ceiling, he had little reaction to everything going on around him. These were motions he had practiced so many times that it was almost child's play to him, despite Trom and Nyla obviously being worried. "Predatorial, pack animals, think akin to wolves. Though they can seem more intelligent if there is a force directing them." Nyla looks back towards the entrance. "Like those voices. Like magic." Florence nods and even cracks a small smile. "Correct." Nyla's face brightens up as she grips her gladius tighter. Florence, finally, looks ahead and focuses on the situation. He narrows his eyes. "Tables? That can't be right..."

From what they could see in the hall, the next room was humongous. It likely had large pillars holding up the structure and unlike elsewhere, it seemed well maintained. It was likely a good drilling room for unit-based formations and archery practice, yet, the tables made for no logical purpose. The ceilings were also even higher than those in the previous room, implying that the ceiling was somewhere at the bottom of the Blood Sea floor. Nyla shudders. "I don't like the looks of this." Trom shakes his head. "Shush, we don't have time to worry. Just follow your orders." Florence looks between them and decides not to add anything, instead finally offering tactical advice to the group. "Since your half-blood nitwit had a mental breakdown, my advice is simple." He draws a sharp breath and sheathes his gladius, pulling out one of the two pilum (throwing spear) on his back. "Do not group too closely. A tight formation will likely be abused by some of the more advanced Scuva who are liable to spit acid or other such compounds at us. Do not spread more than a few feet apart. Two close combat, one ranged per group of two to three. If a group is under attack, do not blindly run to help them, watch for incoming ambushes and intercept those instead. Use the tables, walls, and pillars to remove an angle of attack for the Scuva..." He glares at the tables again. "...And assume we're being toyed with. They wouldn't set up cover like that for us and then simply forget to take it down when they saw us here."
Rheinfeld - Scheideweg

((Collaborative: Tempest (Taigyn) & Brovo (Alida).))

Laenaia, Zin, and Draza enter the main tent as Taigyn and Alida sit down across from each other and a large table. There, a large map of Rheinfeld and its surrounding, unenforced land claims were present. Notable, there were even a few within the borders of Renalta, though they seemed of no interest to either the Republicans or the Templar. Taigyn quietly clears his throat and points at the map, tapping his finger on Heiligen Stuhl. "There are large walls which will require siege engines to take down. We however don't have access to the resources to produce them en masse soon enough to end this war quickly. Thus, in the interests of cooper--" He is interrupted as Alida brushes his hand aside and glares at him eye to eye. "No, lets not debate strategy until we've agreed on the end goal of this war, which is the real issue."

Taigyn settles back into his chair, relief flashing over his face for a moment to have a break from the military banter. "Very well, let us talk of this matter. To what end does the Republic fight for?"

"Well." Alida says as she leans back as well, crossing her arms over her plated chest. Around the tent were four torches lit to grant illumination inside, hung on wooden support pillars away from the cloth edges. One of the torches illuminated the cracked, ebony skin across her face, and the firery look in her eyes. One that would likely remind him of someone else he knew, back in Renalta. "Republic. A government ruled by those that the commons wish to be ruled by, with the military serving its proper rule as protectors and public servants, not as rulers." She rolls her fingers across the table, slowly, repeatedly. "Like the Imperium, like Renalta. A kingdom for the people."

Taigyn runs his gloved hand back through his hair, his brow knitting and deepening the well of scars pouring from beneath his eyepatch as he looks at her sadly. "Something I wish as well... But the established military of Rheinfeld is birthed of noblemen, privileged men who would not so willingly forsake their claims. For now, we fight together, their outrage calls for the downfall of the ones who fed them on lies and called for the needless slaughter of their countrymen since the founding of our order... That has demanded the blood of our brothers and sisters for any transgression of their supposed word of God." He shakes his head. "But they are still comfortable with their lot in life and, try as I might to break them of it, you see it even with my second the way they treat their inferior. I fear defects the moment they feel this war is over. The dream of the Republic will not be easy to realize."

A look of confusion visible spreads over Alida's face. Since the start of the war, there had been little contact between them. This was perhaps the first real attempt at striking a peace accord in the entire conflict. "You... Are much more reasonable than I had anticipated." The drumming of her fingers on the table intensifies for a moment before subsiding to a resting position, though the fiery look in her eyes remained ever burning with idealism. "A woman with blue hair and her lover restored a fantasy kingdom that cherishes its lower orders against the Gods themselves, including our own Father and Mother." Notable, she still spoke of them with reverence, even though she also showed great respect towards those who stood against them. "If a small group of people, including you as I recall, could stand off against the very Gods themselves, surely, with the might of millions, we could achieve anything. Even a Republic. Even if that Republic would cost us in blood."

