Legion Name: Legio VII Argenteum, ("The Silver Legion")
Legion Banner:
Legion Composition:
900 Velites
300 Misthophoroi Sphendonetai Rhodioi
1200 Hastati
1200 Principes
600 Triarii
300 Equites
500 Misthophoroi Thessalikoi Hippeis
Legion Name: Legio XV Italica
600 Equites Extraordinarii
400 Equites Campanici
1200 Pedites Extraordinarii
1200 Milites Etruscii
1000 Velites Umbrii
600 Triarii Socii
Legatus Name: Marcus Cornelius Cossus Argentus
Legatus Age: 40
Legatus Origins: Born into the ancient Cossus branch of the Patrician gens Cornelia, Marcus' life was one of few extrinsic barriers. Far from rest on familial laurels, he acquitted himself valiantly during his military service and his time as a legal advocate. Marcus' inherited wealth he invested heavily into silver mines in the newly conquered island of Sardinia. This gamble paid enormous dividends, earning him the cognomen "Argentus", for which the town of Argentiera was named, and allowing him to purchase enormous tracts of land in Magna Graecia to cement his position as one of the richest men in Rome. He attained every office in the Cursus Honorum suo anno and was appointed to the prestigious post of Praetor Urbanus at 39. Now that his term is complete, the Senate has dispatched him with a legion, which, after he offered to pay of his own purse for a supplemental mercenary force, has been named after him and reflects the mercenary contigent
Legion Banner:

Legion Composition:
900 Velites
300 Misthophoroi Sphendonetai Rhodioi
1200 Hastati
1200 Principes
600 Triarii
300 Equites
500 Misthophoroi Thessalikoi Hippeis
Legion Name: Legio XV Italica
600 Equites Extraordinarii
400 Equites Campanici
1200 Pedites Extraordinarii
1200 Milites Etruscii
1000 Velites Umbrii
600 Triarii Socii
Legatus Name: Marcus Cornelius Cossus Argentus
Legatus Age: 40
Legatus Origins: Born into the ancient Cossus branch of the Patrician gens Cornelia, Marcus' life was one of few extrinsic barriers. Far from rest on familial laurels, he acquitted himself valiantly during his military service and his time as a legal advocate. Marcus' inherited wealth he invested heavily into silver mines in the newly conquered island of Sardinia. This gamble paid enormous dividends, earning him the cognomen "Argentus", for which the town of Argentiera was named, and allowing him to purchase enormous tracts of land in Magna Graecia to cement his position as one of the richest men in Rome. He attained every office in the Cursus Honorum suo anno and was appointed to the prestigious post of Praetor Urbanus at 39. Now that his term is complete, the Senate has dispatched him with a legion, which, after he offered to pay of his own purse for a supplemental mercenary force, has been named after him and reflects the mercenary contigent