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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai waited until they were alone before she spoke. "Sorry if you think it harsh but there was something I had to find out." She looked around again. "It's not policing that I'm used to. I was almost a sacrifice because of My spiritual pressure. So I had make sure they are a certain kind of people. They have sacrificed a man, when they run out of Men it will be women. That I have seen... i may be young but I was a mercenary before I joined the academy. I'm not judging ma'am I am acting on experience." She took a deep breath. "You may be used to the evils and carnage of the hollws..but I know the evils of man. The grey area. Which is why I said what I said. There are things that do not add up to me"

In regards to waiting or leaving sinai chose to stay. It would take to long for her to return to the seireitei from where they were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka motioned to the walls around them, "It seems as though they are equal opportunity." she said in a sardonic tone. "He might have been the last, but I doubt they spared anyone from the bandits. I'm sorry that happened to you, but this isn't a ritual for power or immortality. This is for survival and desperation..." she looked over to Sinai.

"Come on. Let's start a perimeter patrol." she offered then began to walk away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai nodded and followed. "thats what bothers me. we are looking for a hollow, they are talking about bandits. they have these beautiful things but what ever plagues them attacks their children. and they speak of the Evil One as something that might be appeased by a sacrifice." Sinai pointed out. "im not good at this kind of thing yet but did you sense any spiritual pressure from anyone there?" if it was a hollow that was behind all of this it was smart enough to not kill everyone and take the easy meal. but if somehow other souls were behind this Sinai wondered how Haruka would react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
His eye started to twitch at his friend's laughter and he grabbed Mukei by the head with both of his hands. Mukei could feel the tips of his fingers digging into his head he was holding it that hard. Zheng had the most forced smile on his face that he had ever had. "Mukei good ol buddy oh pal of mine." His tone was menacingly friendly, the lethalness could be felt from his words like a bunch of needles in his back. "Did you know that I like gardening? It's quite relaxing at the end of a long day of work and training. So do you know what I'm going to do?" He wasn't even going to wait for his friend to even answer that. "I'm gonna plant me a dumbass tree!" He slammed Mukei's head right into the counter with both of his hands.

Mukei was still cracking up to himself, not notcing Zheng's anger. Suddenly, he felt a few finger tips digging into his head that made him turn towards Zheng. Now he noticed the forced smile and menacing tone "Uhh, yes my good friend?" He said, a bead of sweat going down the back of his head. Suddenly, Zheng spoke of gardening "G-gardening? I don't remember you talking about that to me onc-" Before he could finish, Zheng yelled and slammed his head into the counter top, breaking it as his face was slammed onto it. Right after, the loud alarms went off, echoing throughout the Seireitei. Mukei's ears perked as he quickly raised his head, blood dripping down his forehead but Mukei showing no sign of being hurt. "Did you hear that? Something is going on" Mukei reached inside of his sleeve and pulled out a small glass-like cigarette with a strange glowing blue liquid. He inhaled it all, his eyes widening up right afterwards. He showed no sign of drunkness at all and quickly got up. "Cmon Zheng! Something is going on, and we can't miss this" He slammed some money on the counter tops and began to run towards the Hill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Phobos said
Mukei was still cracking up to himself, not notcing Zheng's anger. Suddenly, he felt a few finger tips digging into his head that made him turn towards Zheng. Now he noticed the forced smile and menacing tone "Uhh, yes my good friend?" He said, a bead of sweat going down the back of his head. Suddenly, Zheng spoke of gardening "G-gardening? I don't remember you talking about that to me onc-" Before he could finish, Zheng yelled and slammed his head into the counter top, breaking it as his face was slammed onto it. Right after, the loud alarms went off, echoing throughout the Seireitei. Mukei's ears perked as he quickly raised his head, blood dripping down his forehead but Mukei showing no sign of being hurt. "Did you hear that? Something is going on" Mukei reached inside of his sleeve and pulled out a small glass-like cigarette with a strange glowing blue liquid. He inhaled it all, his eyes widening up right afterwards. He showed no sign of drunkness at all and quickly got up. "Cmon Zheng! Something is going on, and we can't miss this" He slammed some money on the counter tops and began to run towards the Hill.

