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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

-Rondorio, borderland with another kingdom-
"Ugh! This guy is too much for us! We have to escape" A bandit with holding a spear shouted.
"No wonder why they call him the bull...RETREAT!!" The chief bandit shouted to the little few bandits who were still alive, around 15.

Dao, leading a group of 100 men rushed forward ramming the closest bandit with his shield, the bandits got knocked out, now they were 14.
"We can nt leave him alone!" One of the sildiers shouted and followed Dao ans so did the other 99.
The bandits tried to ran away into another kingdom thinking Dao would not dare to cross but Dao had been trying to catch them for months, there was no better chance to finish them off and so crossed the borderland.

"Someone save us! the bull is coming for us!" One of the bandits screamed while running for his life and looked back over his shoulder and saw how Dao and the 100 soldiers were getting closer and closer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Richard_III


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John sat on his mighty, oak throne. Its engraved back faced a wall where none would see the finesse it's creator engraved into its back nor the time he took to create that finesse. Not while John made his verdict anyway. In front of him was a weak and broken man. He was in tears, snot dribbling down his face as he wept for his mother and prayed that god would save him from his inevitable fate. His hands were bound and he was kneeling in front of the small staircase that lead up to the throne where John sat, his high justiciar standing idly by to advise him on the current situation. The noble next to the snivelling manchild had explained the situation, a man from another nobles jurisdiction committing a crime in his. The verdict was practically made before John had even known about it. A beheading was to take place, and as written in the old scrolls, the king was to do it.

A few hours later and they were up a portion of one of the mighty mountains that overlooked the capital city. The boy's head was on a stone carved inwards so that a head could rest on it. The outward side of said stone was splattered with dried blood and John was readying his longsword to add a fresh coating. He raised his sword, the convoy of the noble and John's advisors stood by to watch. John's son, Malcolm stood by, the first time he had seen a beheading was long ago and this would not be the last. John had been widowed a year or so before and Malcolm was mostly under the care of various nannies and carers while John did his duties. They interacted rarely. The sword dropped, it sliced through the head like butter and the head slowly rolled along the grass floor. John turned to his justiciar while sheathing his bloodied blade.
"Write up a warrant for Lord Maclachlin, 500 gold for the cattle murdered to be delivered by next week or see a higher tax for the offending noble." He mounted his horse and rode, accompanied by his son and a convoy of his private guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Her coronary was soon to begin. Katelyn was becoming the official pharaoh. She was showered in gold, adorned in her blue dress as well as a pretty tiara and a sash. Katelyn was never one to be attached to her parents. They never had time for her, but that didn't matter now. She had to take all their duties, many of her close advisors lining up, asking for her hand in marriage or the position of regent. She was so confused and had no idea what to do. Declining all help, she decided to hold up her nation on her own. Who knows, maybe she would make some allies with others, willing to help her or tell her what she needed to do. All sorts of people came to her throughout the day, be they peasants, nobles, or her close friends. They all wanted some portion of her newfound power. Katelyn did not know who to choose.

