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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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At first the people of fairytale world didn't think anything of the missing items. Shoes and capes get misplaced all the time. It wasn't until bigger things turn up missing. When Belle the keeper of the Big Book of Stories told the people that the stories were changing and disappearing they set up a town meeting to decide what to do about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Arthur and the knights of the round table all arrived were the town meeting was being held. Arthur got off his horse and said "we better get this problem fixed, how am I suppose to get Excalibur if the lady in the lake isn't even there." Lancelot said "let's hope so, or next time we all will be walking back to Camelot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Aurora arrived on a beautiful white horse. She walked into the building and found a seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Belle stood at the front of the meeting room. She watched as the others entered the room. She put her hands on the Big Book of Stories. She checked it everyday. As keeper of the book she felt it was her duty to know they stories that it contained. She worried when the words began changing but she knew that happened sometimes. As the world changed so did their stories. But it was never anything major. It was when major parts of the stories she knew by heart began to disappear that Belle had contacted the others. Hopefully someone could figure out what was happening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Karin had only been in town for a short time, but when the meeting had been called, 'she' somehow felt that it had been important that she attended. She hadn't thought that anything particularly strange was going on, besides the usual, but she didn't exactly know the town news all that well, either. Stepping into the room, she tugged a bit at her skirts, still not trusting them despite the fact that she was wearing a pair of trousers beneath. Anything else would still have made her feel terribly awkward. Well, more so than she had been feeling for a while. She kept near the back of the room, a ways off to the side and out of the way of the others filing in. Who knew? Perhaps some useful information would come of this meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Arthur walked up to Belle and said "has everyone you called arrive yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"We are waiting on a couple more. I know Tinkerbell has arrived yet." Belle told him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Tinkerbell came flying in a tad late. Her message about the meeting had arrived to her late so she was going as fast as she could to get there. Once she was where the meeting was at she grew into a human size. "Sorry I'm late. I got the message late." She said taking a deep breath trying to gather herself back together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Good I think everyone is here now." Belle state as loudly as she could. She wasnt use to being the center of attention. But as keeper of the Big Book she had to lead the meeting. "Now I know some of you know why your here. But for those of you who don't I'm going to briefly explain. Our stories are changing. Now we all know that happens from time to time. But now important parts of our stories are disappearing completely."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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KatherinWinter said
"Good I think everyone is here now." Belle state as loudly as she could. She wasnt use to being the center of attention. But as keeper of the Big Book she had to lead the meeting. "Now I know some of you know why your here. But for those of you who don't I'm going to briefly explain. Our stories are changing. Now we all know that happens from time to time. But now important parts of our stories are disappearing completely."

Karin stared in shock, mouth slightly open at the strange news. Important parts of their stories? What kinds of things did that entail, exactly? He knew that a couple of things had certainly disappeared for him, but she didn't really think that was quite what the woman at the front of the room had meant. How had people already been affected, and how exactly did they know for sure? Maybe she had been affected without realizing it....No, now she was probably overthinking it. She already knew what was wrong with her life, right?

Still, she ended up raising her hand, not entirely expecting to be seen in the group of people gathered. "How do we know this all for sure? What do you mean by 'disappearing completely'? Our futures aren't just vanishing, are they?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Karin stared in shock, mouth slightly open at the strange news. Important parts of their stories? What kinds of things did that entail, exactly? He knew that a couple of things had certainly disappeared for him, but she didn't really think that was quite what the woman at the front of the room had meant. How had people already been affected, and how exactly did they know for sure? Maybe she had been affected without realizing it....No, now she was probably overthinking it. She already knew what was wrong with her life, right? Still, she ended up raising her hand, not entirely expecting to be seen in the group of people gathered. "How do we know this all for sure? What do you mean by 'disappearing completely'? Our futures aren't just vanishing, are they?"

"They could be." Belle answered seriously. "The more our stories change the more our lives change. I have memorize the Big Book of Stories. Small things changes from time to time as the world outside ours changes but I have never seen anything like this. The lady of the lake has disappeared from Arthur's story." She indicated to knight beside her. "He will tell you how he made this discovery."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Arthur said "At first during our journey odd things were happening, like villages would have less people than the day before, soldiers losing armor, it didn't start getting odd till my knights and I went looking for the lady of the lake." Arthur then pointed at Lancelot and said "half way through the journey Lancelot lost his horse, the odd part was that there was no sign of it, no tracks, no rope, there wasn't even grass bent from where it slept the night before." Arthur then said "it got even weirder when we reached the lake and after having Merlin say the incantation nothing happened." Arthur said " Merlin then used his magic to search for the lady of the lake and then realized that she has disappeared, there is no sign of her even the lake she slept in had no signs of her or her magic." Arthur then said "I'm here to find out what trickery this is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShiningHisLight


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Aurora listened in horror. She had thought what had happened to her was bad!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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"Well, alright then." That seemed to answer what she had asked for the most part. If she understood correctly, all sorts of things were disappearing, be they big or small, frivolous or important. Though she still was a bit skeptical of a few things: Soldiers lost armour all the time, and horses going missing without a trace wasn't the strangest thing she'd ever heard of. Frankly, the whole mess he described sounded like the men just were not as careful as they should be and that the faeries had been playing tricks on them.