"And it might mean fighting against the very ones we had fought alongside just months before if we do not take steps to try and ease this idea into the minds of the noble class before instituting it. I do not know about you, Alida, but I grow weary of spilling the blood of those I call countrymen already in this civil war. I would hope to prevent from prolonging this brutality if it were in my power." He closes his eye and takes a deep breath, cracking his knuckles in thought.

"Yet how can we trust that if the autocrats were given power that they would not simply solidify that power rather than relinquish it?" The ex-Templar says with a sympathetic glare. A strange expression, to be sure. "How can we be certain that there won't be another papacy in power?"

"We can't," Taigyn chuckles and leans forward, "We can't trust that this Republic will run as smoothly as we hope it will either. It's a hope that it will work perfectly for the people, but corruption is a funny thing that runs in the hearts of people, though we try to deny it. I would like to back you in the formation of this Republic, Alida. I truly would, it is a cause as noble as the one I followed a Princess to Cradle to see reality. I am just speaking of what may come should I throw my full support behind you without acclimating the upperclass. I do not wish for a new Papacy to rise any more than you do."

Bringing her hand up to her forehead and rubbing it in frustration, Alida stares down at the table. "And so we come full circle... Because I cannot budge from my position and you will not budge from yours." With that said, her hand slowly drops back down onto the table. "You supported the queen in her dream, why not the dreams of your own people?"

Taigyn clenches his jaw before taking a deep breath, "I want time. Give this peace treaty a chance. Cease fire between our ranks. Give us your support. We'll give you ours. Get your men through our training programs. Let them see that a crusader. A Templar. Is not just about pedigree. Break down the barriers of class between the military, so that your military can pave the way to your Republic."

Shaking her head, she slams her hand on the table and looks at the trio of Queen's Blades. "Right... Any suggestions, for our predicament?"

Meanwhile, Moira looks at Kasim and smiles a little, looking at his charming grin seemed to ease the tension in her shoulders as they continue to follow Davian. They climb to the top of a grassy hill, where the barn was located. The hill itself was fairly steep, almost surprisingly so, not a great place to settle a barn, that was for sure. Moira looks around and notices a few Republican soldiers running to catch up to Davian, narrowing her eyes. "That's not something you see every day." She murmurs as Davian nodded to them, and entered the barn with his weapons unsheathed.

It was at that point that Moira stumbled for a moment and reached for her forehead. Rubbing it gently, a sudden gust of wind emanates from the barn and blows them both back a step, Kasim moreso than Moira found that he had nearly been blown off of his feet. "Magic." Moira growls lowly as she looks up to the barn again just in time to notice a Republican soldier being flung past them to what was likely his painful death at the bottom of the hill. It seemed he had been less fortunate than they had been. "A witch? Here?" Moira states with great confusion. She momentarily looks back to Kasim with uncertainty, then bolts up the hill towards the barn where Davian was likely facing whatever creature was there... Alone.
Liveria - Heaven's Haven

Elrbetrt dashes around the boulder only to hear the shuffling of two pairs of feet moving towards her. One attacks her from in front and she easily manages to block its throwing dagger, from the sounds of its footsteps it was a little larger than she was, akin enough to the orc champion for her to discern that it must have been an orc of some kind. The smell of a second approaching from the flank gave it away despite its attempts to hide its attack, and she ends up locked in a duel with it as her weapon locks against the creature's jagged, uneven blade. It growls at her, its tone distinctively masculine and yet weaker to that of its larger cousins.

She could hear the first, small orc, unsheathing another throwing knife. It would be impossible to hold that position, and the only reason she survived was seemingly the pure whimsy of fate and destiny.

Meanwhile, Rayvon's charge was met with the ruthless axe of the orcish champion, ending her life. Or, it would have, were it not for the fact that his limbs were slowed, and his attention was drawn between two potential targets. The shining light of the paladin armour showed clearly her weapon burying itself into the orc's flesh at his waist, rending through the chain mail as though it were a mere nuisance and tearing open his gullet in a single, clean swing. Blood sprays out immediately as his intestines roll down to his thighs, and with a single groan of protest, he falls over onto his side, dead. Rayvon, coated in blood no less, had slain the giant, and her life had been saved by a now exhausted looking Mila.

Gabriel complies with the command to fall back, and with one burst of his wings, pushes himself backwards with great force away from the orc he was engaged with. Blood seeped from his open wound as he cradled it with his shield bearing arm. A droplet of blood falls from him and lands on Andrea's cheek as the cloudy skies slowly began to open up with rain. Gabriel looks up to the skies and smiles a little as Ceann's arrow passes by him, yet, he heard two arrows shot...

Ceann's arrow strikes true despite the rain starting, whistling through the air it hits the orc that Gabriel had been engaged with. The arrowhead buries its way into the skin past the armour, and then explodes, presenting an alarmingly effective weapon as the orc's ribcage is blown outward, along with burned chunklets of his flesh, internal organs, and tissue. One of the ribs lands beside Ceann, steaming, but not burned, as his corpse falls off the cliff's edge and onto the ground below with a ground shaking thud.