Zheng blinked at the alarms going off. Something big must've happened though what could it had been? He didn't even question the strange substance that Mukei had consumed and began to run after him. It had only been two days since he join and it seemed like everything had gone to hell. It was his best guess that it was bad news or else there wouldn't be any need to use the alarm system. All he could hope for was that it wasn't an intruder or someone died.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It could be a Hollow that uses a soul as an intermediary. If what they say is true, it is very troubling. Then again, it could be their belief system. Not every calls a Hollow, well, a Hollow. Some prefer to call them some personification of evil, since they are the embodiment of a dark heart, whether naturally or corrupted." she said before she closed her eyes.

"There is one. And it is very powerful. It might be gearing up for its meal. While not filling, child souls are very pure and innocent. And in a small package that can easily be eaten, like a snack. This Hollow probably knows that...and if it is as strong as I think it is, we should strike now while it is focused on getting food. Might just trip it up. I feel it near the cliffs, about a mile or so from here. For now, we leave these people alone, kill the Hollow and its possible emissaries, then report back." she said with a sigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

sinai nodded. she didnt agree with most of this but it was clear she was not expressing her problem well. Because of that Haruka wasnt understanding. In the long run it didnt matter, now she was more focused on coming up with a plan. She assumed that since Haruka could sense the hollow from such a distance that none of the souls around here had a spiritual pressure that would lure the hollow in. She considered playing bait, given her youth and spiritual pressure but that the bullshit her clan tried to use her for and was a trip down memory road she needed to take. Haruka was worried about of strength of the hollow which was smart. But Sinai was worried about intelligence which was just as deadly as strength. she looked at Alucard wondering if the dog was worried about anything. "so do we move to intercept?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Once they got to their destination she watched as Hype stood on a branch, she shrugged and jumped up reaching out her arms. She gripped the branch and pulled herself up so she was beside him, though she sat criss cross. She looked back and forth and began trying to sense around the area for the hollow. She snapped out of it when Hype asked her a few questions in which she smiled up at him, "I'm Keina! As for what I can do, well, not much!" she replied as she rubbed the back of her head, "But I was trained by my brother, he was in Squad six at one point." She then looked forward again and slowly stood to her feet as she heard a rustle.

Hype stared blankly at her as she said she couldn't do much and was simply trained by her brother. He scratched his head trying to figure out what he could do with her. And as a head popped out from behind him he simply swung his left arm back and shattered the Hollows mask. "Okay then... Have you fought hollows? And what are you..... most skilled in? Like kido, hakuda, you get the idea."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu who again had to go back to squad four, due to the fact Amaya wouldn't stop trying to drag him there on her own, walked out of the building with more bandages on and a white haired males peering at him from the entrance. ".....If you come back, I'm going to hurt you." Fuma said closing the door which made Yu blink in confusion, before hearing the alarm go off, which made Fuma open the door, and look at Yu again. "That means, don't get hurt along the way, or I will hurt you." Fuma said again closing the door, while Yu just sighed and shunpoed his way to the meeting area seeing people already there, so Yu just stood in front wondering what was so important that Juki had to call everyone about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Zane620 said
Hype stared blankly at her as she said she couldn't do much and was simply trained by her brother. He scratched his head trying to figure out what he could do with her. And as a head popped out from behind him he simply swung his left arm back and shattered the Hollows mask. "Okay then... Have you fought hollows? And what are you..... most skilled in? Like kido, hakuda, you get the idea."

"My brother made me fight a few," Keina replied as she unhooked the pair of sai attached to her waist. She jumped down at a Hollow jumping up at them, she stuck her sai into it's mask and fell to the ground using the hollow to reduce any landing damage. She placed her feet on the ground then quickly pulled sideways ripping the hollow apart with the help of her sai, displaying her strength without the help of spirit energy. She looked up at him smiling, "I think Zanjutsu," she replied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"My brother made me fight a few," Keina replied as she unhooked the pair of sai attached to her waist. She jumped down at a Hollow jumping up at them, she stuck her sai into it's mask and fell to the ground using the hollow to reduce any landing damage. She placed her feet on the ground then quickly pulled sideways ripping the hollow apart with the help of her sai, displaying her strength without the help of spirit energy. She looked up at him smiling, "I think Zanjutsu," she replied.

