Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In a forgotten corner of a remote, mountainous kingdom lay a village nestled on the side of a mountain. The village, named on only the most complete of the Tsar’s maps, was called Adishi. The people who lived there were strong and hearty though not overly fertile and the village seemed to stay a fixed, healthy population with few people leaving and even fewer coming. For the road to get to this village was long and difficult, in winter it was all but unpassable. The journey was so arduous that most years the Tax-collector didn’t bother coming. The taxes collected in Adishi were never worth the time it took to get there. The villagers did not mind this in the least. They had all that they needed and a bit to spare, with a little hard work on their part the mountain gave them all they needed.

The only people who bothered coming up the mountain now and again where the priests of the white god. They came in a procession every few years, bearing their god who hung suffering for all to see into the village like a murder of crows. They came, took up residence in the village hall and began to preach. They spoke their message, dipped the youngest additions to the village in water and eventually left feeling like they had saved the villagers from themselves. The village as a whole did not mind, the Tsar had sent the priests after all and they were not after gold. So they bowed their heads, rolled their eyes in private and let the crows do what they would, knowing it would be quicker that way. When the priests left they pulled the cloths off their shrines and went on with their days.

On their own the villagers kept to the old ways. They left offerings for the gods of Sun and Moon and celebrated on their feast days. They left gifts for the spirits who had once tended the houses, the Domovoi and the Kikimora, who had not been seen in several generations but were honored nevertheless. They revered their ancestors, sacrificed animals to honor the dead and gathered together to feast on the offering and remember the life that had passed. They did this all under the watchful eye of the Witch.

Or Witches, because no one was ever certain how many there were. Anyone visiting the witch was as likely to see a young slip of a maiden as they were to meet with an old crone or a woman in between. She or they lived up the mountain on a path that made the road to Adishi look like an easy stroll. But still the villagers went up the path, to get blessings or gain advice and they would come away with what they needed from whoever it was they met. Whether one or three they were each called Lumilla and they all bore the same dark eyes, the same kind smile and the same regal manner that commanded respect and just a little fear. No one ever saw them perform magic, for magic had been gone from the kingdom so long that no living person could recall it, but not a single one of the villagers doubted her power. Moreover not a single one of them mentioned her when strangers were about, especially the crows. Thus their silence kept her hidden and there was no doubt in anyone’s heart that she kept them safe.

No one ever starved in Adishi no matter how harsh the winter. Their crops never truly failed, no matter the droughts or blights that wracked nearby villages. When the mountain shuddered one winter, back when the grandmothers were but suckling babes, the village was kept safe from the avalanches that followed. The villages lower on the mountain were not so lucky and the number of dead there was high. Thus Adishi was blessed, they were safe and it was understood in an unspoken manner that it was because of the witch. In return, because they always had, they gifted her with silence.

The Church of the White God: The official religion of the more cosmopolitan parts of the country since the Tsar’s great, great grandfather converted and made it law. The people of the cities are mostly observant, happily shrugging off what they perceive as a backwater reputation held by the country as a whole. The further one goes from the cities the greater the blend of religion one will find though most will honestly claim to serve the White God and not blink twice when they lay out milk for the little house-spirits. It is on the fringes of the country in little villages like Adishi that the old ways hold strong.

The Church and it’s rituals and practices, for our purposes, can be just imagined as a glossed over version of the orthodox church of Russia with its veneration of saints with all the best and worst parts held onto if it makes for better story. We won’t go too into details to greatly, I’m not after accuracy or offending anyone. I’m always just after ambiance and a distant, yet oppressive religion with very black and white views on things works just fine. Even better if it is fantasy laid over a framework we can all picture. You’ll find I do this sort of thing a lot.

The Old Ways: Picture all your quaint little superstitions and beliefs rolled up with the seasonal holidays (equinoxes, solstices, cross quarter days etc) rolled up with a healthy dose of ancestor worship. That’s what we are working with, mysticism and pagan faith. If you are writing and this lovely idea for a little detail of this quaint religion pops into your head out of the blue, write it out and it will be so! I’m always all for my players adding richness and depth to the RP. I try to lay out things we can all envision and let you all add as fits.

As I said in the interest check, I am not worried about post length, I'd rather have shorter, well written post with meat to it than lots of fluff and padding. That isn't to say I don't like flourishes or such, I do and you will see me use them. I just don't want anyone to feel like they need to pad their post. I've seen posts that last pages that are long descriptive reactions to other people's posts and not a bit of plot movement. That's not what I am after. I'd much rather have a short post that moves things, give people stuff to work with, not just react too.

I give my players lots of freedom, if you have an idea and want to run it by me, great, PM me. I'm happy for my players to chat and plan and get side plots going, just remember that I do have an over-all goal we are moving towards, try not to derail it.