Still. The first orc archer had managed to get a shot off in the mess, and with a shriek of terror, the possessed orc ran past Rayvon to the motionless corpse of Mila, who had been impaled to the ground by the oversized projectile. Mila is dead, and for those magically inclined, the possessed orc's identity was clear: Princess Helénē.

The rain continued to fall as a bit of silence came to the battlefield at the shriek of horror. Even the two half-orcs engaging Elrbetrt hesitated, as the shriek sounded like one of their own, yet, didn't. The possessed orc began to cry over the corpse as the leader's voice rang out into the valley with its familiar, thunderous volume. "ENOUGH!" He glares at Gabriel as he approaches the edge of the cliff, with Elrithos managing to climb to the top. "You are strong. Could kill us. We could kill some of you, but you would kill us." The first archer orc seemed to growl in protest, though was silenced as he was suddenly shoved into a wall with magical force from the leader. "Let us talk."
Free Holds - Devil's Children

There wasn't much to say of the situation while they changed clothes and got ready. Mikan answered their questions quickly and concisely before they moved out. Aëyr received her answer first: "Aëyr, that's a good question. We'll head back here. Should this place be crawling with guards, then find your way to the nearest mage's guild outpost and get home, and don't worry about me." Mars' question came next, to which Mikan offered only a small, vague smile. "I might be able to arrange that. We'll see how they feel."

Quietly, Fahim met them at the entrance of the Inn. As the sun slowly began to set, he led them to the Keep. It towered over them, a four floor tall structure that dwarfed the other buildings, one could more accurately describe it as a small palace, complete with slaves, fountains, slaves, gold, and of course, slaves. The doors were tall and wide, large enough to accompany two elephants standing side by side, it took slaves simply to open and close them. As Fahim reached the entrance with Mikan, he looks at them and smiles. "Ah, hello." Mikan was wearing thick, brown robes, while Fahim wore the typical, aristocratic garb. Well, "wore" it, in his own, shapeshifting kind of manner. The guards look between each other, then glance at the group. "Dancer group, obviously, who is the cloaked one?" Fahim smiles viciously. "My surprise." The guards roll their eyes. "We'll need to see the face of your surprise." Mikan giggles as she pulls her hood back. The Mikan that was whispered about in the towns was one with pale skin and green hair, with equally green eyes. Mikan, however, had tanned skin, freckles, a pair of blue eyes, and black hair like that of a crow. A night and day difference, though she had arrived in town with the tanned skin and black hair, obviously.

With a wink, she presses the rest of her brown robes tightly to her body. Partially to show off her curves, and partially to show that there were no obtrusive, large weapons hidden underneath. The guard chuckle and motion them on inside as Mikan flips her hood back up. One of the guards even looks at Aëyr with a bit of familiarity. "I remember you. Not a lot of your kind got to be hookers." Fahim glares at him. "She ran away, I captured her, she's mine now. If you want a night with her, you'll have to wait until after this is over." The guard raises both of his hands as Fahim intimidated him. "Alright, alright! I didn't mean nothin' by it!"

Inside, they were greeted with a humongous room, decorated in brilliant golds, sapphires, and rubies. Enough wealth to outright feed the entirety of Renalta's population for at least five years was sitting in this one room. At the center of the room was a large area with decorative tiles, likely where dancers and other competitions would go down, judging by the fact that there was a blood stain being cleaned from the floor at that very moment by a magician with a mop and bucket. People of all different shapes and sizes were around them, from Tulerian lizardmen to even a couple of Renaltan nobles, though they didn't appear to have slaves with them, only guards. One such noble nods to Fahim as he enters, and Fahim nods back. It seemed that there were Renaltans involved in this operation.

Up several golden steps was a throne made out, auspiciously enough, simple, fine quality wood. Sitting upon it was a man with deep red eyes and short, blonde hair. He was unnervingly attractive. It was very likely a power of his: Should any of them get too close to him alone, he could easily subvert them to his overpowering will. Mikan shudders and looks back to the others, whispering to them. "I've felt this... Before. The... Demon associates I mentioned... Have a very similar aura about them. Though this one seems... More... Magical, less... Less a product of... Whatever it is, demons do. I can resist it. The rest of you should be careful not to get too close." Sympathetically she looks at Aëyr, knowing that throwing weapons were not easy to use at a moderate range. Closing to a guaranteed kill range however might also prevent her from even using her weapons due to the aura. It was a risk she would have to decide on her own.