Hyperion listened and watched her take out one of the hollows, which was good, yet then she followed up with another line that would make one doubt a person. "You think? Well.... I'll just take your word for it, you do use two sai's after all. Well we should get down to business. So we go at this pace, or whatever pace we feel comfortorable going, and we don't take big risks. If you feel too much pressure just let me handle the rest." Hyperion said dropping out of the tree onto a hollows back, and thrusting his zanpakuto through the back of its head and through its mask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yes. We intercept." she said before flash stepping away. She didn't activate her shikai yet, she didn't want to spook the damn thing. She clenched her jaw at the roar that echoed through the area. This thing sounded huge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Megumi shunpoed over to Ryozo she examined him, and saw multiple cut wounds over his body, from the pained expression on his face every time he took a breath in, she could guess he also probably has a few broken ribs, some other bones were probably broken as well due to the cero. "He needs medical attention right away.... Sorry Enji, but we got to retreat.." She mumbled to herself as she fired off a byakurai into the sky and did her best to raise Ryozo to his feet supporting him with her shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai followed Harukas lead and nodded at her plan. Well begining of the plan. Would it be a frontal interception. Will they flank it. Or catch it from the rear. The element of surprise was key at this point. Especially with a roar like that. The first move might be the only move they get. if that was the case they should ambush it and not give it a chance to fight back. The issue with that plan was this damn thing sounded huge. "i think we should ambush it. hit it fast and hard, so it doesnt have time to recover" Sinai merely suggested. ultimately the decision was Haruka's and Sinai would comply either way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Zane620 said
Hyperion listened and watched her take out one of the hollows, which was good, yet then she followed up with another line that would make one doubt a person. "You think? Well.... I'll just take your word for it, you do use two sai's after all. Well we should get down to business. So we go at this pace, or whatever pace we feel comfortorable going, and we don't take big risks. If you feel too much pressure just let me handle the rest." Hyperion said dropping out of the tree onto a hollows back, and thrusting his zanpakuto through the back of its head and through its mask.

"And feel free to fall back yourself once you feel tired, I'll continue to protect ya~" Keina joked with a wink before kicking a hollow that jumped at her. The mask cracked almost immediately as the body flew back soon turning into ash. Four jumped at her from each angle though she used Hōzan Kenbu quickly slicing them up with both of her sai. She did it pretty quick and skilfully too. "Dude, this is awesome," she mumbled as she looked at her sai not paying attention to what was coming. A hollow resembling a spider jumped down at her aiming to crush her, though she barely rolled out of the way. "Wow! That was so rude!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"And feel free to fall back yourself once you feel tired, I'll continue to protect ya~" Keina joked with a wink before kicking a hollow that jumped at her. The mask cracked almost immediately as the body flew back soon turning into ash. Four jumped at her from each angle though she used Hōzan Kenbu quickly slicing them up with both of her sai. She did it pretty quick and skilfully too. "Dude, this is awesome," she mumbled as she looked at her sai not paying attention to what was coming. A hollow resembling a spider jumped down at her aiming to crush her, though she barely rolled out of the way. "Wow! That was so rude!"

Hyperion watched and observed her as she took out the hollows, and then barely make it out of the way when one aimed to crush her, but it was her comment that annoyed him, he walked up the the spider hollow grabbing it by its back legs pulling them apart which caused its back to start ripping open all the way to its mask where it was ripped right in half. Hyperion then threw the body parts away and looked at Keina and thumped her head. "Rude?! Pay attention to your surroundings!" Hyperion said before grumbling and running a three Hollows slashing all their masks in half.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Zane620 said
As Megumi shunpoed over to Ryozo she examined him, and saw multiple cut wounds over his body, from the pained expression on his face every time he took a breath in, she could guess he also probably has a few broken ribs, some other bones were probably broken as well due to the cero. "He needs medical attention right away.... Sorry Enji, but we got to retreat.." She mumbled to herself as she fired off a byakurai into the sky and did her best to raise Ryozo to his feet supporting him with her shoulder.

Enji was on his last leg as he was growing exhausted from all the running around and searching futilely for the source and thought that at this point it was too late. He gasped heavily to catch his breath and turned in order to fire the signal, but saw there was no need as he spotted the byakurai high in the sky from Megumi and Ryozo's direction. It seemed one of them had the same idea and had no choice but to give up on the mission and started making his way back, though had to be careful to avoid any groups of hollows for his body wasn't in a good state to battle. They simply weren't ready to handle something of this magnitude and was glad the gillian was gone, however it was taken out.