The Lady of the Lake, however... Karin had only so much knowledge of this area, so she knew not what kind of being this person could be. She could only imagine that the woman in question was some sort of spirit residing in one of the bodies of water around here. This Merlin had searched for her with magic and found not even a trace? That would certainly be suspicious.

"And other people have gone missing as well? Is there a common factor for those missing as far as we know? What do we know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
"Well, alright then." That seemed to answer what she had asked for the most part. If she understood correctly, all sorts of things were disappearing, be they big or small, frivolous or important. Though she still was a bit skeptical of a few things: Soldiers lost armour all the time, and horses going missing without a trace wasn't the strangest thing she'd ever heard of. Frankly, the whole mess he described sounded like the men just were not as careful as they should be and that the faeries had been playing tricks on them. The Lady of the Lake, however... Karin had only so much knowledge of this area, so she knew not what kind of being this person could be. She could only imagine that the woman in question was some sort of spirit residing in one of the bodies of water around here. This Merlin had searched for her with magic and found not even a trace? That would certainly be suspicious. "And other people have gone missing as well? Is there a common factor for those missing as far as we know? What do we know?"

Belle shook her head. "Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be. Some stories are missing unimportant things like Red's cape and Cinderella's shoes. No in the ordinary world no one would thing anything of these items going missing. But here in Story World nothing has ever gone missing before. In other stories the missing items are important to the story like Arthur's lady in the lake and my father's inventions. We have big items and small. We have items and people. Our is changing and I don't know why."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 23 min ago

YamiCuoreLaroux said
"Well, alright then." That seemed to answer what she had asked for the most part. If she understood correctly, all sorts of things were disappearing, be they big or small, frivolous or important. Though she still was a bit skeptical of a few things: Soldiers lost armour all the time, and horses going missing without a trace wasn't the strangest thing she'd ever heard of. Frankly, the whole mess he described sounded like the men just were not as careful as they should be and that the faeries had been playing tricks on them. The Lady of the Lake, however... Karin had only so much knowledge of this area, so she knew not what kind of being this person could be. She could only imagine that the woman in question was some sort of spirit residing in one of the bodies of water around here. This Merlin had searched for her with magic and found not even a trace? That would certainly be suspicious. "And other people have gone missing as well? Is there a common factor for those missing as far as we know? What do we know?"

Belle shook her head. "Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be. Some stories are missing unimportant things like Red's cape and Cinderella's shoes. No in the ordinary world no one would thing anything of these items going missing. But here in Story World nothing has ever gone missing before. In other stories the missing items are important to the story like Arthur's lady in the lake and my father's inventions. We have big items and small. We have items and people. Our is changing and I don't know why."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Peter Pan disappeared the other day and I don't know where he went." Tinkerbell said looking at Belle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Karin took a moment to think. This was strange indeed. Was there really no common factor that any of these shared? No pattern? "So what you're saying is that we know absolutely nothing? And that we have no leads except for the book?"
This was already frustrating to her. How were they supposed to find out anything if whatever disappeared didn't even have any sort of logic that they could follow?
"Was there any order at all for how things vanished? And does the book say when they will vanish, or only that they did after?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Lancelot walked over to Arthur and said "we need to find out why this is happening and fast before the more of the knights of the round table disappear"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Karin took a moment to think. This was strange indeed. Was there really no common factor that any of these shared? No pattern? "So what you're saying is that we know absolutely nothing? And that we have no leads except for the book?" This was already frustrating to her. How were they supposed to find out anything if whatever disappeared didn't even have any sort of logic that they could follow? "Was there any order at all for how things vanished? And does the book say when they will vanish, or only that they did after?"

The book only changes after an item has disappeared. I have been watching it very close the last couple of days. I belive the last disappearance was Dopey from Snow White's story." Belle explained. "There are hundreds of stories. I watch them as closely as I can but I have seen nothing to indicate what will disappear next or when it will disappear."
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