Looking about the room, Fahim looks to the Queen's Blades and smiles. "The dancing won't begin until they finish selling the best of the slaves. Those deemed beautiful or deadly enough to warrant being wheeled out in cages. It is my guess that there is only three of them left, perhaps four." He glances about the crowds, and motions about the room. To everyone else, it would appear exactly as it looked: A master telling his slaves what to do. "Our dancer here is going to be paired with you, Tivan." He looks at Mars with a charismatic smile, he was already making up identities for them. "Aëyr, feel free to mingle and try to pick up some rumours for me. The closer you are the richer nobles, the better." What he meant by that was anyone's guess, though he likely meant to take her time for now. They would most certainly be on alert now, moreso than with the dance. "And you, my dear... You know what to do, Cynthia." Fahim says with an air of elitism in the tone of his voice as he looked at Abida. "When the dance begins, you can either try to help draw attention to our two dancers here, stop others from sabotaging our dancers' performances, or sabotage the performances of others."

Fahim then straightens the collar of his aristocratic vest. "Oh, and whatever you do Aëyr, please... Don't find your other associates. And, remember, I do have money on me obviously, but only enough to purchase... One slave, this time. So if you feel that you want to add to our little repertoire, make sure to keep it... A choice, selection. Yes?"
Amazons - The Greatest Hunt

((Go read the OOC.))

The Queen's Blades quickly sniffed out the succubi in the ranks of the Amazons. Esyllt had been stabbed when she went back to the amazon who was impossible to read telepathically. She then promptly went after the princess and failed as Fafnir pinned her down and tore her throat out in a single, violent stroke. Esyllt was quickly healed by Unamo, a young shaman who had been taking interest in the necromancer's arts prior to the violent interruption.

Ethlinn then led the Queen's Blades, and Alexandria, out into the jungle, out of the village. Taking with them all the supplies they would request or need, Unamo stuck along to observe Naream and his magical arts, while Tasha and Rashan joined them, impressed at Fafnir's display to the crowd. After traveling for about two hours, they stop in a small clearing where it was obvious that a great assault had taken place: There were several jungle trees that had been taken down, along with a few blood stains, but strangely, no corpses. A few necklaces were scattered across the ground, and they were most certainly amazonian. The princess of the amazons told everyone to wait momentarily as she looked at the scene with utter dismay. Alexandria, on the other hand, agreed for entirely different reasons as she sniffed the air. Though there were many unfamiliar scents, there was one she was all too familiar with: Lycanthrope. There was at least one in the area, and he or she was likely stalking them to try and pick off a straggler.

With that said, Tasha and Rashan both took guard positions in the clearing, keeping a lookout for any potential threats while Unamo began drawing shapes into the dirt of the jungle floor. "I'll find them." Unamo says as she hums to herself. There wasn't much to do now except try to get their bearings, investigate the area for clues, look into the lycanthrope threat, and perhaps ask some questions of the surrounding amazons. After all, while they didn't seem to respect their princess, they had gained some level of respect for the Queen's Blades, and might do as they ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Imperium-Doctor Gremlock

The next few moments were little more than a blur to the unseasoned Goblin. Apparently, the half dragon had decided to run off into a hallway and, predictably enough, get himself killed. Thank goodness he had not followed his advice. Then he got in front of Gryff as planned and started loading his musket, but after a signal from Aslo, he got behind the meatshield and headed into the hallway. One smoke bomb later, and the Scuva weren't a threat anymore...in theory.

Somehow though, Gremlock found himself at the front of the group. Definitely not the first place he wanted to be, he'd rather be behind the meatshields. Speaking of them though, it seemed they had more intelligence than he thought, at least when it came to battlefield strategy. In hindsight, he supposed that it should have been rather obvious, they were experienced mercenaries after all, they had done this kinda thing before. Gremlock, for one, had a lot to learn.

Soon enough, he took the opportunity to finish reloading his musket, when he heard Florence issuing orders. They seemed reasonable enough, so Gremlock added some more to his words "That sounds pretty reasonable. I plan to head left, and I'd like for Gryff and Trom to accompany me. Murderok, Aslo, and Nyla can head off to the right, while Florence...well I trust you to make the best decision on which group to follow. Way I see it, each group will have one strong person, one archer, and at least one human. If nobody has any objections, let head onwards then."

After waiting for any objections, Gremlock finished loading his rifle, and went to the door. He took his top hat off, then placed it at the end of the musket, then waved it at the entrance to the room, making sure the coast was...clear. To be fair, he didn't know if this was an actual tactic, but he had read a book of somebody doing this once. When nothing happened he slowly made his way into the room, heading left cautiously. He didn't want to get caught off guard by anything, more Scuva, sentient furniture, or killer chains hanging around on the ceiling or floor, so he made sure to check his surroundings, using fire magic to light his way if needed. In the end, he kept his musket, and attached bayonet, ready for anything that might choose to attack them.
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