Fifteen minutes passed before he finally reached them and was relieved to see both of them; Ryozo was in a bad state, but still alive.'Megumi..I'll..carry him. You should try to keep the way clear for us.'He panted while speaking and knelt down besides Ryozo to check him over as he could see just how bad a state he was in and required immediate medical attention.'Its..too much...for us anyway. We'll retreat and report to the captain.'He grit his teeth as he draped Ryozo as gently as he could over his shoulders and stood up with a faint grunt as he nearly stumbled a bit with his breathing ragged and legs weak and trembling. Still, they had to get moving or be surrounded with no chance of escape and lifted Ryozo as much as he could.'O-ok..lead the way.'He nodded to Megumi then glanced at Ryozo; hating to see him like that and wouldn't let this be the end for neither of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Absolutely. Ae strike fast, strike hard, and strike when it least expects us. I suggest hitting it from both the side and the back. I'll take the side. You attack when I do, your warning will be my shift in spiritual pressure as I activate my shikai. My joint attack with Alucard will draw its attention and, hopefully, leave him open to your attack. From there, keep hammering. If we need to retreat, we'll do so." she offered. "How does that sound?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Seeing many Shinigami arrive Juki then looked out to them all before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He then exhaled slightly before opening his eyes and speaking "I have gathered you here to deliver some unfortunately bad news. This may be hard for some of you to hear and so I urge you to not react harshly...Although I understand how bad this may be. I regret to be the one to deliver such news but...The Captain of the 6th Division Kurisa Kuchiki has lost his life in battle. He offered to take an investigation mission as there was a large spiritual energy recorded in a village that is usually quiet, even hollows do not dwell there. He was sent on this mission over 4 weeks ago and was only meant to investigate what was happening for a few days and perhaps engage the enemy if they so showed themselves, however he was ordered to retreat said the enemy was stronger than himself. We sent a search party out to find him however upon arriving at the village they were informed of his death and they gave him a respectful burial for risking his life to save the villagers. Unfortunately due to the nature of our being our bodies do not remain in this world once we die, they can last for only a small while and as such there is no way for us to give Kurisa Kuchiki a proper burial. I do however have some last words and wishes from Kurisa that if he were to die doing his duties as a Captain of the Gotei 13." Juki then reached into his uniform and pulled out a piece of paper then began unfolding it as he then began to read it out "It says here. To all Shinigami of the Gotei 13, I understand that a lot of you will more than likely not be phased by the loss of my life, however this message is to those who are. I want you all to know that I died doing something I enjoyed, my job was my life and although I may not have shown it I enjoyed every minute of it. To be a Captain of an incredible Squad such as the 6th Division was an honour. The Shinigami I worked with in my time there were all very talented, to those who I previously stood by in battle to those who went off to achieve greater things to those who spend every waking moment of their life dedicated to the Squad...I thank you all. If not for you my job would have been nothing to me, I have been proud of so many of you despite never showing it. You are all incredible Shinigami and I only hope that my death does not cause you sorrow but instead allows you to achieve even greater heights...even though I may not be there in person any longer I shall always stand by you in memory. Now...for this part I wish to mention a few specific Shinigami who meant so much to me during my time as a Captain. Starting with Kenta Makoto...Whether you be here now or this message gets to you in years time...maybe not at all, I wish for you to know how great of a Shinigami you are. From the time I first saw you I knew you'd succeed in my Squad and you did not disappoint me, you worked hard and earned your rank, you were by far one of the most excellent Shinigami I have seen in Squad 6 right up until your sudden disappearance, although I do not know what happened after that I still hope this message reaches you somehow. The next Shinigami I'd like to mention is Rio Okotaru Darishimo. You are by far one of the most surprising Shinigami I have ever seen, you surprised me time after time with your skill and how resourceful you could be and much like Kenta earned your position. Before I left you had transferred to Squad 2, I am glad you did this as it seemed your skills work well with that Squad and I could not offer you anything more, so you took the right step...in my eyes you were never a traitor to the Squad, your heart was always in the Squad. This then brings me to my next person. A fellow Captain. The Captain of the second division. I remember our small spar that we had, you showed great skill and surprised me greatly at times, yet I could see you were flawed in some area's but this was understandable...you are a new Captain and are still trying to perfect yourself, but for a new Captain you surprised me greatly...it is because of you I can die happy knowing one of my old Squad members is safe under the command of you, I ask of you to never let the worst happen to Rio and so train harder and succeed...there is a title that can be attained for fastest Shinigami, I'd be happy if you were to ever attain it. I now come to the Squad 12 Lieutenant Kagiko Shuiji. Although my encounter with you was brief I could see just how talented you are and how passionate you are about your work, I also sensed a surprising power from you and I would lying to myself if I did not say that I thought you'd certainly be the next Squad 12 Captain...perhaps even going further...I thank you for the work you put into the device you made to assist me in my mission. Although I haven't got to try it out at this current time I am certain it will work flawlessly. I now come to the final person...My son and Squad 6 Lieutenant Kurisu Kuchiki. Seeing how strong you have become has made me so proud, I can see your potential and I was almost in awe of how much you could succeed, easily passing me by if you dedicate yourself...it is because of this that I have requested you be made the next Squad 6 Captain...and also the next head of our clan. I ask that you keep the high standards of Squad 6 and also embrace the clan as the next head. This next part is not me asking...this I am telling you...Kurisu, look after your mother...make her proud and make sure to take complete care of her...if I have one regret about my death at any point it'd be that I could not live until the time I could retire and spend the rest of my life with your mother. Please tell her just how much she means to me and that my death is unforgivable...I never wanted to leave her alone but she is a strong woman...just make sure she doesn't do anything rash, she has a lot of emotion and if I know her she will not sit there quietly about this. I finish this letter off thanking you all, my time as a Captain was incredible and something I have no regrets about...as I sit here writing this now it is odd how I am expecting death, yet this is something I have done for years ever since I first became Captain...As a Shinigami my job involved a high risk of death, and so I always prepared for the worst....even Captains are not invincible...just remember I died doing what I love" Juki then folded the letter up and placed it back into his uniform before speaking "That is all he wrote...I just wish to assure you right now that the person who took Kurisa Kuchiki's life will suffer a fate worse than death...I do have a strong thought on who it may be....and as such...I want you all to train hard, do not stop growing stronger....if they think we will sit here and let this pass they are wrong, we will take action and we will go to war...I do not usually seek revenge however as I am sure much of you are feeling right now I feel the same...and I will not let Kurisa Kuchiki's death be in vain! We will go to war and we will win! failure is not an option!...You all best prepare your stomach's...because by the end of this war you will be bathing in the enemies blood...we will be ruthless and remind these fools that stand against us that the Gotei 13 is to be feared!...I now must fulfil a promise I made....that is to promote Kurisu Kuchiki to the Captain of Squad 6....I hope you can do this Squad proud. " Juki then took a deep breath "I ask you all spend the rest of this day remembering Kurisa Kuchiki...for after today, you will train till you drop...there is no more time for waiting around...we must act...that is all..." Juki then turned around and looked out at the view and frowned slightly as he gripped onto his cane tighter