Hours later she appeared before her people, the new Pharaoh of Mandisa. She gave a crude and short speech, almost tearing up in her attempts to run the nation that was thrust onto her shoulders. Mandisa had many bad relations due to her warmongers of parents. She needed some allies, but where to start? As Katelyn finishes her speech, she is quickly tapped on the shoulder by a few men of the royal guard. There were some members and the leader of a nearby nation coming into the city, chasing some bandits. All Katelyn got from this was that some members of another nation were in her land and also they brought bandits! She didn't know what to do at first, outraged that these people would attack her nation during her coronation. Katelyn ordered some of the top members of the Royal Guard to capture all of them. Soon, a squad was dispatched towards Dao and the bandits in an attempt to capture them.
"Ugh! Of all days, they decided to attack me when Mandisa is weak? That is not fair!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The ceremony was interrupted by the bandits, Dao and his soldiers.
"By the law of Rondorio you are under arrest!" Dao said to the bandits that were laying on the floor exhausted from running for their lives, the soldiers tied up the bandits but as soon as they finished they were caught by the Mandise royal guard"
"...Drop your weapons guys.." Dao said slowly rising his amrs and droping his sword and shield, his soldiers did the same.
"My deepest apologies for interrupting your...event...I have been chasing those bandits for weeks"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Kanji walked freely at his own pace, the fourteen behind him either bickering about the moisture or complaining about the man's pace, but to walk all this way was slow and to not go fast would leave him at a bad time to meat the queen, he was rather sure that she'd prefer a day visit than that of the night. as they trudged on the bickering of a pleading man caught his attention, though at first alarmed by his weapons it was clear the terror he as in as he heard the name he shouted. "the bull!" he muttered as the man ran to him and his companions withdrew weapons as the man neared, but did not put up a guard as there leader motioned so. "the bull, were is he" Kanji muttered in anger of there timing. "just over there, please I don't want to die, not like th-" he was cut off by a reassuring hand on the shoulder before his new found savoir walked impatiently over to the battle, once in he kicked a foe hard in the back of the head, a bandit he could tell. His weapons now drawn he looked around. "who ever this bull person is, comeon out, I wish that your groups duke it out somewhere else, I have businessmen to attend to" he muttered as a bandit came to him and he nonchalantly smashed him with the back of his khopesh and awaited another attack. "of all the times you'd attack you choose the day I am to meet the new phaoroh of mandisa" he growled at the others showing his ill temper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Her Royal Guard, which was now conversing with Dao, tried to surround him. "You are to come to our lady now. Else your trespassing may be seen as an act war against our Butterfly!" One of them shouted, the Royal Guards then dropped their guards, showing Dao that they originally meant no harm if he were to cooperate and meet her highness. We will take said bandits into Mandisan custody, once her highness decides what to do with them, they may leave. I ask that you and your men accompany us to the palace." They all began to lower their blades.
Soon the guard had noticed Kanji walking towards them and took back up their arms. Many of the acrobatic guards got into their stances before the one that had been talking with Dao spoke up. "You there! If you seek audience with her highness than drop your weapon immediately, your men the same! The Butterfly will not stand for such invasion of Mandisan soil! All of you may converse with her so long as you adhere to my command and drop your arms! I ask both of you, do you wish to adhere to my command and meet her highness, or risk a battle and a declaration of war of Mandisan soil?" The royal guard left the open ended question for both Kanji and Dao to answer, ready to fight those who did not seek audience in a peaceful manner. Although the Royal Guard was determined to protect their soil, many of them seemed very fearful at the numerous troops of different nations that seemed to be converging in The Butterfly's city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"the bull?" Dao laughed and looked at the guard "relax, tere is nothing to worry about" he said adn then turned to Kanji
"I am the one peopel call bull" He said with a smile "Is there something I can help you with?" Dao asked with his hands now behing his back.
The soldiers stood behind Dao all the time watching at Dao's hand, he was making hand signals telling them to prepare for battle if needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