Posting speed is where I get a little more strict. It is an absolute pet peeve of mine when players need to be begged to post all the while they are holding other players hostage. Or the player who has more OOC posts about not being able to post than IC posts. I get that life happens, I work, I am in school, I have obligations. But this is how I have my fun and I want to write with you all. So if life happens, don't be afraid to say so. I strive to be approachable! I'm only expecting about 2 posts a week as it is, more is great but not required. So if you think that is something you can do, I can't wait to RP with you!

I'm also a big fan of OOC chatter. The more we get to know each other the more fun we can have the more we can mess with each other. So speak up, tell us how your day was, what you like to read, listen too, watch etc. I might stick this in a hider to condense things but for now it stays.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Igraine


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh how lovely, and so very subscribed! Kraft and I are chatting a touch through PMs, and our characters will be brothers. We can certainly bring the chat here as well, to incorporate anyone who would care to be related, close friends, clients or otherwise acquainted with the young men
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh you may do as you like. I've got a few things going on but I should probably get a CS up soonish. I tend to loathe the things but see their point so expect the typical stuff.: Name, age, history (just what most fellow villagers would know) Description/picture. Pictures are most welcome if you like, drawn or photographs but NO Anime, please.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Numerica


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I'm thinking of a 15-18 year old girl, Tjasa Kuznetsova, whose father is the town smith. Her mother died when she was approximately eleven, and she has been taking care of the housekeeping, cooking, and sewing for her father. She has had little luck with the village boys, as most are frightened away from courting her by her overprotective father, who depends on her. Does anyone have any suggestions for connections?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kraft


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As Igraine already mentioned, we're chatting over our brotherly relationship currently, which is shaping up rather nicely thus far, I've never actually had a game in which I've had someone else role-play the sibling. Petya is definitively now going be 19 years of age, and one of the village's hunters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Excellent, Igraine is a treat to work with, isn't she? I have to say though I am delighted by all the new faces, I love getting to RP with new people but it is nice to have one of my favorite RPers along for the ride as well.

I have my twins who can be friends/enemies relatives and I will hopefully put more polish on them tonight. However I don't want to push them forward until I see some more concepts so there isn't too much overlap.

I put a bunch more info in the OOC and will add as things occur to me and as they come up IC. I tend to keep things really open after setting the stage, plot and world wise and people either love it or hate it. Hopefully love will prevail in this.

Questions are great, they help me focus my thoughts so if you are wondering about any particular accept of anything speak up. I'm so looking forward to this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I have a vague but shaping idea for a woman: Chiudka Gusakov, probably 25-30 and a folk healer of humans and animals. She likes to keep a reputation of being intelligent, and is known to make up stories and tell lies rather than admit she doesn't know something -- which could clash directly with her field. I see her as a spinster, completely unmarried and considered beyond hope of ever marrying, much to her old mother's lament.

Numerica, I could see Tjasa and Chiudka being good friends -- Chiudka might even look out for her and teach her, since her mother's gone. Maybe Chiudka is Tjasa's aunt?

To anyone else, I think Chiudka would be just as quick to have enemies as friends. If anyone's interested, I'd love to not-get-along with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh lovely, looks like fun! Glad you found your way here Mokley.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Thanks! I love this concept -- thank you for inviting us. :)

I do have a question that's just crossed my mind: am I correct in assuming that the only supernatural(ish) thing that anyone has truly seen is the Witch? Or has anyone caught a glimpse of little spirits draining the milk bowls?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No one has actually seen the witch do anything, they just assume. And the creatures have not been seen in a long time, grandmothers might have memories of seeing them when they were young, but they might also be senile.... The offerings are habit, part of the Old ways that run deep into their bones. Belief in the old ways isn't a requirement by the way, that's just painting how the village is. If you want your character to chafe at the old ways or wonder what's beyond the village or wonder if the Crows aka Priests of the White God have the right of it, then feel free.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Oooh, that sparks some new ideas. Thanks!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Excellent, I do love to hear that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Numerica


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Mokley, I can definitely see Tjasa and Chiudka being friends, or Chiudka being Tjasa's Aunt, altough I think Chiudka would have to be her mother's sister. I can also see the village rumor mill saying that if Jaroslav (Tjasa's father) isn't careful, Tjasa will end up a spinster like Chiudka.

Sorry for disappearing last night, it was my father's birthday. I thought I'd be back on after we celebrated, but I ended up going to bed instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not a worry! I hope you had a good time.

I'll continue to peck away at the OP today around work and school and life. Hopefully we'll hear from some of the others who spoke up in the IntCk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Some Character sheets just so you all have an example. I have a blank one up in the OP. Feel free to put as much or little as you like in the History/pertinent bit part. Just give us what you want us to know. I'll probably polish mine some before we launch, but I wanted something up to get you all going. I'm off to class for a few hours, hopefully I'll return to an OOC full of posts, questions character sheets etc.