As Shiro listened to Juki speak his eyes widened, he couldn't believe that bastard was dead! he was one of the strongest Captains the Gotei 13 had and although Shiro hated to admit it he was almost nothing in comparison to the man...yet Kurisa's death frustrated Shiro, he wanted to pursue the classic Squad 11 and Squad 6 rivalry and fight Kurisa on even grounds...it seemed that was now impossible...

Kaizo listened as Juki spoke, much like others his eyes widened, yet the narrowed when he heard Kurisa had mentioned him in his letter, this caused Kaizo to clench his fists and looks down. Kaizo spent so much time hating Kurisa for beating him and yet in truth it seemed Kurisa respected him...this just caused Kaizo to curse himself within his head as the anger began to build up inside of him, yet he stopped...looking to Rio to see her reactions...regardless of where they were...this was not a matter he could act professionally about...if Rio needed comfort then he would do so in a heart beat.

Kagiko listened to Juki speak, then heard mention of Kurisa, this caused him to tilt his hat down so it covered his eyes. He then heard mention of himself in Kurisa's final letter causing his eyes to widen...then they narrowed slightly. I will make sure the one that killed you suffers for an eternity, although I to did not know you that well...from what I knew I respect the hell out of you...I will certainly aim to succeed...starting with surpassing Zero... Kagiko then looked up slightly at Juki Then I shall surpass you...Juki...