kanji growled in anger as he looked to the others before throwing his curved blades into the ground and unhinging the belt that kept his club in place, having it fall to the ground as his so called 'body guards' did the same, he would never had yielded to the men if he was not here to talk to her as it was. As he showed them his hands plan as day he stared down the man they who responded to his plees, something about him made him all the more angry, like his blood was going to boil at the mere sight of him. "I was going to ask you quit you're droning conquest of the pitiful but it seems these fine young men have done it for us" he mustered in a fake calm tone. Normally he was no like this but the day had been rather uneventful up till now and this had only made him feel like he as back in captivity, so it wasn't much of a joy ride for him. "no then, shall me carry on then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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Aurora saw the group of people from a distance away and decided to see what it was about. The girl had been sent on a errand and wound up getting herself lost. Despite being the heir to the throne of Heshira she was a messanger for the military. She preferred running errands instead of sitting in a castle all day.
"Hello?" She called as she came up to the group, her two weapons sheathed at her side. She didn't want to cause trouble, she just wanted to see why there were so many royal looking people and guards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Royals then bowed to Kanji and Dao. Motioning towards the main palace where The Butterfly would be waiting. "I express my utmost gratitude for your compliance, sir. We can head to her highness, The Butterfly right away!" All of the men of the royal guard begin sheathing their weapons once and for all. A few of the guard members had begun making their way to the castle with the foreigners, but the leader, who had done all of the talking stopped for a moment, hailing Aurora. "Hello miss, may I be of assistance? I do assume you mean no harm but I am slightly weary of your weapons. May I ask your business in our fair land, Mandisa?" The man waits while talking to Aurora while Kanji and his men are led to the Pharaoh's palace in which Katelyn is sitting on an ornate throne.
The young girl seems to have recently awoken from a nap after the coronary interruption. Katelyn rubs her eyes as a few of her guards, help her wake up, explaining who was before her. "Oh, Hello sir. I as you can see, am the new Pharaoh of Mandisa. Please do tell me what you and your men interrupted my ceremony for." She seemed slightly irritated as she spoke. Perhaps from her sleep deprivation and stress of the coronary. She looked at Kanji waiting for a reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kanji Looked at the girl in a slight rage as his eyes grew red on the edges, his ulcer starting to act up as his rage was growing to pent up for the day. He had come here for a mere child? Normally he would be able to think other wise but the day was getting to him this day in a painful way. Still he remained somewhat outwardly calm to the girl with a rosy smile and his hands behind his back, only after properly bowing. "milady, it is an honor to meet someone at such a high caliber as you, the leader of the mandisa providence is no meager name, nor is it an easy task" he allowed as his eyes began to swell down to a smooth and charming look to them. "But I must ask, how does one of such a great power feel to an equivalent exchange of wares and surplus material, I happen to be a so called 'leader' of a land myself, the one know as the bastard, but I prefer kanji if you'd please" he said now much straighter and showing his actual size and wishing he had worn more clothes compared to the girl's attire. "it's simple really, I have my salts of many kinds, smell salts, rock salts, you name it, and ores of many metal veins galore and yet you have so many things my lands would die for, I would think we could begin with a mutual allegiance to each other, selling and to each other and providing protection and help to one another, it really has no catch I can assure you" he said staring her down as he began to feel chills down his spin, it was much colder here than in his own deserts that was certain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The pharaoh Katelyn watches Kanji as she explains himself to her. She was very interested in this and his talk of trade. She was also very intrigued at the talk of an alliance. After all the confusion that had set back her coronary ceremony, she needed some allies to stop all the invasion in Mandisa. Katelyn was really sold by Kanji's ability to sweet talk her. A few of her advisors came up to her one by one, giving her suggestions on how to deal with the man, but it seemed Katelyn had her mind set on what she thought was best. "Kanji, if I may, I am very intrigued by your offer of alliance, for such a nice gentlemen as yourself you can expect peace between our nations for a time spanning over many years! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are troubled politically, internationally, or financially. As for your offer of trade, please send some of your men to converse with my economic advisors to set up the details. Hopefully we can establish a trade route soon and Mandisa can once again flourish as a diverse nation!" She smiled as she gave Kanji her generous offer, seemingly hooked on the idea of helping him when needed. She stood from her throne, standing before the much taller man and curtsied out of respect for her newly found comrade. "Feel free to acquaint your citizens and caravans with my city, we in Mandisa are an open nation." Katelyn seemed very intent on her plans, though she seemed very straightforward as though she may not have known what she was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kanji smiled with a light 'mmm' as he nodded to the girl as looked up to her, his people had already agreed to the deal, and he was willing to invest money in protecting her in hopes she'll turn them back to him when she was in a powerful and wealthy land, thought he ran the risk she turned on him, but without his people to cooperate the land was useless, only they knew how to work the caverns like they did. "Oh but enough of formalities, were are my manors, here I am rambling on about politics to such a wondrous woman as you, and I boast the guts to not ask about you, or the traditions of your country, I hope my attire has not insulted anyone, it is a bit... scandalous for a land like this" he muttered as he had not worn armor. He breifly looked around for who had his weapons, hoping they were in good hands. Kanji was glad she did not know him as cog as many of his former officals did, his slave name had long since become his trigger word and when rulers dare call him that he was not merciful to there kind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bresn


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jason quietly walked into the city, he was wearing civilian clothing as well as a cloak, causing him to look like just one of the many people among the streets, excluding the soldiers with their armor thst proudly stood out in the sun.