Name: Oksana
Age: 20
Occupation: Reluctant Barmaid, would-be hunter/trapper, obstinate brat
History/Pertinent Bits: Oksana and her brother Oskar are motherless. It isn’t that their mother died, it is that their father refuses to speak of her and there is nothing to winkle out of anyone in the village. Stanislav, their father simply started carrying them around one winter, tied to his broad chest, kept warm under his black beard. He would give no answer to where the children came from or who their mother was. He would laugh and say it was none of their business and he was simply providing the Grandmother’s with something to talk about. Currently he is the Barkeep, having inherited the business when his father died, but prior to that he had been a merchant and one of the few to bother leaving the mountain for trade. There is no denying the twins are his, they have his coloring and his features clearly have made their mark on them.

Oksana should have been a boy, she’s convinced of it. Too late her father realized the effect of not enough direct female contact with his daughter and now she’s reckless and head-strong and determined to make her own way. He’s all but given up hope that she’ll ever settle down. She’s well past marriageable age after all. She doesn’t like any of the things she’s supposed to and she is out of doors as often as she can manage, no matter the weather, slipping into the woods with bow to try to hunt. Try being the operative word. She’s never been taught since her father very clearly disapproved of the effort and she could convince no one to teach her who was willing to risk their place at the tavern simply to help a sharp tongued girl. So she’s teaching herself, badly at that. Her aim leaves much to be desired and her stock of arrows is rapidly dwindling. She’s had a little more success with trapping but has made a mess of skinning what she’s caught.

Age: 20
Occupation: barkeep, woodworker, cook, dreamer
History/Pertinent Bits: As quiet as his sister is loud, as tractable as his sister is stubborn they should get along terribly but they don’t. One would think that Oksana would simply trample her quieter brother but this is not so. With him you see her tender side, with her you see his firmness. He is a dreamer though, thinking big, much bigger than the small village. This chafes at him as much as his sister’s gender role does her, but he is quieter about it. He was briefly apprenticed to the local carpenter since he showed an interest in whittling. To his Father’s disappointment he had no talent for the practical woodwork that the village needs. He did learn carving from his time as an apprentice and all the wood in the Inn and the family’s private quarters are embellished in fanciful carvings and scroll-work. There are but a few books in the village and the majority of them are in Oskar’s possession, something his father greatly disapproves of. He fears (rightly) that they put ideas in Oskar’s head. But so far Oskar has kept well in line and his sister causes much more worry for his father so his own, quieter lack of conformity tend to not get as much notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Igraine


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Vasily Vukašin
Age: 26

Occupation: Woodsman, forstmeister, carpenter, older brother to Petya and Papa to little Antonina.
History/pertinent bits: Hardworking, devoted, and exquisitely skilled with his hands, Vasily's craftsmanship graces most every home in Adishi, in one way or another. As a favor to Stanislav some years ago, he did attempt to take Oskar for an apprentice of sorts - a role his younger brother Petya simply could not be bothered with. But it became apparent rather quickly, that though the boy certainly did have the skill, the precision and eye for shape and form required to create the artisan furniture and home wares that Vasily crafted? His heart simply was not in the work. Vasily at least, did not fault Oskar - no matter Stanislav's thoughts on the matter.

There was a time when Vasily smiled readily, as easily as breathing, but those days passed with his wife Anna three years ago. For now, the smiles are reserved almost entirely for his sweet sunshine, his little girl Antonina of the curly golden hair, her father's pale blue eyes and her mother's giggles. There was a time too when he tried to be that father figure for his young brother Petya, had attempted to share with the boy a sense of responsibility, the steady stability a grown man ought to have if he wished for a family of his own one day. Vasily was the woodsman, the forstmeister, and his knowledge of the woods surrounding Adishi was unparalled, and he gladly shared all his passion with his younger brother, who seemed to love these forests as dearly as he. But for all Vasily's good intentions, all he really seemed to accomplish was to breed Petya's resentment.

It was Vasily's lovely Anna who had always smoothed the rough edges between the brothers, and covered everything with her love. But when she passed, the gulf between Vasily and Petya only grew, no matter that they lived beneath the same roof.

Not that little Antonina notices, of course. As in the way of most all little girls, the three-year old believes her Papa holds the world in his hand, most especially for her. And her Uncle Petya with his fuzzy furs and funny stories of the beasts, great and small, in the woods beyond their home, is an endless font of delight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Numerica


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Would I post a finished character bio here, or should I send it via private message for approval?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Either or. My preference is here but pm is fine if you prefer it.

Igraine, I love that you took and ran with the Oskar thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerGuilt
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RolePlayerGuilt Suffering for Mahz's Sins

Member Seen 6 days ago

So Lillian, roughly how far along history is this? You mentioned the Tsar, which started with Ivan IV in 1547. I assume we're somewhere around the 16th century, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm not at all concerned with historical accuracy which is why I used fairy-tales which have a timeless quality to them. 16th Century is fine if you need to pin it to an era. If you want to say Fantasy and let go any worry about details, go for that. Why do you ask? Any particular area of life/politics etc you are concerned with? I'm happy to let players establish "Cannon" such as it were.
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