As Kurisu heard the news his eyes widened dramatically, tears forming in his eyes as he then closed them and looked down, clenching his fist and gritting his death, with ever mention of him his heart sunk lower and lower, tears continued to pour down his face as he clenched his hands tighter causing them to bleed, he then heard that he had to basically break the news to his mother and tell her of what happened...this caused his heart to sink even more...how many people was he going to lose!? His fiancée and now his father. When was it enough!? he wouldn't lose anyone else....no one...will ever lose their lives...he'd do his father proud no matter what and he'd protect his mother with everything he had. Kurisu then heard he was being made the next Squad 6 Captain...this would usually make someone happy yet it was like a dagger just pierced his heart, this caused him to immediately turn and shunpo off, he continued to shunpo, further and further, tears still pouring from his eyes before he then stopped in a forest and slammed his back against it, slumping down and hugging his knees as he sobbed into them "When will this stop!? why does everyone close to me have to die!!" Kurisu held his head in his hands as he began to sob and curse himself...he had become Captain...but at what cost!? this wasn't worth it...he wanted to succeed his father and make him proud, now...now he couldn't do that....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Kenta's eyes widened in shock as Juki announced Captain Kuchiki's death. He clenched his fist and grit his teeth looking down at the ground. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Not him! Of all people why him!? Kenta thought. Hikari put a hand on his shoulder then felt Tabo's hand on his other, it caused him to raise his head look between the two before looking back up at Juki as he began speaking Kurisa's final worlds. He showed no emotion what-so ever as Juki spoke the words, looking around he saw the heartbroken faces. Once Juki finished speaking Kenta turned around, "Don't follow me," were the only words he spoke as he began walking. He stopped walking once beside Rio though his hair hid his face, he put a hand on her shoulder with a light squeeze. He opened his mouth to say something but he didn't, simply dropped his hand and walked away leaving her with that one moment of comfort from him whether she took it that way or not.

Kenta headed to his old training place, the place he always used to go during his early days within the Gotei 13. So much had changed since then, some for the better, some for the worst. This death could go either way. He looked at his old cabin, the shit was basically falling apart but it was still holding strong, funny how you could relate people and houses. The ringing started in his head but he didn't let it control him. The Woman then appeared smirking, "Oh, look at you. Running away once again, that Rio girl was right, you coward. Oh look at that, you're crying too~ Are you realizing now that you bring your bad luck wherever you go? As soon as you start going back to the Seireitei, Kurisa dies~"

Kenta stood beside the woman though was looking in the opposite direction of her. He smirked and chuckled, "You bitch, you address him properly. It's Captain Kuchiki, he may not be a captain anymore, hell he hasn't been my captain for over a year. You still address him with the utmost respect. As for crying? Running away? I'm crying of happiness, Captain Kuchiki died doing what he loved. He knew it was a possibility he could die with every mission, and he continued on. So I'm going to honor that, I'm not going to be sad that he died but I'm going to be happy that he got to live. He made many happy, inspired those in and out of the Seireitei. He thought highly of those even if he didn't show it, even if he couldn't show it," Kenta said as he let out a breath shivering, "Now I'm here. Juki told us to spend this thinking of Captain Kuchiki as tomorrow we'll train 'till we drop. But fuck that, I'll do both. If that somehow makes me a coward then so be it, I couldn't actually give a fuck."

"Hm, so be it then," The Woman said before she disappeared suddenly.

Kenta clenched his hands into a fist. Holding one in front of his face he stared at his reflection. "I got your message Captain, don't worry. You thought I was one of the most excellent Shinigami in Squad six, now I'm going to aim to be one of the best in the whole Gotei 13. Those were your final words to me, if I could have given any to you...It would have been thank you. Thank you for inspiring so many Shinigami, thank you for helping those achieve their goals. Thank you for living...And even in death you are still inspiring so many. Your name will live on for centuries and beyond, I'll make sure of that." Kenta gave a small moment of silence for Kuchiki, Kurisa before raising his head and opening his eyes letting the sun hit his face. This was the start of a new era for Shinigami, it was their New Dawn, starting today.
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