He looked behind him, where two of his own soldiers followed him, lightly armed with a sword, beautiful lines on their armor indicates them as guards for Diplomatic figures of Soaria, even though people might not know.

Slowing down his pace to match the Guardians, Jason confidently strolled toeard the city guards, hoping to see the new Pharaoh of Mandisa. He wanted to offer protection and resources for the weak kingdom, refusing to call it a "Alliance" as suggested by the Concunil of Twleve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Toby followed by 3 members of his Kingdom's council rode there horses through the snow heading South towards Mandisa.
"My lord , why are we going to Mandisa?" One of the three man asked.
"To greet new royalty of course." Toby answered pulling the scarf covering his mouth down. The young king had many wonders about the new Pharaoh of Mandisa. He just hoped a book about battle strategies was a good present for the new Pharaoh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Going to visit the new pharaoh was totallyout of Dao's plans who just wanted to catch the bandits and put them to work in the mines.
Dao heard all the conversation between Kanji and Katelyn yet didn't care, his eyes were watching what surrounded him, the furniture, and the architecture were totally different from those of Rondorio "those close yet so far..." He thought and once Knaji and Katelyn finished talking Dao stepped forwards.
"My name is Dao Xiang, I am here to congratulate you, Your highness" Dao said not knowing what else to say, he was not good with speeches and the soldiers knew it, they tried to hold their laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

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Katelyn stood there, looking up at Kanji as he flattered her. At first she did not know what to say as she was not used to being treated like royalty She cracked a smile as she watched him. At first, Katelyn didn't know how to respond when he asked about Mandisa itself. The nation was newly reformed and basically running itself for the next few days. "Please do not worry yourself about formalities for now. Mandisa is entering a reformation. As the new pharaoh I wish to change my parents' way and hope to keep peace with those around me. I apologize but, as the new pharaoh, I do not know much about the neighboring countries. Explain to me your country, for Mandisa is currently nothing." As Katelyn explained the weakness in her nation, many of her advisors gave her worried looks, wondering why she would give out crucial information.

Katelyn then turns to Dao, looking him up and down, judgementally. "I heard you were the ones who invaded my nation, during my coronation, but thank you for your congratulations. If you are here for the bandits, they are yours. I don't want them in my dungeon." She motions to a few of her guards to bring the bandits up to them. A few members of the Royal Guard then go down and bring up the bandits for Dao. "These men are yours now, I want them out of my nation!" Katelyn seemed quite frustrated as we speak, considering she was sleep deprived and her coronation was interrupted.

A few of the guards approach Jason and his men. They are asked to state their business, since they were so lightly armed, they were not asked to drop their weapons but the Royal Guard was very cautious around them. As Toby strolled into Mandisa he was not stopped due to his low profile. Toby was able to head up to the palace without being approached or stopped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bresn


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Jason took off part of his cloak so his "royal" face was visible. "I request a meeting... with this nation's new leader to possibly offer protection and resource support..." Jason said, remembering what he had practiced alone in his room for hours in order to not mess things up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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"I was here to meet the new Pharaoh. I am the princess of Heshira." Aurora said with a small curtsy, the girl definitely didn't fit the princess description but she was one. "I heard about the new Pharaoh whilst on my travels. I wish to meet her and see if we can't improve the relationship between our two countries." She said looking at the guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kanji was interrupted by the new kid and growled before bowing and backing away, he hoped they would be done quick, as he hoped to learn more about her nation, knowing the weakness of his allies was just as useful as knowing his own, either to defend from a possible invasion or to help there foundation and allow there physical prowess. Kanji was a man of equality. If he was not pleased he would show you, but if he was glad you had done something the same would happen, as long as you stay on his good side the two of you will be great pal. Now standing behind the man who had put him in so much trouble as it was, but know he was interrupting the man's conversation, he was almost going to destroy the man at this point.
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